62 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Personal Auditor Sebagai Anteseden Perilaku Disfungsional Auditor Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kualitas Hasil Audit

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    The aim of this research to examine: 1) do the auditor personal character include of locus of control, turnover intention, and self rate performance influence the dysfunctional behavior, and 2) do the dysfunctional behavior influence the audit quality.The sampling method of this research is purpossive sampling so that 281 auditors were choose and 86 datas can be used to analyze. Through quetionnare that measured by likert scale, this research use Path Analysis to examine all of that variables. The result of this research showed that all of the independent variables influence the dysfunctional behavior so that increasing of locus of control, turnover intention, and self rate employee performance can make dysfunctional behavior increase. On the contrary, decreasing of locus of control, turnover intention, and self rate employee performance can make dysfunctional behavior decrease too


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    This study is aimed to analyze the secretary students’ need through english material and describe kinds of English material for the secretary students. This study was descriptive analytic. The data were obtained from distributing questionnaire to the secretary students and conducting interview to the secretary students, collaborator, chief of study program of secretary and stakeholder. The data were identified in three aspects, present situation, target situation and learning situation. The data are analyzed through descriptive statistic. The results of the study are the students need on specific materials which are more relevant with their field, and more applicable in workplace

    USING WORD WEBBING TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS' CREATIVITY IN WRITING (An Action Research Conducted at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 22 Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2012/2013)

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    ABSTRACT Annisa Nur Fatimah. K2209005. USING WORD WEBBING TECHNIQUE TO I Research Conducted at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 22 Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2012/2013). Thesis. Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. 2013. The purposes of the research are: (1) to find out whether and to what Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 22 Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2012/2013. (2) to identify the class climate during teaching and learning process, when word webbing technique is implemented in the class. The method used in the research is classroom action research which is done through four procedures that covered planning the action, implementing the action, observing the action and reflecting the action. The researcher conducted the research in two cycles from January 7th until March 15th of VIII G grade of SMPN 22 Surakarta. The data are collected through test (quantitative data) and non test (qualitative data). The test includes a pre-test and post test, while, the non test includes observation, field notes, interviews, questionnaires and photograph. Quantitative data are analysed by using descriptive statistics, while qualitative data are analysed through five steps based re assembling the data, coding the data, comparing the data, building interpretation and reporting the outcomes. The research findings show that the use of word webbing technique can improv , if the teacher also gives input, practices to the students in teaching and learning process. The improvement of the (1) The students are able to create their own title to be written. (2) The students can produce various sentences in writing; -test results of more than 50 words; 4) The students are able to produce their own writing; (5) The students can produce unexpected feeling or story in the end of story well; (6) The students can produce expressions or personal comments in the events of story; (7) The students can write text coherently; (8) The students make fewer mistakes in grammar. In, addition, the mean score of creativity in writing improves from 57.85 for pre-test, 68.65 for post-test 1, up to 74.12 for post-test 2. While, the improvement of class climate includes: (1)The students are active and enthusiastic during teaching and learning process. (2)The students can answer the (3)They are courageous to write their job in the whiteboard. (4)The students who do nonacademic activities during the lesson decrease, the class becomes more conducive, the students who make noise or chat to other students decrease, besides, there are no students who draw something in their paper during writing activity in the class. creativity in writing. Based on the result of the research above, the researcher suggests that word webbing technique can be used by the teacher and the students in teaching and learning writing creatively

    Relation between politeness and social deixis in sidney lumet’s movie murder on the orient express

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    This research is on pragmatic politeness and social deixis in the movie Murder On The Orient Express. This research used qualitative approach. The primary data were collected from the movie script. Data are classified into 2 part, namely politeness and social deixis based on theory of Yule (1996). By applying the theories, the writer know the used of politeness and social deixis then relation between politeness and social deixis in every dialogue and social status in this movie. The writer use qualitative study and descriptive method in this research. The writer’s know significant are to know what of politeness and social deixis situation, and relation between politeness and social deixis in this movie. As the result, this movie uses politeness, namely positive politeness such notice attendance to other are 8 statements, negative politeness are 16 statements, and social deixis are 24 statements. Relation between politeness and social deixis, namely formal and informal. The result of the writing, this movie uses politeness and social deixis then relation between politeness and social deixis in dialogue. As theoretically, this research is expected to contribute on linguistics subject especially in politeness and social deixis analysis. Then, the writer can get many experiences which are mean to develop this research. As practically, this research can be created as references for another researcher which is interested to discussed the politeness and social deixis. It also gives knowledge concern in relation between politeness and social deixis that are found in Murder On The Orient Express movie by Sidney Lumet

    The Implementation of Constitutional Court Decision Number 67/PUU-XI/2013 in Bankruptcy Case at PT. Karya Mitra Budi Sentosa: Implementasi Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 67/PUU-XI/2013 Dalam Perkara Kepailitan di PT. Karya Mitra Budi Sentosa

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    Bankruptcy is a legal status obtained by a debtor as a result of a bankruptcy ruling by the court. One of the bankrupt companies is PT Karyamitra Budisentosa, which was declared bankrupt some time ago. The purpose of this research is to analyze the Implementation of Constitutional Court Decision Number 67/PUU-XI/2013 in Bankruptcy Cases at PT. Karya Mitra Budi Sentosa. The normative juridical method with a statutory approach is used in this study. The results of this research indicate that the Constitutional Court Decision Number 67/PUU-XI/2013 regarding fair treatment of creditors, including workers, in the bankruptcy mechanism is reflected in the Decision of the Commercial Court Number 28/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2022/PN Niaga SBY. Although not explicitly referring to the Constitutional Court, the court still applies the principles of fairness in deciding the bankruptcy of PT Karyamitra Budisentosa, in line with the requirements of Article 2 paragraph (1) UUK


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keefektifan teknik self management dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan belajar pada siswa SMA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pun menggunakan kajian literatur yang terdahulu. Subjek yang diteliti pun menggunakan subjek dari hasil penelitian terdahulu serta partisipan penelitiannya dengan hasil yang sesuai dengan pembahasan kali ini. Hasil penelitian konseling self management dapat digunakan dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan belajar pada siswa SMA. Hal ini terbukti dengan perubahan pola perilaku subjek yang diteliti mengalami perubahan dalam kedisiplinan belajarnya sebelum dan sesudah subjek melakukan proses konseling (menurut kajian terdahulu). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdahulu ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa konseling dengan menggunakan teknik self management dinyatakan efektif dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan pada siswa SMA. Kata Kunci: Self-management, Kedidiplinan belaja


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai karakter panca jiwa pondok pesantren (2) mendeskripsikan tahap perkembangan karakter (3) mendeskripsikan penerapan pendidikan karakter dan (4) hasil dari pendidikan karakter. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data yang dihasilkan berupa kata, kalimat, dan gambar. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) nilai-nilai karakter panca jiwa sudah diterapkan sudah diterapkan dengan baik di Pondok Pesantren Nur El Arafah. Nilai-nilai yang diterapkan yaitu keikhlasan, kesederhanaan, kemandirian, ukhuwah Islamiyah, dan kebebasan. (2) adapun tahapan pembentukan karakter yang dilakukan pihak pondok pesantren kepada santri yaitu pengenalan, pemahaman, penerapan, pembiasaan, dan pembudayaan. (3) pendidikan karakter di Pondok Pesantren Nur El Arafah diterapkan dalam setiap kegiatan selama 24 jam, baik itu kegiatan di pondok maupun kegiatan di sekolah. (4) hasil dari penerapan pendidikan karakter yang dilakukan pondok pesantren kepada para santri mengalami peningkatan. Untuk santri baru hasil pendidikan karakter dapat dilihat setelah meraka tinggal di pondok selama 3 bulan


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat, tepatnya pada bidang Pengelolaan Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah efisiensi kerja pegawai bidang Pengelolaan Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat belum tercapai secara optimal. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua variabel, yaitu Implementasi Sistem Kearsipan Elektronik dan Efisiensi Kerja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran efektivitas implementasi sistem kearsipan elektronik, tingkat efisiensi kerja pegawai dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh implementasi sistem kearsipan elektronik terhadap efisiensi kerja pegawai bidang Pengelolaan Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai bidang Pengelolaan Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat yang berjumlah sebanyak 35 orang. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa gambaran efektivitas implementasi sistem kearsipan elektronik berada pada kriteria cukup baik dan gambaran tingkat efisiensi kerja pegawai berada pada kriteria sedang. Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis diperoleh bahwa implementasi sistem kearsipan elektronik memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap efisiensi kerja pegawai. This research was conducted at Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat, exactly in the field of personnel information system management. The problem examined in this research is work efficiency of employee in the field of personnel information system management at Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat that has not been reached optimally. This research consists of two variables, namely implementation of electronic filing system and work efficiency. The purpose of this research is to know the overview of effectiveness the implementation of electronic filing system, the level of work efficiency, and to know the effect of electronic filing system implementation to work efficiency of employee in the field of personnel information system management at Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat. This research uses a survey method with data collection techniques uses a questionnaire. The population in this research is an employee in the field of personnel information system management at Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat were 35 people. The results of data processing show that the overview of effectiveness the implementation of electronic filing system is in the good enough criteria and the overview of the level of work efficiency is in the medium criteria. Based on hypothesis test results obtained that the implementation of electronic filing system has a positive and significant effect to work efficiency of employee


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    This research is based on the surrounding phenomenon and the views of the surrounding community regarding the emotions of children who are victims of bullying. The purpose of this study is to describe the intrapersonal emotional intelligence of children aged 5 years who are experiencing problems at TAAM Ar-Ridho. The approach used in this research is a qualitative case study design with the subject of group B students of TAAM Ar-Ridho experiencing problems. The data collected by the researcher used observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Then obtain the data to be obtained analyzed with analytical techniques using data reduction steps, data display, and draw conclusions. In testing the validity of the data using a credibility test with triangulation, reference materials, and member checks. The results showed that from the aspect of the ability to regulate self-emotions according to the situation and condition, the child could not delay feeling happy, tended to cry and scream if the situation and conditions were not in accordance with his wishes. From the aspect of the ability to utilize self-emotions positively, the child has been able to express his desires more expressively and actively in interacting, sometimes he often pranks his friends or is pranked by his older friends. In terms of self-defense in dealing with problems, the way he faces problems by fighting physically and nonphysically which sometimes he becomes a victim of bullying at school, the child is also able to take responsibility when he has self-awareness of himself and his environment


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    Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika, Statistik, dan Persandian (DISKOMINFOSTANDI) Kota Bogor merupakan salah satu Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) yang menjalankan tugas pokok yaitu menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan bidang komunikasi dan informatika, statistik, dan persandian. DISKOMINFOSTANDI memiliki data center untuk melakukan pengelolaan tugas pokok dan menjadi salah satu perhatian utama dalam pengembangan suatu perusahaan atau instansi di bidang teknologi informasi. Saat ini, data center DISKOMINFOSTANDI belum mengacu pada standar data center TIA-942, yaitu tier-1 khususnya pada traffic jaringan. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan perancangan data center terkait network traffic sebagai dasar untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan data center, terutama dalam hal lalu lintas jaringan yang mengacu pada standar TIA-942. Dalam perancangan network traffic ini menggunakan metode Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) yang berfokus pada tiga fase awal, yaitu analysis, design, dan simulation prototyping. Metode ini dipilih karena bersifat continuous improvement dalam pengembangan data center suatu organisasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan rancangan terkait network traffic berupa topologi jaringan dengan konsep Cisco Three-Layered Hierarchical Model dan menerapkan Hot Standby Routing Protocol (HSRP) sebagai redundancy pada jaringan serta rekomendasi pengkabelan yang mengacu pada standar TIA-942. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa pada penerapan redundant link menurunkan throughput sebesar 21.17 KBps pada waktu sibuk dan penurunan sebesar 18.15 KBps pada waktu senggang. Penurunan packet loss sebesar 16.33% pada waktu sibuk dan penurunan sebesar 0.8% dengan kategori sangat bagus menurut standar TIPHON, lalu packet delay mengalami kenaikan sebesar 13 ms pada waktu sibuk dan kenaikan sebesar 11 ms pada waktu senggang dengan kategori sangat bagus menurut standar ITU-T. Sehingga dengan adanya redundant link dapat menjadi solusi efektif dalam meningkatkan availability jaringan dengan berkurangnya jumlah packet yang hilang pada saat pengiriman data
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