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    3674 research outputs found

    The Role of Religion in Overcoming Juvenile Delinquency Islamic Psychology Perspective : Peran Agama dalam Menanggulangi Kenakalan Remaja Prespektif Psikologi Islam

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    The impact of juvenile delinquency on personal development is increasingly being highlighted in society. This paper presents an Islamic psychology perspective to understand the diversity of human nature in the context of faith by highlighting the integration of Islamic religious principles with adolescent psychological development. Despite prevention and counselling efforts, peer, media and environmental influences continue to have a significant impact on adolescent delinquency. Research shows that religion, especially Islam, plays a central role in shaping adolescent morality and responsibility. This article reflects on various solution strategies, including the involvement of authorities and the organisation of seminars by psychologists. With an emphasis on the role of religion, particularly in Islamic Psychology, this article highlights that religion can be an effective instrument in addressing juvenile delinquency. This research utilised a literature-based qualitative approach with content analysis to gain a comprehensive picture of the role of religion in addressing juvenile delinquency

    The Effect of Taxpayer Awareness, Implementation of E-Filing System, Tax Amnesty, Tax Knowledge and Understanding of Taxation on Taxpayer Compliance (Study at the Indonesian Electrical and Mechanical Contractors Association Sidoarjo Branch): Pengaruh Kesadaran Wajib Pajak, Penerapan Sistem E-Filing, Tax Amnesty, Pengetahuan Perpajakan dan Pemahaman Perpajakan Terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak (Studi Pada Asosiasi Kontraktor Listrik dan Mekanikal Indonesia Cabang Sidoarjo

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    This research aims to test how influential the implementation (Compulsory awareness, Implementation of the E-filing system, Ta Amnesty, Taxpayer Knowledge, Taxpayer Understanding) has on the dependent variable (taxpayer tax compliance). with research subjects being members of business actors at the Indonesian Electrical and Mechanical Contractors Association, Sidoarjo Branch, totaling 38 respondents to answer the statement items on the questionnaire that had been distributed. Research results: Taxpayer awareness has no effect on taxpayer compliance. The implementation of the E-Filling system has no effect on taxpayer compliance. Tax amnesty affects taxpayer compliance. Taxpayer knowledge influences individual taxpayer compliance. Taxpayer understanding has no effect on taxpayer complianc

    Analysis of the Vape Store Nimbus Vape Marketing Comunication Strategy: Analisis Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Vape Store Nimbus Vape

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    This research discusses Nimbus Vape's Communication Strategy with customers. The theory used is marketing mix communication, consisting of product, price, promotion and place. This study uses interview, observation and documentation methods. Data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model. The research conclusion shows that Nimbus Vape Sidoarjo has quality and trustworthy products, but the product variety is incomplete. Their employees are friendly and provide information to consumers about the use of electronic cigarettes (VAPE). The price of Nimbus Vape is not much different from competitors. Promotion via Instagram has been successful in attracting buyers' interest. Nimbus Vape Shop is easily accessible by all types of vehicles

    Evaluation of The Application of PSAK No. 14 on Android-Based Cashier Applications in an Effort To Improve The Effectiveness of Internal Control of Trade Goods: Evaluasi Penerapan PSAK No. 14 pada Aplikasi Kasir Berbasis Android dalam Upaya untuk Meningkatkan Efektifitas Pengendalian Internal Barang Dagang

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    The purpose of this study is to find out and evaluate the android-based cashier application (Applicationr) with PSAK No. 14 regarding inventory. This research is a case study research. The data collection techniques used in this study were interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out through several stages, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion making. The results showed that the process of recording goods in the cashier application was adequate and had shown compliance with PSAK No. 14 regarding inventory assessment, inventory recording methods, and inventory categorization. Although it can be said to be in accordance with PSAK No. 14, several evaluations need to be done to improve the effectiveness of controlling merchandise inventory in the cashier application, namely by adding the stock book feature to make it easier to check incoming and outgoing goods as well as adding minimum order

    Application of the Tajdied Method in Learning to Read the Al-Qur'an in Forming Outstanding Students in Elementary Schools: Penerapan Metode Tajdied pada Pembelajaran Membaca Al-Qur’an Dalam Membentuk Siswa Berprestasi di Sekolah Dasar

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    This research aims to explore the implementation of the Tajdied method in enhancing the ability to read the Quran and the achievements of students at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Krian. Utilizing a qualitative method and a field research approach, data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation involving fourth-grade students, BTQ teachers, and the Head Coordinator of BTQ. Data analysis followed the Miles & Huberman method. The research findings indicate that the Tajdied method is effective in shaping students who excel in reading the Quran. Therefore, the application of the Tajdied method can be considered a productive step in producing a generation that is not only proficient in Quranic recitation, but also has a profound understanding and excels in practicing Islamic teachings

    Parity, Body Mass Index (BMI) and ANC Examination History With the Incident of Preeclampsia: Paritas, Indexs Masa Tubuh (IMT) dan Riwayat Pemeriksaan ANC dengan Kejadian Preeklampsia

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    The still high incidence of preeclampsia maket it one of the causing death among pregnant woman. This study was to know the relationship between parity, BMI and history of ANC with preeclampsia. Research Design uses analytics with a cross-sectional approach. Sampling was carried out in Januari-July 2023 for a total of 672 pregnant women. Sample taked with simple random sampling technique was 250 respondent counted at intervals. Data were analyzed with chisquare test and the result showed p value = 0.02 for parity, p value = 0.00 for BMI, a p value = 0.00 for ANC, that’s means the three variables had a p value <0.005 so has a significant relationship with the incidence of preeclampsia. Based on the odds ratio, that’s found was 2.157 times for parity, BMI was 0.06 times and incomplete ANC was 0.135 times the incidience of preeclampsia. The biggest risk factor are parity

    The Relationship Beetwen Using Tiktok Social Media and FoMO (Fear of Missing Out) in Students: Hubungan Penggunaan Media Sosial Tiktok dengan FoMO (Fear of Missing Out) pada Mahasiswa

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    The development model of internet use emerged a new classification of disorder termed as FoMO. This research was conducted because there is a problem of FoMO in students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, which is defined as a person's fear of losing social opportunities. One of the factors that influence FoMO is the use of social media, one of which is TikTok. The independent variable (X) in this study is the use of TikTok social media, measured using the TikTok usage scale with a reliability value of α = 0.932. The dependent variable (Y) is FoMO, measured using the FoMO scale with a reliability value of α = 0.793. The population in this study were students of Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo in 2022-2023 totaling 9,325 people.

    The Influence of Product Quality and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction Of Smoked Tilapia in Penatarsewu Village: Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Mujair Asap di Desa Penatarsewu

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    Inconsistent quality of a product can reduce consumer trust and satisfaction, therefore business actors must improve the quality of products and services provided so that consumertrust and satisfaction increases. This study aims to determine the quality of service and product quality on customer satisfaction in the smoked tilapia MSMEs in Penatarsewu village. This study uses a quantitative approach. Sampling in the study used a simple randomsampling technique, with a total of 60 respondents from consumers of smoked tilapia MSMEsin Penatarsewu village. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire distributed via electronic media.. The data analysis technique in this research uses multiple linear regression analysis. Data processing in this research used the IBM Statistics SPSS 22 software program. The results of this research show results that can prove that service quality and product quality influence customersatisfaction in UMKM mujair asap inPenatarsewu village

    The Influence of Financial Ratio and Tax Incentives on Financial Performance in Coal Sub-Sector Mining Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange For The 2016-2022 Period.: Pengaruh Rasio Keuangan dan Insentif Pajak Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan pada Perusahaan Pertambangan Subsektor Batubara yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2016-2022.

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    This research aims to examine the influence of financial ratios and tax incentives on the financial performance of coal subsector mining companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange for the 2016-2022 period. The research used a purposive sampling method with a population of 27 companies and a sample size of 6 companies that met the criteria. The data source used in this research comes from the official website of the Indonesian Stock Exchange The data analysis technique in this research uses multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPPS 23.  The results of this research are Liquidity Ratios, Leverage, Activities and Tax Incentives simultaneously have a significant effect on financial performance, while partially Liquidity Ratios, Activities have a positive and significant effect on financial performance. Furthermore, the Leverage Ratio and Tax Incentives have a significant negative effect on financial performance.  keyword : Financial Ratios, Tax Incentives, Financial Performance. &nbsp

    Analysis Investment Decision Making in the Capital Market for Generation Z: Analisis Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi di Pasar Modal pada Generasi Z

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    Before deciding to invest, potential investors must first know their financial goals, knowledge, and risks. The purpose of this research is to find out what are the factors behind generation Z in making decisions in the capital market. This research uses a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The results of this study explain that there are several things that motivate generation Z in making investment decisions in the capital market, including investment knowledge, income, risk tolerance, and return expectations . Every investor must know about the world of the capital market and its investment instruments. The knowledge possessed can influence investors in making decisions. In addition, capital ownership also affects the investment instrument to be taken, someone who has a lot of funds tends to choose a high investment instrument. However, investments that will generate high returns also have high risks


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