360 research outputs found

    Ácaros Fitoseidos de las islas Canarias (Acari, Phytoseiidae). II. Tenerife y La Gomera

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    Phytoseiid mites (Acari, Phytoseiidae) inhabiting plants in natural ecosystems from Tenerife and La Gomera islands (Canary Islands) have been studied. Surveys were conducted from 1997 to 2002. Eleven species were collected, one of them being reported for the first time from the Canary Islands and six of them reported for the first time from Tenerife and La Gomera islands. Euseius machadoi n. sp. collected from woody plants in the Canarian laurisilva is proposed as a new species.En muestreos realizados desde 1997 hasta 2002 se ha estudiado la fauna de ácaros fitoseidos (Acari, Phytoseiidae) asociada a plantas de ecosistemas naturales de las islas de Tenerife y La Gomera (Islas Canarias). Se han recolectado un total de 11 especies, siendo una de ellas citada por vez primera en las islas Canarias y seis de ellas citadas por primera vez en las islas de Tenerife y La Gomera. Euseius machadoi n. sp., recolectado en plantas leñosas de la laurisilva canaria, se propone como una nueva especie

    Role of Agglomeration in the Early Stages of Papillar Stone Formation

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    Possible effects of crystal agglomeration on the early stages of calcium oxalate papillar stone formation are evaluated. The collecting ducts are filled with liquid that flows laminarly as established through hydrodynamical and physicochemical considerations. Under such conditions, agglomeration due to laminar shear forces proceeds. Agglomeration of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals present in urine at a concentration typical for clinically observed crystalluria cannot result in the formation of a particle sufficiently large enough to be retained in the Bellini\u27s duct and become a papillar stone nidus (nucleus). Formation of such an aggregate during the passage time of urine through the duct requires an unrealistically high concentration of crystals in urine, one that exceeds the normal content of urinary oxalate by several orders of magnitude. Aggregates obstructing the Bellini\u27s duct as assumed in the free particle theory cannot represent a major factor in stone formation. This conclusion is corroborated by experimental results and other observations

    Statistical correlation of structural mode shapes from test measurements and NASTRAN analytical values

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    The software and procedures of a system of programs used to generate a report of the statistical correlation between NASTRAN modal analysis results and physical tests results from modal surveys are described. Topics discussed include: a mathematical description of statistical correlation, a user's guide for generating a statistical correlation report, a programmer's guide describing the organization and functions of individual programs leading to a statistical correlation report, and a set of examples including complete listings of programs, and input and output data

    Ácaros fitoseidos (Acari: Phytoseiidae) en manzanos de la región Nordeste de Portugal

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    Con el objetivo de conocer las especies de áálros fitoseidos asociados al cultivo del manzano en la región Nordeste de Portugal, se han realizado muestreos en 146 huertas de manzano de la región durante el mes de agosto de 1993, 1994 y 1995. De ellos, 112 no recibían ningún tratamiento fitosanitario, 14 eran tratados con plaguicidas selectivos para la fauna auxiliar y los restantes 20 estaban sometidos a lucha química convencional

    Contribution to the knowledge of phytoseiid mites associated with vineyards in the "Região Demarcada do Douro" (Porto Wine Region)

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    To obtain data on the main species of phytoseiid mites occurring at Região Demarcada do Douro (R.D.D.), a survey was carried out by the end of July-beginning of August, 1997, in 61 vineyards, from which 41 unsprayed and 20 sprayed according to the usual practices in the region. From the unsprayed vineyards, 18 were situated in the north region of the Douro river and 23 belonged to the south region of this river. The sprayed vineyards were all situated in the north region of the Douro. Sampling was done on 20 random selected leaves from five plants in each vineyard, and phytoseids extracted and identified. Seven species were found: Euseius finlandicus (Oudemans), E. stipulatus (Athias-Henriot), Kampimodromus aberrans (Oudemans), Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor), Typhlodromus athenas Swirski & Ragusa, T. phialatus Athias-Henriot and T. pyri Scheuten. The dominant species were T. pyri and K. aberrans. T. pyri which represented 47.2% of total the individuals found mostly in the South region of Douro, in cooler sites. K. aberrans, 46.7% of the total individuals, dominated in the North region of Douro, in warmer and dryer places. T. phialatus and T. athenas were common in the sprayed vineyards. The dominant species of phytoseiids found in the R.D.D., T. pyri and K. aberrans, are known as the most efficient agents against spider mites in many vine growing areas of Europe

    Natural predatory enemies of the erineum strain of Colomerus vitis (Pagenstecher) (Acari, Eriophyidae) found on wild grapevine populations from southern Spain (Andalusia)

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    The Eurasian wild grapevine, Vitis vinifera L. subspecies sylvestris (Gmelin,) Hegi constitutes a dioecious relative of cultivated grape varieties. It constitutes an important phytogenetic resource, threatened by human activities. The most frequent phytophagous species on this European wild vine is the erineum strain of Colomerus vitis (Pagenstecher) (Acari, Eryophyidae). The aim of the present paper is to identify the natural enemies of the cited mite in wild grapevine populations situated in southern Spain. Results indicated that such kind of predatory biocenosis is integrated by Phytoseiidae (Euseius stipulatus, Kampimodromus sp., Neoseiulella litoralis, Phytoseiulus persimilis, Typhloseiella isotricha, Typhlodromus phialatus, Typhlodromus rhenanoides), Tydeidae (Orthotydeus caudatus,Tydeus caudatus), and dipteran, Cecidomyiidae (Arthrocnodax vitis).

    Olaranbe kirol instalazioen berrikuntza

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    Laburpena: proiektu honen helburua aipatutako futbol instalazioen balorazio orokor bat egitea, gabeziak aurkitu eta hauek zuzenduko dituen proiektu bat sortzea da. Izan ere, 2002 urtean egin ziren obretatik aurrera ez da berrikuntza berririk egin, jokalari nahiz ikusleen erosotasuna eta bereziki futbolari berriekiko erakargarritasuna murriztu egin da urte hauetan. Berrikuntza honekin proiektu berrien sorrera ahalbidetzea saiatuko da, talde berrien sorrera edo maila ezberdineko txapelketak adibidez

    Contribución al conocimiento de los fitoseidos (Acari: Phytoseiidae) de la viña en la “Região Demarcada do Douro”

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    Con el fin de conocer las espedes de acaras fitoseidos asociadas ailcultivo de la viña en la Região Demarcada do Douro, se ha realizado de finales de julio a principio de agosto de 1997 un muestreo puntual en 61 viñedos, 43 de los cuales , no recibian tratamientos fitosanitarios y 18 estaban sujetos a los tratamientos habituales en la zona. Veinte de las viñas estaban situadas ai norte del Duero, y 23 al sur. Todas las viñas tratadas estaban localizadas al norte del Duero. En cada parcela se han tomado 20 hajas de 5 cepas representativas

    Ácaros fitoseidos asociados a la viña en el interior del Norte de Portugal.

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    La importancia de los fitoseidos en la protección de los cultivos contra las plagas causadas por ácaros fitófagos está ampliamente reconocida. Por otro lado, se conoce también que las especies de esta familia existentes en cada región pueden ser diferentes. Este hecho confiere un gran interés a la realización de estudios regionales cuyo objetivo sea conocer tales especies