716 research outputs found

    Learning lives across educational boundaries. Continuity and discontinuity in learning trajectories

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    In this article, I discuss educational boundaries as experienced by the learner across different contexts, activities and interests. Learning is understood as a trajectory beyond situated contexts. The analytical focus is how learning trajectories are experienced as continuity or discontinuity by students across in-school and out-of-school settings. The analysis draws on findings from a longitudinal project in one multicultural community of Oslo, using mainly observational and interview methodologies. The findings show that educational boundaries are often blurred and represent different learning trajectories beyond simple dichotomies of continuation or discontinuation in learning. (DIPF/Orig.

    Quality in the travel experience of German charter visitors: The case of Las Vegas

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    The purpose of this study was to research the characteristics and behavior of a group of overseas visitors to Las Vegas, measure the travel experience perceptions regarding quality of the group, identify areas where importance perceptions were greater than quality perceptions, and relate quality in the travel experience to intended future behavior; The group studied consisted of visitors from Germany traveling by charter airline directly to Las Vegas. Germany was the country of origin of the largest number of overseas visitors to Las Vegas in 1993; Five hypotheses were tested covering three areas: gambling behavior, quality related to intended future behavior, and differences between first-time and repeat visitors; The study provides information for tourism organizations and hospitality businesses in contact with overseas visitor for marketing purposes and for the preparation of brochures informing visitors about Las Vegas. The study also identifies areas which offer the greatest opportunity for quality advancements

    Using documentary films in the EFL classroom to promote the development of intercultural competence

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    Hovudmålet med denne oppgåva er å undersøke korleis dokumentarfilm kan bli brukt i klasserommet for å fremje utviklinga av interkulturell kompetansei det obligatoriske faget engelsk på Vg1. Interkulturell kompetanse er viktig i ei globalisert verd. I den overordna delen av læreplanen er det lagt vekt på at det er viktig å ha kunnskap om ulike kulturar fordi opplæringa blant anna skal gi innsikt i kulturelt mangfald og fremje demokrati. I læreplanen for engelsk vg1 er film trekt fram som eit eige mål, etter endringane i 2013, noko som viser relevansen av film som pedagogisk verktøy. Denne oppgåva ser på korleis elevane opplever bruk av dokumentarfilm i undervisninga. Oppgåva tek utgangspunkt i undervisningsopplegg om ulike tema der fire ulike dokumentarfilmar blir brukt. Elevane sitt arbeid, dokumentarfilmane, ei spørjeundersøking og intervju ligg til grunn for analysen som er både kvantitativ og kvalitativ. Funna blir diskutert i lys av teoriar om interkulturell kompetanse, dokumentarfilmsjangeren og eleven som tilskodar. Hovudfunna i oppgåva viser at elevane blir engasjerte når dei blir presentert for forteljingar gjennom dokumentarfilm, særskild fordi dei ser at menneska og historiane deira er ekte og sanne. Ein del rapporterer at dei blir kjenslemessig engasjert, noko som indikerer at dokumentarfilmar skaper eit potensiale for utvikling av interkulturell kompetanse. I tillegg viser analysen at fokus på interkulturell kompetanse i engelskundervisninga er viktig, for å fremja kritisk refleksjon i dette arbeidet

    Elastic Full-Waveform Inversion in the Presence of Fracture-Induced Anisotropy

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    Seismic imaging of the subsurface is essential in both the exploration and production of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Seismic full-waveform modelling and inversion methods can be used to obtain high-resolution images of the elastic properties. This work aims to develop further methods for non-linear elastic waveform inversion in anisotropic media associated with fractures. Based on previous research, the goal is to investigate which approach is the most reliable at estimating stiffness parameters. In this context, the rock physics t-matrix method was used to represent the stiffness perturbation due to fractures in a complex porous medium. The elastodynamic wave equation was solved using the full integral-equation solution of the Lippmann-Schwinger type. The frequency-domain scattered wavefield was used as synthetic data, to simulate the particle displacement from a fracture-induced anisotropic medium. Elastic Full-Waveform Inversion (FWI) makes use of all the information in the wavefield and is implemented by using the distorted Born iterative method (DBI). The DBI method is consistent with the Gauss-Newton iterative method and was performed using the self-adaptive regularisation scheme. For each iteration, both the Green's function and the sensitivity matrix were updated for the actual medium. Two models with different geological features, i.e. the syncline and anticline model, were used in the synthetic numerical experiments to simulate a fractured reservoir with transversely isotropic symmetry. Different levels of noise, as well as source-configurations, were investigated. For the models considered in this work, fracture-based inversion results were shown to match the actual model better than the stiffness-based inversion. When evaluating the results for noisy data of 40 dB SNR, it is evident that the stiffness-inversion is insufficient, particularly for the C13 parameter, when compared to fracture-inversion. On this basis, inverting for fracture parameters is recommended when characterising a reservoir associated with fractures. Future research is needed to identify more desirable fracture models and more efficient calculation of the full integral-equation solution.Masteroppgave i geovitenskapGEOV399MAMN-GEO

    Researching “learning lives” – a new agenda for learning, media and technology

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    In this article, we revisit the history of our interest in the term, ‘learning lives’ in order to explicate the meaning(s) of the phrase and to set up a series of challenges for research into young people’s learning. We suggest that a learning lives perspective depends on three areas for investigation. First of all is the challenge of how to capture, theorise and describe the travel and trajectories if researchers are truly to ‘follow’ learners through, around and in their learning across everyday life. Secondly, it means refusing what seems to be the most apparent levers of change, namely media and technology. And thirdly, learning lives approaches need to address the pedagogicization of everyday life and the schooled society. Learning lives approaches help us see the changing place of the meaning of education and institutional pedagogies across all the nooks and crannies of everyday life

    Mutational Analysis of Merkel Cell Carcinoma

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    Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is an aggressive cutaneous neuroendocrine malignancy that is associated with a poor prognosis. The pathogenesis of MCC is not well understood, and despite a recent plethora of mutational analyses, we have yet to find a set of signature mutations implicated in the majority of cases. Mutations, including TP53, Retinoblastoma and PIK3CA, have been documented in subsets of patients. Other mechanisms are also likely at play, including infection with the Merkel cell polyomavirus in a subset of patients, dysregulated immune surveillance, epigenetic alterations, aberrant protein expression, posttranslational modifications and microRNAs. In this review, we summarize what is known about MCC genetic mutations and chromosomal abnormalities, and their clinical significance. We also examine aberrant protein function and microRNA expression, and discuss the therapeutic and prognostic implications of these findings. Multiple clinical trials designed to selectively target overexpressed oncogenes in MCC are currently underway, though most are still in early phases. As we accumulate more molecular data on MCC, we will be better able to understand its pathogenic mechanisms, develop libraries of targeted therapies, and define molecular prognostic signatures to enhance our clinicopathologic knowledge

    Learning lives connected : digital youth across school and community spaces

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    Aunque la mayoría de los estudios sobre el aprendizaje hablan de las experiencias intra-institucionales, nuestro interés se centra en el seguimiento de las trayectorias de aprendizaje individuales a través de distintos dominios. Las investigaciones sobre el uso de los diferentes medios por los jóvenes en el entorno extraescolar muestran cómo las prácticas aplicadas en el uso de medios digitales difieren de las prácticas en el entorno escolar, tanto en forma como en contenido. El reto principal actualmente consiste en encontrar formas de entender las interconexiones y la creación de redes entre estos dos mundos de la vida, tal y como las experimentan los jóvenes. Aquí los elementos importantes son los conceptos adaptados como contexto, trayectorias e identidad, relacionados con las redes de actividades. Presentamos datos del «proyecto sobre vidas de aprendizaje» actualmente en curso en una comunidad multicultural de Oslo. Nos centraremos especialmente en los alumnos de educación secundaria post obligatoria que cursan estudios de Medios y Comunicación. Con un enfoque etnográfico, nos centraremos en la forma en que se construyen y se negocian las identidades del alumno en distintos tipos de relaciones de aprendizaje. Los datos incluyen datos generados por los investigadores (entrevistas, observaciones a través de vídeos, anotaciones de campo) y datos generados por los participantes (fotografías, diarios, mapas).Whereas most studies of learning explore intra-institutional experiences, our interest is to track individual learning trajectories across domains. Research on young people’s use of different media outside schools shows how practices of using digital media are different from practices in schools in both form and content. The major challenge today, however, is to find ways of understanding the interconnections and networking between these two lifeworlds as experienced by young people. Important elements here are adapted concepts like context, trajectories and identity related to activity networks. We will present data from the ongoing «learning lives project» in a multicultural community in Oslo. We will especially focus on students of Media and Communication studies at upper secondary school level. Using an ethnographic approach we will focus on how learners’ identities are constructed and negotiated across different kinds of learning relationships. The data will consist of both researcher-generated data (interviews, video-observations, field notes) and informant-generated data (photos, diaries, maps)

    Navigating through Cyber Threats, A Maritime Navigator’s Experience

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    Cyber threats are emerging as a risk in the maritime industry. If the navigational systems on board a ship somehow fail to function because of a cyber incident, the navigator is an important asset who is expected to handle the problem and provide a solution to maintain the safety of the crew, the vessel, and the environment. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) urges the shipping industry to be resilient towards cyber threats. To facilitate for enhanced operational maritime cyber resilience, there is a need to understand how navigators interpret cyber threats, which can be essential to safely conduct nautical operations. This paper presents a qualitative study of navigators’ understanding of cyber threats based on interviews with ten navigators, and further provides recommendations for how use of this knowledge can contribute to enhanced maritime cyber resilience.Navigating through Cyber Threats, A Maritime Navigator’s ExperiencepublishedVersio

    An Operational Approach to Maritime Cyber Resilience

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