637 research outputs found


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    The article deals with the content peculiarities of the Russian texts generated by the Komi-Permyak bilinguals. While the first contacts of Komi-Permyaks and Russians took place over 500 years ago, until now the influence of the languages and cultures on each other is sufficiently strong. The researched material is the culturally significant referential situations which are pointed by the Komi-Permyaks in the Russian language spontaneous narratives (stories about themselves). The analysis of culturally significant referential situations in texts represents the biculturalism of Komi-Permyaks and demonstrates that now the national identity of Komi-Permyaks is connected with their natural language (KomiPermyak) and the place of residence of the most Komi-Permyaks – the KomiPermyak National District, native nature and habitual rural lifestyles.В статье рассматривают особенности содержания текстов билингвов-коми-пермяков на русском языке. Хотя коми-пермяцко-русские контакты насчитывают более 500 лет, до сих пор влияние языков и культур друг на друга достаточно велико. Материалом исследования послужили культурно значимые референтные ситуации, отмечаемые коми-пермяками в спонтанных нарративах (рассказах о себе) на русском языке. Анализ упоминания культурно значимых референтных ситуаций в текстах свидетельствует о бикультурализме коми-пермяков и о том, что на современном этапе их национальная идентичность связана прежде всего с родным коми-пермяцким языком, а также с ассоциированием себя с местом проживания большинства коми-пермяков – Коми-пермяцким национальным округом, родной природой и привычным деревенским укладом жизни

    Quark Model and Neutral Strange Secondary Production by Neutrino and Antineutrino Beams

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    The experimental data on K0K^0 and Λ\Lambda production by ν\nu and νˉ\bar{\nu} beams are compared with the predictions of quark model assuming that the direct production of secondaries dominates. Disagreement of these predictions with the data allows one to suppose that there exists considerable resonance decay contribution to the multiplicities of produced secondaries.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, 2 table

    The effect of the relative nuclear size on the nucleus-nucleus interactions

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    The experimental data on the interactions of light nuclei (d, He(4), C(12)) at the momentum 4.2 GeV/cA with the carbon nuclei were taken in the 2-m propane bubble chamber. The distributions in the number of interacting nucleons, the spectra of protons, the mean energies of secondary pions and protons, the mean fractions of energy transferred to the pion and nucleon components are presented. The results of the investigation of the mechanism of nucleus-nucleus interactions can be used to calculate the nuclear cascades in the atmosphere

    Journalist's Axiological Culture (on the Example of Media of the Transbaikal Region)

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    С использованием лингвокультурологического моделирования и на основе анкетирования работников 25 редакций СМИ разного формата представлена характеристика аксиологических констант в деятельности журналистов Забайкальского края, артикулируется необходимость сохранения и репрезентации культурной памяти человека, обуславливающей не только национальную идентификацию аудитории, но и востребованность медиатекста.With the use of linguistic and cultural modeling and on the basis of questionnaires of the employees of 25 media outlets of different formats the characterization of axiological constants in the activities of journalists of the Transbaikal region is presented; the necessity of preservation and representation of the cultural memory of a person is argued, which determines not only the national identification of the audience, but also the demand of the media text

    Culturemes of Media Discourse in the Paradigm of Cognitive Security in Russia

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    Актуальность исследования обусловлена глобальной информационно-психологической войной, направленной против России и ее национальной картины мира. На основе социокультурного и семиотического подходов, а также лингвокультурологического анализа выделены культуремы медиадискурса, отражающие ключевые ценности и смыслы социума. Данные основополагающие конструкты 243 мировидения пробуждают историческую память и способствуют социальной стабильности государства.The relevance of the research is due to the global information and psychological war directed against Russia and its national picture of the world. The author has identified culturemes of media discourse, which reflect the key values and meanings of society on the basis of sociocultural and semiotic approaches, as well as linguoculturological analysis. These fundamental constructs of the national worldview awaken historical memory and contribute to the social stability of the state

    Pedagogical tools of professional ideals management of modern student

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The urgency of the problem of the study is conditioned by the prevailing trends of the labor market’s development, modifying the structure of the professional personality’s ideals from the ultimate goal of striving for the standard of professional culture of values to the norms of corporate behavior, in which it is identified more with the particular organization that provides an opportunity to earn, rather than a nominal professional group (teachers, doctors, engineers, etc.). Student’s unrealized professional ideals are manifested in their self-alienation from the profession, which is appropriate to the education obtained, and becomes one of the factors increasing the number of “hidden” ones (not working on a specialty) among the unemployed graduates. The established trends in the course of research are responsible for finding ways to solve the urgent problem. In this regard, this paper is focused on the scientific substantiation of pedagogical resources’ set of professional ideals’ management of modern high school student. The leading method of research of the problem is the simulation method allowing introducing of new discourse of professional culture’s values into the semantic content of the professional ideals of students and produce theoretic - Methodical substantiation of the established set of pedagogical tools to manage this process. The paper reveals the content of the values of professional ideals (the values of professional culture, professional traditions, choice experience of professional ideal), identifies the destructive features of modern modifications of professional ideal (corporate culture norms), justifies a set of pedagogical professional tools to manage professional ideas (pedagogical system of high school, based on innovative principles of self-organization, partner communication “student - teacher,” interdisciplinary nature, self-transformation; innovative pedagogical technologies, focused on the formation of a stable student’s self-identity), proves the productivity of the identified set of pedagogical tools in the management of professional ideals (the willingness of students to self-identification; self-organization and self-transformation of professional ideals; creative transfer of professionally significant knowledge on different kinds and scope of activities; inclusion in the different types of creative activities). Paper Submissions can be useful for teachers, researchers, managers, methodologists, post-graduates and university students

    Innovative Methods in Management and Raising the Quality of Higher Professional Education in Russia

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    Economic and political changes in contemporary society lead to reforms of many social spheres. The system of education in general and higher professional education in particular is no exception. The issue of ensuring the quality of education has recently attracted great attention in all countries of the world. The key problem of reforming education is raising its quality. In this paper, the object of research was the quality of education provided by higher education institutions. The authors have conducted the analysis of models for raising the quality of education and qualimetry of the laboratory work quality based on a survey of teachers and students. The QFD method was described by the example of its application in five universities of the Russian Federation. It has been proved that this method can provide the university with a planning tool with which higher education institutions can provide services that fully meet the requirements of customers (students, parents, employers, the state and society as a whole), thereby ensuring the suitability of the system to meet external requirements – the Fitness-for-Purpose approach (building goals based on the external environment). In addition, it has also been substantiated that the application of this method in the system of higher professional education will ensure the suitability of the system to achieve its own goals - the Fitness-for-Purpose approach (development, improvement, effective management). Thus, the QFD method will make it possible to support of all types of coordinated activities for the leadership and management of higher education institutions in relation to quality, as well as a set of developed regulatory and methodological documents that determine the content, technologies, methods and means of work of all officials, teachers and students to further improve the quality of educational process, thereby ensuring the competitiveness of higher education institutions and effective development on the global market of educational service

    The Lexeme POLITICS: Semantic Analysis of Dictionary Definitions in the Russian Language

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    В статье представлено лексикографическое описание дефиниции лексемы "Политика" в толковых и политических словарях.The paper presents a lexicographic description of the definition of the lexeme POLITICS in eight dictionaries: four explanatory, two encyclopedic, and two political ones. The semantic components that make up the semantic field of the lexeme under study are identified using the method of component analysis in eight dictionary definitions