117 research outputs found

    En socialistisk chimÀr? En studie om den politiska teorin hos nationalsocialismen

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    This thesis surrounds the political theory of National Socialism and its connections towards other political theories, which more distinctly will be “classic socialism” in this work. The question to be answered is if National Socialism can be seen as a variant of socialism, and to answer this question I will use the seven dimensions of Reidar Larsson as an analytic tool. Which these I form up a political theoretical frame of what I call “classic socialism” which includes revolutionary socialism and reformist socialism, which then will stand as a represent for socialism in general and which the national socialistic theory will be compared to, with the goal of either confirm or deny a connection between the two political theories. The analysis surrounds the core national socialistic political theoretical works, which is Mein Kampf and the The Myth of the Twentieth Century, where I will use an interpretation of text and an analysis of ideas as the methodological choice

    En nyliberal hegemoni?

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    This thesis surrounds the emerging of the neoliberal hegemony in Sweden, and how to describe that emergence with the help of an analysis of ideas along with different types of analytic tools such as ideal types and the concept of hegemony. The research question to be answered is that how one can describe the emerging of the neoliberal hegemony in Sweden, which then naturally also makes this thesis a case study. The very study goes along with observations in the political practice of the Swedish governments from the 70’s until the 10’s, whether if it was social democratic or neoliberal. What concludes the existence of an ideological hegemony is when a government is practicing politics in its governance that is opposite to its ideological platform. This happened in the 70’s when the right-center government more or less was practicing social democratic politics, and when the social democratic governments in the 90’s and 00’s were in many cases neoliberal. In between, the social democratic governments in the 80’s adopted a new form of political governance called “the third way” in which they opened up for neoliberal ideas and softened up the social democratic hegemony – which accelerated with the rise of the right-center government in the early 90’s that had a strong neoliberal agenda and made several political changes in the Swedish society which still clings on until this date

    Möjligheten att kriminalisera tiggeri ur ett straffrÀttsligt perspektiv

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    Denna uppsats behandlar frÄgan nÀr kriminalisering kan anses vara befogad utifrÄn ett straffrÀttsligt perspektiv. Kriminalisering ska göras med försiktighet, ett godtagbart skyddsintresse samt att en risk för skada pÄ detta skyddsintresse mÄste kunna identifieras och konkretiseras. UtifrÄn de principer som bör iakttas vid en kriminalisering appliceras företeelsen tiggeri. Tiggeri har i uppsatsen definierats som att utan motprestation be om ekonomiskt stöd. Detta beteende har blivit allt vanligare i Sverige och det förs nu en debatt i samhÀllet huruvida tiggeri bör kriminaliseras eller ej. Ett av kriterierna som uppstÀlls för att kriminalisering ska anses vara befogad Àr att det inte finns nÄgon annan tillrÀckligt effektiv metod. I ordningslagen regleras hur enskilda fÄr lov att bete sig pÄ offentliga platser, i 3 kap. 1 § anges att som huvudregel krÀvs tillstÄnd för penninginsamling, vilket tiggeri Àr en form av. Samma lagregel innehÄller Àven ett undantag frÄn nÀr tillstÄnd ej behövs. I uppsatsen redogörs för ett tingsrÀttsavgörande som kommit till den slutsats att sÄ kallat passivt tiggeri faller under undantaget varför tillstÄnd för tiggeri ej behövs. Det redogörs vidare för regleringen vid penninginsamlingar gjorda av gatumusikanter samt de regler om tillstÄnd som gÀller för gatuförsÀljare pÄ offentliga platser. Efter en sammanvÀgd bedömning kommer jag till den slutsatsen att nÄgot godtagbart skyddsintresse samt nÄgon skada pÄ detta skyddsintresse inte torde finnas. Som redovisats finns regler rörande tillstÄnd om penninginsamling pÄ offentliga platser som gör att effektivitetskravet kan ifrÄgasÀttas. Mot bakgrund av vad som uttalats i förarbeten bör dÀrför nÄgon kriminalisering av tiggeri inte kunna anses vara befogad, dÀremot bör det finnas möjlighet att tiggeri kan omfattas av tillstÄndskravet i ordningslagen om det skulle kunna betecknas som aktivt eller bedrivas pÄ smalare gator.This essay treats the issue of when criminalization can be considered criminally justifiable. Criminalization should be accomplished with caution and an acceptable protectoral interest. The ability to identify and concretize any risks of damage to this protectoral interest is also of importance. Based on the principles that should be observed during a criminalization, the phenomenon of mendicancy is applied. Mendicancy has in this essay been defined as asking for economical support without any service in return. This behaviour has been increasingly common in Sweden and it is a recurrent topic of debate in society whether or not mendicancy should be criminalized. One of the criteria for making criminalization justifiable is that there is no other effective method. In the act of order, the behaviour of individuals in public spaces is regulated; in chapter 3, 1 § there is a main rule that requires a permit for fundraising, which mendicancy partly is. The same rule also contains an exception from when a permit is not required. The essay explains a decision in the district court which has come to the conclusion that so-called passive mendicancy is categorized in the exception where a permit is not required. The regulation for fundraising made by street musicians and the rules of permit for public street vendors is explainer further. After a weighted assessment I come to the conclusion that there should be no acceptable protectoral interest, nor any damage to this protectoral interest. As given account for, there are rules regarding permits for fundraising in public spaces which make the demand of efficiency questionable. With the background of what has been expressed in preparatory works, any criminalization of mendicancy should not be considered justifiable; however, there should be a possibility that mendicancy could be included in the demand of permit within the act of order, should it be denoted as active or conducted in narrower streets

    Nyttigare grönsaker med hjÀlp av temperatur stress? : en studie av Brassica oleracea

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    The objective of this report is to present a review of the studies which has been carried out up to days date concerning how temperature affects vegetables physiologically when it comes to their health inducing as well as quality reducing features. The essay therefore starts off with defining what is meant by the terms health promoting and quality reducing features. It then moves on to describe how different subspecies of Brassica oleracea, that is to say vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kale, is affected by temperature. B. oleracea was chosen because the species contains several commercially interesting subspecies and therefore provides a broad field even though only one species is assessed. Several of the subspecies have also been of special interest in the popular science in later years and have been said to be very healthy which makes them interesting for this thesis. Concerning temperature, focus is put mainly on temperature treatments during processing and cooking since this field has been studied more thoroughly. However, general temperature stress is also being discussed, both concerning pre- and postharvest conditions. The conclusions which can be made based on this report are that vegetables are physiologically very affected by temperature, and that temperature processing reduces the sensory quality of B. oleracea whereas it may actually enhance its health promoting effects, if the right cooking method is chosen. However, the content of these health promoting compounds varies greatly between genotypes within one subspecies which makes clear definitions essential.MÄlet med detta arbete Àr att sammanfatta den information som i dagslÀget finns angÄende hur temperatur pÄverkar grönsaker fysiologiskt nÀr det kommer till deras hÀlsofrÀmjande respektive kvalitetsnedsÀttande egenskaper. Arbetet inleds dÀrför med en nÀrmare beskrivning av vad som i detta fall menas med just hÀlsofrÀmjande och kvalitetsnedsÀttande egenskaper och gÄr sedan vidare med att beskriva hur olika underarter av Brassica oleracea, det vill sÀga grönsaker sÄ som broccoli, blomkÄl, brysselkÄl och grönkÄl, pÄverkas av temperatur. B. oleracea valdes framför andra arter eftersom arten innehÄller flera underarter av kommersiellt intresse och dÀrmed utgör en bred bas Àven om enbart en art avhandlas. Flera av underarterna har Àven rönt intresse inom populÀrvetenskapen pÄ senare Är och framhÀvts som mycket nyttiga vilket gör dem intressanta för detta arbete. Fokus gÀllande temperatur ligger i arbetet frÀmst pÄ temperaturbehandlingar under processning och tillagning dÄ detta Àr det som Àr mest undersökt, men Àven mer allmÀn temperaturstress behandlas bÄde gÀllande pre- och postharvestförhÄllanden. De slutsatser som kan dras baserat pÄ detta arbete Àr att grönsaker fysiologiskt pÄverkas kraftigt av temperatur, och att temperaturprocessning minskar den sensoriska kvaliteten hos B. oleracea samtidigt som det kan höja dess hÀlsofrÀmjande effekt, sÄ lÀnge rÀtt tillagningsmetod vÀljs. InnehÄllet av dessa hÀlsofrÀmjande Àmnen varierar dock stort mellan genotyper av samma underart vilket innebÀr att klara definitioner Àr nödvÀndiga

    Producenternas perspektiv pÄ lokal branschutveckling : en utforskande fallstudie av förutsÀttningarna för svarta vinbÀr, jordgubbar och allÄkerbÀr i norra Sverige

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    Sweden is working on a national food strategy to increase the competitiveness of Swedish agriculture by increasing the competitiveness of the food value chains and increasing the total food production, in relation to consumer demand. As berries are a horticultural product of high consumer demand, and berries are the main horticultural crop in northern Sweden this case study focuses on berry producers in northern Sweden. The study is based on interviews with blackcurrant, strawberry and arctic berry farmers in Norrbotten and VÀsterbotten, the two northernmost counties in Sweden. It aims to explore the position (opinions and industry position) of the producers in regards to the berry value chains and the knowledge and innovation systems they are a part of, as a strategic area pinpointed in the national food strategy is knowledge and innovation. In order to achieve this the interviews focused on mapping the value chains, exploring the barriers producers experienced in regards to improving their position and the potential the producers saw in regards to changes in the value chain, support system for producers and product based on their berries. The main findings of this case study are that there is a need for common platforms that bring together different actors in the value chain, and encourages networking and knowledge sharing between them, as well as a stronger support network to capture and help create new knowledge, which is the basis for innovation. There is also a potential for more rural networks, to find new business opportunities for creating added value to consumers by supporting collaborations between for example producers and processors, or producers and tourism agents. The study has also found that there are differences between producers in regards to how they view themselves as producers and in what drives them to produce berries, which influences how likely a producer is to be innovative and open to new ventures that can help to develop the local industry. In addition to the findings about producers and their roles in value chains, the study has also served as an example of how policies and political decisions can affect value chains and the attitudes of its actors for a long time, as in the case of blackcurrants where the production was promoted by local authorities to later become a part of the deregulation of markets.Sverige arbetar för en nationell livsmedelsstrategi för att stÀrka konkurrenskraften hos det svenska jordbruket, genom att öka konkurrenskraften hos livsmedelskedjorna och öka den totala livsmedelsproduktionen, i förhÄllande till konsumenternas efterfrÄgan. DÄ bÀr Àr en trÀdgÄrdsprodukt med hög efterfrÄgan frÄn konsumenterna, och bÀr Àr den viktigaste trÀdgÄrdsproduktionen i norra Sverige fokuserar denna fallstudie pÄ bÀrproducenter i norra Sverige. Studien bygger pÄ en kvalitativ metod med intervjuer med svartvinbÀrs-, jordgubbs och allÄkerbÀrsodlare i Norrbotten och VÀsterbotten, de tvÄ nordligaste lÀnen i Sverige. Den har som mÄl att undersöka producenternas position (Äsikter och branschposition) rörande bÀrens vÀrdekedjor och de kunskaps- och innovationssystem de Àr en del av, dÄ ett strategiskt omrÄde i den nationella livsmedelsstrategin Àr kunskap och innovation. För att uppnÄ detta fokuserade intervjuerna pÄ att kartlÀgga vÀrdekedjorna, utforska vilka hinder producenter upplevde stod i vÀgen för att förbÀttra deras position och vilken potential producenterna sÄg gÀllande förÀndringar i vÀrdekedjan, stödsystemet för producenter och produkter baserad pÄ deras bÀr. De viktigaste resultaten som kom av denna studie Àr att det finns ett behov av gemensamma plattformar för att sammanföra olika aktörer i vÀrdekedjorna, vilka uppmuntrar nÀtverkande och kunskapsutbyte mellan dem, liksom ett starkare stödnÀtverk för att fÄnga och bidra till att skapa ny kunskap, vilket i sin tur ligger till grund för innovation. Det finns ocksÄ en potential för tydligare landsbygdsnÀtverk, att hitta nya affÀrsmöjligheter för att skapa mervÀrde för konsumenterna genom att stödja samarbeten mellan till exempel producenter och förÀdlare, eller producenter och turismaktörer. Studien fann ocksÄ att det finns skillnader mellan producenter nÀr det gÀller hur de betraktar sig sjÀlva som producenter, och i vad som driver dem att producera bÀr, vilket pÄverkar hur sannolikt det Àr för en producent att vara innovativ och öppen för nya satsningar som kan hjÀlpa till att utveckla den lokala branschen. Utöver resultaten om producenterna och deras roller i sina vÀrdekedjor har studien ocksÄ visat pÄ hur politik och politiska beslut kan pÄverka vÀrdekedjor och attityderna hos deras aktörer under lÄng tid, som i fallet med svarta vinbÀr dÀr produktionen frÀmjades av lokala myndigheter för att senare bli en del av marknadsavregleringen

    Evaluating VaR with the ARCH/GARCH Family

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    Abstract The aim of the thesis is to identify an appropriate model in forecasting Value-at-Risk on a more volatile period than that one from which the model is estimated. We estimate 1-day-ahead and 10-days-ahead Value-at-Risk on a number of exchange rates. The Value-at-Risk estimates are based on three models combined with three distributional assumptions of the innovations, and the evaluations are made with Kupiec's (1995) test for unconditional coverage. The data ranges from January 1st 2006 through June 30th 2011. The results suggest that the GARCH(1,1) and GJR-GARCH(1,1) with normally distributed innovations are models adequately capturing the conditional variance in the series

    Local metabolic changes in subcutaneous adipose tissue during intravenous and epidural analgesia.

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    BACKGROUND: This clinical study aimed at investigating the impact of postoperative thoracic epidural analgesia on extracellular glycerol concentration and glucose metabolism in subcutaneous adipose tissue, using the microdialysis technique. The sympathetic nervous activity, which can be attenuated by epidural anesthesia, influences lipolysis and the release of glycerol. METHODS: Fourteen patients who underwent major abdominal or thoraco-abdominal surgery were studied postoperatively over 3 days. For postoperative analgesia the patients were prospectively randomized to receive either thoracic epidural analgesia with a bupivacaine/morphine infusion (EPI-group, n=6) or a continuous i.v. infusion of morphine (MO-group, n=8). The concentration of glycerol, glucose and lactate in the abdominal and deltoid subcutaneous adipose tissue were measured using a microdialysis technique. RESULTS: The abdominal glycerol levels were equal in both groups. In the deltoid region of the EPI-group, glycerol concentrations started to increase on Day 2, and reached significantly higher levels on Day 3 compared with the MO-group. The glucose and lactate levels showed no differences between groups in the two regions. CONCLUSION: The uniform glycerol levels in abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue in conjunction with the difference in glycerol levels in the deltoid area indicate that the local lipolysis is different in the two study groups. This might be explained by a regional metabolic influence of thoracic epidural analgesia, possibly via the sympathetic nervous system

    Den gröna och digitala omstÀllningen : En fallstudie om EU:s tvillingstrategi och sex stora företags uppfattningar i Sverige

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    Two of the global megatrends today are the green and digital transition. Climate change, loss of biodiversity, and an increasing scarcity of resources coincide with rapid technological development which is fundamentally altering societies. Acknowledging the importance of this topic, the purpose of this study was to investigate how six large companies in Sweden perceive the potential of the new EU twin strategy which seeks to converge the green and digital transition. Through six semi-structured in depth-interviews, the study investigates how prepared these companies are for the twin transition, what challenges and opportunities they perceive with the EU twin strategy, and how their perceptions could be put in a broader context. The result shows that the companies perceived the twin strategy in a positive light, although only 1 out of 6 companies were aware of the twin strategy before the interviews. The potential of the twin strategy was often expressed in terms of creating new business opportunities while reducing environmental impact. The results indicate that the companies are more prepared for the twin transition in some areas and less in others, where the main identified challenges relate to implementation of technology and regulations, management of supply chains, digital maturity, balancing goals and values, and ensuring return from green and digital investments.TvÄ av de globala megatrenderna idag Àr den gröna och digitala omstÀllningen. KlimatförÀndringar, förlust av biologisk mÄngfald och en ökande knapphet pÄ resurser sammanfaller med den snabba tekniska utvecklingen som hÄller pÄ att förÀndra samhÀllen i grunden. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur sex stora företag i Sverige uppfattar potentialen i EU:s nya tvillingstrategi som syftar till att förena den gröna och digitala omstÀllningen, med tanke pÄ vikten av detta Àmne. Genom sex semistrukturerade djupintervjuer undersöker studien hur förberedda dessa företag Àr för tvillingövergÄngen, vilka utmaningar och möjligheter de ser med EU:s tvillingstrategi och hur deras uppfattningar skulle kunna sÀttas in i ett bredare sammanhang. Resultatet visar att företagen uppfattar tvillingstrategin i ett positivt ljus, Àven om endast 1 av 6 företag kÀnde till tvillingstrategin innan intervjuerna. Potentialen i tvillingstrategin uttrycktes ofta i termer av att skapa nya affÀrsmöjligheter och samtidigt minska miljöpÄverkan. Resultaten tyder pÄ att företagen Àr mer förberedda för tvillingövergÄngen inom vissa omrÄden och mindre inom andra, dÀr de frÀmsta identifierade utmaningarna handlar om implementering av teknik och regelverk, hantering av försörjningskedjor, digital mognad, balansering av mÄl och vÀrderingar samt sÀkerstÀllande av avkastning frÄn gröna och digitala investeringar
