En nyliberal hegemoni?


This thesis surrounds the emerging of the neoliberal hegemony in Sweden, and how to describe that emergence with the help of an analysis of ideas along with different types of analytic tools such as ideal types and the concept of hegemony. The research question to be answered is that how one can describe the emerging of the neoliberal hegemony in Sweden, which then naturally also makes this thesis a case study. The very study goes along with observations in the political practice of the Swedish governments from the 70’s until the 10’s, whether if it was social democratic or neoliberal. What concludes the existence of an ideological hegemony is when a government is practicing politics in its governance that is opposite to its ideological platform. This happened in the 70’s when the right-center government more or less was practicing social democratic politics, and when the social democratic governments in the 90’s and 00’s were in many cases neoliberal. In between, the social democratic governments in the 80’s adopted a new form of political governance called “the third way” in which they opened up for neoliberal ideas and softened up the social democratic hegemony – which accelerated with the rise of the right-center government in the early 90’s that had a strong neoliberal agenda and made several political changes in the Swedish society which still clings on until this date

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