8 research outputs found

    VÀetamise ja pestitsiidide kasutamise mÔju mesilaselaadsetele (Apoidea) suvirapsil

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    Spring oilseed rape is an important oilseed crop, the area of which has increased significantly in northern Europe, including Estonia. Spring oilseed rape is predominantly autogamous but cross-pollination can have several positive effects, including higher seed yield and better quality. Hence, it is profitable to encourage high number of bees as the main pollinators in oilseed rape fields. On the other hand the expansion of oilseed rape growing area in Europe has increased the number of pests. This has resulted in the need to use more pesticides which have negative effects also on useful organisms, including pollinators. The aims of the current thesis were from one side to study the impact of oilseed rape (as crop which has high nutrient demand) foliar fertilization with different microfertilizers on the number of flower visiting bees (honey bees, bumble bees and solitary bees) and on the other hand the repellency of insecticide Fastac 50 EC on honey bees and the effect of sub-lethal doses of insecticide on respiratory pattern of bumble bees as it is a good indicator of their physiological state. The results of the study showed that to secure a higher number of pollinators for achieving higher seed yield and other benefits deriving from cross-pollination spring oilseed rape should receive proper complex fertilization. Applied microfertilizers turned out to be useless in terms of increasing the number of pollinators. In addition, the study tended to confirm that Fastac 50 EC does not show repellency for honey bees in field conditions. Flower density seemed to be the main signal for bees and might override the repellent effect. Even solutions with ten times lower concentrations of Fastac 50 EC than registered field rate in Estonia affected significantly the respiratory patterns of bumble bees and decreased the longevity. The study shows that as in field conditions additional factors may affect the choices of bees, laboratory and semi-field studies often do not reflect the situation in field conditions. The sub-lethal doses of pesticides bees encounter do affect the physiological state of the pollinators, being thus one possible reason for global pollination crisis. At the same time the application of pesticides is quite new phenomenon from the evolutionary perspective and pollinators have not learned to recognize the hazards. Pesticides should not be used routinely and prophylactically without regard to pest incidence but the need for the application should be previously monitored. The protection of pollinators against negative effects of pesticides should also be supported by the policies (e.g. through the environmental measures of the European Union common agricultural policy). In addition, further research on the ecotoxicity of pesticides is needed and more environmentally friendly growing technologies should be worked out (e.g. entomovector-technology and biopesticides).Suviraps on oluline Ă”likultuur, mille kasvupind on PĂ”hja-Euroopas, k.a Eestis, oluliselt suurenenud. Raps on peamiselt isetolmlev, kuid risttolmlemisel on mitmeid eeliseid, sh tĂ”stab seemente kvaliteeti ja kvantiteeti. SeetĂ”ttu on mesilaselaadseid kui rapsi peamisi tolmeldajaid igati kasulik soodustada. Teisest kĂŒljest on rapsi kasvupinna suurenemine toonud kaasa ka kahjurite arvukuse tĂ”usu, mistĂ”ttu on vaja kasutada rohkem pestitsiide. Viimased avaldavad aga negatiivset mĂ”ju ka kasulikele organismidele, sh tolmeldajatele. KĂ€esoleva doktoritöö eesmĂ€rgiks oli ĂŒhelt poolt uurida rapsi kui suure toitainetevajadusega kultuuri lehekaudse mikrovĂ€etistega vĂ€etamise mĂ”ju Ă”isi kĂŒlastavate mesilaselaadsete (meemesilaste, kimalaste ja erakmesilaste) arvukusele ning teiselt poolt repellentse insektitsiidi Fastac 50 EC eemalepeletavat toimet meemesilastele ja sub-letaalsete dooside mĂ”ju kimalaste hingamisrĂŒtmidele, mis on heaks fĂŒsioloogilise seisundi nĂ€itajaks. Uurimus nĂ€itas, et tolmeldajate arvukuse soodustamiseks on rapsi vaja kĂ”rgema saagi ja teiste risttolmlemisest tulenevate eeliste tagamiseks kompleksvĂ€etisega vĂ€etada. Katses kasutatud lehekaudsed mikrovĂ€etised aga tolmeldajate arvukust enam tĂ€iendavalt ei suurendanud. Lisaks leiti, et pĂ”llu tingimustes ei avaldunud Fastac 50 EC vĂ€idetavalt repellentne toime meemesilastele – kĂ”ige olulisemaks signaaliks osutus Ă”ite tihedus, mis vĂ”is ĂŒle kaaluda insektitsiidi vĂ€idetavalt eemalepeletava toime. Katse pĂ”hjal selgus, et isegi kĂŒmme korda madalama kontsentratsiooniga Fastac 50 EC lahus kui on Eestis tegelik registreeritud pĂ”llul kasutatav doos, mĂ”jutas oluliselt kimalaste hingamisrĂŒtme ja vĂ€hendas nende eluiga. Antud uurimustöö tulemused nĂ€itavad, et labori- ja vĂ€ikeseskaalaliste pĂ”ldkatsete tulemused ei peegelda tihti tegelikku olukorda pĂ”llu tingimustes. Sub-letaalsed pestitsiidi doosid mĂ”jutavad tolmeldajate fĂŒsiloogilist seisundit ning vĂ”ivad seega olla ĂŒheks globaalse tolmeldamiskriisi pĂ”hjuseks. Seejuures on pestitsiidide kasutamine evolutsioonilisest vaatepunktist kĂŒllaltki uus nĂ€htus ja tolmeldajad ei ole veel Ă”ppinud riske Ă€ra tundma. Pestitsiide ei tohiks kasutada rutiinselt ja lihtsalt profĂŒlaktika mĂ”ttes, vaid vajadust selle jĂ€rele tuleks pĂ”llul eelnevalt seirata. Tolmeldajate kaitsmist pestitsiidide negatiivsete mĂ”jude eest tuleks toetada ka lĂ€bi erinevate poliitikate (sh lĂ€bi Euroopa Liidu ĂŒhise pĂ”llumajanduspoliitika keskkonnameetmete). Vajalikud on tĂ€iendavad uurimused pestitsiidide toksilisusest elusorganismidele ning vĂ€lja tuleks töötada keskkonnasĂ”bralikumaid kasvatustehnoloogiaid (nt entomovektor-tehnoloogia ja biopestitsiidid).Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences and by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology created under the auspices of European Social Fund

    Estonian bumblebees

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    Bumblebees – who are they and what do they look like? Bumblebees are insects with a burly, furry and colourful appearance. They are members of the bee genus Bombus in the family Apidae. People have given them different names and they can be met in forests, fields, meadows and gardens, both in the countryside and in towns. Bumblebees can be found throughout the world except for Australia and the Tropics. There are over 250 species of bumblebees in the world of which 68 species can be found in Europe. Bumblebees can be divided into true bumblebees and their nest parasites, known as cuckoo bumblebees. In Estonia 21 species of true bumblebees and 8 species of cuckoo bumblebees are found – 18 species of the true bumblebees belong to the species of the conservation category III of the Nature Conservation Act. This publication focuses mainly on true bumblebees (henceforth referred to a bumblebees)

    Eesti kimalased 2017

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    Kes on kimalased ja millised nad vĂ€lja nĂ€evad? Kimalased on kogukad, karvased ja vĂ€rvilised kiletiivaliste seltsi mesilaslaste sugukonda kuuluvad putukad. Nad on rahva seas tuntud kui maamesilased, metsmesilased ja kumalased, keda vĂ”ib kohata metsas, pĂ”llul, niidul, aias, nii maal kui ka linnas. Kimalasi leidub kĂ”ikjal maailmas, v.a Austraalia ja troopika. Maailmas on ĂŒle 250 liigi kimalasi, neist Euroopas leidub 66 liiki. Kimalased vĂ”ib jagada pĂ€riskimalasteks ning nende pesaparasiitideks – kĂ€gukimalasteks. Eestis esineb 21 liiki pĂ€riskimalasi ning 8 liiki kĂ€gukimalasi. Nendest 18 liiki pĂ€riskimalasi kuuluvad Eesti looduskaitseseaduse alusel III kaitsekategooriasse. Antud trĂŒkis keskendub peamiselt pĂ€riskimalastele (edaspidi kimalased)

    Eesti kimalased

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    Kes on kimalased ja millised nad vĂ€lja nĂ€evad? Kimalased on kogukad, karvased ja vĂ€rvilised kiletiivaliste seltsi mesilaslaste sugukonda kuuluvad putukad. Nad on rahva seas tuntud kui maamesilased, metsmesilased ja kumalased, keda vĂ”ib kohata metsas, pĂ”llul, niidul, aias, nii maal kui ka linnas. Kimalasi leidub kĂ”ikjal maailmas, v.a Austraalia ja troopika. Maailmas on ĂŒle 250 liigi kimalasi, neist Euroopas leidub 66 liiki. Kimalased vĂ”ib jagada pĂ€riskimalasteks ning nende pesaparasiitideks – kĂ€gukimalasteks. Eestis esineb 21 liiki pĂ€riskimalasi ning 7 liiki kĂ€gukimalasi. Nendest 18 liiki pĂ€riskimalasi kuuluvad Eesti looduskaitseseaduse alusel III kaitsekategooriasse. Antud trĂŒkis keskendub peamiselt pĂ€riskimalastele (edaspidi kimalased)

    Crop rotation and agri-environment schemes determine bumblebee communities via flower resources

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    <p>The biodiversity (flower cover and bumblebees) and environmental data used in the analyses.</p

    Harnessing the biodiversity value of Central and Eastern European farmland

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    A large proportion of European biodiversity today depends on habitat provided by low-intensity farming practices, yet this resource is declining as European agriculture intensifies. Within the European Union, particularly the central and eastern new member states have retained relatively large areas of species-rich farmland, but despite increased investment in nature conservation here in recent years, farmland biodiversity trends appear to be worsening. Although the high biodiversity value of Central and Eastern European farmland has long been reported, the amount of research in the international literature focused on farmland biodiversity in this region remains comparatively tiny, and measures within the EU Common Agricultural Policy are relatively poorly adapted to support it. In this opinion study, we argue that, 10years after the accession of the first eastern EU new member states, the continued under-representation of the low-intensity farmland in Central and Eastern Europe in the international literature and EU policy is impeding the development of sound, evidence-based conservation interventions. The biodiversity benefits for Europe of existing low-intensity farmland, particularly in the central and eastern states, should be harnessed before they are lost. Instead of waiting for species-rich farmland to further decline, targeted research and monitoring to create locally appropriate conservation strategies for these habitats is needed now.Peer reviewe