57 research outputs found

    Ecological Evaluation Of H2 Energy Supply In Industry

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    Limiting climate change through global CO2 emissions is one of the central challenges of the 21st century. This requires a profound transformation of our energy systems and a far-reaching switch to innovative and emission-free technologies in all sectors, from power generation to the major energy consumption sectors of industry, transport and building heating. Hydrogen will play a significant role in a future energy and economic system. In this paper, H2 energy supply scenarios are developed, evaluated and compared as an alternative to a reference scenario that uses conventional technologies to meet electricity, heating and cooling needs. The H2 energy supply scenarios are simulated with both purchased and self-produced hydrogen. Both the different colours of the hydrogen and the CO2 intensity of the electricity mix are taken into account. To cover the electricity and heat demand, different H2 technologies are considered and combined with each other to different H2 energy supply scenarios. Subsequently, the scenarios are evaluated with regard to their ecology and compared with the reference scenario. From this, it can be deduced how hydrogen technologies can represent an ecologically sensible alternative to conventional technologies today and in the future

    A taste of the deep-sea: The roles of gustatory and tactile searching behaviour in the grenadier fish <i>Coryphaenoides armatus</i>

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    The deep-sea grenadier fishes (Coryphaenoides spp.) are among the dominant predators and scavengers in the ocean basins that cover much of Earth's surface. Baited camera experiments were used to study the behaviour of these fishes. Despite the apparent advantages of rapidly consuming food, grenadiers attracted to bait spend a large proportion of their time in prolonged periods of non-feeding activity. Video analysis revealed that fish often adopted a head-down swimming attitude (mean of 21.3 degrees between the fish and seafloor), with swimming velocity negatively related to attitude. The fish also swam around and along vertical and horizontal structures of the lander with their head immediately adjacent to the structure. We initially hypothesised that this behaviour was associated with the use of the short chin barbel in foraging. Barbel histology showed numerous taste buds in the skin, and a barbel nerve with about 20,000 axons in adult fish. A tracing experiment in one undamaged animal revealed the termination fields of the barbel neurons in the trigeminal and rhombencephalic regions, indicating both a mechanoreceptory and a gustatory role for the barbel. Our conclusion was that olfactory foraging becomes ineffective at close ranges and is followed by a search phase using tactile and gustatory sensing by the barbel. The development of this sensory method probably co-evolved alongside behavioural changes in swimming mechanics to allow postural stability at low swimming speeds

    Fundus-controlled perimetry (microperimetry): Application as outcome measure in clinical trials

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    YesFundus-controlled perimetry (FCP, also called 'microperimetry') allows for spatially-resolved mapping of visual sensitivity and measurement of fixation stability, both in clinical practice as well as research. The accurate spatial characterization of visual function enabled by FCP can provide insightful information about disease severity and progression not reflected by best-corrected visual acuity in a large range of disorders. This is especially important for monitoring of retinal diseases that initially spare the central retina in earlier disease stages. Improved intra- and inter-session retest-variability through fundus-tracking and precise point-wise follow-up examinations even in patients with unstable fixation represent key advantages of these technique. The design of disease-specific test patterns and protocols reduces the burden of extensive and time-consuming FCP testing, permitting a more meaningful and focused application. Recent developments also allow for photoreceptor-specific testing through implementation of dark-adapted chromatic and photopic testing. A detailed understanding of the variety of available devices and test settings is a key prerequisite for the design and optimization of FCP protocols in future natural history studies and clinical trials. Accordingly, this review describes the theoretical and technical background of FCP, its prior application in clinical and research settings, data that qualify the application of FCP as an outcome measure in clinical trials as well as ongoing and future developments

    Understanding the polarization signal of spherical particles for microwave limb radiances

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    This paper presents a simple conceptual model to explain that even spherical scatterers lead to a polarization difference signal for microwave limb radiances. The conceptual model relates the polarization difference measured by a limb-looking sensor situated inside a cloud with the anisotropy of the radiation. In the simulations, it was assumed that the cloud consists of spherical ice particles with a radius of which were situated between 10.6 and 12.3 km altitude. The frequencies 318 and 500 GHz were considered. The results of the conceptual model were compared to the results of the fully polarized scattering model ARTS-1-1. The comparison showed a good qualitative agreement. The polarization difference decreases inside the cloud with increasing height and changes sign. This behavior can be related to a different amount of radiation coming from the atmosphere above and below the cloud, compared to the amount of radiation coming from the sides. The sign of polarization difference of the scattered radiation is opposite for these two radiation sources

    Future Energies - The Big Picture. ZukĂŒnftige Energieeffizienz in der Produktion: Vortrag gehalten auf der Wissenschaftskonferenz "Future Energies" 2017, 06. Dezember 2017, Kiel

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    Darstellung des Ist-Zustandes der Energieeffizienz in der Produktion und aufzeigen von OptimierungsansÀtzen

    Auslegung von hybriden Energiespeichern

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    In diesem Beitrag wird eine Methode zur Auslegung von hybriden Energiespeichern vorgestellt. Im ersten Schritt wird ein Konzept fĂŒr hybride Energiespeicher, bestehend aus Energiespeichern mit unterschiedlichen Nutzenergieformen, beschrieben. Im Anschluss wird die Auslegung von hybriden Energiespeichern beschrieben. Dazu wird ein mathematisches Modell mithilfe einer linearen Optimierung erstellt. Zur Validierung der Methode und des Konzepts wird eine Fallstudie zwischen einer Einzelenergiespeicherlösung auf elektrochemischer Basis mit einer hybriden Energiespeicherspeicherlösung vorgestellt und verglichen

    Why should the automated guided vehicles’ batteries be used in the manufacturing plants as an energy storage?

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    This paper examines to what extent automated guided vehicles’ (AGV) batteries can be used as a mobile electrical energy storage to increase energy flexibility and reduce peak loads in manufacturing plants. First, it is indicated, what demand response and peak shaving in manufacturing mean. Then, existing battery applications for peak shaving are presented. Finally, the benefits and potential of using AGVs as energy storage to reduce peak loads in the company are illustrated, after an approximate cost calculation for peak shaving of a company with AGV batteries are performed in a use case scenario considering AGV availability during manufacturing. The results of the approximate cost calculation show that it can be beneficial for companies to use AGV batteries as an energy storage in manufacturing plants to reduce their peak loads

    Erstellung und Validierung von Lastprofilen fĂŒr die energieintensive Industrie: Methodische Ableitung der Erstellung von "Standardlastprofilen"

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    Methodical derivation of standard load profiles for use for energy efficiency provisions. For the design of energy efficiency provisions at industrial level by simulations for companies with individual load profiles no use of standard load profiles according to the VDEW is possible. Instead, a load profile analysis for the development of standard load profiles of the individual power requirement is necessary. For this purpose, daily profiles of the performance data of the electricity demand of an entire year can be examined for special events, for example through holidays or seasons, and typical standard weeks can be worked out for each season

    EnergieflexibilitĂ€t im Industrial Smart Grid: Methodischer Ansatz zur Integration von EnergieflexibilitĂ€tsmaßnahmen in ein industrielles Smart Grid

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    Through their transition into Smart Grids, electrical power grids gain the neccesary flexibiltiy to respond to increasing electrical supply volatility. The standardized Smart Grid Architecture Model and Use Case Methodology serve as framework to develop Smart Grids. Currently, there is still a lack of such a methodical framework for setting up Industrial Smart Energy Grids and it is particularly necessary to implement energy flexibility measures in industrial plants. The methodical approach presented here provides a blueprint for building an Industrial Smart Grid for energy flexibility by adapting the Smart Grid Architecture Model and the use case methodology
