236 research outputs found

    Stochastic heating of cooling flows

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    It is generally accepted that the heating of gas in clusters of galaxies by active galactic nuclei (AGN) is a form of feedback. Feedback is required to ensure a long term, sustainable balance between heating and cooling. This work investigates the impact of proportional stochastic feedback on the energy balance in the intracluster medium. Using a generalised analytical model for a cluster atmosphere, it is shown that an energy equilibrium can be reached exponentially quickly. Applying the tools of stochastic calculus it is demonstrated that the result is robust with regard to the model parameters, even though they affect the amount of variability in the system.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted by MNRAS, http://www.astro.soton.ac.uk/~gbp/pub/pavlovski_stochh.pd

    Cold gas in the Intra Cluster Medium: implications for flow dynamics and powering optical nebulae

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    We show that the mechanical energy injection rate generated as the intra-cluster medium (ICM) flows around cold clouds may be sufficient to power the optical and near infra-red emission of nebulae observed in the central regions of a sample of seven galaxy clusters. The energy injection rate is extremely sensitive to the velocity difference between the ICM and cold clouds, which may help to explain why optical and infra-red luminosity is often larger than expected in systems containing AGNs. We also find that mass recycling is likely to be important for the dynamics of the ICM. This effect will be strongest in the central regions of clusters where there is more than enough cold gas for its evaporation to contribute significantly to the density of the hot phase.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Investigating the properties of AGN feedback in hot atmospheres triggered by cooling-induced gravitational collapse

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    Radiative cooling may plausibly cause hot gas in the centre of a massive galaxy, or galaxy cluster, to become gravitationally unstable. The subsequent collapse of this gas on a dynamical timescale can provide an abundant source of fuel for AGN heating and star formation. Thus, this mechanism provides a way to link the AGN accretion rate to the global properties of an ambient cooling flow, but without the implicit assumption that the accreted material must have flowed onto the black hole from 10s of kiloparsecs away. It is shown that a fuelling mechanism of this sort naturally leads to a close balance between AGN heating and the radiative cooling rate of the hot, X-ray emitting halo. Furthermore, AGN powered by cooling-induced gravitational instability would exhibit characteristic duty cycles (delta) which are redolent of recent observational findings: delta is proportional to L_X/sigma_{*}^{3}, where L_X is the X-ray luminosity of the hot atmosphere, and sigma_{*} is the central stellar velocity dispersion of the host galaxy. Combining this result with well-known scaling relations, we deduce a duty cycle for radio AGN in elliptical galaxies that is approximately proportional to M_{BH}^{1.5}, where M_{BH} is the central black hole mass. Outburst durations and Eddington ratios are also given. Based on the results of this study, we conclude that gravitational instability could provide an important mechanism for supplying fuel to AGN in massive galaxies and clusters, and warrants further investigation.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 8 page

    Testing angular velocity as a new metric for metabolic demands of slow-moving marine fauna: a case study with Giant spider conchs Lambis truncata

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    BackgroundQuantifying metabolic rate in free-living animals is invaluable in understanding the costs of behaviour and movement for individuals and communities. Dynamic body acceleration (DBA) metrics, such as vectoral DBA (VeDBA), are commonly used as proxies for the energy expenditure of movement but are of limited applicability for slow-moving species. It has recently been suggested that metrics based on angular velocity might be better suited to characterise their energetics. We investigated whether a novel metric—the ‘Rate of change of Rotational Movement (RocRM)’, calculated from the vectoral sum of change in the pitch, roll and yaw/heading axes over a given length of time, is a suitable proxy for energy expenditure.ResultsWe found that RocRM can be used as an alternative energy expenditure proxy in a slow-moving benthic invertebrate. Eleven Giant spider conchs Lambis truncata (collected in the Red Sea) were instrumented with multiple channel (Daily Diary) tags and kept in sealed chambers for 5 h while their oxygen consumption, V̇O2, was measured. We found RocRM to be positively correlated with V̇O2, this relationship being affected by the time-step (i.e. the range of the calculated differential) of the RocRM. Time steps of 1, 5, 10 and 60 s yielded an explained variability of between 15 and 31%. The relationship between V̇O2 and VeDBA was not statistically significant, suggesting RocRM to provide more accurate estimations of metabolic rates in L. truncata.ConclusionsRocRM proved to be a statistically significant predictor of V̇O2 where VeDBA did not, validating the approach of using angular-based metrics over dynamic movement-based ones for slower moving animals. Further work is required to validate the use of RocRM for other species, particularly in animals with minimally dynamic movement, to better understand energetic costs of whole ecosystems. Unexplained variability in the models might be a consequence of the methodology used, but also likely a result of conch activity that does not manifest in movement of the shell. Additionally, density plots of mean RocRM at each time-step suggest differences in movement scales, which may collectively be useful as a species fingerprint of movement going forward

    Mass transport by buoyant bubbles in galaxy clusters

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    We investigate the effect of three important processes by which AGN-blown bubbles transport material: drift, wake transport and entrainment. The first of these, drift, occurs because a buoyant bubble pushes aside the adjacent material, giving rise to a net upward displacement of the fluid behind the bubble. For a spherical bubble, the mass of upwardly displaced material is roughly equal to half the mass displaced by the bubble, and should be ~ 10^{7-9} solar masses depending on the local ICM and bubble parameters. We show that in classical cool core clusters, the upward displacement by drift may be a key process in explaining the presence of filaments behind bubbles. A bubble also carries a parcel of material in a region at its rear, known as the wake. The mass of the wake is comparable to the drift mass and increases the average density of the bubble, trapping it closer to the cluster centre and reducing the amount of heating it can do during its ascent. Moreover, material dropping out of the wake will also contribute to the trailing filaments. Mass transport by the bubble wake can effectively prevent the build-up of cool material in the central galaxy, even if AGN heating does not balance ICM cooling. Finally, we consider entrainment, the process by which ambient material is incorporated into the bubble. AbridgedComment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 17 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Formatted for letter paper and adjusted author affiliations

    Observable consequences of kinetic and thermal AGN feedback in elliptical galaxies and galaxy clusters

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    We have constructed an analytical model of AGN feedback and studied its implications for elliptical galaxies and galaxy clusters. The results show that momentum injection above a critical value will eject material from low mass elliptical galaxies, and leads to an X-ray luminosity, LXL_{\rm X}, that is \propto σ810\sigma^{8-10}, depending on the AGN fuelling mechanism, where σ\sigma is the velocity dispersion of the hot gas. This result agrees well with both observations and semi-analytic models. In more massive ellipticals and clusters, AGN outflows quickly become buoyancy-dominated. This necessarily means that heating by a central cluster AGN redistributes the intracluster medium (ICM) such that the mass of hot gas, within the cooling radius, should be LX(<rcool)/[g(rcool)σ] \propto L_{\rm X}(<r_{\rm cool})/[g(r_{\rm cool})\sigma], where g(rcool)g(r_{\rm cool}) is the gravitational acceleration at the cooling radius. This prediction is confirmed using observations of seven clusters. The same mechanism also defines a critical ICM cooling time of 0.5\sim 0.5 Gyr, which is in reasonable agreement with recent observations showing that star formation and AGN activity are triggered below a universal cooling time threshold.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 11 pages, 2 figures and 2 table

    On the exclusion of intra-cluster plasma from AGN-blown bubbles

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    Simple arguments suggest that magnetic fields should be aligned tangentially to the surface of an AGN-blown bubble. If this is the case, charged particles from the fully ionised intra-cluster medium (ICM) will be prevented, ordinarily, from crossing the boundary by the Lorentz force. However, recent observations indicate that thermal material may occupy up to 50% of the volume of some bubbles. Given the effect of the Lorentz force, the thermal content must then be attributed to one, or a combination, of the following processes: i) the entrainment of thermal gas into the AGN outflow that inflated the bubble; ii) rapid diffusion across the magnetic field lines at the ICM/bubble interface; iii) magnetic reconnection events which transfer thermal material across the ICM/bubble boundary. Unless the AGN outflow behaves as a magnetic tower jet, entrainment may be significant and could explain the observed thermal content of bubbles. Alternatively, the cross-field diffusion coefficient required for the ICM to fill a typical bubble is roughly 10^16 cm^2 s^-1, which is anomalously high compared to predictions from turbulent diffusion models. Finally, the mass transfer rate due to magnetic reconnection is uncertain, but significant for plausible reconnection rates. We conclude that entrainment into the outflow and mass transfer due to magnetic reconnection events are probably the most significant sources of thermal content in AGN-blown bubbles.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 8 pages, 1 figur