91 research outputs found

    Crisippo o Speusippo?

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    At Horace, epist. 1.2.4 there is no reason to emend the transmitted Chrysippo into Speusippo with H. J. Mette, “Lustrum” 26, 1984, 16

    Due note alla Vita di Arcesilao di Diogene Laerzio

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    Critical notes on Diogenes Laertius’ Lives of the Philosophers, 4.32 and 41

    Il libro X degli Elementi di Euclide

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    Euclid’s tenth book was divided into three papyrus rolls, assembled only much later, with the transition from the roll to the codex

    Rileggendo Nell'officina dei classici

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    Some addenda & corrigenda to my book Nell'officina dei classici (Rome 2007) are presented taking into account recent research on the subject of the compositional techniques of a literary work and on editorial practices in the ancient world

    Demostene copista (Luc. ind. 4)

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    A passage  of Galen On the avoidance of grief (§ 13) helps gain a better understanding of what Lucian Ind. 4 writes on Demosthenes’ activities as a ‘scribe’

    Philosophie et philosophes à Chypre entre l 'Hellénisme et l' époque romaine

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    Con ocasión de la reciente publicación de la primera colección completa de lostestimonios que nos han llegado de los filósofos chipriotas menores que vivieron entre el período helenístico y el romano, se presenta y discute de modo exhaustivo el conjunto de los datos relativos a las distintas figuras.The publication ofthe frrst complete collection oftestimonies on the minorCypriot philosophers between the Hellenism and the Roman age gives me the opportunity to present and discuss in an exhaustive way the whole ofthe data conceming these figures.Con ocasión de la reciente publicación de la primera colección completa de lostestimonios que nos han llegado de los filósofos chipriotas menores que vivieron entre el período helenístico y el romano, se presenta y discute de modo exhaustivo el conjunto de los datos relativos a las distintas figuras

    Apollodoro di Atene (FGrHist 244 F *44) nella col. IV del De Stoicis (PHerc. 339) di Filodemo

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    Una rilettura della col. IV del De Stoicis di Filodemo (PHerc. 339) consente un migliore restauro della breve citazione della Cronologia di Apollodoro relativa alla presa di Atene alla fine della Guerra Cremonidea e di escludere verisimilmente la presenza di un commissario regio di Antigono Gonata in città

    Ἀποθῆκαι τῶν βίβλων (Cassio Dione XLII 38.2)

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    The βίβλοι destroyed by fire at Alexandria in 47 BC were in all likelihood not books, but blank papyrus rolls for export