159 research outputs found

    A arte atlântica do Crastoeiro (Norte de Portugal) : contextos e significados

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    Basados en los resultados de las excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas en los complejos I y II del arte atlántico de Crastoeiro, localizados en el Monte de la Senhora da Graça y partiendo del supuesto de que los individuos no sólo viven en un espacio sino que también están inmersos o incorporados en el, este trabajo tiene como objetivo establecer algunas interpretaciones no sólo sobre la biografía de cada uno de estos loci, sino también, entender los diferentes procesos de interacción de las comunidades locales con el Monte da Senhora da Graça, especialmente aquellos que se relacionan con la elección, la construcción, la frecuencia y las acciones inherentes al uso de estos lugares que designamos arte rupestre

    Subcutaneous Fat Necrosis Following Induced Hypothermia

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    A necrose gorda do tecido celular subcutâneo do recém-nascido está associada a asfixia neonatal, aspiração de mecónio, convulsões ou hipotermia. A hipercalcemia é a complicação mais frequente, podendo em alguns casos ser grave e exigir terapêutica específica. Relata-se o caso de um recém-nascido de cesariana emergente por sofrimento fetal, tendo sido submetido a protocolo de hipotermia induzida. Foi diagnosticado com necrose gorda do recém-nascido ao 11º dia de internamento. No 23º dia identificou-se hipercalcemia, tendo iniciado terapêutica com pamidronato, com consequente diminuição gradual da calcemia. Sublinha-se a necessidade da identificação rápida de necrose gorda, possibilitando antecipar a hipercalcemia e iniciar terapêutica precoce

    Low-Complexity Equalisers for Offset Constellations in Massive MIMO Schemes

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    This work was supported in part by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), through the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program of the Portugal 2020 Framework, in part by the Regional OP Centro under Grant POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030588, in part by the Regional OP Lisboa under Grant Lisboa-01-0145-FEDER-03058, in part by the FCT/MEC through national funds of MASSIVE5G Project under Grant SAICT-45-2017-02 and PES3N Project under Grant 2018-SAICT-45-2017-POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030629, in part by the UID/EEE/50008/2019 Project, and in part by the FCT Ph.D. under Grant SFRH/BD/108522/2015.Massive multi-input-multi-output (m-MIMO) schemes require low-complexity implementations at both the transmitter and the receiver side, especially for systems operation at millimeter wave (mmWave) bands. In this paper, we consider the use of offset constellations in m-MIMO systems operating at mmWave frequencies. These signals are designed to have either an almost constant envelope or be decomposed as the sum of constant-envelope signals, making them compatible with strongly nonlinear power amplifiers, which can have low-implementation complexity and high amplification efficient, making them particularly interesting for mmWave communications. We design and evaluate low-complexity frequency-domain receivers for offset signals. It is shown that the proposed receivers can have excellent performance/complexity trade-offs in m-MIMO scenarios, making them particularly interesting for future wireless systems operating at mmWave bands.publishersversionpublishe

    Influence of the mastique binder in the bituminous mixtures behaviour

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    The flexible road pavements are subjected to the repetitive traffic loading, which, among others factors, originate their natural or premature degradation. The bituminous mixtures behaviour must be evaluated using repetitive loading tests that allow the study of their fundamental properties (i.e. fatigue, permanent deformations, and stiffness modulus) when subjected to the loading conditions which occur in the pavement. The behaviour of the bituminous mixtures is strongly influenced by the mastic properties and thus the objective of this work is to study the influence of the mastic characteristics in the bituminous mixtures behaviour. This behaviour was analysed by the evaluation of the complex modulus and fatigue life using repetitive bending at four points and the permanent deformation evaluated using repetitive simple shear tests at constant height (load control). In this work the mastic was defined as the material (filler, fine aggregate and bitumen) which is bonded to the coarse aggregates in a bituminous mixture.(undefined

    Data-driven approach for incident management in a smart city

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    Buildings in Lisbon are often the victim of several types of events (such as accidents, fires, collapses, etc.). This study aims to apply a data-driven approach towards knowledge extraction from past incident data, nowadays available in the context of a Smart City. We apply a Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) approach to perform incident management of the city of Lisbon. From this data-driven process, a descriptive and predictive analysis of an events dataset provided by the Lisbon Municipality was possible, together with other data obtained from the public domain, such as the temperature and humidity on the day of the events. The dataset provided contains events from 2011 to 2018 for the municipality of Lisbon. This data mining approach over past data identified patterns that provide useful knowledge for city incident managers. Additionally, the forecasts can be used for better city planning, and data correlations of variables can provide information about the most important variables towards those incidents. This approach is fundamental in the context of smart cities, where sensors and data can be used to improve citizens’ quality of life. Smart Cities allow the collecting of data from different systems, and for the case of disruptive events, these data allow us to understand them and their cascading effects better.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of Genetic Polymorphisms in Prostaglandin E2 Pathway (COX-2/HPGD/SLCO2A1/ABCC4) on the Risk for Colorectal Adenoma Development and Recurrence after Polypectomy

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    OBJECTIVES: Deregulation of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) levels reported in colorectal carcinogenesis contributes to key steps of cancer development. Our aim was to evaluate the influence of the genetic variability in COX-2/HPGD/SLCO2A1/ABCC4 PGE2 pathway genes on the development and recurrence of colorectal adenomas. METHODS: A case-control study was conducted gathering 480 unscreened individuals and 195 patients with personal history of adenomas. A total of 43 tagSNPs were characterized using the Sequenom platform or real-time PCR. RESULTS: Ten tagSNPs were identified as susceptibility biomarkers for the development of adenomas. The top three most meaningful tagSNPs include the rs689466 in COX-2 (odds ratio (OR)=3.23; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.52-6.86), rs6439448 in SLCO2A1 (OR=0.38; 95% CI: 0.22-0.65) and rs1751051 in ABCC4 genes (OR=2.75; 95% CI: 1.58-4.80). The best four-locus gene-gene interaction model included the rs1346271, rs1863642 and rs12500316 single nucleotide polymorphisms in HPGD and rs1678405 in ABCC4 genes and was associated with a 13-fold increased susceptibility (95% CI: 3.84-46.3, P<0.0001, cross-validation (CV) accuracy: 0.78 and CV consistency: 8/10). Interesting, in low-risk patients the ABCC4 rs9524821AA genotype was associated not only with a higher hazard ratio (HR=2.93; 95% CI: 1.07-8.03), but half of these patients had adenoma recurrence at 60 months, considerably higher than the 21% noticed in low-risk patients. CONCLUSIONS: Genetic polymorphisms in COX-2/PGE2 pathway appear to contribute to the development of colorectal adenomas and influence the interval time to adenomas recurrence. The definition of risk models through the inclusion of genetic biomarkers might improve the adherence and optimization of current screening and surveillance guidelines for colorectal cancer prevention.Financial support: This study was supported by a research grant from the Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto— Centro de Investigação. Furthermore, C.P. was a recipient of a PhD grant (SFRH/BD/64805/2009) from FCT— Fundacão para a Ciência e Tecnologia, co-financed by European Social Funds (ESF) under Human Potential Operation Programme (POPH) from National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) and Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro—Núcleo Regional do Norte. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ergonomics in "remote work" activities: a workstation adaptation case study in Brazil

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic decreed by the outbreak of the new coronavirus culminated in the need to implement jobs in the homes of employees who had to adhere to the “remote work” style, due to social isolation actions in Brazil. Many of the employees started to work in the absence of adequate working conditions in their homes, impacting the three dimensions of ergonomics, i.e., physical, organizational and cognitive. The objective of this chapter is to report the adjustments made in a workplace after the change of modality from face-to-face (f2f) activities to “remote work” after the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, aiming to adopt actions aimed at ergonomics. The research was carried out with a professional in the area of Environmental and Sanitary Engineering who started remote work in March 2020. The work is of a qualitative nature, using photos to illustrate the changes occurring before and after the installation of the equipments and reports on strategies to improve working conditions in the “remote work”. The cost of physical adaptations was also computed. The most reported complaints collected by the professional were back pain, neck, forearm, wrist and eye pain, in addition to mental fatigue. The necessary equipment and furniture were acquired for the physical adaptation of the workspace. Issues of working hours, days off, means of communication were also addressed, but aspects of cognitive and organizational ergonomics must have the participation of the entire work group to achieve effective results. The accompaniment of a specialized technical professional would be important for the establishment of further assertive actions, seeking the productivity and quality of life of the employee.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A utilização do ATLANTIS – Tierra 2.0 e de ferramentas SIG para predizer a distribuição espacial e a adequação do habitat de espécies endémicas

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    O conhecimento da distribuição de espécies raras requer muito esforço devido às dificuldades inerentes à detecção das suas populações. Neste capítulo, apresenta-se um exemplo de modelação da distribuição potencial de espécies endémicas de insectos, que constituem uma preocupação de conservação nos Açores. São analisados dados extraídos da base de dados ATLANTIS com o objectivo de desenvolver mapas preditivos da distribuição de quatro escaravelhos endémicos (Insecta, Coleoptera) na ilha Terceira: Cedrorum azoricus azoricus Borges & Serrano, 1993; Trechus terceiranus Machado, 1988; Trechus terrabravensis Borges, Serrano & Amorim, 2004; e Alestrus dolosus (Crotch, 1867). São usadas duas técnicas amplamente aplicadas nestas situações (BIOCLIM e BioMapper) de forma a desenvolver os mapas de distribuição, mas igualmente a obter a descrição do nicho ecológico de cada espécie. Todas as espécies, excepto T. terceiranus, apresentam grandes restrições de habitat. As outras três espécies parecem estar ambientalmente restringidas a duas áreas espaciais bem definidas, localizadas nas partes oeste (Serra de Santa Bárbara) e central (Terra Brava) da ilha Terceira. Contudo, enquanto A. dolosus estará potencialmente espalhado em ambas as áreas, de acordo com os seus requisitos de habitat, C. azoricus azoricus e T. terrabravensis parecem possuir adaptações ambientais muito mais restritivas. No entanto, como os dados sobre a distribuição conhecida destas espécies se revelaram escassos, a eficácia dos mapas de predição não é propriamente a ideal. Deste modo, é discutida de forma exaustiva a utilidade das técnicas utilizadas, num contexto de gestão da conservação. São igualmente discutidos os problemas surgidos durante o processo de modelação dos dados e como estes podem ser resolvidos. Finalmente são apresentadas sugestões para melhorar a informação a obter da base de dados ATLANTIS.ABSTRACT: Ranges of rare species require great efforts to be mapped due to the low detect ability of their populations. In this chapter, we provide an example focusing on several endemic insect species of conservation concern in the Azores. We explore the use of data extracted from ATLANTIS database to develop predictive maps of the distribution of four endemic beetle species (Insecta, Coleoptera) in Terceira Island: Cedrorum azoricus azoricus Borges & Serrano, 1993; Trechus terceiranus Machado, 1988; Trechus terrabravensis Borges, Serrano & Amorim, 2004; and Alestrus dolosus (Crotch, 1867). We use two widely used methodologies (BIOCLIM and BioMapper) to develop such maps, as well as to provide a description of the niche of these species. All species except for T. terceiranus presented highly restricted habitat requirements. The other three species seem to be environmentally restricted to two spatially well-defined areas, placed in the west (Serra de Santa Bárbara) and the centre of the island (Terra Brava). However, while A. dolosus seems to be potentially widespread in these two areas according to its habitat requirements, C. azoricus azoricus and T. terrabravensis appear to have very restricted environmental adaptations. As data (recorded presences) for these species is scarce, the performance of the predictions was not ideal. Therefore, we discuss extensively the utility of such methodologies in the context of conservation management. We also discuss how the problems arose during this work can be overcome, and how ATLANTIS information could be improved

    A Review of the Potential Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Options for European Viticulture

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    Viticulture and winemaking are important socioeconomic sectors in many European regions. Climate plays a vital role in the terroir of a given wine region, as it strongly controls canopy microclimate, vine growth, vine physiology, yield, and berry composition, which together determine wine attributes and typicity. New challenges are, however, predicted to arise from climate change, as grapevine cultivation is deeply dependent on weather and climate conditions. Changes in viticultural suitability over the last decades, for viticulture in general or the use of specific varieties, have already been reported for many wine regions. Despite spatially heterogeneous impacts, climate change is anticipated to exacerbate these recent trends on suitability for wine production. These shifts may reshape the geographical distribution of wine regions, while wine typicity may also be threatened in most cases. Changing climates will thereby urge for the implementation of timely, suitable, and cost-effective adaptation strategies, which should also be thoroughly planned and tuned to local conditions for an effective risk reduction. Although the potential of the different adaptation options is not yet fully investigated, deserving further research activities, their adoption will be of utmost relevance to maintain the socioeconomic and environmental sustainability of the highly valued viticulture and winemaking sector in Europe.This study was funded by Clim4Vitis project—“Climate change impact mitigation for European viticulture: knowledge transfer for an integrated approach”, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreement no. 810176; it was also supported by FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UIDB/04033/2020