328 research outputs found

    Major clinical findings of minimally invasive surgery in dentistry: a systematic review

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    Introduction: In the scenario of surgery or minimally invasive dental procedures there are more than 300 clinical studies. The studies were classified in the areas of periodontics, cardiology, implantology, endodontics, orthodontics, oral pathology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, prosthesis, and others. Uncertainty is about the conclusions obtained from a set of studies on minimally traumatic surgery. Objective: It was to demonstrate the evolution and consequent importance of improving minimally traumatic surgery techniques in dentistry. Methods: The present study followed a systematic review model, following the rules of systematic review – PRISMA. The search strategy was performed in the PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science and Scopus, and Google Scholar databases. The present study was carried out from January to March 2022. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results: A total of 121 articles were found. A total of 86 articles were fully evaluated and 27 were included in this study. Since the most primordial extraction techniques were created and developed, several attempts have been made to minimize the professional's effort, reduce surgical time and alleviate bleeding and the inflammatory processes, edema, pain, and ecchymosis that can affect patients, in trans and postoperative periods. Thus, maximum preservation of the integrity of soft tissues (papilla and free and attached gingiva) adjacent to the prosthetic spaces should be sought, and preservation of the level of the alveolar bone ridge, minimizing surgical trauma. Conclusion: There are many attempts to minimize the professional's effort, reduce surgical time and alleviate bleeding and inflammatory processes, edema, pain, and ecchymosis that can affect patients. Thus, maximum preservation of the integrity of the soft tissues adjacent to the prosthetic spaces and the preservation of the level of the alveolar bone ridge should be sought to achieve the minimization of surgical trauma

    Hot spots for diversity of Magnaporthe oryzae physiological races in irrigated rice fields in Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a diversidade de patótipos de Magnaporthe oryzae em novas áreas comerciais de arroz irrigado instaladas no Vale do Rio Araguaia, Estado do Tocantins, Brasil. A produção de arroz nessa região vem sendo significativamente afetada pelo agente causal da brusone do arroz. Apesar dos esforços de programas de melhoramento genético, a ocorrência de quebra de resistência tem sido registrada logo após o lançamento de novas cultivares desenvolvidas para a região. Entre as causas de quebra de resistência está incluída a capacidade do fungo de desenvolver novos patótipos rapidamente. Uma amostra de 479 isolados monospóricos de M. oryzae foi obtida e testada no conjunto internacional de cultivares diferenciadoras de raças de brusone. As coletas de isolados foram feitas em pequenos viveiros usados como armadilhas de brusone e em locais ao acaso de campos vizinhos. A análise de 250 isolados de M. oryzae obtidos em três viveiros armadilha detectou a presença de 45 raças internacionais pertencentes a sete grupos de patótipos (IA-IG). Nos isolados testados, 61 patótipos de M. oryzae pertencentes a todos os grupos exceto o grupo IH foram detectados. As novas áreas de arroz irrigado do Vale do Rio Araguaia apresentam a maior diversidade de patótipos de M. oryzae descrita até o momento no Brasil.The objective of this work was to evaluate the Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype diversity in new commercial irrigated rice fields in the Araguaia River Valley, state of Tocantins, Brazil. The causal agent of rice blast has heavily affected rice production in the region. Despite the efforts of breeding programs, blast resistance breakdown has been recorded shortly after the release of new resistant cultivars developed for the region. Among the causes of resistance breakage is the capacity of the fungus to rapidly develop new pathotypes. A sample of 479 M. oryzae monosporic isolates was obtained and tested using the international rice blast differential set. Isolate collections were made in small areas designed as trap nurseries and in scattered sites in their vicinity. Analysis of 250 M. oryzae isolates from three trap nurseries indicated the presence of 45 international M. oryzae races belonging to seven pathotype groups (IA-IG). In the isolates tested, 61 M. oryzae pathotypes belonging to all but the IH group were detected. The new areas of irrigated rice in the Araguaia River Valley have the highest diversity of M. oryzae pathotypes reported so far in Brazil

    Synthesis of the binuclear [Fe(CNBu t)(CO)4(HgSO4 )] adduct

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    The binuclear [Fe(CNBu t)(CO)4(HgSO4 )] adduct was obtained in the reaction of HgSO4 with [Fe(CNBu t)(CO)4] in methanol. This adduct, without a similar in the homoleptic pentacarbonyliron, was characterized by analytical and spectroscopic data. Further Mössbauer and molar conductivity studies have confirmed it's adduct nature.29930

    Synthesis of the binuclear [Fe(CNBut)(CO)4(HgSO4 )] Adduct

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    The binuclear [Fe(CNBut)(CO)4(HgSO4 )] adduct was obtained in the reaction of HgSO4 with [Fe(CNBut)(CO)4] in methanol. This adduct, without a similar in the homoleptic pentacarbonyliron, was characterized by analytical and spectroscopic data. Further Mössbauer and molar conductivity studies have confirmed it's adduct nature

    Clinical and epidemiological characteristics associated with unfavorable tuberculosis treatment outcomes in TB-HIV co-infected patients in Brazil : a hierarchical polytomous analysis

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    Background: TB patients co-infected with HIV have worse treatment outcomes than non-coinfected patients. How clinical characteristics of TB and socioeconomic characteristics influence these outcomes is poorly understood. Here, we use polytomous regression analysis to identify clinical and epidemiological characteristics associated with unfavorable treatment outcomes among TB-HIV co-infected patients in Brazil. Methods: TB-HIV cases reported in the Brazilian information system (SINAN) between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2011 were identified and categorized by TB treatment outcome (cure, default, death, and development of MDR TB). We modeled treatment outcome as a function of clinical characteristics of TB and patient socioeconomic characteristics by polytomous regression analysis. For each treatment outcome, we used cure as the reference outcome. Results: between 2001 and 2011, 990,017 cases of TB were reported in SINAN, of which 93,147 (9.4%) were HIV co-infected. Patients aged 15–19 (OR = 2.86; 95% CI: 2.09–3.91) and 20–39 years old (OR = 2.30; 95% CI: 1.81–2.92) were more likely to default on TB treatment than those aged 0–14 years old. In contrast, patients aged ≥60 years were more likely to die from TB (OR = 2.22; 95% CI: 1.43–3.44) or other causes (OR = 2.86; 95% CI: 2.14–3.83). Black patients were more likely to default on TB treatment (OR = 1.33; 95% CI: 1.22–1.44) and die from TB (OR = 1.50; 95% CI: 1.29–1.74). Finally, alcoholism was associated with all unfavorable outcomes: default (OR = 1.94; 95% CI: 1.73–2.17), death due to TB (OR = 1.46; 95% CI: 1.25–1.71), death due to other causes (OR = 1.38; 95% CI: 1.21–1.57) and MDR-TB (OR = 2.29; 95% CI: 1.46–3.58). Conclusions: socio-economic vulnerability has a significant effect on treatment outcomes among TB-HIV co-infected patients in Brazil. Enhancing social support, incorporation of alcohol abuse screening and counseling into current TB surveillance programs and targeting interventions to specific age groups are interventions that could improve treatment outcomes

    How to prepare a trichogram with transparent enamel base coat?

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    The trichogram is an easy and semi-invasive method, useful for evaluating different types of hair loss in daily practice. To date, there is no standardized methodology on how to collect and perform the exam. The use of a liquid interface between the slide and the coverslip to read the trichogram under optical microscopy varies widely in the literature. Among the alternatives, transparent enamel base coat is an inexpensive, accessible, and practical option, providing the examiner with proper visualization of the hair shafts with minimal air bubbles formation

    Cytotoxicity and DNA damage in the neutrophils of patients with sickle cell anaemia treated with hydroxyurea

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    A hidroxiuréia (HU) constitui o avanço mais importante no tratamento da anemia falciforme (AF) por prevenir complicações e aumentar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Entretanto, alguns aspectos do tratamento com HU permanecem obscuros, incluindo a sua ação e potencial toxicidade em outras células sanguíneas, tais como neutrófilos. Este estudo utilizou a mensuração da lactato desidrogenase (LDH) e do metil tiazoltetrazólio (MTT) e o ensaio do cometa para investigar a citotoxicidade e índice de dano (ID) ao DNA em neutrófilos de pacientes com AF em uso do medicamento. Nos ensaios de LDH e MTT, observou-se além de ausência de toxicidade, uma ação citoprotetora no grupo de pacientes tratados, Grupo SSHU (n=21, 11 mulheres e 10 homens, com idades entre 19-63 anos), quando comparados aos pacientes sem tratamento, Grupo SS (n=20, 13 mulheres e 07 homens, 18-69 anos), e grupo de indivíduos saudáveis (AA) usado como controle (n=52, 28 mulheres e 24 homens, 19-60 anos), com redução significativa (pHydroxyurea (HU) is the most important advance in the treatment of sickle cell anaemia (SCA) for preventing complications and improving quality of life for patients. However, some aspects of treatment with HU remain unclear, including their effect on and potential toxicity to other blood cells such as neutrophils. This study used the measurement of Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) and Methyl ThiazolTetrazolium (MTT) and the comet assay to investigate the cytotoxicity and damage index (DI) of the DNA in the neutrophils of patients with SCA using HU.In the LDH and MTT assays, a cytoprotective effect was observed in the group of patients treated, as well as an absence of toxicity. When compared to patients without the treatment, the SS group (n=20, 13 women and 07 men, aged 18-69 years), and the group of healthy individuals (AA) used as a control group (n=52, 28 women and 24 men, aged 19-60 years), The SSHU group (n=21, 11 women and 10 men, aged 19-63 years) showed a significant reduction (

    Uma visão educativa: relatos das experiencias vivenciadas pelos alunos do curso de química licenciatura durante suas caminhadas escolares / An educative vision: reports of experiences experienced by students in the chemistry degree course during their school walk

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    O presente trabalho procede de pesquisas desenvolvidas no decorrer da disciplina de práticas curriculares na dimensão escolar que tem como foco principal a temática: a escola. A pesquisa consistiu em relatos dos alunos do curso de química licenciatura da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão-UEMA, onde os mesmos apresentam suas experiências vivenciadas ao longo da suas caminhadas escolares, desde do ensino dos anos iniciais até sua chegada a academia. Nas oportunidades os relatos retratam a importancia do ambiente escolar para sua formação como cidadão quanto para sua escolha a cursar uma universidade. Percebe-se pelos relatos dos discentes que a escola ainda é um ambiente responsável em estimular os alunos, contribuindo assim para o crescimento daquele individuo, adquirindo cada vez mais sua identidade em resumo sua cidadania. Em contra partida esse mesmo ambiente quando não cumpre com sua funçao pode simplesmente contribuir para uma desmotivação. Alguns discentes revelam ainda situações vividas que contribuiram para descontentamentos deste ambiente. Os relatos foram registrados atraves de um portfólio, ferramenta ultilizada durante a ministração da disciplina. Os resultados das pesquisas apontaram que a escola é essencial e fundamental para a construção de um individuo e a inserção do mesmo a sociedade

    Influência da adição de probióticos na dieta sobre o estado sanitário e desempenho de bezerros da raça Holandesa

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    O experimento foi realizado no Setor de Bovinocultura de Leite da Fazenda Experimental de Iguatemi, Maringá, Paraná, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do uso de probióticos sobre o índice de diarréia, mortalidade e desempenho (altura e peso) de bezerros. As medições de peso e altura foram feitas logo após o nascimento dos animais, aos 30 e aos 60 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 19 bezerros puros por cruza Holandês, do nascimento aos 60 dias de idade, machos e fêmeas. Os bezerros foram distribuídos em três tratamentos: (A) leite integral + probiótico em pó solúvel, (B) leite integral + probiótico em pó solúvel e pasta probiótica de administração oral e (C) leite integral. Foram fornecidos feno e concentrado à vontade após 20 dias de idade. Os índices de diarréia e mortalidade foram nulos para os três tratamentos. Não houve diferença significativa para o ganho médio diário e mudança nas alturas tomadas nas cernelhas do nascimento aos 60 dias de idade entre os tratamentos A (0,56 kg/dia e 0,055 cm/dia), B (0,41 kg/dia e 0,075 cm/dia) e C (0,51 kg/dia e 0,043 cm/dia).The experiment was undertaken in the Section of Dairy Cattle of Experimental Farm of Iguatemi, Maringá, Paraná, with the objective of evaluating the effect of the probiotic on the diarrhea index, mortality and performance (height and weight) of calves. The weight mensurations and height were made immediately after the birth of the animals, at the 30 and the 60 days of age. It were used nineteen Holstein calves from birth to 60 days of age, males and females. The calves were randomly distributed in three treatments: (A) integral milk + soluble powdered probiotic, (B) integral milk + soluble powdered probiotic + probiotic paste by oral administration and (C) integral milk only. Hay and concentrate were supplied ad libitum from 20 days of age. The diarrhea index and mortality were null for the three treatments. There were no significant differences for the average daily gain and height whitens at 60 days among the treatments A (0.56 kg/day and 0.055 cm/day), B (0.41 kg/day and 0.075 cm/day) and C (0.51 kg/day and 0.043 cm/day)