256 research outputs found


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    MACHO-96-BLG-5 was a microlensing event observed toward the bulge of the Galaxy with an exceptionally long duration of ~970 days. The microlensing parallax fit parameters were used to estimate a lens mass M = 6 M☉, corresponding to a distance d in the range 0.5-2 kpc. The upper limit on the absolute brightness for main-sequence stars of the same mass is less than 1 L☉, so the lens is a good black hole candidate. Such a black hole would accrete from the interstellar medium, thereby emitting in the X-ray band. Here we report the analysis of a deep XMM-Newton observation toward the MACHO-96-BLG-5 lens position. Only an upper limit (99.8% confidence level) to the X-ray flux from the lens position, 9.10 × 10-15 to 1.45 × 10-14 ergs cm-2 s-1 in the 0.2-10 keV energy band, is obtained, allowing us to constrain the putative black hole's accretion parameters

    Cold fronts and multi-temperature structures in the core of Abell 2052

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    The physics of the coolest phases in the hot Intra-Cluster Medium (ICM) of clusters of galaxies is yet to be fully unveiled. X-ray cavities blown by the central Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) contain enough energy to heat the surrounding gas and stop cooling, but locally blobs or filaments of gas appear to be able to cool to low temperatures of 10^4 K. In X-rays, however, gas with temperatures lower than 0.5 keV is not observed. Using a deep XMM-Newton observation of the cluster of galaxies Abell 2052, we derive 2D maps of the temperature, entropy, and iron abundance in the core region. About 130 kpc South-West of the central galaxy, we discover a discontinuity in the surface brightness of the hot gas which is consistent with a cold front. Interestingly, the iron abundance jumps from ~0.75 to ~0.5 across the front. In a smaller region to the North-West of the central galaxy we find a relatively high contribution of cool 0.5 keV gas, but no X-ray emitting gas is detected below that temperature. However, the region appears to be associated with much cooler H-alpha filaments in the optical waveband. The elliptical shape of the cold front in the SW of the cluster suggests that the front is caused by sloshing of the hot gas in the clusters gravitational potential. This effect is probably an important mechanism to transport metals from the core region to the outer parts of the cluster. The smooth temperature profile across the sharp jump in the metalicity indicates the presence of heat conduction and the lack of mixing across the discontinuity. The cool blob of gas NW of the central galaxy was probably pushed away from the core and squeezed by the adjacent bubble, where it can cool efficiently and relatively undisturbed by the AGN. Shock induced mixing between the two phases may cause the 0.5 keV gas to cool non-radiatively and explain our non-detection of gas below 0.5 keV.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, A&A, in pres

    The temperature structure in the core of Sersic 159-03

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    We present results from a new 120 ks XMM-Newton observation of the cluster of galaxies Sersic 159-03. In this paper we focus on the high-resolution X-ray spectra obtained with the Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS). The spectra allow us to constrain the temperature structure in the core of the cluster and determine the emission measure distribution as a function of temperature. We also fit the line widths of mainly oxygen and iron lines.Comment: 7 pages and 4 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the COSPAR Scientific Assembly, session E1.2 "Clusters of Galaxies: New Insights from XMM-Newton, Chandra and INTEGRAL", july 2004, Paris (France). Accepted for publication in Advances in Space Researc

    X-ray spectral study of the hot gas in three Clusters of Galaxies

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    We study the physical properties of three clusters of galaxies, selected from a BeppoSAX Wide Field Camera (WFC) survey. These sources are identified as 1RXS J153934.7-833535, 1RXS J160147.6-754507, and 1RXS J081232.3-571423 in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey catalogue. We obtained XMM-Newton follow-up observations for these three clusters. We fit single and multi-temperature models to spectra obtained from the EPIC-pn camera to determine the temperature, the chemical composition of the gas and their radial distribution. Since two observations are contaminated by a high soft-proton background, we develop a new method to estimate the effect of this background on the data. For the first time, we present the temperature and iron abundance of two of these three clusters. The iron abundance of 1RXS J153934.7-33535 decreases with radius. The fits to the XMM-Newton and Chandra data show that the radial temperature profile within 3' towards the centre either flattens or lowers. A Chandra image of the source suggests the presence of X-ray cavities. The gas properties in 1RXS J160147.6-754507 are consistent with a flat radial distribution of iron and temperature within 2' from the centre. 1RXS J081232.3-571423 is a relatively cool cluster with a temperature of about 3 keV. The radial temperature and iron profiles suggest that 1RXS J153934.7-833535 is a cool core cluster. The Chandra image shows substructure which points toward AGN feedback in the core. The flat radial profiles of the temperature and iron abundance in 1RXS J160147.6-754507 are similar to the profiles of non-cool-core clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 8 pages, 8 figures; corrected typos, added data points on which fig 1 and 2 are based as comment to source file

    Estimating turbulent velocities in the elliptical galaxies NGC 5044 and NGC 5813

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    The interstellar and intra-cluster medium in giant elliptical galaxies and clusters of galaxies is often assumed to be in hydrostatic equilibrium. Numerical simulations, however, show that about 5-30% of the pressure in a cluster is provided by turbulence induced by, for example, the central AGN and merger activity. We aim to put constraints on the turbulent velocities and turbulent pressure in the ICM of the giant elliptical galaxies NGC 5044 and NGC 5813 using XMM-Newton RGS observations. The magnitude of the turbulence is estimated using the Fe XVII lines at 15.01 A, 17.05 A, and 17.10 A in the RGS spectra. At low turbulent velocities, the gas becomes optically thick in the 15.01 A line due to resonant scattering, while the 17 A lines remain optically thin. By comparing the (I(17.05)+I(17.10))/I(15.01) line ratio from RGS with simulated line ratios for different Mach numbers, the level of turbulence is constrained. The measurement is limited by systematic uncertainties in the atomic data, which are at the 20-30% level. We find that the line ratio in NGC 5813 is significantly higher than in NGC 5044. This difference can be explained by a higher level of turbulence in NGC 5044. The high turbulent velocities and the fraction of the turbulent pressure support of >40% in NGC 5044, assuming isotropic turbulence, confirm that it is a highly disturbed system, probably due to an off-axis merger. The turbulent pressure support in NGC 5813 is more modest at 15-45%. The (I(17.05)+I(17.10))/I(15.01) line ratio in an optically thin plasma, calculated using AtomDB v2.0.1, is 2 sigma above the ratio measured in NGC 5044, which cannot be explained by resonant scattering. This shows that the discrepancies between theoretical, laboratory, and astrophysical data on Fe XVII lines need to be reduced to improve the accuracy of the determination of turbulent velocities using resonant scattering.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Origin of central abundances in the hot intra-cluster medium - I. Individual and average abundance ratios from XMM-Newton EPIC

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    The hot intra-cluster medium (ICM) is rich in metals, which are synthesized by supernovae (SNe) explosions and accumulate over time into the deep gravitational potential well of clusters of galaxies. Since most of the elements visible in X-rays are formed by type Ia (SNIa) and/or core-collapse (SNcc) supernovae, measuring their abundances gives us direct information on the nucleosynthesis products of billions of SNe since the epoch of the star formation peak (z ~ 2-3). In this study, we use the EPIC and RGS instruments onboard XMM-Newton to measure the abundances of 9 elements (O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe and Ni) from a sample of 44 nearby cool-core galaxy clusters, groups, and elliptical galaxies. We find that the Fe abundance shows a large scatter (~20-40%) over the sample, within 0.2r500r_{500} and, especially, 0.05r500r_{500}. Unlike the absolute Fe abundance, the abundance ratios (X/Fe) are quite uniform over the considered temperature range (~0.6-8 keV), and with a limited scatter. In addition to a unprecedented treatment of systematic uncertainties, we provide the most accurate abundance ratios measured so far in the ICM, including Cr/Fe and Mn/Fe that we firmly detect (>4{\sigma} with MOS and pn independently). We find that Cr/Fe, Mn/Fe and Ni/Fe, differ significantly from the proto-solar values. However, the large uncertainties in the proto-solar abundances prevent us from making a robust comparison between the local and the intra-cluster chemical enrichments. We also note that, interestingly, and despite the large net exposure time (~4.5 Ms) of our dataset, no line emission feature is seen around ~3.5 keV.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The metal contents of two groups of galaxies

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    The hot gas in clusters and groups of galaxies is continuously being enriched with metals from supernovae and stars. It is well established that the enrichment of the gas with elements from oxygen to iron is mainly caused by supernova explosions. The origins of nitrogen and carbon are still being debated. Possible candidates include massive, metal-rich stars, early generations of massive stars, intermediate or low mass stars and Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars. In this paper we accurately determine the metal abundances of the gas in the groups of galaxies NGC 5044 and NGC 5813, and discuss the nature of the objects that create these metals. We mainly focus on carbon and nitrogen. We use spatially-resolved high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy from XMM-Newton. For the spectral fitting, multi-temperature hot gas models are used. The abundance ratios of carbon over oxygen and nitrogen over oxygen that we find are high compared to the ratios in the stars in the disk of our Galaxy. The oxygen and nitrogen abundances we derive are similar to what was found in earlier work on other giant ellipticals in comparable environments. We show that the iron abundances in both our sources have a gradient along the cross-dispersion direction of the Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS). We conclude that it is unlikely that the creation of nitrogen and carbon takes place in massive stars, which end their lives as core-collapse supernovae, enriching the medium with oxygen because oxygen should then also be enhanced. Therefore we favour low-and intermediate mass stars as sources of these elements. The abundances in the hot gas can best be explained by a 30-40% contribution of type Ia supernovae based on the measured oxygen and iron abundances and under the assumption of a Salpeter Initial Mass Function (IMF).Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 12 pages, 10 figures. Data points on which figs 4,5,8 and 9 are based are present as comment in the source fil

    Enrichment of the hot intracluster medium: observations

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    Four decades ago, the firm detection of an Fe-K emission feature in the X-ray spectrum of the Perseus cluster revealed the presence of iron in its hot intracluster medium (ICM). With more advanced missions successfully launched over the last 20 years, this discovery has been extended to many other metals and to the hot atmospheres of many other galaxy clusters, groups, and giant elliptical galaxies, as evidence that the elemental bricks of life - synthesized by stars and supernovae - are also found at the largest scales of the Universe. Because the ICM, emitting in X-rays, is in collisional ionisation equilibrium, its elemental abundances can in principle be accurately measured. These abundance measurements, in turn, are valuable to constrain the physics and environmental conditions of the Type Ia and core-collapse supernovae that exploded and enriched the ICM over the entire cluster volume. On the other hand, the spatial distribution of metals across the ICM constitutes a remarkable signature of the chemical history and evolution of clusters, groups, and ellipticals. Here, we summarise the most significant achievements in measuring elemental abundances in the ICM, from the very first attempts up to the era of XMM-Newton, Chandra, and Suzaku and the unprecedented results obtained by Hitomi. We also discuss the current systematic limitations of these measurements and how the future missions XRISM and Athena will further improve our current knowledge of the ICM enrichment.Comment: 49 pages. Review paper. Accepted for publication on Space Science Reviews. This is the companion review of "Enrichment of the hot intracluster medium: numerical simulations
