179 research outputs found

    Designing Game Based Learning – a Participatory Approach

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    Game Based Learning seems to be an interesting new possibility of teaching and learning, but the effort spent on designing games and the possible positive outcomes have to be weighed carefully. The following paper describes the development process and the conceptual design of a simulation game on sustainability for teenagers. The design process is participatory in nature. Members of the future group of learners are involved in the design process at every stage. This involvement is especially important to overcome the contradiction between the goal of the game as such and the pedagogical goal of the designers

    Caracterização da resistência para acaricidas no carrapato Boophilus microplus*

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    Boophilus microplus  é um ectoparasita hematófago de bovinos, presente em áreas tropicais e subtropicais no mundo. É causador de enormes perdas econômicas pela espoliação que causa ao hospedeiro, além de ser transmissor de Anaplasma sp. e Babesia spp. O principal método de controle utilizado atualmente é o controle químico, que, embora eficiente, é caro, causa danos ao meio ambiente e deixa resíduos na carne. Além disso, é crescente o número de relatos que apontam um aumento das populações resistentes de carrapatos a diversos princípios químicos presentes nos acaricidas. As bases moleculares da resistência em Boophilus microplus ainda não são claramente conhecidas, mas muitos estudos indicam alguns dos mecanismos. Diferentes grupos de enzimas presentes em diferentes rotas metabólicas compõem os mecanismos de resistência e detoxificação celular, além de uma série de mutações que podem aumentar a tolerância a um determinado composto químico. Neste momento, outros tipos de controle, como o biológico e o imunológico estão sendo trabalhados para evitar a resistência nas populações de carrapato. No entanto, o controle biológico ainda não é viável para grandes rebanhos e a proteção induzida por vacinas não é suficiente para permitir o controle do B. microplus. O estudo dos mecanismos de resistência no carrapato pode ser de fundamental importância para seu controle em rebanhos

    Subcutaneous interferon β-1a in pediatric patients with multiple sclerosis: Regional differences in clinical features, disease management, and treatment outcomes in an international retrospective study

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    AbstractBackgroundTo further understand management of pediatric patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), we examined disease features, clinical practice patterns, and response to treatment in the United States (US) and seven other countries ('rest of World'; ROW).MethodsAnonymized data, recorded as part of routine clinical practice, were obtained from medical records (1997–2009) of study participants (who received subcutaneous interferon β-1a before age 18years) from the US and ROW. Samples were stratified by age (preadolescents [<12years] and adolescents [12–17years]).ResultsUS adolescents had a higher mean body mass index versus ROW adolescents (BMI; 27.2 versus 22.5kg/m2), started disease-modifying therapy (DMT) earlier after the first relapse, were more likely to have received a DMT before initiating subcutaneous interferon β-1a, had a higher relapse rate, and were more likely to switch from subcutaneous interferon β-1a to another DMT before the end of the observation period.ConclusionsThis retrospective analysis of a multinational sample of pediatric MS patients who received subcutaneous interferon β-1a found that those from the US had higher BMI, relapsed more frequently, and were managed differently, compared with ROW patients. Future prospective studies are needed to confirm these observations and ascertain their clinical significance

    Subcutaneous Interferon Beta-1a inPediatric Multiple Sclerosis: A Retrospective Study

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    To expand current knowledge, we examined the safety and tolerability of subcutaneous interferon b-1a in patients with pediatriconset multiple sclerosis. Records from 307 patients who had received at least 1 injection of subcutaneous interferon b-1a for demyelinating events when aged younger than 18 years were reviewed. Overall, 168 (54.7%) patients had at least 1 prespecified medical event related to or under close monitoring with subcutaneous interferon b-1a or specific to pediatric patients, 184 (59.9%) had nonserious medical events related to treatment or of unknown causality, and 12 (3.9%) had serious medical events irrespective of causality. The most common laboratory abnormalities were increased alanine (74/195; 37.9%) and aspartate aminotransferase levels (59/194; 30.4%). Annualized relapse rates were 1.79 before treatment and 0.47 during treatment. In conclusion, adult doses of subcutaneous interferon b-1a (44 and 22 mg, 3 times weekly) were well tolerated in pediatric patients and were associated with reduced relapse rates


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    The objective was to compare the lifestyle, risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and sociodemographic conditions based on the classification of the body mass index (BMI) of rural workers. Cross-sectional, analytical, and descriptive study. Sociodemographic data and lifestyle were obtained through a questionnaire. For the classification of nutritional status, the workers' body mass index was considered; as risk factors for CVD, the levels of systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure, blood glucose, total cholesterol and triglycerides were considered, collected, and classified according to guidelines. For analysis, workers were allocated into 3 groups according to body mass index (BMI): normal, overweight, and obese. The sample had 106 rural workers, of which 27% had normal weight, 46% were overweight and 27% were obese. There was a difference between the groups regarding sex (p=0.011), medication intake (p=0.001) and levels of SBP (p=0.004) and DBP (p=0.014). The other analyzed variables were not significant (p&gt;0.05). In conclusion, sociodemographic conditions, lifestyle, and risk factors for CVD are influenced by BMI levels in workers, with more overweight women, higher intake of medication and presence of hypertension being observed in overweight and obese groups.O objetivo foi comparar o estilo de vida, fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) e condições sociodemográficas a partir da classificação do índice de massa corporal (IMC) trabalhadores rurais. Estudo transversal, analítico e descritivo. Os dados sociodemográficos e estilo de vida foram obtidos mediante questionário. Para a classificação do estado nutricional foi considerado o índice de massa corporal dos trabalhadores; como fatores de risco para DCV foram consideradas os níveis de pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD), glicemia, colesterol total e triglicerídeos, coletados e classificados segundo diretrizes. Para análise, os trabalhadores foram alocados em 3 grupos conforme o índice de massa corporal (IMC): normal, sobrepeso e obesidade. A amostra contou com 106 trabalhadores rurais, dos quais 27% possuíam peso normal, 46% sobrepeso e 27% obesidade. Foi observada diferença entre os grupos quanto ao sexo (p=0,011), ingesta de medicamentos (p=0,001) e níveis de PAS (p=0,004) e PAD (p=0,014). As demais variáveis analisadas não foram significativas (p&gt;0,05). Em conclusão, condições sociodemográficas, estilo de vida e fatores de risco para DCV são influenciados pelos níveis do IMC nos trabalhadores, sendo observado mais mulheres com excesso de peso, maior ingesta de medicamentos e presença de hipertensão nos grupos com sobrepeso e obesidade

    Tunable Chiral Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Chromophores Based on Helquat Dications

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    Fourteen new dipolar cations have been synthesized, containing methoxy or tertiary amino electron donor groups attached to helquat (Hq) acceptors. These Hq derivatives have been characterized as their TfO^– salts by using various techniques including NMR and electronic absorption spectroscopies. UV–vis spectra show intense, relatively low energy absorptions with λ_(max) ≈ 400–600 nm, attributable to intramolecular charge-transfer (ICT) excitations. Single-crystal X-ray structures have been solved for two of the chromophores, one as its PF_6^– salt, revealing centrosymmetric packing arrangements (space groups Pbca and P1̅). Molecular quadratic nonlinear optical (NLO) responses have been determined directly by using hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS) with a 800 nm laser, and indirectly via Stark (electroabsorption) spectroscopy for the low energy absorption bands. The obtained static first hyperpolarizabilities β_0 range from moderate to large: (9–140) × 10^(–30) esu from HRS in MeCN and (44–580) × 10^(–30) esu from the Stark data in PrCN. The magnitude of β_0 increases upon either extending the π-conjugation length or replacing a methoxy with a tertiary amino electron donor substituent. Density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT calculations on selected tertiary amino chromophores confirm that the low energy absorptions have ICT character. Relatively good agreement between the simulated and experimental UV–vis absorption spectra is achieved by using the CAM-B3LYP functional with the 6-311G(d) basis set. The β_(tot) values predicted by using DFT at the same level of theory are large ((472–1443) × 10^(–30) esu in MeCN). Both the theoretical and experimental results show that para-conjugation between Hq and electron donor fragments is optimal, and enlarging the Hq unit is inconsequential with respect to the molecular quadratic NLO response

    Intrathecal antibody production against Epstein-Barr and other neurotropic viruses in pediatric and adult onset multiple sclerosis

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Recent reports proposed an increased EBV-targeted humoral immune response in MS, which appears to be more pronounced in pediatric patients. However, little is known about the CNS-derived antibody production against EBV in patients with MS. The objective of this study was to assess the frequency and intensity of intrathecal antibody production against EBV as compared to other neurotropic viruses in pediatric and adult onset MS. In cohorts of 43 childhood, 50 adult onset MS patients, 20 children and 12 adults with other CNS disorders, paired CSF and serum samples were studied. Frequency and intensity of intrathecal antibody production against EBV as compared to measles, rubella, varicella zoster (VZV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV) were analyzed by determination of virus-specific CSF-to-serum Antibody Indices (AI). Intrathecally synthesized EBV antibodies were detectable in 26% pediatric and 10% adult onset MS patients, compared to frequencies ranging in both groups from 10 to 60% for the other viruses. Median AIs for EBV were lower than those for all other viruses, with more than twofold higher median AI for measles, rubella and VZV. The EBV-targeted humoral immune response in the CNS is only part of the intrathecal polyspecific antibody production in MS, directed against various neurotropic viruses. Our results do not rule out the possibility that EBV is involved in the pathogenesis of MS by triggering diverse cellular immune mechanisms, but they argue against a direct pathogenic role of EBV-targeted humoral immune response within the CNS

    Current international trends in the treatment of multiple sclerosis in children:impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: Only recently has the first disease-modifying therapy been approved for children with multiple sclerosis (MS) and practice patterns including substantial off-label use have evolved. Understanding attitudes towards treatment of paediatric MS and whether this has changed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is vital to guide future therapeutic trials and for developing guidelines that reflect practice. Methods: We performed an online survey within the International Paediatric Multiple Sclerosis Study Group between July and September 2020. The survey was sent to 130 members from 25 countries and consisted of five sections: demographic data, treatment, disease modifying therapies and COVID-19, outcome and three patient cases. Results: The survey was completed by 66 members (51%), both paediatric neurologists and adult neurologists. Fingolimod and β-interferons were the most frequently used disease-modifying therapies, especially among paediatric neurologists. Almost a third (31%) of respondents had altered their prescribing practice due to COVID-19, in particular at the beginning of the pandemic. Conclusions: The survey results indicate a tendency of moving from the traditional escalation therapy starting with injectables towards an early start with newer, highly effective disease modifying therapies. The COVID-19 pandemic only slightly affected prescribing patterns and treatment choices in paediatric MS

    Antibodies to MOG and AQP4 in children with neuromyelitis optica and limited forms of the disease

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    Objective To determine the frequency and clinical-radiological associations of antibodies to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) and aquaporin-4 (AQP4) in children presenting with neuromyelitis optica (NMO) and limited forms. Methods Children with a first event of NMO, recurrent (RON), bilateral ON (BON), longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis (LETM) or brainstem syndrome (BS) with a clinical follow-up of more than 12 months were enrolled. Serum samples were tested for MOG-and AQP4-antibodies using live cell-based assays. Results 45 children with NMO (n=12), LETM (n=14), BON (n=6), RON (n=12) and BS (n=1) were included. 25/45 (56%) children had MOG-antibodies at initial presentation (7 NMO, 4 BON, 8 ON, 6 LETM). 5/45 (11%) children showed AQP4-antibodies (3 NMO, 1 LETM, 1 BS) and 15/45 (33%) were seronegative for both antibodies (2 NMO, 2 BON, 4 RON, 7 LETM). No differences were found in the age at presentation, sex ratio, frequency of oligoclonal bands or median EDSS at last follow-up between the three groups. Children with MOG-antibodies more frequently (1) had a monophasic course (p=0.018) after one year, (2) presented with simultaneous ON and LETM (p=0.004) and (3) were less likely to receive immunosuppressive therapies (p=0.0002). MRI in MOG-antibody positive patients (4) less frequently demonstrated periependymal lesions (p=0.001), (5) more often were unspecific (p=0.004) and (6) resolved more frequently (p=0.016). Conclusions 67% of all children presenting with NMO or limited forms tested positive for MOG-or AQP4-antibodies. MOG-antibody positivity was associated with distinct features. We therefore recommend to measure both antibodies in children with demyelinating syndromes