10 research outputs found
Kebumen coastal areas mostly consist of unstable sand dunes. The vegetations are dominated bygrass, pandanus and seasonal cover-cropsthat emerge during rainy seasons.
Some varieties of these seasonal cover-crops may have medicinal values. Onthe area behind the cover-crops formation, trees (e.g. cashew nut, nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum), Casuarinas and other fruit trees grow. In addition, people plant bamboo, melinjo (Gnetum gnemon Linn.) and banana in their backyard. The principle of sustainability has not been implemented on the utilization of these locally available natural resources. Forthis reason, it is necessary to set up a community empowerment program which has a main theme of community-base sustainable utilization of the coastal natural resources. This community empowerment program involved students who perform their compulsory community service program (KKNPPM).In the program, the students have worked together with tbe actively participating local community and have also been supported by the local government.
This program has produced some results, e.g. : 1) cashew nut and nyamplung processing equipments2) a silvopasture demplot 3) a legal licences from the authority for production and processing of local raw materials 4) a leaflet of medicinal plants 5) environmental-care campaign stickers 6) a continuation plan for the future community empowemlent program
Analisis Kondisi Habitat dan Perakaran Tumbuhan Bawah pada Daerah Terbuka dan di Bawah Tegakan Cemara Udang di Pesisir Lembupurwo, Kebumen
Coastal areas with sandy soil structure without trees have high temperature and salinity, strong wind, as well as minimum nutrient content. The limitation of the environment conditions affects the variety of undergrowth. This research aims to figure out the composition, distribution patterns, habitat conditions and rooting from undergrowth species which are found in coastal sandy areas at Lemburpurwo. The research was conducted using line transect method defined by systematic sampling with random start. The observations of undergrowth were carried out on 3 types of treads near from the sea, under and behind Cemara Udang stands. Paths are made perpendicular within approximately 53 m from the shoreline and the distance between lines is 95 m. Each track was divided into segments in the form of 2x2 m2 plots which were laid out diagonally between plots for undergrowth observation. 81 plots were taken, where the size of the area is 72960 m2. Undergrowth plant species were identified, the length and number of roots were measured, environmental conditions and soil quality including pH, DHL, N total content, P and K available were observed. Lembupurwo coastal sandy area consists of 20 species of 13 plant families with 3 types of random distribution pattern and 17 types of clustered distribution pattern. Spinifex littoralis has the longest root as well as the largest number of roots, especially in open areas. The pH values and electrical conductivity below the stands of 6.41; 32,23 µs/cm are lower when compared to locations near the sea. N-total and P available under stands are available 0,03%; 5,05 ppm which is higher than the other two locations
Pemberdayaan Karang Taruna untuk Kelola Potensi Pesisir Desa Bulakbaru Kabupaten Jepara
Bulakbaru village in JeparaDistrict is a village located in the northeastern coast of Java Sea. This village is prone to abrasion. Each year its land was reduced by between 50 to 100 meters. The existing vegetation in the area is only some mangroves, so that the condition of this coastal area has become more extreme. This condition requires efforts to improve and manage the coastal area potential with a variety of methods. Coastal rehabilitation requires strong human resources, equipped with appropriate science and technology for the coastal community. The research aims to encourage karang tarunato manage coastal potential and transfer simple technology for the rehabilitation of the coastal area so that the community can participate actively in preserving a sustainable environment. This programcomprises methods of public education, consultation, diffusion of science and technology, training and mediation. In the implementation of the program it was evident that the community, particularly members of karangtaruna, actively participated in all activities so that they could learn the science and technology and became more open-minded in managing the potential of their coastal village. Large portion of the the coastal rehabilitation technology can be transfered to the community. The village community was able to realize the importance of mutual cooperation to manage their environment in order that it can be sustainable
Fotografi Bagi Pemula
Buku ini akan membantu anda dalam menyalurkan hobi anda untuk "jeprat-jepret" dalam fotografi. Anda akan dibimbing dari awal hingga anda mahir, mulai dari mengenal peralatan fotografi, istilah-istilah fotografi hingga teknik mendapatkan hasil foto yang baik dan benar. Buku ini cocok bagi anda pemula yang ingin menggeluti dunia fotografi, maupun bagi anda yang telah mahir namun ingin lebih banyak mendalami teknik-teknik pemotretan
STRATEGI PEMULIAAN Pinus merkusii GENERASI KEDUA (Breeding Strategy for Second Generation of Pinus merkusii)
A strategy for the second generation breeding program for Pinus merkusii is developed to provide
maximum genetic gain in the short term as well as to provide continued improvement in the long term.
while maintaining a broad genetic diversity. Nucleus breeding strategy is adopted. The first generation
breeding populations are split into a two-tier structure: main population and nucleus or elite population. The
main population is subdivided further into six sublines primarily to provide for long-term genetic gain.
while elite population is managed to provide for short-term genetic gain. Elite population consists of 60
individuals ITom the best ranks in each subline, while each subline comprises 48 selections. Further the
main population is divided into three strata according to genetic value. More emphasis for breeding and
progeny testing will be given to the higher strata, while those ofthe lower stratum will be used to provide
a broad genetic base and infusion materials for higher strata. A complementary mating design is used:
polymix mating for assessing breeding values in the breeding population, and single pair mating for
making forward selection. Infusion material from natural population is also undertaken to provide further
a broader genetic diversity: it functions as ex situ conservation as well.</p
Monitoring Kesehatan Tanaman di demplot Reklamasi Bekas Tambang Timah Desa Lenggang Kecamatan Gantung Kabupaten Belitung Timur
East Belitung Regency is one of regencies in Indonesia, leaving degraded land
as a result of tin mining activities. Therefore, it needs to be reclaimed. In the
reclamation activities carried out by the Environment Agency East Belitung Regency
in collaboration with Faculty of Forestry Team build demonstration plots (demplot)
reclamation planting trials. Plants were planted in November 2012 are some of the
kinds of plants that are tolerant to extreme environmental conditions and several
kinds of local plants. The crop is sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria), pelawan
(Tristaniopsis sp), durian (Durio zibethinus), pine (Casuarina equisetifolia), cashew
(Anacardium occidentale), guava (Psidisium guajava), dragon fruit (Hylocereus
undatus), seruk (Schima sp), and pepper (Piper nigrum).
To determine the success of reclamation activities to note the growth and
development of plant health. Therefore, research on plant health monitioring on all
types of plants. The study was conducted on whole plants in planting plots in 2012
measured the diameter, height, crown length as well as an assessment of the condition
of the canopy, canopy growth activity, canopy damage, tree growth and stem form of
a fork
Sengon (Parasenthisfalcataria) is one of woods� plants that have
characteristic fast growing. Generatively the activity of sengons� propagation
needs seed which has good quality and had been test. Effort to get the feed that
has a good quality bye PT Green Forest Indonesia(Indonesian green forest
company)through provenance experiment. The research of sengon
provenances� experiment is to figure out provenances �growth which suitable
to environments� condition in Mentigi, Belitung.
Designing plant of provenances� experiment was evaluated square plot
form with a set of complete random (CRD). There are 25th feed from Java and
outside of Java. Compartment provenances� experiment used repeating method
during 1-17th. The data get included: life percent, tall and diameter. The data
analysis used descriptive quantitative method refer to levels� repeat R-4, R-7,
and R-10 with organized the average.
The organized based on diameter of average on R-4, R-7, and R-10 some
provenance stability occupied on high level. But with the organized that uses of
the average of life percent make a significant shift. The provenance that come
from Java island showed that the average percent life and high, however the
diameter average lower than provenance from outside of Java. In every plot of
provenances Ternate Salamadaha 002 occupied first position in diameter of
average (13.63-16.55 cm) and high (10.13-10.99 m), but low life of percent
(27.78-37.78 %). Provenance Malang Ngantang 002 showed the diameter of
average (12.68-15.88 cm) and high (9.29-9.57 m) however showed the highest
life of percent (66.7-80.00). Determine of provenance Malang Ngantang 002
as a sources of seed more benefit from the risk of side plants success
Variasi genetik pada induk dan anakan cendana (santalum album Linn, santalaceae) di hutan penelitian wanagama
Perbedaan variasi genetik dari generasi ke generasi telah teramati pada berbagai spesies; dan diduga merupakan efek dari peruba.hanukuran populasi, serta terjadinya perubahan tingkatan selfing dan crossing dalam populasi. Hal ini berdampak pada peningkatan homozigositas dan penurunan diversitas genetik, yang akan menyebabkan turunnya fitness dan kemampuan hidup, serta terjadinya depresi silang-dalam dalam populasi. Introduksi cendana Santalurn album Linn, salah satu spesies dengan kategori vulnerable atau rentan untuk terancam punah ke Hutan Penelitian Wanagama dimulai pada tahun 1967 dengan ditanamnya sekitar 6800 batang pohon cendana di Petak 5. Oari jumlah tersebut, hanya sedikit yang mampu bertahan hidup dan menjadi cikal bakal tegakan cendana yang ada di Wanagama hingga saat ini. Selanjutnya, program pemuliaan pohon cendana dimulai dengan membangun uji provenan dari 7 sumber benih di Petak 18 pada akhir tahun 1993. Pada saat ini, regenerasi telah terjadi secara luas hingga radius lebih dari 5 km dengan hanya mengandalkan permudaan alam. Belum pernah dilakukan penelitian terhadap variasi genetik pada tegakan alam cendana di Wanagama; baik pohon induknya maupun anakan yang merupakan hasil permudaan alam. Variasi genetik anakan hasil permudaan alam dari pertanaman uji provenan juga belum pernah diamati.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan variasi genetik dari generasi tetua ke permudaan alamnya; dengan fokus pada (1) penentuan variasi genetik dalam dan antar populasi pada tanaman induk, termasuk pendeteksian alel langka tetua; (2) penentuan variasi genetik anakan hasil permudaan alam, termasuk pendeteksian alel yang punah pada generasi anakan tersebut; serta (3) perumusan strategi konservasi genetik cendana. Keragaman genetik dalam populasi diamati berdasarkan nilai frekuensi aiel, frekuensi genotipe, jumlah lokus yang polimorfik, jumlah alel per lokus, heterozigositas harapan, dan heterozigositas yang teramati.
Pada tingkatan hidup yang berbeda, teramati kecenderungan adanya penurunan frekuensi aiel tertentu pada tingkatan semai dibanding sapihan, bahkan terjadi kepunahan alel. Di sisi lain, peningkatan frekuensi alel terdapat pada sejumlah lokus yang diamati. Nilai heterosigositas harapan (He) maupun teramati (Ho) cenderung tetap pada dua tingkatan hidup yang berbeda.
Pada tingkatan fisiognomi yang berbeda, teramati kecenderungan adan¥a perubahan frekuensi aiel seiring dengan berubahnya tingkatan fisiognomi. Perubahan frekuensi alel seiring dengan tingkatan fisiognomi ini tidak teramati secara jelas pada level sapihan. Namun pada generasi selanjutnya yaitu level semai, perubahan ini teramati dengan jelas. Sejumlah alel menampakkan adanya peningkatan frekuensi, sedangkan pada alel yang lain, yang terjadi adaiah sebaliknya. Seiring dengan makin lanjutnya tingkatan fisiognomi, ternyata terjadi perubahan distribusi atau pola penyebaran aiel dalam suatu lokus tertentu. Nilai heterosigositas harapan (He) maupun teramati (Ho) untuk sapihan cenderung tetap pada tingkatan fisiognomi yang berbeda. Namun pada level semai, nilai ini ternyata cenderung bervariasi
ZEB1 is Negatively Correlated with E-Cadherin in Prostatic Anomaly Tissue
Background: Prostatic anomalies are common in tumor or infection condition. The enlargement of prostate gland affects the epithelial cell polarity that involves epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Transition into mesenchymal is mediated by transcription factor ZEB1 and E-cadherin protein. Upregulation of ZEB1 and loss of E-Cadherin expression were associated to proliferation and metastasis of malignancy cells. This study aims to describe the correlation of ZEB1 and E-cadherin expression in prostatic anomaly.Materials and method: Samples were Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) block consist of 8 block Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), 6 blocks High Grade Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia (HGPIN) and 6 blocks Prostate Carcinoma (PCA). The blocks then sliced into 5 sections to be prepared for RNA extraction procedures. ZEB1 and E-Cadherin expression was analyzed by semi-quantitative procedures using PCR and electrophoresis. Correlation between ZEB1 and E-Cadherin espression was analyzed using Spearman’s rank correlation.Results: Relative expression of ZEB1 and E-cadherin mRNA in each group of prostatic anomaly were not significantly different (p>0.05). ZEB1 and E-Cadherin mRNA expression showed a significant and moderate level of negative correlation (p<0.05; 0.40 < r < 0.59). Increasing of ZEB1 mRNA expression will be followed by decreasing of E-Cadherin mRNA expression.Conclusion: ZEB1 negatively correlates with E-cadherin due to EMT process in prostatic anomaly. High expression of ZEB1 induced down-regulation of E-cadherin and vise versa. Various studies can be developed, especially the development of targeted therapy against ZEB1 to suppress the EMT process by increasing the expression of E-cadherin.Keywords: epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), ZEB1, E-Cadherin, BPH, HGPIN, PC