Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement)
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    305 research outputs found

    Assessment of Physical and Chemical Quality Standards for Water and Sanitation Disclosure Towards SDG 6: A Study in Wijimulyo, Nanggulan, Kulon Progo Regency

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    Collaboration between academics, educators, students, village civil servants, and the community is needed to implement Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6. It is related to clean water and sanitation in the context of training vocational teachers and students to provide it to the community. First, measurements were made of the water quality around the research area. Sixty-three water samples were drawn from each resident's home's water supply. A multi-parameter water quality checker was used to evaluate the samples, and then spatial data processing was used. A temperature of 24.1 C, turbidity of 0.4 NTU, conductivity of 0.4 mS/cm, pH 7.1, salinity of 0.2 ppt, DO of 5.9 mg/l, and TDS value of 267 mg/l were measured. These average results indicate that the water quality satisfies both Indonesian National Standard 3553:2015 and the water quality criteria set by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation No. 2 Year 2023. However, the results of tracking every sampling location show that several samples fall short of water quality requirements because of the high mineral content, weather, and other factors. Every school and community organization needs to run scenarios to raise awareness about water quality standards involving the government, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector to implement SDGs 6, such as stakeholder engagement, community enhancement, and policy and regulation

    Training on Making Organic Fertilizer at SMPN 5 Satu Atap Labuhan Badas, Sumbawa Regency

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    Organic fertilizer application is a fundamental approach to improving soil structure and nutrient content in order to encourage sustainable agricultural development and high economic benefits. Promoting the use of organic fertilizers for the young generation is one of the steps to educate them on how to utilize organic manure. The community service activity aimed to provide information and an introduction to plants through the use of school grounds for cultivation and to introduce the making of organic fertilizers at the junior high school level. The organic fertilizer was produced from decomposing organic materials such as dry leaves, cow manure, brown sugar, and bioactivator. The community service program presented a positive experience for students by gaining knowledge and experience in making organic fertilizer. They produced organic fertilizer that met the required parameters and was successfully applied to the schoolyard's plants. As a result, they can recognize the health benefits associated with the use of organic fertilizers

    Screening Lung Cancer in Sampang Regency, Madura Through Empowerment and Health Cadres Formation

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    Treatment for lung cancer remains challenging since most of the patients seek medical advice at an advanced stage of disease. Sampang is one of the regencies that refers many lung cancer patients in late stages to Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, due to lack of information of lung cancer and early detection. Limited number of health workers to deliver comprehensive education to all areas requires community volunteers to fill this gap. The objective of this study was to educate and promote lung cancer awareness to the health cadres in Sampang as well as training them to early detecting individuals in the community with high-risk factors, as an attempt to bridge between the health workers and community, therefore the number of lung cancer early detection may be improved. Early identification of cancer may result in reduced morbidity and mortality, and in some cases, if detected early enough, therapy may involve only surgery.  The education was provided for the health cadres by providing information related to lung cancer and guidance to fill the questionnaire and scoring of lung cancer risk factors. The participants' understanding was measured using a pretest-posttest design. Thirty health cadres have been successfully formed, and they have gained knowledge of lung cancer and mastered capability to perform early-screening of lung cancer in the community as shown by the increase of post-test result compared to pre-test. The health cadres then implemented their knowledge of lung cancer early-screening by distributing questionnaires of lung cancer risk factor scoring to residents using door to door methods. The questionnaires’ evaluation collected by the health cadres showed that there were 93 residents with high-risk factors of lung cancer.  In conclusion, the health cadres has been capable to detect high-risk factors individuals in the community which further be followed up by community health workers comprehensively

    Standardization Efforts for Ayam Goreng Kalasan Industry Cluster Through a Partnership Between the University and Local Government to Maintain its Local Wisdom

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    A community service partnership is carried out between a university and a local government to standardize processes and products produced by the Ayam Goreng Kalasan industry cluster. Efforts are made through a series of focused discussion activities, knowledge sharing, and material provision, as well as training and mentoring on aspects of standardization, product diversification,and promotion toward marketing with a broader scope. The first three stages were carried out with the involvement of local government. The results of the community service implementation were measured using a comparison of knowledge of business actors before and after the implementation of the activities. A total of 31 business actors, as members of the Ayam Goreng Kalasan Maju Makmur industry cluster, have participated in this activity. Increased knowledge is observed in all aspects: standardization, diversification, management, and marketing. The collaboration between the university and the local government, therefore, can increase the participation of business actors, accelerate the required standardization and certification process, and further increase the possibility of sustainability of cluster business development

    Community Empowerment Through Bamboo Laminate Technology as Part of Disaster Conservation and Mitigation in Wonokerto, Turi, Sleman, Yogyakarta

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    Bamboo is included in the classification of grasses, but because of its large size compared to other types of grass, bamboo is also called "giant grass". Bamboo has the ability to grow fast, reaching 30-100 cm per day. The target of this community service is the empowerment of the Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) Search and Rescue (SAR) Team in Wonokerto to become a transfer agent for laminated bamboo technology through the training provided. The approach used in this community service is based on research that has been carried out in universities (research-based community development) by involving potential communities as social agents and potential assets (assessed-based community development) in the community to support Mount Merapi as a National Strategic Area (KSN). In training implementation, the participants showed high contribution in providing training material, attendance, and involvement. Based on the training survey on bamboo laminate technology, 80.59\% of respondents know the identification material, stage of preparation material, identification of connection mixture, identification of lamination stage, and quality check of laminated bamboo lumbar. The proposed training or assistance for sustainability community services are marketing, business planning, product design, and quality products

    Producing and Using Organic NPK Fertilizer From Agricultural and Household Waste by a Farmer Group in Sleman, Yogyakarta

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    The agricultural industry, including the cultivation of paddy and vegetables, plays a crucial role in the economy of Padukuhan Dukuh and serves as its residents' primary source of income. Nevertheless, farmers have expressed that the challenge of acquiring subsidized fertilizers from the government substantially hinders the agricultural process. Compound fertilizer, often known as NPK fertilizer, is a specific chemical fertilizer frequently used by farmers to enhance soil fertility rapidly. This community service program aims to spread awareness about using alternative fertilizers (such as compost and liquid organic NPK) to minimize the adverse effects of fertilization on the environment. Additionally, the program seeks to promote the conversion of agricultural and household waste into organic fertilizers. The service activity took place from September 10 to October 14, 2023. Padukuhan Dukuh is the location where the production of alternative organic fertilizers using agricultural and home waste takes place. This service aims to offer support to the members of the "Ngudi Makmur" Farmer Group, located in Padukuhan Dukuh, Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, DIY. There were 20 members of the farmer group present at the service. The community service stages are categorized into various implementation methodologies, specifically knowledge sharing, a workshop, monitoring, and evaluation. The results have been collected, and a favorable response from the community has been received. This offers a unique organic NPK fertilizer that is readily available and more efficient. The program has been assessed from various perspectives, including its sustainability. Several aspects must be taken into account to evaluate the program's sustainability. These factors encompass the necessity to enhance the caliber of human resources, augment crop output, maintain the reliability of fertilizer production via compost houses, and consider the economic and socio-cultural values.

    Sustainable and Quality Tourism Training for the Local Community of Braga Tourism Village

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    The readiness and participation of the community in balancing their area to become a destination with quality tourism is needed. Therefore, community empowerment is needed, which aims to harmonize the existing strategic plan for the community living in Braga Tourism Village, which requires readiness and participation in its development because the community lives around an area with historical and cultural tourism potential, which of course needs to be preserved and utilized by applicable laws. The community needs to identify the potential and implement suitable programs based on the concept and applicable laws. With this provision, it was hoped that community-based tourism efforts would support the existence of areas with potential cultural and historical attractions and promote quality tourism. This community service program aims to provide material on the concept of quality tourism and sustainable tourism. This program aimed to maximize the potential of the cultural history tourist attraction of Braga Tourism Village, which then targets the community to understand and apply the material that has been given in the training. The activity method is in the form of exposure to quality and sustainable tourism material to maximize existing potential. This program was divided into three parts: planning and preparation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. This training program was well executed because the community had better post-test score results compared to the pretest. However, they still need to learn more about the positive impact of tourism on the environment and its application in the community, especially businesses that support tourism

    SHOPI (Sosialisasi Pencegahan Hipertensi): Building Community Resilience Against Hypertension in Banyuwangi, Indonesia

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    This community service was aimed at increasing knowledge to prevent hypertension by utilizing the role of mother cadres of PKK, which stands for Pemberdayaan dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga, a hamlet/village-level association focusing on family welfare and empowerment. These cadres are representatives of neighborhood associations (RT/Rukun Tetangga) in the village area. This community empowerment was held through counseling lectures. This activity was carried out in 2022; the data, which were the participants’ responses, were collected using pretest and post-test questionnaires. The sampling was carried out using accidental sampling with a cross-sectional design. This activity targeted 30 PKK mothers as representatives from each neighborhood in Karangrejo Village, Banyuwangi Regency. This empowerment increased the knowledge of the target community regarding the prevention of hypertension by 22.7 points. The average score of the participants’ pretest was 52.26, and that of the post-test was 74.96. This is in line with studies that found that community service activities carried out using the roles of cadres and the elderly showed optimal results in increasing the target communities’ knowledge in the operation of tensimeters and measuring blood sugar, uric acid, and cholesterol as well as increasing knowledge of cadres and the elderly in hypertension management, and dietary management of hypertension. The SHOPI Project (Education on Hypertension Prevention) effectively enhances public awareness regarding hypertension prevention, with a focus on women from the PKK community in Karangrejo Village, Banyuwangi Regency

    Rehabilitation of Toothless Conditions with Dental Implants to Improve the Nutritional Status and General Health of the Terban Village Community

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    Terban Village is a village that has a significant number of residents who suffer from toothless conditions. This condition directly affects the village population’s nutritional status and general health. This community service aimed to rehabilitate the condition of toothlessness with dental implants to improve the nutritional status and general health of the people of Terban Village. The methods used in this community service were counseling, general health, mental and dental examinations, health utility levels, radiological examinations, and dental implant treatment for the residents. The output of this community service was a counseling session that involved 70 Terban Village residents. The DMFT index of Terban Village residents was 7.47 and was still above the WHO baseline. Five respondents were selected to undergo rehabilitation procedures with dental implants. Rehabilitation of edentulous conditions with dental implants will have a positive impact on improving the nutritional status and general health of the people of Terban Village. In addition, the general health of the population has also experienced improvements, such as reducing the number of cases of nutrition-related diseases and improving the overall quality of life

    Healthcarepreneurship Training on Making Antibacterial Liquid Soap (Hand Soap) Made From Hibiscus rosa sinensis L. Extracts

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    Healthcare is one of the critical elements of infection prevention and control, one of which can be done by maintaining hand hygiene. Hand washing with soap and flowing water has long been considered a parameter of personal hygiene and is a simple way to reduce the transmission of infections, especially those caused by hand contact between individuals. However, it must still be done by paying attention to the time and the correct way to wash hands according to WHO standards. At this time, various hand soap products have emerged but are not antibacterial. Antibacterial ingredients used as soap base should not contain various kinds of chemicals that are harmful to the health of its users. Therefore, the use of natural ingredients can be an alternative to substitute chemical active substances. One that has been tested for its antibacterial properties is hibiscus flower (Hibiscus rosa sinensis L.). This activity began with presenting the results of the screening on hand washing habits carried out 2 weeks earlier. The next activity is the introduction to making antibacterial hand soap made from hibiscus extract through material presentation and empirical evidence of the potential of hibiscus as an antibacterial, as well as videos about the importance of maintaining hand hygiene through proper hand washing regularly. The activity is expected to make the healthcare UMKM know and understand that hibiscus flowers, which are widely available around their residence, can be used as raw material for making hand soap that has been produced so far, so as to minimize the use of chemical-based antibacterials. The hand soap product produced later became a collaborative product produced by the community, and then registered a patent with the number S00202120213 on November 17th, 2021


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    Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement)
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