
Kebumen coastal areas mostly consist of unstable sand dunes. The vegetations are dominated bygrass, pandanus and seasonal cover-cropsthat emerge during rainy seasons. Some varieties of these seasonal cover-crops may have medicinal values. Onthe area behind the cover-crops formation, trees (e.g. cashew nut, nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum), Casuarinas and other fruit trees grow. In addition, people plant bamboo, melinjo (Gnetum gnemon Linn.) and banana in their backyard. The principle of sustainability has not been implemented on the utilization of these locally available natural resources. Forthis reason, it is necessary to set up a community empowerment program which has a main theme of community-base sustainable utilization of the coastal natural resources. This community empowerment program involved students who perform their compulsory community service program (KKNPPM).In the program, the students have worked together with tbe actively participating local community and have also been supported by the local government. This program has produced some results, e.g. : 1) cashew nut and nyamplung processing equipments2) a silvopasture demplot 3) a legal licences from the authority for production and processing of local raw materials 4) a leaflet of medicinal plants 5) environmental-care campaign stickers 6) a continuation plan for the future community empowemlent program

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