712 research outputs found


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    Ayurveda is a science of life. Ayurveda focuses more to remain healthy and prevent diseases. To become healthy, diet plays a very important role. All the Ayurvedic classics have paid special attention on the concept of wholesome and unwholesome diet. The food, which maintains the balanced Dhatus in normalcy and restores the equilibrium, should be taken as wholesome. Unwholesome diet i.e. Viruddha Ahara is a special concept described in Ayurvedic literature. Different types of Viruddha’s have been mentioned according to place, time, digestion power, dosage, habit, doshas, mode of preparation and so on. Samskar Viruddha is that where food is converted into harmful substances during the course of preparation emerging ill effects on health. In current scenario examples of Samskar Viruddha Ahara are being changed due to changing life style, urbanization and fascination of western culture. Though there is noticeable change in food habits and preparatory methods between early time and in present era, the principle (Ayurvedic siddhant) behind this remained the same. Today’s lifestyle is very fast, full of hurry. As a result consumption of ready-made food is in much demand. And if it is deep-fried then its demand becomes even higher. Edible vegetable oil is the major ingredient in these fried food products. Reusing this deep fried oil repeatedly for frying purposes leads to many health hazards. The efforts have been made here to elaborate health effects of reusing cooking oil for frying process as an account of Samskar Viruddha. 

    Earthquake Induced Liquefaction Using Shake Table Test

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    Loose saturated cohesionless soils may undergo liquefaction due to strong ground motions. Such liquefaction causes significant damage to the structure resting on such soil. The extent of damage primarily depends upon soil properties, intensity of earthquake and type of structure. Various analytical models have been developed to estimate the likelihood of liquefaction of particular site based on field performance. However, if it is possible to identify the sites which are likely to liquefy due to specific intensity of earthquake it will help implementing the reduction in the damage which it would otherwise cause. One such analytical model has been developed by one of the authors of this paper and has been found to satisfactorily demarcate ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ zones of liquefaction for number of earthquakes. However, earlier research shows that laboratory tests could also be conducted to study the liquefaction behavior of soil under specific condition. The present study mainly deals with an attempt made in conducting Shake Table Test in laboratory by simulating earthquake conditions on site. The results obtained from the trial tests have been compared with the actual field cases and also with laboratory tests conducted for such soil by other researchers. It is observed that the criterion of the occurrence of liquefaction in the laboratory model is in close agreement with actual field data. Shake table test is found to be more effective in simulating the strong ground motion during earthquake


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    Expression of any disease is a chain of various processes starting from the encounter of etiological factors unto formation of that disease. In Ayurveda it is stated that Sharir Doshas i.e., Vata, Pitta and Kapha are accountable for all kind of functions in the body. At the same time if there is imbalance in these Doshas due to any reason, they can affect Dhatus (body tissues) and can cause various diseases. The causation of disease is attributed to Doshas hence it is essential to know the movement of these Doshas in our body at any given point of time. The word Kriyakala comprised of two words Kriya and Kala in which Kriya means treatment or action and Kala means time. Hence Kriyakala means the time of treatment or opportunities in the process of disease manifestation. Shat Kriyakala i.e. six stages are mentioned by Aacharya Sushruta which gives an idea regarding the present condition of Doshadushti and also the progress of disease in the body. It also guides us when to start treatment and what should be the line of treatment. In modern medicine it is described that one has to maintain homeostasis so as to remain in healthy. Human homeostasis refers to the body's ability to physiologically regulate its inner environment to ensure its stability in response to fluctuations in the outside environment and weather. When body fails to maintain homeostasis it leads to pathogenesis and formation of disease. The pathogenesis of a disease is the biological mechanism (or mechanisms) that lead to the diseased state. The term can also describe the origin and development of the disease and whether it is acute, chronic, or recurrent. This article highlights correlation of the summery based on the Ayurvedic theory of Shatkriyakala with special reference to modern theory of homeostasis and pathogenesis

    O amor natural e o projeto poético-pensante de Carlos Drummond de Andrade

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    Leitura de O amor natural (1992) livro póstumo de poemas eróticos como coroação do projeto poético-pensante de Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Na construção da argumentação teórica, agenciam-se estudos críticos e historiográficos importantes no cenário brasileiro a respeito do poeta mineiro e recorre-se, ainda, ao pensamento de Martin Heidegger no ensaio A origem da obra de arte. No primeiro capítulo, é feita uma revisão da fortuna crítica que a poética drummondiana engendrou; no segundo capítulo, lê-se o todo desta produção como um projeto; no terceiro, descreve-se e analisa-se O amor natural

    Gaseificação da biomassa fecal para produção de biocombustível: Estudo da conversão termoquímica e avaliação exergoecológica

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    O presente trabalho faz um estudo da biomassa fecal humana como fonte de energia alternativa renovável. O Poder Calorífico médio e o Poder Calorífico em função da ingestão calórica permitiram a determinção do potencial energético dessa biomassa em nível mundial, por continente e país. Uma análise das fezes de outros animais também foi realizada e comparada com as fezes humanas sob o ponto de vista calorífico, utilizando o conceito de Índice de Energia Rejeitada (IER), que é a energia rejeitada por quilode massa corporal, obtendo-se, para o ser humano, o menor dos valores. O uso das fezes humanas em um reator de bancada simulando um gaseificador contra-corrente permitiu obter resultados e conclusões preliminares para aplicação posterior em um gaseificador do tipo cocorrente, com capacidade para20 kW, com teores de umidade variando de 0%, 10% e 20% e diâmetros de partícula de 15, 30 e 50 mm. Foi também realizado um estudo de viabilidade da utilização da tecnologia da gaseificação como um sistema alternativo para o tratamento de esgoto, tomando-se como referência o conceito de exergia por meio de dois parâmetros de referência: eficiência exergética ambiental, definida como a razão da exergia do efeito útil do processo e a exergia total consumida dos insumos utilizados no processo, e o índice exergético de renovabilidade que é a razão entre as exergias dos produtos e a soma das exergias não renováveis e exergias destruídas. Por fim, foi montada uma tabela com os parâmetros eficiência exergética ambiental e índice de renovabilidade encontrados neste trabalho e aqueles determinados por BEJARANO (2009) para outras três tecnologias de tratamento de esgoto: Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto Barueri (Brasil), RAFA-Lagoa Facultativa (Brasil) e Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto Cañavelarejo (Colômbia). Os resultados, embora ilustrativos, indicam que a gaseificação pode se tornar uma etapa bastante vantajosa para utilização em um sistema de tratamento de esgoto

    Challenges for Efficient Query Evaluation on Structured Probabilistic Data

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    Query answering over probabilistic data is an important task but is generally intractable. However, a new approach for this problem has recently been proposed, based on structural decompositions of input databases, following, e.g., tree decompositions. This paper presents a vision for a database management system for probabilistic data built following this structural approach. We review our existing and ongoing work on this topic and highlight many theoretical and practical challenges that remain to be addressed.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, 23 references. Accepted for publication at SUM 201

    Correlation between maternal serum biochemical markers with karyotyping for prenatal screening of foetal chromosomal abnormalities

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    Background: Prenatal screening for chromosomal abnormalities can be done by biochemical screening tests like dual marker test (DMT), triple marker test (TMT) and quadruple marker test (QMT). It is important to identify ideal screening test among them which best correlates with result of karyotyping which is confirmatory test of foetal chromosomal abnormalities. This helps to decrease need for invasive prenatal tests for foetal karyotyping. This study aims to evaluate sensitivity, specificity, diagnostic accuracy and correlation of DMT, TMT, and QMT with results of karyotyping.Methods: Retrospective observational study was conducted in tertiary care maternity hospital over one year- 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2015. Women with singleton pregnancy undergoing DMT, TMT or QMT were included.Results: Of the 529 women screened by biochemical marker tests, 462 (87.33%) were screen negative and 67 (12.66%) women were screen positive. In 56 women, it was false positive (83.58%) and in 11 women true positive (16.41%). In 461 women the test results were true negative (99.78%), but in one case, result was false negative (0.21%).  3/11 (27.27%)women with foetal chromosomal abnormalities were primigravidae. 4/11 (36.36%)women were below 35 years. DMT and QMT had higher sensitivity (both 100%) and specificity (90.00% and 93.18% respectively) than TMT (sensitivity 80% and specificity 82.61%). Positive likelihood ratio (LR+) was 1.00 in DMT. Diagnostic odds ratio was highest with DMT (DOR=115.11) and best correlated with karyotyping results (coefficient of correlation 0.4).Conclusions: Universal screening of antenatal women, irrespective of their age and parity is suggested. DMT has highest diagnostic value and best correlation with the results of karyotyping. Hence the dual marker test can be considered to be better test for screening for aneuploidy

    Data driven Xpath generation

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    The XPath query language offers a standard for information extraction from HTML documents. Therefore, the DOM tree represen- tation is typically used, which models the hierarchical structure of the document. One of the key aspects of HTML is the separation of data and the structure that is used to represent it. A consequence thereof is that data extraction algorithms usually fail to identify data if the structure of a document is changed. In this paper, it is investigated how a set of tab- ular oriented XPath queries can be adapted in such a way it deals with modifications in the DOM tree of an HTML document. The basic idea is hereby that if data has already been extracted in the past, it could be used to reconstruct XPath queries that retrieve the data from a different DOM tree. Experimental results show the accuracy of our method

    A commercial micropropagation protocol for virupakshi (AAB) banana via apical meristem

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    In vitro micropropagation of banana (Musa spp.) cv.virupakshi (Hillbanana) was studied. Suckers were collected from the germ plasm block of Jain R&D (originally established from the suckers from Palani Hills, Tamil Nadu) during summer. The sucker surface sterilized with 1% NaOCl for 30 min gave 100% survival without any contamination. Apical meristems that were isolated and cultured on MS based media supplemented with benzylaminopurine (BAP) 10.0 mg/l and IAA1.0 mg/l gave higher number of shoots (134.3 shoots/explant) within168 days (24 weeks). Kinetin 2.0 mg/l and NAA0.5 mg/l gave early rooting in just five days with 6.6 roots per plant. Observations were recorded after every four weeks up to six sub-culturing. Acclimatization was done in poly house, followed by shade house under 50% light conditions. The hardened plants when shifted to the field showed luxurious growth. The regenerated micro propagated banana plants were tested for genetic uniformity through 13 inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers recommended by NCS-TCP, DBT. Profiles obtained by all the three ISSR primers namely, 834, 840 and 850, respectively exhibited similar banding patterns, which revealed the existence of genetic uniformity in micro- propagated plants.Keywords: Micropropagation, Virupakshi, hill banana, banana bunchy top viru

    Comparative Performance of Mango Varieties Grafted on Vellaikolamban and Mixed Rootstock

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    Research on rootstock in mango is very limited in our country. Kalapady was reported to be a dwarfing rootstock. Recent trend among mango growers is to high density orcharding with dwarfening nature of the varietie. Efforts were made at Agriculture Research Station, Mulde, to study comparative performance of Ratna, Alphonso and Kesar mango on Vellaikolamban and mixed rootstock i.e., heterozygous seedling stock and the effect of rootstock on a scion under high density of 5m x 5m spacing. Results indicated that use of Vellaikolamban rootstock reduced plant volume in scion cv. Alphonso by 39.1%, followed by 24.9% in Ratna and 26.5% in cv. Kesar. As volume of the canopy was reduced, it directly influenced fruit yield cvs. Alphonso and Ratna. However, reduction in canopy volume had a positive influence on yield in cv. Kesar. Net returns of Rs.38,629/- per ha were maximum for Kesar with the rootstock Vellaikolamban