1,691 research outputs found

    Simple and effective method to lock buoy position to ocean currents

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    Window-shade drogue, used with drifting buoys to keep them moving with current at speed as close to that of current as possible, has drag coefficient of 1.93 compared to maximum of 1.52 for previous drogues. It is remarkably simple to construct, use, and store

    Spatiospectral concentration on a sphere

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    We pose and solve the analogue of Slepian's time-frequency concentration problem on the surface of the unit sphere to determine an orthogonal family of strictly bandlimited functions that are optimally concentrated within a closed region of the sphere, or, alternatively, of strictly spacelimited functions that are optimally concentrated within the spherical harmonic domain. Such a basis of simultaneously spatially and spectrally concentrated functions should be a useful data analysis and representation tool in a variety of geophysical and planetary applications, as well as in medical imaging, computer science, cosmology and numerical analysis. The spherical Slepian functions can be found either by solving an algebraic eigenvalue problem in the spectral domain or by solving a Fredholm integral equation in the spatial domain. The associated eigenvalues are a measure of the spatiospectral concentration. When the concentration region is an axisymmetric polar cap the spatiospectral projection operator commutes with a Sturm-Liouville operator; this enables the eigenfunctions to be computed extremely accurately and efficiently, even when their area-bandwidth product, or Shannon number, is large. In the asymptotic limit of a small concentration region and a large spherical harmonic bandwidth the spherical concentration problem approaches its planar equivalent, which exhibits self-similarity when the Shannon number is kept invariant.Comment: 48 pages, 17 figures. Submitted to SIAM Review, August 24th, 200

    Corrections for gravitational lensing of supernovae: better than average?

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    We investigate the possibility of correcting for the magnification due to gravitational lensing of standard candle sources, such as Type Ia supernovae. Our method uses the observed properties of the foreground galaxies along the lines-of-sight to each source and the accuracy of the lensing correction depends on the quality and depth of these observations as well as the uncertainties in translating the observed luminosities to the matter distribution in the lensing galaxies. The current work is limited to cases where the matter density is dominated by the individual galaxy halos. However, it is straightforward to generalize the method to include also gravitational lensing from cluster scale halos. We show that the dispersion due to lensing for a standard candle source at z=1.5 can be reduced from about 7% to ~< 3%, i.e. the magnification correction is useful in reducing the scatter in the Type Ia Hubble diagram, especially at high redshifts where the required long exposure times makes it hard to reach large statistics and the dispersion due to lensing becomes comparable to the intrinsic Type Ia scatter.Comment: Matches accepted version, includes clarifications and additional issues. 28 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Lensing magnification of supernovae in the GOODS-fields

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    Gravitational lensing of high-redshift supernovae is potentially an important source of uncertainty when deriving cosmological parameters from the measured brightness of Type Ia supernovae, especially in deep surveys with scarce statistics. Photometric and spectroscopic measurements of foreground galaxies along the lines-of-sight of 33 supernovae discovered with the Hubble Space Telescope, both core-collapse and Type Ia, are used to model the magnification probability distributions of the sources. Modelling galaxy halos with SIS or NFW-profiles and using M/L scaling laws provided by the Faber-Jackson and Tully-Fisher relations, we find clear evidence for supernovae with lensing (de)magnification. However, the magnification distribution of the Type Ia supernovae used to determine cosmological distances matches very well the expectations for an unbiased sample, i.e.their mean magnification factor is consistent with unity. Our results show that the lensing distortions of the supernova brightness can be well understood for the GOODS sample and that correcting for this effect has a negligible impact on the derived cosmological parameters.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication by Ap

    A new measure of σ8\sigma_8 using the lensing dispersion in high-zz type Ia SNe

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    The gravitational lensing magnification or demagnification due to large-scale structures induces a scatter in peak magnitudes of high redshift type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). The amplitude of the lensing dispersion strongly depends on that of density fluctuations characterized by the σ8\sigma_8 parameter. Therefore the value of σ8\sigma_8 is constrained by measuring the dispersion in the peak magnitudes. We examine how well SN Ia data will provide a constraint on the value of σ8\sigma_8 using a likelihood analysis method. It is found that the number and quality of SN Ia data needed for placing a useful constraint on σ8\sigma_8 is attainable with Next Generation Space Telescope.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Pregnancy-Related Lumbopelvic Pain: Listening to Australian Women

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    To investigate the prevalence and nature of lumbo-pelvic pain (LPP), that is experienced by women in the lumbar and/or sacro-iliac area and/or symphysis pubis during pregnancy. Cross-sectional, descriptive study. An Australian public hospital antenatal clinic. Women in their third trimester of pregnancy. Method. Women were recruited to the study as they presented for their antenatal appointment. A survey collected demographic data and was used to self report LPP. A pain diagram differentiated low back, pelvic girdle or combined pain. Closed and open ended questions explored the experiences of the women.Main OutcomeMeasures. The Visual Analogue Scale and the Oswestry Disability Index (Version 2.1a). Results. There was a high prevalence of self reported LPP during the pregnancy (71%). An association was found between the reporting of LPP, multiparity, and a previous history of LPP. The mean intensity score for usual pain was 6/10 and four out of five women reported disability associated with the condition.Most women (71%) had reported their symptoms to their maternity carer however only a small proportion of these women received intervention. Conclusion. LPP is a potentially significant health issue during pregnancy

    High Redshift Supernova Rates

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    We use a sample of 42 supernovae detected with the Advanced Camera for Surveys on-board the Hubble Space Telescope as part of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey to measure the rate of core collapse supernovae to z~0.7 and type Ia supernovae to z~1.6. This significantly increases the redshift range where supernova rates have been estimated from observations. The rate of core collapse supernovae can be used as an independent probe of the cosmic star formation rate. Based on the observations of 17 core collapse supernovae, we measure an increase in the core collapse supernova rate by a factor of 1.6 in the range 0.3<z<0.7, and an overall increase by a factor of 7 to z~0.7 in comparison to the local core collapse supernova rate. The increase in the rate in this redshift range in consistent with recent measurements of the star formation rate derived from UV-luminosity densities and IR datasets. Based on 25 type Ia supernovae, we find a SN Ia rate that is a factor 3-5 higher at z~1 compared to earlier estimates at lower redshifts (z<0.5), implying that the type Ia supernova rate traces a higher star formation rate at redshifts z>1 compared to low redshift. At higher redshift (z>1), we find a suggested decrease in the type Ia rate with redshift. This evolution of the Ia rate with redshift is consistent with a type Ia progenitor model where there is a substantial delay between the formation of the progenitor star and the explosion of the supernova. Assuming that the type Ia progenitor stars have initial main sequence masses 3-8 M_Sun, we find that 5-7% of the available progenitors explode as type Ia supernovae.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Finite elements and the discrete variable representation in nonequilibrium Green's function calculations. Atomic and molecular models

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    In this contribution, we discuss the finite-element discrete variable representation (FE-DVR) of the nonequilibrium Green's function and its implications on the description of strongly inhomogeneous quantum systems. In detail, we show that the complementary features of FEs and the DVR allows for a notably more efficient solution of the two-time Schwinger/Keldysh/Kadanoff-Baym equations compared to a general basis approach. Particularly, the use of the FE-DVR leads to an essential speedup in computing the self-energies. As atomic and molecular examples we consider the He atom and the linear version of H3+_3^+ in one spatial dimension. For these closed-shell models we, in Hartree-Fock and second Born approximation, compute the ground-state properties and compare with the exact findings obtained from the solution of the few-particle time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, submitted as proceedings of conference "PNGF IV

    Near-IR Search for Lensed Supernovae Behind Galaxy Clusters - II. First Detection and Future Prospects

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    Powerful gravitational telescopes in the form of massive galaxy clusters can be used to enhance the light collecting power over a limited field of view by about an order of magnitude in flux. This effect is exploited here to increase the depth of a survey for lensed supernovae at near-IR wavelengths. A pilot SN search program conducted with the ISAAC camera at VLT is presented. Lensed galaxies behind the massive clusters A1689, A1835 and AC114 were observed for a total of 20 hours split into 2, 3 and 4 epochs respectively, separated by approximately one month to a limiting magnitude J<24 (Vega). Image subtractions including another 20 hours worth of archival ISAAC/VLT data were used to search for transients with lightcurve properties consistent with redshifted supernovae, both in the new and reference data. The feasibility of finding lensed supernovae in our survey was investigated using synthetic lightcurves of supernovae and several models of the volumetric Type Ia and core-collapse supernova rates as a function of redshift. We also estimate the number of supernova discoveries expected from the inferred star formation rate in the observed galaxies. The methods consistently predict a Poisson mean value for the expected number of SNe in the survey between N_SN=0.8 and 1.6 for all supernova types, evenly distributed between core collapse and Type Ia SN. One transient object was found behind A1689, 0.5" from a galaxy with photometric redshift z_gal=0.6 +- 0.15. The lightcurve and colors of the transient are consistent with being a reddened Type IIP SN at z_SN=0.59. The lensing model predicts 1.4 magnitudes of magnification at the location of the transient, without which this object would not have been detected in the near-IR ground based search described in this paper (unlensed magnitude J~25). (abridged)Comment: Accepted by AA, matches journal versio
