2,421 research outputs found

    Una justificación de la no-violencia a través de un texto bélico: Gandhi lee el Bhagavad Gita

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    Confrontaré la interpretación tradicional del Bhagavad Gita con la lectura de Mahatma Gandhi. Una larga tradición de exegetas hinduistas ha interpretado el Bhagavad Gita como una justificación religiosa de la guerra. En cambio, Gandhi encuentra en su lectura el fundamento de la no-­‐‑violencia (ahimsa), como precepto inquebrantable y factor fundamental de la libertad (moksha). Por ello, la ahimsa es el único dharma. Para defender la anterior afirmación, Gandhi debe invertir el sentido tradicional de la Gita y transfigurar el significado de la noción de dharma asociada al cumplimiento de los deberes particulares de cada hinduista de acuerdo con su casta.Gandhi’s Bhagavad Gita interpretation will be presented against the background of traditional explanations, which consider the Bhagavad Gita as a religious justification of war. Gandhi, instead, finds in its reading the kernel of ahimsa, as a basic moral principle and as a factor for freedom (moksha). Thus, ahimsa is the only dharma. In order to argue for the last affirmation, Gandhi has to turn upside down the traditional sense of the Gita and the meaning of dharma related to the performance of the particular duties of every hindu in accordance with his caste

    L'Ètica nicomaquea d'Aristòtil en un compendi català del segle XV

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    Aquesta edició del Llibre de monàstica o ètica d'Aristòtil, realitzada a partir de l'únic manuscrit conegut: Biblioteca de Catalunya ms. 296, ofereix la primera publicació moderna d'aquest compendi català redactat probablement al segon terç del segle XV. Amb aquesta edició, volem contribuir a eixamplar el coneixement sobre l'ús del vernacle en la difusió escrita i en la docència filosòfica al segle XV. Així mateix, aquesta primera edició ens proveeix d'una font primigènia per a conèixer el lèxic filosòfic català. Específicament, forneix el vocabulari bàsic amb què s'ha analitzat la vida moral en la nostra llengua. D'altra part, aquesta publicació relaciona el text català amb els testimonis castellans i aragonesos, cosa que manifesta l'ampla influència de l'aristotelisme en el pensament moral peninsular al llarg del segle XV. A més, mostra l'extensa difusió del gènere literari al qual s'adscriu: les conclusiones. Per últim, el compendi mereix també la nostra atenció com a clar exemple de la funció didàctica d'aquest gènere escolàstic.This edition of the Llibre de monàstica o ètica by Aristotle, based on the only known manuscript (Biblioteca de Catalunya ms. 296), is the first version of this Catalan epitome probably written in the second third of the 15 th century to be published in modern times. With this first edition, we hope to further the existing knowledge about the use of the vernacular in philosophical writing and teaching during the 15th century. The work is a primary source of Catalan philosophical lexicon and, more specifically, it provides us with the basic vocabulary with which moral life has been analysed. Furthermore, this publication links the Catalan text to other Castilian and Aragonese compendia, which shows the deep influence of Aristotelianism on Iberian moral thought throughout the 15th century. Moreover, this epitome is proof of the widespread diffusion of the literary genre to which it belongs, namely, conclusiones. This text is also a noteworthy example of the educational role played by this scholastic genre, due to the fact that its schematic structure facilitates the memorisation of its main ideas

    Esyllt T. Lawrence: una gal·lesa a Catalunya (Una antologia de textos)

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    Esyllt Thomas Lawrence (1917-1995) se'ns presenta, d'entrada, amb una trajectòria força singular: una dona que naix a Gal·les, s'educa universitàriament a Anglaterra, viu casada amb un diplomàtic a EUA en plena Segona Guerra Mundial, recomença una nova vida a Mèxic enlluernada per un soldat republicà exiliat català, i acaba vivint sota una dictadura en una altra nació sense estat com Gal·les i amb una nova llengua: el català. Finalment retorna al seu país nadiu amb estades periòdiques a Catalunya on s'implica en la política nacionalista i la llengua i cultures gal·leses fins els darrers dies

    Una caracterització cognitiva de les preguntes confirmatòries: (question tags)

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    This paper is an attempt to provide a cognitive approach to question tags, as grammatical constructions that show different syntactic forms. We propose an account based on the following points: (i) definition of question tags, (ii) contrastive analysis of the structures in several languages (Catalan, Spanish, French, Italian, English and German), (iii) pragmatic approach to question tags, (iv) syntactic approach, and (v) study of question tags as grammatical constructions. Our main claim is that the various forms that they show in the languages considered are closely related, and that they evidenciate some of the three definitory characteristics of the construction, namely, its mixed modality between assertion and interrogation, on the one hand, and halfway between affirmation and negation, on the other, its relationship with the truth value of the proposition it follows and finally its subjective character, which is connected with the manifestation of the opinions and discoursive attitudes of the speake

    Multifractal Characterization of Seismic Activity in the Provinces of Esmeraldas and Manabí, Ecuador

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    Due to the enormous impact of seismic activity and the need to deepen knowledge of its behavior, this research work carries out an analysis of the multifractal nature of the magnitude, inter-distance and interevent time series of earthquakes that occurred in Ecuador during the years 2011–2017 in the provinces of Manabí and Esmeraldas, two areas with high seismic activity. For this study we use multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA), which allows the detection of multifractality in a non-stationary series as well as in a series of parameters of non-linear characterization. The obtained results revealed that an interevent time series presents a higher degree of multifractality than the two previously mentioned. In addition, the Hurst exponent values were in a non-proportional function to (q), which is a weight value indicating the multifractal behavior of the dynamics of the earthquakes analyzed in this work. Finally, several multifractal parameters were calculated, and as a result all series were skewed to the right. This reveals that small variations in the analyzed series were more dominant than large fluctuations

    Contingut en fluor a les aigües de consum públic de Catalunya: aportació de dades i consells pràctics per al clínic

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    El coneixement del contingut de fluor a les aigües de consum públic és de gran importància pel que fa a l'ús de suplements d'aquest mineral en la prevenció i control de la caries dental. S'exposen dades deis nivells de fluorurs dels abastaments públics de Catalunya, i consells pràctics per al clínic en relació a l'ús de suplements. Quasi un 90 % de les xarxes tingueren ni­vells inferiors a O. 7 mg/1

    Astrocytes and Müller Cell Alterations During Retinal Degeneration in a Transgenic Rat Model of Retinitis Pigmentosa

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    Purpose: Retinitis pigmentosa includes a group of progressive retinal degenerative diseases that affect the structure and function of photoreceptors. Secondarily to the loss of photoreceptors, there is a reduction in retinal vascularization, which seems to influence the cellular degenerative process. Retinal macroglial cells, astrocytes, and Müller cells provide support for retinal neurons and are fundamental for maintaining normal retinal function. The aim of this study was to investigate the evolution of macroglial changes during retinal degeneration in P23H rats. Methods: Homozygous P23H line-3 rats aged from P18 to 18 months were used to study the evolution of the disease, and SD rats were used as controls. Immunolabeling with antibodies against GFAP, vimentin, and transducin were used to visualize macroglial cells and cone photoreceptors. Results: In P23H rats, increased GFAP labeling in Müller cells was observed as an early indicator of retinal gliosis. At 4 and 12 months of age, the apical processes of Müller cells in P23H rats clustered in firework-like structures, which were associated with ring-like shaped areas of cone degeneration in the outer nuclear layer. These structures were not observed at 16 months of age. The number of astrocytes was higher in P23H rats than in the SD matched controls at 4 and 12 months of age, supporting the idea of astrocyte proliferation. As the disease progressed, astrocytes exhibited a deteriorated morphology and marked hypertrophy. The increase in the complexity of the astrocytic processes correlated with greater connexin 43 expression and higher density of connexin 43 immunoreactive puncta within the ganglion cell layer (GCL) of P23H vs. SD rat retinas. Conclusions: In the P23H rat model of retinitis pigmentosa, the loss of photoreceptors triggers major changes in the number and morphology of glial cells affecting the inner retina

    Algunos casos de atribuidos y apócrifos en las ediciones de la poesía de Quevedo

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    En este artículo se ha pretendido realizar una revisión de los textos apócrifos y atribuidos que han sido recogidos en las ediciones de la poesía completa de Quevedo. Para ello se ha reunido la bibliografía existente y consultado varios testimonios manuscritos, con la finalidad de analizar y valorar los textos espurios o de dudosa autoría adjudicados al escritor madrileño. In this article, it has been pretended to make a review of the apocryphal and attributed texts that have been recollected in the complete poetry edition of Quevedo. For that purpose, the existent bibliography has been reunited as well as consulted some manuscript testimonies to analyse and validate the spurious and doubtful authored texts attributed to the Madrilenian writer

    Las lecturas de Quevedo a la luz de algunos impresos de su biblioteca

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    En este trabajo se realiza un primer acercamiento a la configuración del catálogo de la posible biblioteca a la que tuvo acceso Quevedo (ya fuera en ejemplares suyos o del Duque de Medinaceli). La reconstrucción de esta «biblioteca imaginaria» se realiza a partir de los índices de libros del Monasterio de San Martín de Madrid. Por ello, se ha procedido a una primera cala en dichos índices con la finalidad de identificar ediciones de autores leídos y citados por Quevedo: Arias Montano, Botero, Lipsio, Petrarca, padre Mariana, entre otros. También se presenta el hallazgo de una obra de Carpentier propiedad de Quevedo, que se añade a los más de 25 impresos ya conocidos de su biblioteca. The present work constitutes a preliminary approach to the possible catalogue of a potential library that could have been accessible to Quevedo, either through their own books or through those of the Duke of Medinaceli. The reconstruction of this «imaginary library» is based on the indexes of the library of the Monasterio de San Martín, Madrid. A first screening of those indexes have been performed in order to identify printed books which Quevedo read and cited from, among others, Arias Montano, Botero, Lipsio, Petrarca and Mariana. A couple of works from Carpentier have been also identified as being property of Quevedo. These works must now be added to those already known printed books from his library, more than 25 pieces of work until no