2,019 research outputs found

    Mapping research trends in publications related to bio-jet fuel: a scientometric review

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    It is a fact that society has increased the need for mobility throughout the world. In that regard, it has become aware of the problems associated with the use of fossil fuels such as jet-fuel. As alter-natives, the use of bio-jet fuel has been proposed, which is a biofuel that researchers have evaluated and developed as an environmentally friendly alternative. The development of research on the topic of biofuels has generated a growing number of alternatives in the methods, technologies and raw materials for the production of bio-jet fuel. In this work, a bibliometric study has been developed to analyze the evolution of publications, the contribution of authors, countries, in terms of citation productivity on the topic of bio-jet fuel. Scientific publications were searched in the Scopus database for the period 2001 to 2021. The results showed that the publications have grown exponentially in the last 10 years. The most influential institution and country are from China. “Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews” is the most cited journal in the field of bio-jet fuel. The growth rate of publications was estimated using the Gompertz model, the rate was 0.2232 y-1. Most of the documents were published in journals Q1

    Crystallization Process and Site-Selective Excitation of Nd3+ in LaF3/NaLaF4 Sol–Gel-Synthesized Transparent Glass-Ceramics

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    In this study, transparent oxyfluoride glass-ceramics (GCs) with NaLaF4 nanocrystals (NCs) were prepared by the sol–gel method for the first time. Three different molar ratios of La(CH3COO)3/Na(CH3COO) were used to obtain the GCs, which were sintered at 450, 550 and 650 °C for 1 min. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was employed to follow the evolution of the xerogel during the heat treatments and to study crystal growth for the three temperatures. In all cases, the LaF3 crystalline phase was present, but crystallization of NaLaF4 was only promoted at 650 °C. Thermogravimetric and thermodifferential analysis (TGA-DTA) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to analyze the crystallization process. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) was employed to confirm NaLaF4 crystallization and determine the size distribution. The incorporation of Nd3+ ion into NaLaF4 and LaF3 nanocrystals was confirmed by site-selective emission and excitation spectra. The Nd3+ emission intensities in both phases depend not only on the NaLaF4/LaF3 ratio but also on their emission efficiencies.The authors acknowledge financial support from MINECO under projects MAT2017-87035-C2-1-P/-2-P (AEI/FEDER, UE), and Basque Government PIBA2018-24. This article is a part of the dissemination activities of the project FunGlass, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 739566

    Hearing loss due to noise exposure and its relationship with hypertension in Peruvian workers

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    Introduction:Noise-induced hearing loss has been implicated in the genesis of several chronic conditions; however, its behavior concerning hypertension still raises doubts about it.Objective:to determine the association between hearing loss due to exposure to noise and the presence of hypertension in a sample of Peruvian workers.Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study. Secondary analysis of the occupational database of a Medical centerin Lima, Peru. hypertensionwas measured by self-report and clinical method. Hearing loss was classified as none, mild, moderate and severe. For the regression analysis, Poisson was performed with robust variance, obtaining crude (PRc) and adjusted (PRa) prevalence ratios.Results: We worked with a total of 1987 participants. The prevalence of hypertension was 15.40% and hearing loss was 36.39%. For the multivariate regression analysis, a statistically significant association with hypertension was found in those with mild hearing loss (PRa=1.52; CI95% 1.06–2.10), moderate (PRa=2.70; CI95% 1,93–3.76) and severe (PRa=3.82; 95% CI 2.56–5.96), compared to those without hearing loss.Conclusions:Hearing loss due to exposure to occupational noise was associated with the presence of hypertension. Although this study is only a first overview of the relationship that both variables could have, it is recommended to continue promoting policies and awareness campaigns to prevent hearing loss in workers, and thus avoid complications related to it in the long term.Campus Lima Nort

    Hearing Loss due to Noise Exposure and its Relationship with Hypertension in Peruvian Workers

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    Introduction: Noise-induced hearing loss has been implicated in the genesis of several chronic conditions; however, its behavior concerning hypertension still raises doubts about it. Objective: to determine the association between hearing loss due to exposure to noise and the presence of hypertension in a sample of Peruvian workers. Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study. Secondary analysis of the occupational database of a Medical center in Lima, Peru. hypertension was measured by self-report and clinical method. Hearing loss was classified as none, mild, moderate and severe. For the regression analysis, Poisson was performed with robust variance, obtaining crude (PRc) and adjusted (PRa) prevalence ratios. Results: We worked with a total of 1987 participants. The prevalence of hypertension was 15.40% and hearing loss was 36.39%. For the multivariate regression analysis, a statistically significant association with hypertension was found in those with mild hearing loss (PRa=1.52; CI95% 1.06–2.10), moderate (PRa=2.70; CI95% 1,93–3.76) and severe (PRa=3.82; 95% CI 2.56–5.96), compared to those without hearing loss. Conclusions: Hearing loss due to exposure to occupational noise was associated with the presence of hypertension. Although this study is only a first overview of the relationship that both variables could have, it is recommended to continue promoting policies and awareness campaigns to prevent hearing loss in workers, and thus avoid complications related to it in the long term

    Asesoramiento desde los Centros de Profesorado: Un posible modelo de líneas de actuación

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    En el presente artículo, el Equipo Pedagógico del Centro del Profesorado del Valle de La Orotava (Tenerife) expone cómo entiende la labor de asesoramiento en sus centros. Se trata de un CEP cuyo ámbito abarca cuatro municipios del norte de la isla (unos 50 centros entre Primaria y Secundaria). Se intentan aportar los criterios que se manejan a la hora de responder a las demandas. De entre ellos aparece como prioritario el de crear en los centros los espacios para la mejora educativa a través de las iniciativas de los propios claustros aprovechando el marco legal o formal que lo haga posible, teniendo el centro en su conjunto como referente de esa labor. No obstante, también se harán referencias a otros casos de asesoramiento más específico y se mostrarán ejemplos de cómo crear espacios de mejora fuera del ámbito estricto del centro educativo. Además, se revisarán las oportunidades y dificultades que se encuentran en ese proceso, tanto por las características de los centros como por otros condicionantes, especialmente aquellos que vienen dados por la Administración educativa

    Advice from Teacher's Centers: a possible model of performance lines

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    En el presente artículo, el Equipo Pedagógico del Centro del Profesorado del Valle de La Orotava (Tenerife) expone cómo entiende la labor de asesoramiento en sus centros. Se trata de un CEP cuyo ámbito abarca cuatro municipios del norte de la isla (unos 50 centros entre Primaria y Secundaria). Se intentan aportar los criterios que se manejan a la hora de responder a las demandas. De entre ellos aparece como prioritario el de crear en los centros los espacios para la mejora educativa a través de las iniciativas de los propios claustros aprovechando el marco legal o formal que lo haga posible, teniendo el centro en su conjunto como referente de esa labor. No obstante, también se harán referencias a otros casos de asesoramiento más específico y se mostrarán ejemplos de cómo crear espacios de mejora fuera del ámbito estricto del centro educativo. Además, se revisarán las oportunidades y dificultades que se encuentran en ese proceso, tanto por las características de los centros como por otros condicionantes, especialmente aquellos que vienen dados por la Administración educativa.In this report about their working experience, the staff from CEP Valle de La Orotava (Tenerife) present the ways they understand the tasks related to educational advising at schools. This center covers a large area from four different towns in the northern part of the island (about 50 Primary and Secondary schools).They try to show the main criteria that rule these advising tasks especially referring at the responses to the requirements from the schools. One of the most important among these criteria is to take the opportunities to create the common spaces to educational improvement at the own schools throughout the formal or informal conditions and keeping as the first aim the whole staff of each school as the reference in this process. However there will be found other references to other examples of more specific advising and about how create improvement areas out of the school organization and the ways they have created to make them possible. Finally a review of the opportunities and obstacles found through this process is offered, attending not only at the characteristics of the schools but also other special conditions, especially those referred to educational administration.Grupo FORCE (HUM-386). Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Granada

    Proyecto integral de acondicionamiento de cuerpos momificados de la colección del Museo de La Plata

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    Con motivo de la decisión institucional de no exhibir restos humanos de procedencia americana, desde la Unidad de Conservación y Exhibición del Museo de La Plata se inició la delicada tarea de retirar las piezas de la sala de exhibición y acondicionar un espacio especial para el resguardo de la colección de cuerpos momificados. Dicha colección está conformada por veinte cuerpos en diferente estado de conservación y con características específicas. El presente estudio tiene por objeto dar cuenta de los procedimientos y las distintas etapas a considerar en un trabajo planificado y sistemático. En tal sentido, se explicitan, desde la conservación preventiva, los criterios que orientaron cada una de las etapas. El proyecto, en curso, contempla las instancias de evaluación, registro, tratamiento, definición de los contenedores y características del depósito.As a result of the institutional decision not to exhibit human remains from the Americas, the Conservation and Exhibition Department from the Museum of La Plata has undergone the delicate task of removing such pieces from the exhibition room and fitting a special room for the preservation of the mummified bodies. Such collection consists of twenty bodies in different conservation stages and with diverse characteristics. This paper aims to describe the procedures and various stages to be considered in a planned and systematic task. To such purpose, the criteria considered in each of the stages are described from the principles of preventive conservation. The project, currently in course, contemplates the evaluation, recording, treatment and container selection stages, as well as the storeroom features.Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentin

    En-tender los textos : ¿Tender a qué? Construyendo categorías sociales; el foco: la enseñanza de los deportes

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    En este momento de la investigación, el equipo se encuentra trabajando en el análisis y categorización de entrevistas realizadas a entrenadores destacados de nuestro país; paralelamente se está realizando el mismo trabajo metodológico en investigaciones sobre la enseñanza de los deportes y a su vez se está trabajando en fichajes y categorización de textos técnicos específicos de la enseñanza de los deportes. Este trabajo presentará el estado de avance actual con respecto a las categorías sociales relevadas en el trabajo de los fichajes; fichajes que fueron realizados sobre un total de 20 libros y 18 textos referidos a 10 deportes. A partir de este trabajo hemos podido detectar, hasta este momento, 4 categorías sociales: Etapas evolutivas, Fases del aprendizaje, Fases de la enseñanza y Talento Natural. En el desarrollo del trabajo entonces, expondremos el contenido de cada una de las categorías sociales, y los análisis que hemos construidos a partir de las mismas.Departamento de Educación Físic

    Synthesis of Trichodermin Derivatives and Their Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activities

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    [EN] Trichothecene mycotoxins are recognized as highly bioactive compounds that can be used in the design of new useful bioactive molecules. In Trichoderma brevicompactum, the first specific step in trichothecene biosynthesis is carried out by a terpene cyclase, trichodiene synthase, that catalyzes the conversion of farnesyl diphosphate to trichodiene and is encoded by the tri5 gene. Overexpression of tri5 resulted in increased levels of trichodermin, a trichothecene-type toxin, which is a valuable tool in preparing new molecules with a trichothecene skeleton. In this work, we developed the hemisynthesis of trichodermin and trichodermol derivatives in order to evaluate their antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities and to study the chemo-modulation of their bioactivity. Some derivatives with a short chain at the C-4 position displayed selective antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans and they showed MIC values similar to those displayed by trichodermin. It is important to highlight the cytotoxic selectivity observed for compounds 9, 13, and 15, which presented average IC50 values of 2 µg/mL and were cytotoxic against tumorigenic cell line MCF-7 (breast carcinoma) and not against Fa2N4 (non-tumoral immortalized human hepatocytes)S

    Dataset on the epidemiology and genetic diversification of dengue virus (DENV) serotypes and genotypes in Mexico

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Dengue virus (DENV) evolution has had a significant impact on disease pathogenesis, virulence, and epidemiology in Mexico. Novel genotypic variation in DENV serotypes and genotypes may influence the magnitude and severity of dengue epidemics, as evidenced by 2009 data from Veracruz State. The data presented herein is related to the publication entitled “Epidemiological Implications of the Genetic Diversification of Dengue Virus (DENV) Serotypes and Genotypes in Mexico” [1]. Raw data and trees provide epidemiological data on DENV prevalence and a comprehensive phylogeny of both representative sequences collected from an NCBI repository, and 28 additional isolates from acute-phase plasma samples diagnosed with dengue fever or severe dengue (Raw sequencing data is hosted in the public repository Mendeley Data (http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/bf2kdhhf6x.2). Phylogenetic trees for each DENV serotype (DENV-1, -2, -3 and -4) were constructed using these sequences by a maximum likelihood methodology as well as a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) integration approach. Phylogenetic trees exhibited: (1) DENV-1, genotype V, (2) the DENV-2 Asian/American and Asian II genotypes, (3) DENV-3, genotype III, and (4) DENV-4, genotype I. This data can be beneficial for future analyses on DENV serotype and genotype structure and the introduction of novel DENV genotype sequences in the Americas, for the further elucidation of dengue etiology.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, Mexico EHG (Registration Number: 111110038; CVU: 49406)ED-de-la-C CONACYT Registration Number: 280838; CVU: 485179COMECYT Scholarship Number: 18BTD002