278 research outputs found

    Muñoz-Alonso, Gemma. Estructura, metodología y escritura del Trabajo de Fin de Máster. Madrid: Escolar y Mayo Editores, 2011, 166 págs. ISBN: 978-84-937- 9067-7

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    Estructura, metodología y escritura del Trabajo de Fin de Máster es una obra escrita por Gemma Muñoz-Alonso, docente de la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, y autora de numerosos escritos en torno a cuestiones metodológicas no sólo en el campo de la documentación filosófica, sino en el campo de las humanidades en general. La obra ofrece al lector, al docente, al estudiante, a cualquier persona que necesite o desee realizar un trabajo de investigación en el espacio de un Máster, cualquiera que sea su temática, una serie de orientaciones y herramientas para alcanzar el éxito en la empresa acometida, a saber: en la elaboración, escritura y defensa del Trabajo de Fin de Máste

    El pintor coleccionista: Rodríguez-Acosta y su mirada hacia el arte asiático

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    El carmen construido en el primer cuarto del siglo XX cerca de la Alhambra, en la ciudad de Granada, por el pintor José María Rodríguez-Acosta (1878-1941) como estudio y lugar de retiro intelectual atesora un conjunto obras, reunidas por el artista andaluz, procedentes de las principales áreas culturales de Asia (Birmania, Camboya, China, Tíbet, India, Japón y Tailandia) bajo un denominador común: su relación con las diferentes formas religiosas del continente asiático. El budismo, taoísmo, confucionismo, sintoísmo e hinduismo y sus tradiciones devocionales conforman el hilo conductor de la colección Rodríguez-Acosta. Su perfil como colección corresponde a un sentir etnográfico más que artístico, que manifiesta una mirada determinada hacia las formas no-europeas

    Reinventar la arquitectura rural para poner en valor la huerta valenciana: el caso de la huerta de Torrent

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    [ES] Aunque la Huerta Valenciana, en la actualidad, pueda aparentar un paisaje idílico, la realidad descubre que cada vez más personas relacionadas con este ecosistema (labradores, empresarios del sector agrícola, habitantes, etc.) se ven obligados a abandonar sus campos y sus casas y con ello sus actividades y sus costumbres. El abandono del medio rural a las ciudades supuso un gran cambio en la sociedad, hasta el punto en el que hoy en día vemos paisajes completamente abandonados, junto con ellos su patrimonio y ciertas actividades relacionadas con la naturaleza. Resulta paradójica la falta de aprecio hacia trabajos que satisfacen nuestras necesidades básicas. Tanto es así que actividades agrícolas tradicionales como recolectar, podar, poner en barbecho las tierras, etc., hoy son desconocidas para la nueva sociedad. La arquitectura tradicional ha sufrido, como consecuencia de esta situación, la pérdida de sus funciones, su consecuente abandono y deterioro, y en muchos casos su desaparición completa en ciertos municipios. Esto conlleva una gran pérdida de la propia cultura, de su historia y de la identidad de cada lugar. Revalorizar el paisaje rural que caracteriza a Valencia es la finalidad de este trabajo. Con ello se espera que cuando el foco de interés se haya puesto en el paisaje, empiece a cambiar poco a poco la mala situación en la que se encuentra. Generar ese sentimiento de aprecio, y por lo tanto, de preservación, haría que se valorara como es debido a las personas que luchan cada día por mantener el lugar, que se respetara el medio rural y que nos interesáramos por formar parte de él. Recuperar la arquitectura rural, y darle un nuevo significado, es la esencia de todo. La arquitectura como espacio rural re-inventado, puede ser un reclamo para la sociedad, tanto para las personas vinculadas al campo, como para las ajenas a él. Este patrimonio rural muestra, a través de su propia materia, toda la historia de cada lugar, a la vez, que su uso garantiza la regeneración de su entorno. Por lo tanto, reinventar la concepción de la Huerta, más allá de la percepción actual, relacionándola con otros ámbitos humanos como la educación, formación, ocio, etc., es el objetivo principal de este trabajo. Se ofrecen soluciones sostenibles simultáneamente desde tres aspectos: medioambiental, socio-cultural y económico. En concreto, se analiza la Huerta de Torrent con su arquitectura propia de masías, hoy en día muy deterioradas pero que por su cercanía a la ciudad presenta oportunidades de regeneración y desarrollo sencillas y sostenibles. Y se muestran modos de re-habitar zonas rurales extrapolables a otros lugares, animando, a otros municipios, a seguir el ejemplo de estas nuevas ideas.[EN] Currently, although the Valencian orchard seems to be an idyllic landscape, the fact is that increasingly those people who are related with this ecosystem (Farmers, businessmen, inhabitants, etc.) are forced to abandon their orchards, their houses and with it their activities and their traditions. Leaving the countryside to go to the cities was a big change in society, even nowadays we can see landscapes completely neglected, including their heritage and those activities related with nature. It is paradoxical the lack of appreciation for jobs that satisfy our basic needs. So much so that agricultural activities such as picking, pruning or fallow fields are currently unknown for the new society. The traditional architecture has suffered, because of this situation, the loss of its functions, the state of being abandoned and deteriorated and in many cases the complete disappearance in some villages. This causes an important loss of one's own culture, its history and the identity of each place. Revaluing the rural landscape that characterizes Valencia is the main purpose of this dissertation. With this, it is expected that the bad situation in which it is nowadays will change little by little when the focus of interest is on the landscape. Generating the feeling of appreciation, and therefore, of preservation, would make those people who work every day to maintain these places recognized as they worth and the rural environment more respected. Moreover, it would make us more interested to be part of it. Recovering the rural architecture, and giving it a new meaning, is the essence of everything. The architecture as a reinvented rural space can be a claim for the society, either people who are related to the rural area or those who are not related to it. This rural heritage shows, through its own material, the whole history of each place, at the same time, that its use guarantees the regeneration of its surroundings. Therefore, reinventing the Valencian orchard concept, beyond current perception, relating it to other human areas such as education, training, leisure, etc., is the main objective of this dissertation. Sustainable solutions are offered simultaneously from three aspects: environmental, sociocultural and economic. Torrent's orchard is analyzed with its own rural architecture, nowadays very deteriorated but, due to its proximity to the city, presents simple and sustainable opportunities for regeneration and development. Besides, there are shown ways to inhabit rural areas again that can be used in other places, encouraging other villages to follow these new ideas.Pascual Cervera, I. (2018). Reinventar la arquitectura rural para poner en valor la huerta valenciana: el caso de la huerta de Torrent. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/116384TFG

    La Noria. Centro de recuperación de tradiciones valencianas

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    [ES] El proyecto tiene la finalidad de tratar uno de los temas más actuales al que el urbanismo se enfrenta hoy en día, como es el encuentro de la ciudad con la Huerta; este trabajo propone como solución transformar el borde de ciudad en parque para que ayude al usuario a llegar hasta la Huerta. Este parque, queriendo nutrirse de la tierra productiva en la que se establece, refleja esa vida pasada en la que el lugar básicamente dependía de su tierra. Situado en el municipio de Torrent, su ubicación presenta dos barrera físicas que impiden el paso hacía la Huerta, una vía de metro y una vía de vehículos, que se traspasa a través de ecoductos que dan lugar a elevaciones del terreno dispuestas a cada lado de parque, que pretenden por una parte aislar el ruido de la ciudad y los vehículos, creando un lugar de calma, y por otra difuminar la vista de los altos edificios desde la Huerta. En una de estas elevaciones se sitúa excavado el edificio que se desarrolla en el proyecto, el cual alberga, en conjunto con el parque, patrimonio inmaterial del lugar, es decir, sus costumbres. Así el programa propone recuperar esas tareas que eran tan habituales de nuestros antepasados: la agricultura, la artesanía y la cocina.[EN] The purpose of the project is to analyze one of the most current issues that urbanism faces, the encounter of the city with the Huerta; this project proposes a solution to transform the outskirts of the city into a park in order to help people to reach the Huerta. This park, is wanted to be nurtured by the productive land in which it is established, showing a reflexion of a past life where society basically depended on its land. Located in Torrent, the place has two physical barriers that do not allow the access to the Huerta, a subway line and a road. They are overcome with ecoducts that results in terrain elevations on each side of the park. The aim of this solution is to isolate the noise of the city and the vehicles, create a calm place, and fade the view of the tall buildings from the orchards. In one of these elevations will be located a building that is part of the project developed, that will show, together with the park, the intangible heritage of the place, its customs. Thus the program proposes to recover those tasks that were so common to our ancestors: agriculture, crafts and cooking.Pascual Cervera, I. (2019). La Noria. Centro de recuperación de tradiciones valencianas. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/135796TFG

    Ground reaction force patterns during gait in patients with lower limb lymphedema

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    Although gait problems have been reported in patients with lower limb lymphedema (LLL), the gait pattern (GP) changes have not been documented yet. However, it is possible that patients with LLL show abnormal GP that can be related to biomechanical complications related to osteoarthritis or falls affecting the quality of life. Ground reaction force analysis during gait allows objective assessment of the patients and it can be used to plan a rehabilitation approach. Objective: To analyze the GRF during gait in patients LLL. Methods: An experimental descriptive study was realized with twenty-three LLL patients, both unilateral and bilateral and classified as moderate and severe, participated in the experiments. The patients walked on a force plate while the three ground reaction force (GRF) components, vertical, mediolateral (M-L) and anteroposterior (A-P), under their feet were recorded and analyzed. Results: In the patients with unilateral lymphedema, either moderate or severe, the vertical GRF components of the affected limb were similar to the sound one and also resembling those found in healthy adults. The M-L GRF was smaller in the non-affected side. In patients with bilateral lymphedema gait speed was significantly slower. More interestingly, the vertical GRF pattern was flat, not showing the typical 2-peak shape. Finally, the large M-L forces found suggest gait stability problems. Conclusions: The patients showed abnormal GRF patterns, including compensation with the non-affected leg. The GRF variability was higher in the patients with severe unilateral lymphedema. Bilateral lymphedema results in lower A-P forces. Stance phase duration was longer in patients with bilateral and severe lymphedem

    Sizing of the buffer tank in chilled water distribution air-conditioning systems

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    [♪EN] This paper presents a sizing study of the buffer tank in chilled water A/C systems. In order to find out the adequate sizing criteria for buffer tanks in these kind of installations, a review of different manufacturers' guidelines was carried out and it was concluded that there are three main operation parameters affected by the volume of the tank: the ON cycle time, the OFF cycle time, and the number of starts per hour of the chiller compressor. In order to better understand the influence of each parameter, a theoretical analysis was carried out where the impact of the building thermal load in different design criteria was also studied. After a thorough analysis of all the studied criteria, it was concluded that the minimum ON cycle time which is necessary to ensure that the oil returns to the compressor is the most critical criterion. Finally, a design guideline is proposed by the authors in order to determine the minimum volume of the buffer tank, mainly depending on the capacity of the chiller and the temperature deadband of the thermostat control.This work was supported by the "Programa de Ayudas de Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID)" of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. This work was also supported under the FP7 programme "Advanced ground source heat pump systems for heating and cooling in Mediterranean climate" (GROUND-MED project).Cervera Vázquez, J.; Montagud Montalvá, CI.; Corberán Salvador, JM. (2016). Sizing of the buffer tank in chilled water distribution air-conditioning systems. Science and Technology for the Built Environment. 22(3):290-298. https://doi.org/10.1080/23744731.2016.1131569S29029822

    La eficacia de rol, la claridad de rol y el rendimiento en jóvenes futbolistas

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    El objetivo del trabajo fue doble: 1) Analizar las relaciones entre la eficacia de rol, la claridad de rol y el desempeño efectivo del rol como un indicador subjetivo del rendimiento; y 2) Examinar el papel de la claridad de rol como variable moduladora de la relación entre la eficacia de rol y el rendimiento, ambos objetivos en situaciones de ataque y de defensa en el fútbol. Doscientos noventa y cinco futbolistas varones de entre 12 y 16 años (M = 14.01, DE = 1.09) completaron los cuestionarios que evaluaban las variables del estudio. Los resultados mostraron que aquéllos que percibían una claridad de rol alta también percibían una eficacia de rol alta y un desempeño del rol alto. Además se confirmó el papel modulador de la claridad de rol en las funciones defensivas, concretamente, la eficacia de rol resultó ser un predictor positivo del rendimiento siempre y cuando la claridad de rol fuera alta.The aim of this study was twofold: 1) to analyze the relationship between role efficacy, role clarity, and role performance effectiveness as a subjective measure of performance, and 2) to examine role clarity as a moderator of the role efficacy-performance relationship, in both an offensive and defensive context in football. Two hundred and ninety-five male soccer players between 12 and 16 years old (M = 14.01, SD = 1.09) completed the questionnaires assessing the variables of the study. Results showed that the players who reported higher role clarity also reported higher role efficacy and performed better than those with lower role clarity. Also, role clarity was a moderator for defensive role functions; specifically, role efficacy was a positive predictor of performance only when role clarity was high.O objectivo do trabalho foi duplo: 1) Analisar as relações entre a eficácia de papel, a clareza de papel e o desempenho efectivo do papel como indicador subjectivo do rendimento; e 2) Examinar a função da clareza de papel como variável moderadora da relação entre a eficácia do papel e o rendimento, ambos objectivos em situações de ataque e defesa no futebol. Duzentos e noventa e cinco futebolistas rapazes com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 16 anos (M = 14.01, DP = 1.09) preencheram os questionários que avaliavam as variáveis do estudo. Os resultados revelam que aqueles que percebiam uma elevada clareza de papel também percebiam uma elevada eficácia de papel e um elevado desempenho de papel. Adicionalmente, confirmou-se o papel moderador da clareza de papel nas funções defensivas, concretamente, a eficácia de papel revelou ser um preditor positivo do rendimento sempre e quando a clareza de papel era elevada

    Development of an autonomous subersible profiler with the ability to stop at specific depths for measurement of marine parameters

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    Understanding marine pollution problems is a complex topic that has led to a wide range of research over the last decades. In this research, an autonomous submersible profiler with controlled depth detention for the measurement of parameters of interest in shallow marine environments -is presented. The device has been designed to carry on several sensors including dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, electrical conductivity and temperature among others. The profiler includes the performance for sampling, collecting and wireless sending reliable real-time data in marine environments. In addition, its ability to stop at a given depth allows for more accurate and stable measurement of marine parameters at different depth levels. This research describes the design of the profiler as well as the different control assumptions made to achieve zero buoyancy at a given depth. The results show that the submersible profiler is a valuable tool for continuous monitoring of marine parameters relevant to study the causes leading to critical environmental situations.Peer Reviewe

    Los bibliotecarios temáticos en las bibliotecas de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya: la área temática "Ciencias de la Visión"

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    The 2001 the Libraries of the Technical University of Catalonia (BUPC) initiated a project of organizational model, complementary to the existing one (based on the different axes of the Strategic Program Paideia: learning, research, digital and organization), to develop the figure of the thematic librarians. This project had as goal to deepen in the specialization of the librarians of the UPC, to rationalize the offer of services and resources offered in the BUPC and the specialized information that is offered to improve the users of the university. The first part of the communication describes the process of creation of this new model, its evolution and the perspectives of future. Also the creation and the structuring of the different polytechnic thematic areas, the functions that the thematic librarians develop and the structure of the working interface "Bibliotécnica for subjects" are analyzed. To obtain the intended goal it was necessary to design a specific plan of training for the thematic librarians of the UPC. The second part focuses on the figure of the thematic librarian specialistic in optics and optometry, located in the Library of the Campus of Terrassa (BCT). This library offers service and support to the educational functions and of research that are developed in the four schools of the Campus of Terrassa, among which finds the College of Optics and Optometry of Terrassa (EUOOT). The BCT has 8 thematic librarians, specialized in 13 different thematic areas, some of which it is "sciences of the vision". Among the functions that this thematic librarian develops they send the management of the specialized collection, the indexation of the electronic resources, the information and the specialized advice and the training of users in informative skills. Also some planned projects are described to implement in the future. To finish the authors reflect on the advantages and inconveniences of the described organizational model and the future of the thematic librarians inside and out of the BUPC