38 research outputs found

    Computational techniques for saddle point problems

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    En este art铆culo se presenta una evaluaci贸n num茅rica de precondicionadores por bloques para sistemas lineales de punto de silla, en los cuales la matriz A 2 Rnxn del bloque (1; 1) es no sim茅trica y la matriz B 2 Rmxn del bloque (2; 1) es de rango completo. Se consideran espec铆ficamente precondicionadores diagonales por bloques, triangulares por bloques y de tipo indefinido. Estos precondicionadores requieren para su construcci贸n el c谩lculo de inversas de algunas matrices, para lo cual se propone utilizar aproximaciones de tipo SPAI. Los resultados ilustran la efectividad de los precondicionadores diagonales y triangulares en la aceleraci贸n de la convergencia del m茅todo GMRES.Peer Reviewe

    Tipificaci贸n de errores en evaluaciones matem谩ticas de un primer curso universitario

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    Introduction: the errors that are constantly observed in mathematics evaluations, in university or pre-university courses, are latent in written and oral productions, negatively affecting the teaching and learning processes, both in mathematics and in the other areas and disciplines that use them as an auxiliary tool. Objective: in this sense, the purpose of this research is to construct a typification of mathematical errors derived from the analysis, identification and classification of errors committed by students in the written resolution of exercises and / or problems of mathematics corresponding to the regular exams of a first course of mathematics at the university level. Methodology: se conducts the research under a qualitative approach and with a descriptive purpose, using a sample of 141 partial exams presented by a group of students of mathematics I of the Basic Cycle of the Sim贸n Bol铆var University. As a result, ten categories were identified that collect the diversity of errors in the written productions of the students, obtaining a typification in errors of type: symbolic, notation, application of formulas, operations, manipulation, calculations, writing and writing, graphing, and practical problems. Results: se concludes that mathematical errors hinder the acquisition of new knowledge, hence the importance of identifying and analyzing them, to design and implement specific strategies that help suppress them or, at least, minimize their incidence.Introducci贸n: los errores que se observan constantemente en las evaluaciones de matem谩tica, en cursos universitarios o preuniversitarios, est谩n latentes en las producciones escritas y orales, incidiendo negativamente en los procesos de ense帽anza y aprendizaje, tanto de las matem谩ticas como de las otras 谩reas y disciplinas que las utilizan como herramienta auxiliar. Objetivo: en este sentido, el prop贸sito de esta investigaci贸n es construir una tipificaci贸n de errores matem谩ticos derivada del an谩lisis, identificaci贸n y clasificaci贸n de errores cometidos por estudiantes en la resoluci贸n escrita de ejercicios y/o problemas de matem谩ticas correspondientes a los ex谩menes regulares de un primer curso de matem谩tica a nivel universitario. Metodolog铆a: se realiza la investigaci贸n bajo un enfoque cualitativo y con prop贸sito descriptivo, usando una muestra de 141 ex谩menes parciales presentados por un grupo de estudiantes de matem谩ticas I del Ciclo B谩sico de la Universidad Sim贸n Bol铆var. Como resultado, se identificaron diez categor铆as que recogen la diversidad de errores en las producciones escritas de los estudiantes, obteniendo una tipificaci贸n en errores de tipo: simb贸lico, notaci贸n, aplicaci贸n de f贸rmulas, operaciones, manipulaci贸n, c谩lculos, redacci贸n y escritura, graficaci贸n y problemas pr谩cticos. Resultados: se concluye que los errores matem谩ticos entorpecen la adquisici贸n de nuevos conocimientos, de all铆, la importancia de identificarlos y analizarlos, para dise帽ar e implementar estrategias puntuales que ayuden a suprimirlos o, por lo menos, minimizar su incidencia

    Perspectives and approaches to determine measures of similarity for musical performances using data analysis algorithms

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    La caracterizaci贸n autom谩tica de obras musicales, e int茅rpretes de las mismas, es objeto de investigaci贸n en la actualidad. Debido principalmente a la importancia del t贸pico, pero tambi茅n al auge tecnol贸gico y la disposici贸n de herramientas computacionales capaces de detectar voz y sonido. El reconocimiento autom谩tico de una composici贸n, as铆 como su int茅rprete y caracter铆sticas relevantes desde el punto de vista musical, ha mantenido a una comunidad de investigadores en la b煤squeda de medidas que permitan hacer comparaciones e inferir con precisi贸n sobre las caracter铆sticas de la composici贸n y el int茅rprete; sin embargo, esta medida a煤n est谩 por descubrirse, aunque se han generado diversas t茅cnicas estad铆stico-computacionales que merecen ser evaluadas y quiz谩s combinadas para fortalecer cualquier investigaci贸n en este t贸pico. Este trabajo, producto de una basta revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica, recoge las principales t茅cnicas y herramientas que han sido utilizadas y propuestas por investigadores en las 煤ltimas dos d茅cadas. El documento ser谩 de ayuda a los investigadores que decidan emprender estudios, evaluaciones e implementaciones de estas herramientas, as铆 como tambi茅n aquellos que deseen trabajar en el reconocimiento autom谩tico de obras musicales, sus caracter铆sticas e int茅rpretes, o recuperaci贸n de informaci贸n musical.The automatic characterization of a musical composition, and its interpretation, is a current line of research, due to its importance and the technological resources available and computational tools capable for detecting voice and sound. The recognition of an interpreter when listening a composition is simple for a human, but not as simple for machines, thus, this topic has kept a community of researchers in search of measures to compare and accurately recognize the composition characteristics and the interpreter. However, still a general measure has yet to be discovered, although various statistical-computational techniques have been generated and deserve to be evaluated and perhaps combined to strengthen any research on this topic. This work is the product of a comprehensive literature review that collects the main techniques and tools that have been used and proposed by researchers over the last two decades. The document will be of help to researchers who decide to undertake studies, evaluations and implementations of these tools, as well as those who wish to work on automatic recognition of interpreters and characteristics of musical compositions, or music information retrieval

    Aspectos te贸ricos del MANOVA-BIPLOT y su aplicaci贸n a los usos del suelo en la ESPAC-2016: Theoretical aspects of the MANOVA-BIPLOT and their application to land uses in the ESPAC-2016

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    Some theoretical aspects are presented about the relationship between the classic techniques of MANOVA and Biplot, which are the basis of the MANOVA - Biplot graph. Applying this technique to a set of data concerning to the uses of the land in the three major regions defined by Ecuador, their differences are investigated in order to achieve a synthetic characterization that can be used to compare them statistically and to improve appropriately the decision process. The eastern region is characterized by the use of its soil predominantly in mountains, natural and artificial forests, while the coastal region by permanent crops, transients and fallows, and the region of the sierra by the remaining pastures, breaks, barren lands and others. An illustration of the results is presented that shows the great value of synthesis that the proposed statistical technique has, including the R code that produces it.Se presentan algunos aspectos te贸ricos sobre la relaci贸n entre las t茅cnicas cl谩sicas de MANOVA y Biplot, que son la base de la gr谩fica MANOVA-Biplot. Se aplica esta t茅cnica a un conjunto de datos referentes al uso del suelo en las tres regiones definidas por el Ecuador. Se indagan sus diferencias con el prop贸sito de lograr una caracterizaci贸n sint茅tica que sirva para compararlas estad铆sticamente y que sea de utilidad al proceso de toma de decisiones. La regi贸n oriental est谩 caracterizada por el uso de su suelo preponderantemente en montes, bosques naturales y artificiales, la regi贸n costera por cultivos permanentes, transitorios y barbechos, y la regi贸n de la sierra por los restantes pastos, descansos, p谩ramos y otros.  Se presenta una ilustraci贸n de los resultados que muestra el gran valor de s铆ntesis que tiene la t茅cnica estad铆stica propuesta, incluido el c贸digo R que la produce.   Palabras clave: Regiones del Ecuador, usos del suelo, MANOVA, Biplot.   Abstract Some theoretical aspects about the relationship between the classic techniques of MANOVA and Biplot, which are the basis of the MANOVA - Biplot graph are presented. This technique is applied to a set of data concerning to land uses in the the three major regions defined by Ecuador. Their differences are investigated in order to achieve a synthetic characterization that can be used to compare them statistically and to improve appropriately the decision process. The eastern region is characterized by the use of its soil predominantly in mountains, natural and artificial forests, the coastal region by permanent crops, transients and fallows, and The Sierra region by the permanent and transient crops and fallows. An illustration about the results showing the great synthesis value that the proposed technique has, including the R code that produces it is also presented.   Key words: Regions of Ecuador, land uses, MANOVA, Biplot

    Arnoldi methods for numerical continuation of stationary points

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    En este trabajo se describe un m茅todo de continuaci贸n num茅rica, el cual utiliza descomposiciones de Arnoldi para el c谩lculo de soluciones de un sistema de la forma , donde  es un funcional no lineal que depende de un vector  en  y de un par谩metro  que toma valores en un intervalo dado. El uso de estas t茅cnicas nos permite predecir y detectar puntos de inter茅s cuando se obtiene informaci贸n sobre algunos autovalores de la matriz Jacobiana asociada, al mismo tiempo que se resuelven eficientemente sistemas de ecuaciones lineales en forma iterativa.  El m茅todo puede ser aplicado a modelos provenientes de la ingenier铆a como circuitos el茅ctricos, reacciones qu铆micas, o procesos de revestimiento.  La idea principal es introducir un m贸dulo de c谩lculo de autovalores, usando un algoritmo de tipo Arnoldi, en un m茅todo iterativo para resolver ecuaciones no lineales, a fin de obtener informaci贸n sobre la estabilidad de la soluci贸n. Se presenta un ejemplo de uso de esta t茅cnica con resultados preliminares de la aplicaci贸n del m茅todo a problemas tratados en la bibliograf铆a del t贸pico. Los resultados muestran que la idea de calcular autovalores, en una iteraci贸n que resuelve ecuaciones no-lineales, tiene gran potencial en la detecci贸n de puntos cr铆ticosThis work presents an analysis of a continuation algorithm with an embedded Arnoldi eigen solver for the numerical computation of solutions of nonlinear systems G (x, 伪) = 0, where x is a vector in Rn and 伪 is a parameter which takes values in a given interval. This technique allows us to detect and predict particular solutions when computing the eigenvalues of the associate Jacobian matrix, and simultaneously to get the solution of linear systems in each iteration. This method could be applied to problems of electrical engineering, chemical reactions or coating process. The main idea is to embed an Arnoldi eigenvalue solver in a continuation algorithm to compute solutions of a nonlinear system in order to get additional information of these solutions, such as the stability or the periodicity. An example of the usability of this technique is presented, with preliminary results on models used in the bibliography of this topic. The results are encouraged, and show the reliability of this approach in the accurate detection of critical points

    Question creation with Wiris Quizzes on Moodle for evaluation in sciences

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    La educaci贸n virtual se hace m谩s fuerte cada d铆a. La transici贸n desde el aula de clases al uso de una plataforma en l铆nea era solo cuesti贸n de tiempo. Aun as铆, y a pesar de las tecnolog铆as disponibles, la transici贸n no ha sido f谩cil ni para docentes ni para estudiantes. La plataforma Moodle, as铆 como los m贸dulos que se a帽aden desde la comunidad del software libre, brindan al docente varios esquemas para dise帽ar preguntas, y tambi茅n para elaborar documentos de evaluaci贸n o cuestionarios. Sin embargo, en el caso del dise帽o de evaluaciones en cursos de Ingenier铆as o Ciencias, se presentan ciertas dificultades con el manejo de f贸rmulas matem谩ticas, ya sea para el docente al momento de implementar la pregunta o para el estudiante al momento de responderla. En este trabajo se describen las principales herramientas disponibles para la creaci贸n de preguntas, y el dise帽o de evaluaciones en l铆nea bajo la plataforma Moodle. Se discute la efectividad de estas herramientas, sus fortalezas, debilidades. El t贸pico es de relevancia actual y abre el camino hacia la reflexi贸n y estudio de estas herramientas, y su repercusi贸n en el proceso de ense帽anza-aprendizaje. Se utiliza una metodolog铆a descriptiva y al mismo tiempo argumentativa. Resultados experimentales muestran la necesidad de tener herramientas f谩ciles de manejar por parte del docente, de r谩pido entendimiento para el estudiante y que sirvan de soporte al proceso educativo.Online education grows stronger by the day. The transition from classroom education to the use of an online platform was just a matter of time. Yet, despite the available technologies the transition isn鈥檛 the smoothest for some professors and students. Moodle is a free open sourced learning platform developed as a tool to work in benefit of education. It counts with several plugins added by the community for the sole purpose of enhancing long distance education. This paper describes the main tools available for the creation of questions and the design of online evaluations. The effectiveness of these tools is discussed based on their strengths, weaknesses and also the difficulties we may encounter in their application. The topic of current relevance and opens a door to reflect on the handling of these tools and their impact on the teaching-learning process. The Moodle platform, as well as the plugins that are added from the free software community, provide the teacher with several schemes to program questions, and also develop the assessment documents or questionnaire. However, in engineering and science courses a great problem is the implementation of mathematical formulas, since they require a metalanguage that can associate with mathematical language. Both professors and students have to deal with the limitations of the platform in this sense, without an accessible, straightforward and understandable alternative. The challenges that need to be overcome must be faced from an educational and technological standpoint in order to improve the quality of long-distance education. Preliminary experiments show the needs for tools that can be readily applied by any professor without much previous experience, of easy comprehension for the student, and also support the educational process

    Psychosocial impact of scientific and technological development on the study of epilepsy

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    Introduction: views has been expressed that there is no disease more linked with social problems than epilepsy. Objective: to describe the social impact of scientific and technological development on the study of epilepsy. Method: a narrative review was carried out supported on the documentary research of several bibliographic sources found in electronic databases. The main search criteria were as follow: articles published in the last 10 years, which had relation with aspects concerning the psychosocial impact of scientific and technological development on the study of epilepsy. Development: the supernatural effect attributes to epilepsy, including its social repercussions, is the result of centuries of speculative theories and false beliefs about this disease. Epilepsy has negative impact on social well-being, causing serious economic problems, isolation, social exclusion and discrimination. Epilepsy is described as a disease with a great influence on all levels of quality of life. The abnormalities detected using novel neuroimaging techniques referred to the presence of cognitive impairment, refractory period and other aspects which may be indirectly related to psychosocial alterations in patients. Final considerations: epilepsy, in addition to its traumatic effects, has negative psychosocial consequences that affect the healthy performance of patients. In recent years, the scientific and technological advancements have partially limited the negative social effects causes by this disease with the use of new technologies for its study and treatment


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    Introducci贸n: El futuro de las organizaciones del conocimiento depender谩 de la capacidad que tengan para innovar y desarrollar el talento humano y arquitectura organizativa que faciliten los procesos; sin embargo, el dise帽o de estas, sustentadas en equipos de alto desempe帽o como alternativa innovadora para elevar su efectividad a煤n no ha sido suficientemente abordado en el plano metodol贸gico. Objetivo: Elaborar una metodolog铆a para el dise帽o de arquitecturas organizativas basada en equipos de alto desempe帽o. Materiales y M茅todos: La investigaci贸n se sustent贸 en un enfoque mixto y la utilizaci贸n de m茅todos y t茅cnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas, incluyendo el juicio de expertos; se estructura en cuatro momentos, el estudio de los fundamentos te贸ricos y metodol贸gicos para implementar equipos de alto desempe帽o, la determinaci贸n de factores facilitadores, la construcci贸n de una propuesta metodol贸gica y por 煤ltimo su validaci贸n mediante el juicio de expertos, la satisfacci贸n de usuarios y el an谩lisis comparado con otras propuestas metodol贸gicas consultadas en la bibliograf铆a revisada. Resultados y Discusi贸n: Se aporta una metodolog铆a para el dise帽o de la arquitectura organizacional basada en equipos de alto desempe帽o, viable para su aplicaci贸n en organizaciones del conocimiento, argumentada cient铆ficamente, que se valida mediante juicio de expertos, an谩lisis comparado y criterio de usuarios. Conclusiones: La metodolog铆a desarrollada contribuye al enriquecimiento de los fundamentos te贸ricos y metodol贸gicos del dise帽o de arquitectura organizacional y en particular a la implementaci贸n de equipos de alto desempe帽o en el marco de 茅stas

    Inter茅s y elecci贸n vocacional por el estudio de las carreras en matem谩tica

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    The dynamics of any society is constantly emanating professional information for its citizens, which becomes a relevant reference when it comes time to select and choose a profession, with the purpose of becoming active members of the social system. The purpose is to understand the motives and reasons that influence the vocational interest and choice that lead to the study of careers in mathematics. The qualitative methodology with phenomenological research design, supported by conducting in-depth interviews, helped to investigate the experiences that influenced the search, selection, and election process of fifteen (15) mathematics professors from the Sim贸n Bol铆var University, Venezuela, towards your decision to pursue a degree in mathematics. Forty-four (44) natural themes were identified, grouped into seven (7) categories, where their relationships gave way to the formulation of three (3) models (Individual aspects, Experiences with mathematics and Opportunity). Thus, we concluded that the interest and vocational choice for the study of careers in mathematics, develops from the articulation of individual and supra-individual aspects, helping the discovery  the vocation through the gestation of vocational interests related to the area. The dynamics of any society is constantly emanating professional information for its citizens, which becomes a relevant reference when it comes time to select and choose a profession, mainly with the purpose of becoming active members of the social system. The purpose is to understand the motives and reasons that influence the vocational interest and choice that lead to the study of careers in mathematics. The qualitative methodology with phenomenological research design, supported by conducting in-depth interviews, helped to investigate the experiences that influenced the search, selection and election process of fifteen (15) mathematics professors from the Sim贸n Bol铆var University, Venezuela, towards your decision to pursue a degree in mathematics. Forty-four (44) natural themes were identified, grouped into seven (7) categories, where their relationships gave way to the formulation of three (3) models (Individual aspects, Experiences with mathematics and Opportunity). Thus, we concluded that the interest and vocational choice, to study a career in mathematics, is developed from the articulation of individual and supra-individual aspects, helping the discovery of the vocation through the gestation of vocational interests related to the area.La din谩mica de cualquier sociedad est谩 en constante emanaci贸n de informaci贸n profesional para sus ciudadanos, que se convierte un referente relevante cuando llega el momento de seleccionar y elegir una profesi贸n, principalmente, con la finalidad de incorporarse como miembros activos del entramado sistema social. El prop贸sito de este trabajo es comprender los motivos y razones que influyen en el inter茅s y elecci贸n vocacional que llevan al estudio de las carreras en matem谩tica. La metodolog铆a cualitativa con dise帽o de investigaci贸n fenomenol贸gico, apoyada con la realizaci贸n de entrevistas a profundidad, ayud贸 a indagar en las vivencias y/o experiencias que indujeron a quince (15) profesores de matem谩tica de la Universidad Sim贸n Bol铆var (Venezuela), a tomar la decisi贸n de estudiar una carrera de matem谩tica. Se identificaron cuarenta y cuatro (44) temas naturales agrupados en siete (7) categor铆as, y sus relaciones condujeron a la formulaci贸n de tres (3) modelos (Aspectos individuales, vivencias con matem谩tica y Oportunidad). As铆, concluimos que el inter茅s y elecci贸n vocacional por el estudio de las carreras en matem谩tica, se desarrolla a partir de la articulaci贸n de aspectos individuales y supraindividuales, ayudando al descubrimiento de la vocaci贸n a trav茅s de la gestaci贸n de intereses vocacionales relacionados con el 谩rea