233 research outputs found

    Rock Powder Can Improve Vermicompost Chemical Properties and Plant Nutrition: an On-farm Experiment

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    Together with farmers, we evaluated nutrient availability from vermicomposted gneiss powder, assessed its influence on growth promotion, nutrition and heavy metal accumulation in maize plants and the effect on soil chemical properties in the field. Three soil treatments were applied: fertilization with vermicompost with gneiss powder, fertilization with vermicompost without gneiss powder, and soil without fertilization (control), in a randomized block design with five replicates. The dry weight of shoots and the concentrations of potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, nickel, chrome and lead in the dry matter of maize were higher with vermicompost with gneiss powder. In the soil, the potential of hydrogen and phosphorus, potassium and calcium concentrations were higher with vermicompost with gneiss. There were no detectable levels of heavy metal wastes in the soil after the experiment. We conclude that vermicomposted gneiss powder has potential for use in agriculture as a nutrient source and can improve soil chemical properties

    Participatory process for mapping socio-environmental determinants of health by community agents: Contributions to urban management and planning

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    Studies about socio-environmental determinants are recognized as important to better understand the factors that influence health and quality of life, and how they operate to generate inequalities. This article reports the mapping of socio-environmental determinants of health, carried out by community health agents from the community of Paraisópolis, the second-largest slum in the city of São Paulo (state of São Paulo), seeking to analyze potential contributions of this participatory process to urban management and planning. As part of an action research study and following the stages of Paulo Freire’s Research Itinerary (Culture Circles), the mapping was carried out by integrating the Talking Map technique with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), in what has been called Participatory GIS or Geographic Information Systems with Social Participation (PGIS). Positive aspects were recognized and addressed by community agents, as well as several situations of socio-environmental vulnerability as a result of the agglomerated nature of the place, directly related to urban management and planning needs. This shows that, through a participatory mapping process, citizens cannot only better identify, but also more effectively communicate their needs and qualify intervention strategies in the territory. Therefore, it is possible to address the residents’ priorities more representatively, especially in places where traditionally marginalized social groups live. And also, community health agents, who play a central role in this research process because they live and work in the same place, are fundamental to boost, mobilize, and support the complex aspects involved, both in Primary Health Care, as well as in urban management and planning.Estudos sobre determinantes socioambientais são reconhecidos como importantes para melhor compreender fatores que influenciam na saúde e qualidade de vida e como eles podem operar na geração de iniquidades. Este artigo relata o mapeamento de determinantes socioambientais de saúde realizado por agentes comunitárias de Paraisópolis, a segunda maior favela da cidade de São Paulo (SP), buscando analisar possíveis contribuições desse processo participativo para a gestão e o planejamento urbano. Como parte de uma pesquisa-ação e seguindo etapas do itinerário de pesquisa de Paulo Freire (Círculos de Cultura), o mapeamento foi realizado integrando a técnica do mapa-falante com sistemas de informação geográfica (SIG), no que vem sendo chamado de SIG participativo ou SIG com participação social. Foram reconhecidos pelas agentes comunitárias, tornando-se objetos de reflexão, aspectos positivos, bem como diversas situações de vulnerabilidade socioambiental do aglomerado diretamente relacionadas às demandas de gestão e planejamento urbano. Isso evidencia, portanto, que, por meio desse processo de mapeamento participativo, os cidadãos podem não apenas melhor identificar, como também comunicar mais eficazmente suas necessidades e qualificar estratégias de intervenção no território, atendendo de modo mais representativo às prioridades dos moradores, especialmente nas localidades em que os grupos sociais tradicionalmente marginalizados residem. Ainda, no caso de agentes comunitárias de saúde, as participantes centrais desta pesquisa, por morarem no local onde atuam elas são essenciais para impulsionar, mobilizar e apoiar as engrenagens complexas tanto da Atenção Básica em Saúde como da gestão e do planejamento urbano

    TLR4 and NLRP3 Caspase 1- IL-1β- Axis are not Involved in Colon Ascendens Stent Peritonitis (Casp)-Associated Heart Disease

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    Hemodynamic collapse and myocardial dysfunction are among the major causes ofdeath in severe sepsis. The purpose of this study was to assess the role played by TLR4and by the NLRP3 inflammasome in the cardiac dysfunction that occurs after highgradepolymicrobial sepsis. We performed the colon ascendens stent peritonitis (CASP)surgery in Tlr4-/-, Nlrp3-/- and caspase-1-/- mice. We also assessed for the first time theelectrical heart function in the CASP model. The QJ interval was increased in wild-typeC57BL/6J mice after CASP when compared to sham controls, a result paralleled by anincrease in the cardiac action potential duration (APD). The decreases in ejectionfraction (EF), left-ventricle end diastolic volume (LVEDV), stroke volume, and cardiacoutput found after CASP were similar among all groups of mice. Similar heart responsewas found when Nlrp3-/- mice were submitted to high-grade CLP. Despite developingcardiac dysfunction similar to wild-types after CASP, Nlrp3-/- mice had reducedcirculating levels of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α. Our results demonstrate that the geneticablation of Tlr4, Nlrp3, and caspase-1 does not prevent the cardiac dysfunction, despitepreventing the increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines, indicating that these are notfeasible targets to therapy in high-grade sepsis.Fil: López Alarcón, Maria Micaela. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Fernandez Ruocco, Maria Julieta. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Ferreira, Fabiano. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Paula Neto, Heitor A.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Sepúlveda, Marisa Noemí. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - la Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares ; ArgentinaFil: Vila Petroff, Martin Gerarde. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - la Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares ; ArgentinaFil: Carvalho, Adriana Bastos. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Peroba Ramos, Isalira. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Branda, Hugo Justino. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Neto Paiva, Claudia. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Medei, Emiliano. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasi

    Simple strategies for stable aqueous suspensions of carbon nanotubes

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are attractive nanoparticles for biological applications due to their broad absorption of light in the UV-Vis-NIR, NIR photoluminescence, unique Raman signature, photothermal response, and large surface area for the covalent and non-covalent conjugation of contrast agents and drugs, DNA/RNA. However, pristine CNT are highly hydrophobic and not biocompatible, requiring functionalization with hydrophilic molecules in order to form stable aqueous suspensions. Here, simple functionalization methods of perylene bisimides and pyrene, to render these polyaromatic molecules amphiphilic, will be presented. Bolaamphiphilic perylene bisimides (PBI) were prepared by the reaction of perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride with -amino acids in good yield, using a simple protocol and avoiding complex purification methods. [1] Pyrene was modified by nitration followed by amination, and further reacted with maleic anhydride yielding carboxylic acid-functionalized pyrene. The CNT aqueous suspensions were studied by absorption and emission spectroscopy. Theoretical calculations were used to support the experimental observations. The possibility of CNT double functionalization (covalent and non-covalent) will be discussed based on CNT solubility studies in surfactant aqueous solutions. Pristine and covalently functionalized CNT, at different functionalization yields, were compared. The CNT were functionalized by the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of azomethine ylides. [2] The ability of CNT to adsorb surfactant molecules was reduced by the covalent functionalization. Nevertheless, depending on the extent of covalent functionalization, a high concentration of CNT in water could be attained, in comparison to that of pristine CNT.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Multi-step subcritical water extracts of fucus vesiculosus l. And codium tomentosum stackhouse: Composition, health-benefits and safety

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    PO-CI-01-0145FEDER-030240Mental health and active aging are two of the main concerns in the 21st century. To search for new neuroprotective compounds, extracts of Codium tomentosum Stackhouse and Fucus vesiculosus L. were obtained through multi-step (four step) subcritical water extraction using a temperature gradient. The safety assessment of the extracts was performed by screening pharmaceutical compounds and pesticides by UHPLC-MS/MS, and iodine and arsenic levels by ICP-MS. Although the extracts were free of pharmaceutical compounds and pesticides, the presence of arsenic and high iodine contents were found in the first two extraction steps. Thus, the health-benefits were only evaluated for the fractions obtained in steps 3 and 4 from the extraction process. These fractions were tested against five brain enzymes implicated in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and major depression etiology as well as against reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, having been observed a strong enzyme inhibition and radical scavenging activities for the step 4 fractions from both seaweed species. Regarding the variation of the chemical composition during the extraction, step 1 fractions were the richest in phenolic compounds. With the increase in temperature, Maillard reaction, caramelization and thermo-oxidation occurred, and the resulting products positively affected the antioxidant capacity and the neuroprotective effects.publishersversionpublishe

    Principais complicações apresentadas por pacientes diagnosticados com COVID-19: revisão integrativa

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    It was aimed to highlight and identify the main complications after infection by COVID-19 reported in the scientific literature. It is an integrative review of the literature. To achieve scientific production on the chosen theme, the Virtual Health Library (BVS) and the Databases: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline), Latin American and Caribbean in the Caribbean in the search was used as a search. Health Sciences (Lilacs) and Pubmed. A total of 30 articles was obtained. After application of the inclusion and exclusion, reading and analysis criteria of the studies, 10 articles were reached for the construction of this review. Studies showed cardiovascular, renal, neurological, respiratory, liver, hematological, metabolic, functional and psychological complications. These include: ischemic injury of myocardial, pericarditis, renal failure, hematuria, proteinuria, stroke, yearsia, bronchopneumonia, bronchial mucosal edema, alterations in liver enzymes, venous thromboembolism, metabolic disorders, functional and psychological impairment. It is concluded that COVID-19 has high relevance during the appearance and development of its complications. We do not yet know how long these complications can reach patients if sequelae are temporary or definitive. Thus, the Unified Health System is prepared to continue watching these individuals.Objetivou-se evidenciar e identificar as principais complicações pós infecção pela COVID-19 relatadas na literatura científica. Trata-se de uma revisão Integrativa da literatura. Para alcançar a produção científica sobre a temática escolhida, utilizou-se como fonte de busca a Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) e as bases de dados: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Literatura Latino-americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) e PubMed. Obteve-se uma totalidade de 30 artigos. Após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, leitura e análise dos estudos, chegou-se ao número de 10 artigos para a construção da presente revisão. Os estudos evidenciaram complicações  cardiovasculares, renais, neurológicas, respiratórias, hepáticas, hematológica, metabólicas, funcionais e psicológicas. Dentre elas, destacam-se: lesão isquêmica do miocárdio, pericardite, insuficiência renal, hematúria, proteinúria, acidente vascular cerebral, anosmia, broncopneumonia, edema de mucosa brônquica, alterações na enzimas hepáticas, tromboembolismo venoso, disfunções metabólicas, comprometimento funcional e psicológico. Conclui-se que a COVID-19 possui alta relevância durante o aparecimento e desenvolvimento de suas complicações. Ainda  não sabemos após quanto tempo  essas complicações podem atingir os pacientes, se as sequelas são temporárias ou definitivas. Assim, o  Sistema Único de Saúde precisa está preparado para continuar assistindo estes indivíduos

    Co-ingestion of amatoxins and isoxazoles-containing mushrooms and successful treatment: A case report

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    Mushroom poisonings occur when ingestion of wild mushrooms containing toxins takes place, placing the consumers at life-threatening risk. In the present case report, an unusual multiple poisoning with isoxazoles- and amatoxins-containing mushrooms in a context of altered mental state and poorly controlled hypertension is presented. A 68-year-old female was presented to São João hospital (Portugal) with complaints of extreme dizziness, hallucinations, vertigo and imbalance, 3 h after consuming a stew of wild mushrooms. The first observations revealed altered mental state and elevated blood pressure. The examination of cooked mushroom fragments allowed a preliminary identification of Amanita pantherina. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) showed the presence of muscimol in urine. Moreover, through high-performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV) analysis of the gastric juice, the presence of α-amanitin was found, showing that amatoxins-containing mushrooms were also included in the stew. After 4 days of supportive treatment, activated charcoal, silybin and N-acetylcysteine, the patient recovered being discharged 10 days post-ingestion with no organ complications. The prompt and appropriate therapy protocol for life-threatening amatoxins toxicity probably saved the patient's life as oral absorption was decreased and also supportive care was immediately started.This work received financial support from the European Union (FEDER funds through COMPETE) and National Funds (FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) through project Pest-C/EQB/LA0006/2013. Juliana Garcia and Vera Marisa Costa thank FCT e Foundation for Science and Technology e for their PhD grant (SFRH/BD/74979/2010) and Post-doc grant (SFRH/BPD/63746/2009), respectively.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diagnóstico da ocorrência e composição de espécies de peixes do balneário municipal de Paraguaçu Paulista, SP: proposta de melhoria da sustentabilidade da pesca esportiva

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    The colonization and occupation of Paulista West lands promoted different kinds of impacted actions in aquatic and terrestrial environment, as well as deforestation, pollution, rivers silted up and adjacent areas that lead to severe disappearance of many native species from fauna and flora. Nowadays, the studies and recovering programs of environment in damaged aquatics ambients by men's actions are of great social-ecological importance. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the occurrence and fishes’ species composition from Paraguaçu Paulista municipal touristic balneary (SP) and give subsidies to support the sporting fisheries. The fishes´ collects were realized in Agost/02 (dry period) and March/03 (rainy period) in 3 sites from the reservoir, using seining-net and gill net. The fishes collected were quantified and identified by site of origin, in native or exotic species. The results showed an occurrence of 4 orders, 9 families, 11 genera and 12 species of fishes. The "saguiru-do-rabo-amarelo" and the "lambari-do-rabo-amarelo" were the most abundant species in number and biomass. The presence of the exotic tilapia-do-nilo was also verified in this balneary. Mild measures were indicated related to fisheries sustainable management for this ecosystem, defining the use of the land and the occupation roundness.La colonización y ocupación de los suelos del Oeste Paulista promueven diferentes tipo de acciones de impacto en los ecosistemas terrestres y acuáticos, como ejemplo el desmatamiento, polución, desbordamientode ríos y adyacentes que llevan al desaparecimiento de muchas especies de la fauna y de la flora nativa. En los días actuales, los estudios y programas de recuperación en los ambientes acuáticos impactados por acciones antrópicas son de mayor importancia socio-ecológica. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la frecuencia y composición de las especies de peces de la playa municipal de la Estancia “Turística de Paraguaçu Paulista (SP)”, y dar subsidios para la sustentabilidad de la pesca deportiva. Fueron efectuados colectas de peces en agosto/02 (período seco) y marzo/03 (período de lluvias) en tres trechos de esta represa, utilizando red de espera y “picaré”. Los peces colectados fueron cuantificados e identificados en relación al lugar de origen en nativos o exóticos. Los resultados mostraron la frecuencia de cuatro órdenes: nueve familias, 11 géneros y 12 especies de peces. El “saguiru-do-rabo-amarelo” y el “lamabari-do-rabo-amarelo” fueron las especies más abundantes tanto en número como en la biomasa. Se confirmó también la presencia de la especie exótica “tilápja-do-nilo” en esta playa. Son indicadas medidas mitigadoras relacionadas al manejo de la pesca sustentable para este ecosistema, redefiniendo el uso del suelo y la ocupación de su entorno.A colonização e ocupação dos solos do Oeste Paulista promoveram diferentes tipos de ações impactantes em ecossistemas terrestres e aquáticos, tais como desmatamento, poluição, assoreamentos de rios e adjacências que levam ao desaparecimento de muitas espécies da fauna e da flora nativa. Nos dias atuais, os estudos e programas de recuperação em ambientes aquáticos impactados por ações antrópicas são de grande importância sócio-ecológica. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ocorrência e composição das espécies de peixes do balneário municipal da Estância Turística de Paraguaçu Paulista (SP), e dar subsídios para a sustentabilidade da pesca esportiva. Foram efetuadas coletas de peixes em agosto/02 (período seco) e março/03 (período chuvoso) em três trechos desta represa, utilizando-se de redes de espera e picaré. Os peixes coletados foram quantificados e identificados quanto ao local de origem em nativos ou exóticos. Os resultados mostraram a ocorrência de quatro ordens, nove famílias, 11 gêneros e 12 espécies de peixes. O sagüiru-do-rabo-amarelo e o lambari-do-rabo-amarelo foram as espécies mais abundantes tanto em número quanto em biomassa. Constatou-se também a presença da espécie exótica tilápia-do-nilo neste balneário. São indicadas medidas mitigadoras relacionadas ao manejo pesqueiro sustentável para este ecossistema, redefinindo uso do solo e ocupação de seu entorno

    Resíduos de usinas de concreto como material alternativo para produção de produtos cimentícios: mapeamento sistemático

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    Concrete waste sludge is a cementitious waste from the treatment of wastewater generated during the washing process of concrete mixer yards and trucks in metering plants. This waste is basically composed of water, aggregates, cement paste and additives used for concrete production. Due to its characteristics, such as high pH and high suspended solids content, this material must be properly managed, since, according to CONAMA Resolution nº. 430, the discharge of effluents into the soil cannot pose pollution risks to surface and groundwater. In recent years, both academia and industry have sought to find solutions that reduce the impact of some productive activities on the environment. Therefore, this article aims to present an overview of research related to the incorporation of concrete sludge in cement products. For this, a systematic literature mapping was performed through the CAPES Periodic database using the search strings “concrete sludge” and “fresh concrete waste”, in order to find the main studies related to the studied slope. Thus, through the mapping performed it was possible to realize that, when compared to other types of waste, the study of concrete residual sludge (LRC) is still recent and the impacts of its use have not been completely clarified, thus highlighting the need for further research. in the area.A lama residual de concreto (LRC) é um resíduo cimentício proveniente do tratamento da água residuária gerada durante o processo de lavagem de pátios e caminhões betoneira em usinas dosadoras. Este resíduo é composto basicamente por água, agregados, pasta de cimento e aditivos utilizados para produção de concreto. Devido as suas características como, por exemplo, elevado pH e alto teor de sólidos suspensos, há de se ter um manejo adequado deste material, visto que, conforme a Resolução CONAMA nº 430, o lançamento de efluentes em solo não poderá representar riscos de poluição às águas superficiais e subterrâneas. Nota-se que nos últimos anos, tanto a academia, quanto a indústria, têm buscado encontrar soluções reduzam o impacto de algumas atividades produtivas sobre o meio ambiente. Assim sendo, este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um panorama das pesquisas relacionadas com a incorporação da lama residual de concreto em produtos cimentícios. Para tanto, foi realizado um mapeamento sistemático da literatura através da base de dados Periódicos CAPES utilizando as strings de busca “concrete sludge” e “fresh concrete waste”, de forma a encontrar os principais estudos relacionados com a vertente estudada. Assim, através do mapeamento realizado foi possível perceber que, quando comparada com outros tipos de resíduos, o estudo da lama residual de concreto (LRC) ainda é recente e os impactos da sua utilização ainda não foram completamente esclarecidos, ressaltando assim a necessidade de novas pesquisas na área

    Rare works digitalizing for bibliographic memory preservation

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    A digitalização de obras raras (livros, revistas e imagens) é uma abordagem tecnológica para a preservação de originais, sendo uma oportunidade ímpar para recuperar e preservar a memória bibliográfica, além de poder disponibilizar o seu conteúdo para o público que muitas vezes não tem a oportunidade de acesso a essas obras, seja pelo desconhecimento de sua existência ou devido às questões institucionais que restringem o contato com originais. Nessa abordagem, diferentes recursos da tecnologia da informação são utilizados e, por isso, muitos acervos não são digitalizados devido aos altos custos financeiros ou ao desconhecimento das ferramentas necessárias para iniciar essa atividade. Este trabalho, então, objetiva relatar projetos de digitalização em ação na Seção de Coleções Especiais da Biblioteca Central da Ufes, apresentando o processo de seleção dos originais e as tecnologias utilizadas. Para fundamentar este trabalho, uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre digitalização e preservação de memória é relatada. Ao final, como resultado das atividades dos projetos, são apresentadas algumas obras digitalizadas.Digitalizing rare works (books, magazines and images) is a technological approach for documents preservation, being a unique opportunity to restore and preserve the bibliographic memory, besides to make their content available to the public which, often, it has no opportunities for accessing them, either by ignorance of their existence or due to institutional issues which restrict contact to the originals. On this approach, different information technology resources are used and, therefore, many collections are not scanned because of high financial costs or lacking tools knowledge necessary to start this activity. This work, then, objectives report digitalizing projects on action at the Special Collections in the UFES Central Library, featuring the original selection process and technologies used. To support this work, a bibliographic research on digitization and memory preservation is reported. At the end, as result from the project activities, are shown some digitized works