156 research outputs found

    A theoretical-experimental framework for the analysis of the dynamic response of a QEPAS tuning fork device immersed in a fluid medium

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    Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy (QEPAS) is a trace gas sensing technique that employs a designed high-quality factor quartz tuning fork (QTF) as acousto-electric transducer. The first in-plane skew-symmetric flexural mode of the QTF is excited when weak resonant sound waves are generated between the QTF prongs. Thus, the performance of a QEPAS sensor strongly depends on the resonance properties of the QTF, namely the determination of flexural eigenfrequencies and air damping loss. In this work, we present a mixed theoretical-experimental framework to study the dynamic response of a QTF while vibrating in a fluid environment. Due to the system linearity, the dynamic response of the resonator immersed in a fluid medium is obtained by employing a Boundary Element formulation based on an ad hoc calculated Green's function. In particular, the QTF is modelled as constituted by a pair of two Euler-Bernoulli cantilevers partially coupled by a distributed linear spring. As for the forces exerted by the fluid on QTF structure, the fluid inertia and viscosity as well as an additional diffusivity term, whose influence is crucial for the correct evaluation of the system response, have been taken into account. By corroborating the theoretical analysis with the experimental outcomes obtained by means of a vibro-acoustic setup, the fluid response coefficients and the dynamics of the QTF immersed in a fluid environment are fully determined

    Epoxy Resins for Flooring Applications, an Optimal Host for Recycling Deactivated Cement Asbestos

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    Cement asbestos slates, commonly known as Eternit((R)) and still abundant in private and public buildings, were deactivated through a thermal process. The resulting deactivated cement asbestos powder (DCAP), a mixture of Ca-Mg-Al silicates and glass, was compounded with Pavatekno Gold 200 (PT) and Pavafloor H200/E (PF), two different epoxy resins (bisphenol A epichlorohydrin) for flooring applications. The addition of the DCAP filler to the PF samples causes a slight but acceptable decrease in the relevant mechanical properties (compressive, tensile, and flexural strengths) upon increasing DCAP content. The addition of the DCAP filler to pure epoxy (PT resin) causes a slight decrease in the tensile and flexural strengths with increasing DCAP content, while the compressive strength is almost unaffected, and the Shore hardness increases. The main mechanical properties of the PT samples are significantly better than those of the filler-bearing sample of normal production. Overall, these results suggest that DCAP can be advantageously used as filler in addition to, or in substitution for, commercial barite. In particular, the sample with 20 wt% of DCAP is the best performing in terms of compressive, tensile, and flexural strengths, whereas the sample with 30 wt% of DCAP shows the highest Shore hardness, which is an important property to be considered in flooring applications

    JLB: a flexible and effective device in critical patients. Review of clinical cases

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    JLB catheter (Deltamed Inc) is an alternative way to manage difficult venous access; it is placed under US-guidance in large bore veins, with an easy-sterile approach. Internal jugular vein (IJV) is the first choice for cannulation, followed by subclavian or deep upper-arm veins. The catheter is available in different lengths and gauges, it allows high flow rates and can be left in place up to 30 days. From June 2015 to March 2017, JLB has been positioned in 409 patients: in 354 as primary access in IJV, brachial or subclavian vein; in 55 cases JLB became an introducing line for the Seldinger guidewire and further CVC positioning. All clinical cases were reviewed selecting those with greater clinical relevance. We report 8 cases in which JLB resulted determinant for the patient treatment: a 16 years old obese girl born with perinatal distress, a 78 years old obese woman with hemorrhagic shock caused by gastrointestinal bleeding, a 40 years old man with severe hypokalemia, a 30 years old man with severe sepsis, a 40 years old man with Becker’s muscular dystrophy and severe sepsis, a 40 years old man with multiple myeloma who had to carry out cycles of chemotherapy, a 76 years old man with CMV pancolitis and myelofibrosis who needed parenteral nutrition, antiviral therapy and frequent blood and platelets transfusion. Moreover, it has been useful in elderly patients who needed to carry out palliative care for seniority or cancer lasting up to 30 days . In our experience the JLB catheter is safe, easy to place, quick and cost –effective. It is a valid solution either in unstable patients requiring an immediate access in emergency and stable patients with difficult venous access, in which invasive devices can be considered an over-treatment

    Boom boom pow: Shock-facilitated aqueous alteration and evidence for two shock events in the Martian nakhlite meteorites

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    Nakhlite meteorites are ~1.4 to 1.3 Ga old igneous rocks, aqueously altered on Mars ~630 Ma ago. We test the theory that water-rock interaction was impact driven. Electron backscatter diffraction demonstrates that the meteorites Miller Range 03346 and Lafayette were heterogeneously deformed, leading to localized regions of brecciation, plastic deformation, and mechanical twinning of augite. Numerical modeling shows that the pattern of deformation is consistent with shock-generated compressive and tensile stresses. Mesostasis within shocked areas was aqueously altered to phyllosilicates, carbonates, and oxides, suggesting a genetic link between the two processes. We propose that an impact ~630 Ma ago simultaneously deformed the nakhlite parent rocks and generated liquid water by melting of permafrost. Ensuing water-rock interaction focused on shocked mesostasis with a high density of reactive sites. The nakhlite source location must have two spatially correlated craters, one ~630 Ma old and another, ejecting the meteorites, ~11 Ma ago

    Historical influence on the practice of chiropractic radiology: part II - thematic analysis on the opinions of diplomates of the American Chiropractic College of Radiology about the future

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    Background: Over the past 20 years, various authors have addressed the question of the future of chiropractic. Most were positive about the future, with some advocating evidence-based practice and integration with mainstream healthcare, some advocating continued separation with an emphasis on subluxation-based care or the traditional/historical paradigm of chiropractic, and some calling for tolerance and unity. No papers were found specifically inquiring about the future of chiropractic radiology. Methods: The study population consisted of all current members of the American Chiropractic College of Radiology (ACCR), estimated at 190 people, known as chiropractic radiologists or Diplomates of the American Chiropractic Board of Radiology (DACBRs). An internet-based, anonymous survey using SurveyMonkey was implemented, supplemented by hard copies distributed at a conference. The main point of interest for this paper is the final item of the overall questionnaire. This item inquired about the future of chiropractic radiology. Thematic analysis was used on the responses, coded in both constructionist and inductive ways to extract both a general outlook and more specific themes. The inductive themes were also assigned secondarily to a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis. Results: The overall response rate to the survey was 38% (73/190); within the group of respondents, 71 of 73 (98%) answered the item that is the subject of this paper. Opinions on the outlook for chiropractic radiology in the future were more negative than positive, with 14 respondents giving a positive outlook, 26 negative, and 14 non-committal. 28 respondents advocated integration with the wider healthcare community, 11 recommended emphasising separateness or a focus on working within chiropractic, and 15 did not express an opinion on this issue. Ten strengths were noted, 11 weaknesses, 57 opportunities, and 30 threats. Conclusions: The increasing necessity of demonstrating evidence for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in healthcare makes it likely that chiropractic radiologists and the wider chiropractic profession will need to take a more active position on evidence-based practice. Re-evaluation of guidelines and legislation as well as enforcement policies and practices will be necessary. The consequences of failing to do so may include increased marginalisation and reduced viability as a profession

    Global response of Plasmodium falciparum to hyperoxia: a combined transcriptomic and proteomic approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Over its life cycle, the <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>parasite is exposed to different environmental conditions, particularly to variations in O<sub>2 </sub>pressure. For example, the parasite circulates in human venous blood at 5% O<sub>2 </sub>pressure and in arterial blood, particularly in the lungs, at 13% O<sub>2 </sub>pressure. Moreover, the parasite is exposed to 21% O<sub>2 </sub>levels in the salivary glands of mosquitoes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To study the metabolic adaptation of <it>P. falciparum </it>to different oxygen pressures during the intraerythrocytic cycle, a combined approach using transcriptomic and proteomic techniques was undertaken.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Even though hyperoxia lengthens the parasitic cycle, significant transcriptional changes were detected in hyperoxic conditions in the late-ring stage. Using PS 6.0â„¢ software (Ariadne Genomics) for microarray analysis, this study demonstrate up-expression of genes involved in antioxidant systems and down-expression of genes involved in the digestive vacuole metabolism and the glycolysis in favour of mitochondrial respiration. Proteomic analysis revealed increased levels of heat shock proteins, and decreased levels of glycolytic enzymes. Some of this regulation reflected post-transcriptional modifications during the hyperoxia response.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results seem to indicate that hyperoxia activates antioxidant defence systems in parasites to preserve the integrity of its cellular structures. Moreover, environmental constraints seem to induce an energetic metabolism adaptation of <it>P. falciparum</it>. This study provides a better understanding of the adaptive capabilities of <it>P. falciparum </it>to environmental changes and may lead to the development of novel therapeutic targets.</p
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