3,263 research outputs found

    Capital Flows to Latin America: Is There Evidence of Contagion Effects?”

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    The issue of "spillover or contagion" effects has acquired renewed importance in light of the Mexican crisis in December 1994 and the effect that this event has had on other emerging market economies. Relatively little empirical analysis exists on how small open economies are affected by economic developments in their neighbors and what role financial markets play in the transmission of disturbances. This paper attempts to fill that gap by examining recent developments in emerging equity markets in Asia and Latin America and longer term trends and cycles in capital flows to Latin American economies and their sensitivity to events in the larger countries in the region.

    Capital flows to Latin America : Is there evidence of contagion effects?

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    Mexico's economic crisis in December 1994 gave renewed importance to the issue of"spillover"or"contagion"effects in other emerging market economies (and their sensitivity to events in larger countries in the region.) They focus on how small open economies are affected by their neighbors'ecomomic developments and what role financial markets play in the transmission of disturbances. They find that: (1) There was evidence of increased comovement across weekly equity and Brady bond returns for emerging markets in Latin America after the Mexican crisis. Such comovement could be seen as evidence of herding behavior among investors, or as a result of the effect on stock prices in other markets when a few large investors in one market sell off equities to raise cash. (2) Contagion may be more regional than global--the degree of comovement after the crisis increased in both Asia and Latin America, but regional patterns differed. (3) International capital movements are all significantly affected by swings in interest rates in the United States. Other things being equal, increases in U.S. interest rates are associated with capital outflows from Latin America. Large and small countries are equally vulnerable. (4) Developments in large countries influence the capital account balance of all countries in the region through a more persistent form of contagion than that associated with a crisis. Other things being equal, capital flows in and out of large countries in a region tend to encourage flows affecting the smaller countries, although capital developments in small countries appear to have no systematic impact on larger countries. (5) Smaller Latin American countries appear to be affected more by developments in a core set of countries in a region than by developments in a single country.Economic Theory&Research,Capital Markets and Capital Flows,Banks&Banking Reform,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,Fiscal&Monetary Policy,Economic Theory&Research,Banks&Banking Reform,Macroeconomic Management,Financial Intermediation,Environmental Economics&Policies

    Connecting social enterprise and higher education: universities as drivers in the support of social enterprises in the United Kingdom

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    Despite the increased attention paid to enterprise and entrepreneurship education in recent years, there exist limited bodies of research on the extent to which higher education institutions support and promote social enterprises. This chapter addresses this by drawing on previous research concerning enterprise and entrepreneurship education in universities and their role as drivers in bringing social change and improvement in individuals and the wider society. This chapter provides many examples of social enterprise curricular and co-curricular programmes in higher education institutions in the United Kingdom and concludes with a discussion of the opportunities and challenges of universities supporting social enterprise initiatives with a roadmap for future research directions

    Uso de óxido nitroso en sedoanalgesia durante la infiltración de toxina botulínica en pacientes pediátricos afectos de parálisis cerebral y otras encefalopatías

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    El principal objetivo de este estudio consiste en determinar la efectividad y la seguridad del óxido nitroso utilizado como sedoanalgésico en un grupo de pacientes en edad pediátrica afectos de parálisis cerebral u otros trastornos del movimiento. Se han utilizado datos clínicos y del procedimiento recogidos entre los años 2009 y 2015 de 78 pacientes que se encuentran en seguimiento por la unidad de Neuropediatría del Hospital Universitario Río Hortega de Valladolid. Se recogió el número de infiltraciones de toxina botulínica por paciente y sesión, ofreciéndose sedación a todos los pacientes y en todos los procedimientos de infiltración. En los padres que rechazaron la medida no se administró sedación. El número de sesiones sin N2O con nivel de sedación 1 y 2 (inadecuada) fue de 48 frente a 26 con niveles 3 y 4 (adecuados), no siendo estadísticamente significativa la diferencia. En el grupo con N2O la diferencia entre niveles adecuados de sedoanalgesia (274 sesiones) frente a inadecuados (94 sesiones) fue significativa (p<0,05). Los efectos secundarios recogidos fueron leves. Se concluye que el uso de N2O como sedoanalgésico es tanto efectivo como seguro en estos pacientes.Grado en Medicin

    Revisión sobre la intervención dietética en síndrome de ovario poliquístico

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    Abstract: The aim of the present study was to investigate which diet is the best option to treat polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). A bibliographic review was carried out. Official web sites and documents were taken into consideration. Nevertheless, for the analysis of studies, just articles from indexed magazines were used. These articles were published between 2015 and 2022, and they were selected form the database PubMed. At the end, 19 articles were used. All of the discussed diets can be helpful to lose weight in case of overweight or obesity. In case of inflammation, the Mediterranean diet may be the best option because of its antioxidant value. When SOP coexists with diabetes, both the DASH diet and the ketogenic diet can be of great help. A low glicemic diet can be useful to improve the levels of sex hormones and the lipid profile in women with PCOS. More investigations and studies with bigger samples are needed to confirm the results shown in this work. However, the information exposed in this review points out that an anti-inflammatory diet, losing weight, in case it was necessary, and controlling the carbohydrates intake, is necessary to improve the symptomatology and health of women with PCOS. Keywords: polycystic ovarian syndrome. Mediterranean diet. DASH diet. Ketogenic diet. Low glicemic diet &nbsp;Resumen: El objetivo del presente estudio es investigar cuál es la intervención dietética óptima en mujeres con Síndrome de Ovario Poliquístico (SOP). Para ello, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica. Se estudiaron documentos, páginas web oficiales y distintos artículos científicos. Para el análisis de estudios, fueron seleccionados distintos artículos que investigaban el efecto de una de las dietas de estudio en mujeres con SOP. Se tuvieron en cuenta un total de 19 artículos publicados entre 2015 y 2022, obtenidos de la base de datos PubMed. Como resultado se obtuvo que cualquiera de las dietas de estudio puede resultar de interés clínico para la pérdida de peso. La dieta mediterránea (DM) es interesante por su capacidad antioxidante. La dieta DASH y la dieta cetogénica (DC) han mostrado ser eficaces para controlar la glucemia en la población de estudio. La dieta de bajo índice glucémico (IG) puede mejorar el perfil de hormonas sexuales y otros parámetros analíticos, como el colesterol total o los triglicéridos. Son necesarios más estudios y con una mayor muestra para poder confirmar los resultados hallados. No obstante, la información expuesta en este artículo muestra que una pérdida de peso, en caso de que sea necesario, una dieta antiinflamatoria y un control en la ingesta de hidratos de carbono son características a tener en cuenta para mejorar la sintomatología y la salud de mujeres con SOP. Palabras clave: Síndrome de ovario poliquístico. Dieta mediterránea. Dieta DASH. Dieta cetogénica. Dieta de bajo índice glucémico

    The Global Financial Crisis of 2008-10: A View from the Social Sectors

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    The impact of the US financial crisis that unfolded in 2008 has been global. It was felt in output, trade, and cross-border capital flows and transfers. Incomes have dropped and consumption patterns are changing, placing at risk the human development gains of the 1990s. At the heart of this global crisis is a credit crunch that has put financial strains on firms and individuals and has led to a large number of job losses and drops in income from other sources. Having learned the lessons from past financial crises, some countries were well prepared and, with support from the international financial community, lessened the impact of the crisis. Still, current estimates about the impact of the Crisis are staggering. But country experiences show that in the past there have been huge overestimates of the impact on human development indicators that may be the case again now. The high share of developing-country exports in total exports to advanced countries and the high number of women—pivotal in child development--in developing country-export sectors, make focusing on national and global actions conducive to restore world credit a priority for policymakers. High on the action list is restoring credibility in financial markets, making credit accessible to small businesses that account for a large share of employment globally, strengthening the absorptive capacity of public spending, and expanding social protection programs. This paper is a compilation of selected literature on the impact of financial crisis on jobs, other sources of private income and public social spending and on human development. The paper uses the bank run and sudden stop framework of financial-crisis analysis, discusses country cases, and summarizes the lessons learned from current as well as past crises to prevent loosing sources of income.financial crisis; credit; jobs; human development

    The role of prescribed fire in the provision of regulating ecosystem services of Spanish heathlands

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    We provide a synthesis of evidence of the effects of burning and N deposition on the provision of regulating ecosystem services of Cantabrian heathlands (NW Spain). We quantified carbon sequestration in litter, above and belowground biomass, root and soil compartments in heathlands after burning and burning plus N fertilization

    Les Micotoxines i el seu control en els aliments

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    Les micotoxines són productes tòxics que provenen del metabolisme secundari del fongs filamentosos. A causa de la seva incidència negativa sobre la salut de l'home i dels animals, es fa necessari l'establiment d'estratègies destinades al control de la seva presència i acumulació en els aliments. Aquestes han d'estar enfocades en les etapes inicials de la recol·lecció de la matèria primera i en les etapes de postrecolecció i emmagatzematge. En cas que s'hagi produït la contaminació per micotoxines, és necessària l'aplicació de mesures i estratègies de control que permetin assegurar la seva eliminació en els productes alimentaris, o almenys reduir els nivells per sota dels establerts per la legislació. Aquests mètodes poden dividir-se en físics, químics i biològics. En aquest treball s'aporta una aproximació als sistemes de biocontrol descrits actualment.Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced bymoulds. As they represent a big hazard for both human and animal health, it is necessary to find out effective strategies in order to control their presence in feed and food as well as their accumulation. These strategies must be focused on the harvest first stages and the post-harvest and storage stages. If a mycotoxin contamination is detected, it is necessary to apply measures and control strategies which guarantee its removal from feed and food, or at least to decrease the mycotoxin levels under the threshold established by legislation. These measures can be divided into physical, chemical and biological. This review introduces the biocontrol systems described so far

    A Revision of Preventive Web-based Psychotherapies in Subjects at Risk of Mental Disorders

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    For the last years, the impulse of new technologies has overcome the traditional pathways of face-to-face clinical intervention and web-based psychological methodologies for intervention have started to gain success. This study aims to review the state-of-art about the effectiveness studies on preventive web- based interventions accomplished in samples of subjects at high risk for depressive, anxiety, eating behavior, problematic substance use symptoms and promotion of psychological well-being. Results showed that web-based psychological interventions for the prevention of mental disorders seemed to be effective for at risk individuals. Online health promotion in the general population was also effective to avoid the onset of clinical psychological circumstances. Future research should focus on personalized online intervention and on the evaluation of web-based engagement