280 research outputs found

    Sinus Floor Elevation with Modified Crestal Approach and Single Loaded Short Implants: A Case Report with 4 Years of Follow-Up

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    Tooth extraction is usually followed by bone reduction. In the maxillary posterior region, this remodelling combined with sinus pneumatisation and periodontal defects may lead to a reduced basal bone height available for implant placement. Sinus floor elevation can be performed with different surgical techniques. Crestal approach has demonstrated to be effective, less invasive, and associated with a reduced morbidity. This article reports a modified sinus floor elevation by means of rotary, noncutting instruments, addition of xenograft, and 2 short-threaded implant placements. The aim of the study was to evaluate the implant’s success and intrasinus radiographical bone gain after 4 years of functional loading. The premolar implant site presented a starting basal bone height of 6 mm, while the molar site was of 2 mm. In the first surgical step, sinus floor elevation was performed mesially and the implant was inserted, and distally only sinus floor elevation was performed. After 6 months, the mesial implant was uncovered and the second implant was inserted; 4 months later, the second fixture was uncovered, and both fixtures were loaded with single provisional screw-retained crowns and later with single screw-retained porcelain fused to metal crowns. Implants integrated successfully, and crestal bone remodelling did not exceed the smooth collar. Bone gain was 3 mm for the mesial implant and more than 5 mm for the distal one

    Reproductive disorders induced by Chlamydophila spp. infections in an italian mediterranean buffalo (bubalus bubalis) herd

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    The Italian Mediterranean Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) has low fecundity and high incidence of abortion. Several studies have associated reproductive failure of water buffalo with viral infections but there is limited information on the role of chlamydial infections. To investigate the presence and the role of Chlamydiaceae in water buffalo a retrospective study was performed in a farm where, in the arch of 11 months, the pregnant heifers suffered an abortion rate of 36.8% in the 3rd and 5th month of pregnancy. Antibodies to Chlamydiaceae were detected in 57% of the aborted cows, while the rate of positivity was 0% in overtly healthy cows used as control. By a PCR assay 3 of 14 vaginal swabs from aborted animals tested positive for Chlamydophila agents and, additionally, 3 out of 7 aborted foetuses tested positive for Chlamydophila spp., with two being co-infections by Cp. abortus and Cp. pecorum and one being characterised as Cp. abortus. The presence of anti-Chlamydiaceae antibodies in 57% of the aborted animals and the detection of Chlamydophila agents in foetal organs and in vaginal swabs is consistent with the history of abortions (P<0.002) observed in the herd and may suggest a pathogenic role by Chlamydophila spp. in water buffalo

    Nível De Atividade Física De Mulheres Menopausadas Com Baixa Densidade Mineral óssea

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    Introduction Proper physical activity is related to the prevention and the treatment of osteoporosis. Purpose To assess the level of physical activity (PA) in post-menopausal women with low bone mineral density (BMD). Methods This cross-sectional clinicai study included 123 post-menopausal women. The inclusión criteria were: age of ≥ 45 years with last menses at least 12 months prior to the Initiation of the study, and bone density sean (BDS) valúes measured over the preceding 12 months. Women with severe Osteoarthritis were excluded. Women were allocated into three groups, according to BMD measured by BDS [osteoporosis (OP; 54 women), osteopenia (35 women), and normal bone density (NBD; 35 women)], and compared for general, clinicai, and anthropometric data, and for PA level. The latter was assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), in metabolic equivalent of task (MET) units. Participants were classified as sedenta ry, active or very active. Quantitative variables were compared using ANOVA followed by Tukey's test. Associations between qualitative variables were tested by chi-square (χ2) or Fisher's exact test. In order to check for differences among groups and IPAQ domains, a generalized linear model with Gamma distribution was adjusted for valúes in METs. Results The OP group differed from the NBD group regarding age (61.8 ± 10.1 and 52.9 ± 5.4 years), percentage of participants with self-declared white ethnicity (43.9 and 28.0%), body mass index (BMI - 25.7 ± 5.4 and 30.9 ± 5.1 kg/m2), and time since menopause (15.5 ± 7.5 and 5.8 ± 4.5 years). Smoking rates were higher in the OP (55.6%) and NBD groups (33.3%) than in the osteopenia group (11.1%). Within the OP group, the rate of subjects with sedentary lifestyles was higher (42.6%), and time spent sitting was greater (344.3 ± 204.8 METs) than in the groups with osteopenia (20.0% and 300.9 ± 230.6 METs) and NBD (17.7% and 303.2 ± 187.9 METs). Conclusions The rate of sedentary lifestyles was higher in post-menopausal women with OP than in those with either osteopenia or NBD. In order to change this physical inactivity profile, strategies should be created to address this group of patients. © 2016 by Thieme Publicações Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.38522523

    Antibiotics or no antibiotics, that is the question: An update on efficient and effective use of antibiotics in dental practice

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    The antimicrobial resistance (AMR) phenomenon is an emerging global problem and is induced by overuse and misuse of antibiotics in medical practice. In total, 10% of antibiotic prescriptions are from dentists, usually to manage oro-dental pains and avoid postsurgical complications. Recent research and clinical evaluations highlight new therapeutical approaches with a reduction in dosages and number of antibiotic prescriptions and recommend focusing on an accurate diagnosis and improvement of oral health before dental treatments and in patients’ daily lives. In this article, the most common clinical and operative situations in dental practice, such as endodontics, management of acute alveolar abscesses, extractive oral surgery, parodontology and implantology, are recognized and summarized, suggesting possible guidelines to reduce antibiotic prescription and consumption, maintaining high success rates and low complications rates. Additionally, the categories of patients requiring antibiotic administration for pre-existing conditions are recapitulated. To reduce AMR threat, it is important to establish protocols for treatment with antibiotics, to be used only in specific situations. Recent reviews demonstrate that, in dentistry, it is possible to minimize the use of antibiotics, thoroughly assessing patient’s conditions and type of intervention, thus improving their efficacy and reducing the adverse effects and enhancing the modern concept of personalized medicine

    Activated phosphoinositide 3-dinase delta syndrome (APDS): An update

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    Activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase delta syndrome (APDS) is a recently described form of inborn error of immunity (IEI) caused by heterozygous mutations in PIK3CD or PIK3R1&nbsp;genes, respectively, encoding leukocyte-restricted catalytic p110\u3b4 subunit and the ubiquitously expressed regulatory p85 \u3b1 subunit of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase \u3b4 (PI3K\u3b4). The first described patients with respiratory infections, hypogammaglobulinemia with normal to elevated IgM serum levels, lymphopenia, and lymphoproliferation. Since the original description, it is becoming evident that the onset of disease may be somewhat variable over time, both in terms of age at presentation and in terms of clinical and immunological complications. In many cases, patients are referred to various specialists such as hematologists, rheumatologists, gastroenterologists, and others, before an immunological evaluation is performed, leading to delay in diagnosis, which negatively affects their prognosis. The significant heterogeneity in the clinical and immunological features affecting APDS patients requires awareness among clinicians since good results with p110\u3b4 inhibitors have been reported, certainly ameliorating these patients\u2019 quality of life and prognosis

    Primary atopic disorders and chronic skin disease

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    open13noPrimary atopic disorders (PADs) are monogenic diseases characterized by allergy or atopy-related symptoms as fundamental features. In patients with PADs, primary immune deficiency and immune dysregulation symptoms are usually coexist. Chronic skin disease, manifesting with erythroderma, severe atopic dermatitis or eczema, and urticaria, is one of the main features observed in PADs, such as hyper-IgE syndromes, Omenn syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, IPEX-linked syndrome, skin barrier disorders, as well as some autoinflammatory diseases. The recognition of PADs in the context of an allergic phenotype is crucial to ensure prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment. This article provides an overview of the main PADs with skin involvement.openCinicola B.L.; Corrente S.; Castagnoli R.; Lougaris V.; Giardino G.; Leonardi L.; Volpi S.; La Torre F.; Federici S.; Soresina A.; Cancrini C.; Marseglia G.L.; Cardinale F.Cinicola, B. L.; Corrente, S.; Castagnoli, R.; Lougaris, V.; Giardino, G.; Leonardi, L.; Volpi, S.; La Torre, F.; Federici, S.; Soresina, A.; Cancrini, C.; Marseglia, G. L.; Cardinale, F

    Inherited defects in the complement system

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    open13noThe complement system plays an essential role in both innate and adaptive immune responses. Any dysregulation in this system can disturb normal host defense and alter inflammatory response leading to both infections and autoimmune diseases. The complement system can be activated through three different pathways. Inherited complement deficiencies have been described for all complement components and their regulators. Despite being rare diseases, complement deficiencies are often severe, with a frequent onset during childhood. We provide an overview of clinical disorders related to these disorders and describe current diagnostic strategies required for their comprehensive characterization and management.openLeonardi L.; La Torre F.; Soresina A.; Federici S.; Cancrini C.; Castagnoli R.; Cinicola B.L.; Corrente S.; Giardino G.; Lougaris V.; Volpi S.; Marseglia G.L.; Cardinale F.Leonardi, L.; La Torre, F.; Soresina, A.; Federici, S.; Cancrini, C.; Castagnoli, R.; Cinicola, B. L.; Corrente, S.; Giardino, G.; Lougaris, V.; Volpi, S.; Marseglia, G. L.; Cardinale, F

    Próteses parciais fixas reforçadas por fibras: um estudo clínico retrospectivo preliminar

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance (retention rate) of fiber-reinforced composite fixed partial dentures (FPDs). Polyethylene fiber (Ribbond®) was used combined with restorative composite during FPDs fabrication. FPDs were placed in thirteen patients in a private clinic. Nineteen FPDs were evaluated. The prosthetic space was filled with only one pontic using extracted teeth (2 cases), acrylic resin teeth (11 cases), or with composite resin (6 cases), combined with Polyethylene fiber. The clinical criterion used was based on retention rate of FPDs. If FPDs were in function in the mouth at the time of examination without previous repair they were classified as Complete Survival (CS) restorations. A classification of Survival with Rebonding (SR) was assigned in the event of an adhesive failure, but after rebonding the FPD still remained under evaluation. Treatment was classified as a Failure (F) if the FPD restoration was lost. The time of evaluation was 41.15 months (±15.13). The FPDs evaluated were retained (CS=94.75%), and no failure was found except for in one situation which required rebonding (SR=5.25%). According to the survival estimation method of Kaplan-Meyer the mean survival time was 42.3 months. At the time of evaluation investigated, polyethylene-reinforced FPDs showed a favorable retention rate in preliminary data.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a performance clínica (percentagem de retenção) de próteses parciais fixas reforçadas por fibras. Fibras de polietileno (Ribbond®) foram usadas em combinação com resina composta durante a confecção das próteses. Os tratamentos foram realizadas em 13 pacientes, em uma clínica privada., sendo que 19 próteses foram reavaliadas. O espaço protético era preenchido com um pôntico usando o próprio dente extraído (2 casos), dentes de acrílico (11 casos) ou confeccionados com resina composta (6 casos), em todas as situações eram empregadas fibras de polietileno. Os critérios clínicos usados foram baseados na percentagem de retenção das próteses parciais fixas. As próteses que estavam em função no momento da avaliação, sem nunca necessitar de qualquer reparo prévio, foram classificadas como sobrevivência completa (SC). A classificação de sobrevivência com nova colagem (SR) foi utilizada para os casos de falha adesiva, com posterior cimentação da peça, a qual permanecia em função. O tratamento era classificado como falha (F) quando a restauração era perdida. O tempo médio de avaliação foi de 41,15 meses (±15,13). Nenhum caso de falha foi detectado, em apenas um caso houve falha adesiva com posterior colagem da peça (SR=5,25%) e em 94.75% dos casos as próteses permaneciam em função.. De acordo com o método de sobrevida de Kaplan-Meyer o tempo médio de sobrevida foi de 42,3 meses. As próteses parciais fixas reforçadas por fibras mostraram uma percentagem de retenção favorável neste estudo preliminar

    Elevated lactate dehydrogenase has prognostic relevance in treatment-na\uefve patients affected by chronic lymphocytic leukemia with trisomy 12

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    Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) patients with +12 have been reported to have specific clinical and biologic features. We performed an analysis of the association between demographic; clinical; laboratory; biologic features and outcome in CLL patients with +12 to identify parameters predictive of disease progression; time to treatment; and survival. The study included 487 treatment-naive CLL patients with +12 from 15 academic centers; diagnosed between January 2000 and July 2016; and 816 treatment-na\uefve patients with absence of Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) abnormalities. A cohort of 250 patients with +12 CLL followed at a single US institution was used for external validation. In patients with +12; parameters associated with worse prognosis in the multivariate model were high Lactate DeHydrogenase (LDH) and \u3b2-2- microglobulin and unmutated immunoglobulin heavy-chain variable region gene (IGHV). CLL patients with +12 and high LDH levels showed a shorter Progression-Free-Survival (PFS) (30 months vs. 65 months; p &lt; 0.001), Treatment-Free-Survival (TFS) (33 months vs. 69 months; p &lt; 0.001), Overall Survival (OS) (131 months vs. 181 months; p &lt; 0.001) and greater CLL-related mortality (29% vs. 11% at 10 years; p &lt; 0.001) when compared with +12 CLL patients with normal LDH levels. The same differences were observed in the validation cohort. These data suggest that serum LDH levels can predict PFS; TFS; OS and CLL-specific survival in CLL patients with +12
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