30 research outputs found

    Optimasi Ukuran Partikel dan Komposisi dalam Pembuatan Tegel Komposit Partikulat Granit

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    OPTIMASI UKURAN PARTIKEL DAN KOMPOSISI DALAM PEMBUATAN TEGEL KOMPOSIT PARTIKULAT GRANIT. Bahan tegel komposit partikulat granit bennatriks epoxy dapat diharapkan sebagai bahan lantai yang kedap air dan cukup ulet. Penggunaan bahan komposit bagi industri rumah tangga menjadi penting dan cukup menjanjikan. Pembuatan bahan dimulai dari pembubukan batuan granit hingga ukuran mesh 100, 140 dan 200. Bubuk ini kemudian dicampur dengan epoxy yang telah diberi hardener versamid, dalam wadah plastik. Sambil diaduk hingga terlihat homogen. Pencetakan spesimen uji dilakukan dalam wadah kaca yang diberi wax dan di-curing dalam ambient temperatur selama 48 jam. Bahan spesimen dipotong-potong sesuai kebutuhan pengujian; kerapatan, kekerasan, kompresi dan bending. Hasil uji kekerasan dan kerapatan memperlihatkan Perubahan nilai yang jelas dari komposisi partikulat (34, 40, 50 dan 70) dan matriks (66, 60, 50 dan 30). Sedang pengujian kompresi dan bending memperlihatkan optimum ukuran partikulat antara angka 120-123μm dan komposisi partikulat granit berada diantara angka 55-61 % berat. Nilai-nilai akurat ini dapat diprediksi dengan proses diferensiasi. Disimpulkan untuk mendapatkan sifat mekanik bahan komposit yang optimum, partikulat granit harns dibuat berukuran sekitar 121μm dan komposisi partikulat granit 57%


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    Abstrak Kemampuan koneksi matematis perlu dimiliki oleh siswa karena dapat membantu siswa dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan matematika, termasuk masalah matematika kontekstual. Dengan masalah matematika kontekstual, pembelajaran matematika menjadi bermakna. Salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi siswa dalam memecahkan masalah yaitu faktor perbedaan gender (laki-laki dan perempuan). Penelitian ini menggunakan indikator kemampuan koneksi matematis yang meliputi mengidentifikasi konsep-konsep matematika dan keterkaitan konsep-konsep tersebut dari masalah matematika kontekstual, menggunakan konsep-konsep matematika dan keterkaitannya untuk menyelesaikan masalah matematika maupun masalah matematika kontekstual dan menerjemahkan kembali penyelesaian sesuai dengan konteks masalah. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa berkemampuan matematika tinggi dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematika kontekstual berdasarkan perbedaan gender (laki-laki dan perempuan). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan dilaksanakan di SMKN 1 Pungging. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode tes dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa laki-laki memenuhi indikator mengidentifikasi konsep-konsep matematika dan keterkaitan konsep-konsep tersebut dari masalah matematika kontekstual, menggunakan konsep-konsep matematika dan keterkaitannya untuk menyelesaikan masalah matematika maupun masalah matematika kontekstual dan menerjemahkan kembali penyelesaian sesuai dengan konteks masalah. Siswa perempuan memenuhi indikator mengidentifikasi konsep-konsep matematika dan keterkaitan konsep-konsep tersebut dari masalah matematika kontekstual, menggunakan konsep-konsep matematika dan keterkaitannya untuk menyelesaikan masalah matematika maupun masalah matematika kontekstual dan menerjemahkan kembali penyelesaian sesuai dengan konteks masalah. Kata kunci: Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis, Masalah Matematika Kontekstual, Gender Abstract Mathematical connection ability should to be mastered by students because can help students to solve mathematical problems, include contextual mathematical problem. Contextual mathematical problem is one way for mathematical learning becomes meaningful. One of the factors that influence the student in solving problems is the gender difference which consist of male and female. This study uses indicators of mathematical connection abilities that include identifying mathematical concepts and their interrelationships of those concepts from contextual mathematical problems, using mathematical concepts and their interrelationships to solve mathematical problems as well as contextual mathematical problems, and reinterpret the solution of mathematical problems into the context of problems. The purpose of this study is to describe the students` mathematical connection ability with high mathematics ability in solving contextual math problems based on gender differences (male and female). This research was descriptive research with qualitative approach and has been held at SMKN 1 Pungging. Data were gained using tests and interview methods. The results showed that male students meet indicators to identify the mathematical concepts and their interrelationships of those concepts from contextual mathematical problems, using mathematical concepts and their interrelationships to solve mathmetaical problems as well as contextual math problems, and reinterpret the solution of mathematical problems into the context of problems. Female students meet indicators to identify the mathematical concepts and their interrelationships of those concepts from contextual matehmatical problems, using mathematical concepts and their interrelationships to solve mathematical problems or contextual math problems, and reinterpret the solution of mathematical problems into the context of problems Keywords: Mathematical Connection Abilities, Contextual Mathematical Problems, Gende


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    OPTIMASI UKURAN PARTIKEL DAN KOMPOSISI DALAM PEMBUATAN TEGEL KOMPOSIT PARTIKULAT GRANIT. Bahan tegel komposit partikulat granit bennatriks epoxy dapat diharapkan sebagai bahan lantai yang kedap air dan cukup ulet. Penggunaan bahan komposit bagi industri rumah tangga menjadi penting dan cukup menjanjikan. Pembuatan bahan dimulai dari pembubukan batuan granit hingga ukuran mesh 100, 140 dan 200. Bubuk ini kemudian dicampur dengan epoxy yang telah diberi hardener versamid, dalam wadah plastik. Sambil diaduk hingga terlihat homogen. Pencetakan spesimen uji dilakukan dalam wadah kaca yang diberi wax dan di-curing dalam ambient temperatur selama 48 jam. Bahan spesimen dipotong-potong sesuai kebutuhan pengujian; kerapatan, kekerasan, kompresi dan bending. Hasil uji kekerasan dan kerapatan memperlihatkan perubahan nilai yang jelas dari komposisi partikulat (34, 40, 50 dan 70) dan matriks (66, 60, 50 dan 30). Sedang pengujian kompresi dan bending memperlihatkan optimum ukuran partikulat antara angka 120-123μm dan komposisi partikulat granit berada diantara angka 55-61 % berat. Nilai-nilai akurat ini dapat diprediksi dengan proses diferensiasi. Disimpulkan untuk mendapatkan sifat mekanik bahan komposit yang optimum, partikulat granit harns dibuat berukuran sekitar 121μm dan komposisi partikulat granit 57%

    A Neural Network-Based Application to Identify Cubic Structures in Multi Component Crystalline Materials Using X-Ray Diffraction Data.

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    One of the crystalline materials structures is cubic. An experimental study has been done about developing a scheme to identify the cubic structure types in single or multi component materials. This scheme is using fingerprints created from the calculation of quadratic Miller indices ratios and matches it with the ratio of the sin20 values from the diffracted data of material obtained by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) method. These manual matching processes are complicated and sometimes are tedious because the diffracted data are complex and may have more than one fingerprint inside. This paper proposes an application of multi-layered back-propagation neural network in matching the fingerprints with the diffracted data of crystalline material to quickly and correctly identify its cubic structure component types


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    Perkembangan teknologi elektronik dalam bidang medis sangat diperlukan, khususnya pada alat bantu. Salah satunya kursi roda, kursi roda elektrik merupakan kursi roda yang dapat dikendalikan oleh penggunanya. Tujuan pembuatan Simulator Kendali Kursi Roda Menggunakan Sensor Flex Wireless Berbasis Mikrokontroler adalah: (1) merealisasikan dan merancang simulator kendali kursi roda menggunakan wireless flex sensor berbasis mikrokontroler, (2) mengimplementasikan simulator kendali kursi roda menggunakan wireless flex sensor berbasis mikrokontroler, (3)mengetahui unjuk kerja perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak serta seluruh sistem yang bekerja di simulator kendali kursi roda. Perancangan dan pembuatan simulator kendali kursi roda menggunakan sensor flex wireless ini terdiri dari beberapa tahap dari tahap identifikasi kebutuhan, analisis kebutuha, perancangan rangkaian, perancangan sistem, pembuatan alat, listing program, pengujian alat dan evaluasi. Alat ini menggunakan dua jenis arduino, arduino nano sebagai rangkaian transmitter, dan rangkaian flex sensor sebagai kendali sedangkan arduino uno sebagai receiver sekaligus pengendali gerak kursi. Komunikasi data menggunakan RF 433Mhz, driver L298N sebagai pengendali putaran dna kecepatan motor DC, motor DC sebagai penggerak utama, dan semua sistem disupali menggunakan baterai LI-Ion. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan, arduino nano dapat mengirim data dari nilai ADC sensor flex ke arduino uno menggunakan modul RF 433Mhz. Data yang sudah terkirim diolah di arduino uno dan melanjutkan perintah ke driver motor L298N untuk menggerakkan motor. Sensor ultrasonik berfungsi sebagai pengaman bagian depan dan belakang kursi roda dengan nilai error pembacaan terbesar 2,2% serta indikator berupa suara yang dihasilkan oleh buzzer dapat aktif. Sistem keseluruhan sudah bekerja sesuai fungsinya


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    Surya Jaya Store is a shop that is specifically engaged in car audio sales that still relies on media interactionawith customersscoming directly and still centered on certain locations so that consumers take time away from the store.sThe difficulty of the customer to findsout the desired product and the difficulty of the promotion media, this causes the salesstarget to decrease in the Surya Jaya store. Therefore, the application of the Car Audio Sales Information System is made insSurya Jaya Kudus Store which can make it easier for customers to make purchases online and make it easier for the admin in managing sales data. The Car Audio Sales Information System at SuryaJJaya Kudus Store is designed using the waterfall method with the PHP programming language. The system that has been built can be implemented and able to manage sales data effectively, and can presenttmonthly sales reportcdata

    High Load Control Mechanism for SIP Servers

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    To start voice, image, instant messaging, and generally multimedia communication, session communication must begin between two participants. SIP (session initiation protocol) that is an application layer control induces management and terminates this kind of sessions. As far as the independence of SIP from transport layer protocols is concerned, SIP messages can be transferred on a variety of transport layer protocols including TCP or UDP. Mechanism of Retransmission that is embedded in SIP could compensate for the missing packet loss, in case of need. This mechanism is applied when SIP messages are transmitted on an unreliable transmission layer protocol like UDP. Also, while facing SIP proxy with overload, it could cause excessive filling of proxy queue, postpone increase of other contacts, and add to the amount of the proxy overload. In the present work, while using UDP as transport layer protocol, invite retransmission timer (T1) was appropriately regulated and SIP functionality was improved. Therefore, by proposing an adaptive timer of invite message retransmission, attempts were made to improve the time of session initiation and consequently improve the performance. Performance of the proposed SIP was implemented and evaluated by SIPP software in a real network environment and its accuracy and performance were demonstrated

    Dynamic Prioritization of Path for Quality-of-Service Differentiation in Multi-Priority Traffic

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    The emergence of value added services relying on a higher interactivity has altered the requirements of current transport network. Diverse traffic classes are processed by a large-scale optical network, imposing a more efficient utilization of their network infrastructure resources. Such services generally cross multiple domains, but inter-domain path computation algorithms still have some limitations. This paper describes a priority based path computation algorithm to meet all QoS requirements with the available capacity. The proposed algorithm increases the rate of successful replies while minimizing the blockage in network. The dynamic traffic is classified into high and low priority, so it improves emergency response in network

    High Load Diminution by Regulating Timers in SIP Servers

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    To start voice, image, instant messaging, and generally multimedia communication, session communication must begin between two participants. SIP (session initiation protocol) that is an application layer control induces management and terminates this kind of sessions. As far as the independence of SIP from transport layer protocols is concerned, SIP messages can be transferred on a variety of transport layer protocols including TCP or UDP. Mechanism of Retransmission that is embedded in SIP could compensate for the missing packet loss, in case of need. This mechanism is applied when SIP messages are transmitted on an unreliable transmission layer protocol like UDP. Also, while facing SIP proxy with overload, it could cause excessive filling of proxy queue, postpone increase of other contacts, and add to the amount of the proxy overload. In the present work, while using UDP as transport layer protocol, invite retransmission timer (T1) was appropriately regulated and SIP functionality was improved. Therefore, by proposing an adaptive timer of invite message retransmission, attempts were made to improve the time of session initiation and consequently improve the performance. Performance of the proposed SIP was implemented and evaluated by SIPP software in a real network environment and its accuracy and performance were demonstrated

    Adaptive Energy-aware Cluster Based Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Due to the downside characteristics of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) such as dynamic topology and energy consumption and control overhead, network clustering is one of the promising solutions. Cluster Based Routing Protocol (CBRP) is a robust and scalable routing protocol for MANETs. Clustering formation algorithm used in CBRP is a variation of simple lowest-ID algorithm in which the node with a lowest ID among its neighbors is elected as the Cluster head. Neglecting mobility and energy for selecting cluster head is one of the weakness points of the algorithm. In order to increase stability of the network and to prevent re-clustering an adaptive energy-aware Cluster Based Routing Protocol (AECBRP) is proposed. Two algorithms have been introduced in AECBRP as enhancement to the CBRP: improving the cluster formation algorithm by considering relative mobility, residual energy and connectivity degree metrics, and add in an efficient cluster maintenance algorithm based on the aggregate energy metric of cluster head. Using NS-2 we evaluate the rate of cluster-head changes, the normalization routing overhead and the packet delivery ratio. Comparisons denote that the proposed AECBRP has better performances with respect to the original CBRP and Cross-CBRP