137 research outputs found

    Prolegomena for a theory of beauty of landscapes in urban environments: contribution to the development of a new culture in terms of space production in Brazil

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    Retoma-se a discussão da relevância da formulação de uma teoria da beleza das paisagens com a finalidade de explicar a natureza do processo de construção de ambientes urbanos, como contribuição ao desenvolvimento de uma nova cultura em termos de produção do espaço no Brasil. A metodologia utilizada para a realização deste escrito fundamentou-se, essencialmente, na revisão da literatura acerca da questão ora delimitada, bem como na experiência empírica dos autores. Como principal contribuição a qual se chegou, ressalta-se a necessidade de se pensar e produzir espaços retomando a preocupação com a beleza das paisagens dos homens e das mulheres como viabilizadora do sentimento de amor capaz de reforçar sentimentos de pertencimento ao território.It is resumed  the discussion about the relevance of the formulation with regard to a theory of beauty’s landscape in order to explain the nature of the process of urban environment’s construction as a contribution to the development of a new culture in terms of space production in Brazil. The methodology used to carry out this paper was essentially based on a literature review about the question delimited, as well as on the authors' empirical experience. As the main contribution that has been made, it is necessary to think and produce spaces, returning to the concern with the beauty of the men and women landscapes as an enabler of the feeling of love capable of reinforcing feelings of belonging to the territory

    A destruição da natureza em ambientes rurais e urbanos no Brasil – uma tragédia que ainda pode ser revista

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    This article aims to denounce the permanent process of the nature’s destruction as a tragedy in the time-space, which is based on research carried out in rural and urban environments located in the Brazilian Northeast, in the current context of the acceleration in terms of generating values as a major goal of capitalism. The methodology of this work was based on a relational approach with regard to the process of geographical space’s production, considering, mainly, the dialectical interrelationship between its material and immaterial dimensions, shaping a complex totality in permanent movement in the history of men and women. The elaboration of maps and representative figures of the object being treated were technical procedures used to reinforce the argument, which had as main result the defense of the idea that it is still possible to change the current process of nature’s destruction, through the analysis of the cases occurred in two microregions located in the West of Bahia and in a coastal area of the Metropolitan Region of Recife.Este artigo possui como objetivo principal denunciar o processo permanente de destruição da natureza como tragédia no tempo-espaço, através de pesquisas realizadas em ambientes rurais e urbanos localizados no Nordeste brasileiro, no contexto atual de aceleração dos propósitos fundamentais de geração de valores como meta maior do capitalismo. A metodologia deste trabalho fundamentou-se numa abordagem relacional do processo de produção do espaço geográfico, considerando, principalmente, a inter-relação dialética entre as suas dimensões material e imaterial, configurando uma totalidade complexa em permanente movimento na história dos homens e das mulheres. A elaboração de mapas e de figuras representativas do objeto ora tratado foram procedimentos técnicos utilizados visando a reforçar a argumentação, a qual teve como resultado principal a defesa da ideia de que ainda é possível reverter o atual processo de destruição da natureza, através da análise dos casos ocorridos em duas microrregiões localizadas no Oeste da Bahia e em uma área litorânea da Região Metropolitana do Recife

    Peripheral odontogenic keratocyst : report of two new cases and review of the literature

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    Peripheral odontogenic keratocyst (POKC) is a rare soft tissue entity showing the same histological characteristics of odontogenic keratocyst. Herein, we report two cases of POKC affecting the gingiva/alveolar mucosa. Case 1. A 43-year-old female was referred for evaluation of a painless well-defined nodular, sessile, non-tender swelling in the right maxillary buccal gingiva. No radiological alterations were observed. The patient was submitted to excisional biopsy and histological diagnosis was POKC. There were no signs of local recurrence after a 4-year follow-up. Case 2. A 63-year-old female was referred for evaluation of a painless well-defined nodular, sessile, yellowish swelling in the anterior mandibular alveolar mucosa. No radiological alterations were observed. The patient was submitted to excisional biopsy and histological diagnosis was POKC. Patient recovery was uneventful but she did not return for follow-up. POKC should be considered in the differential diagnosis of gingival cystic swellings and can be managed through conservative surgery

    Efeito da dieta cetogênica na capacidade de endurance e na utilização de substratos energéticos no exercício

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    O objetivo desta revisão foi identificar e discutir evidências científicas sobre os efeitos da dieta cetogênica com severa restrição de carboidrato na capacidade de endurance e em metabólicas no exercício em indivíduos saudáveis. Realizou-se uma busca de artigos publicados entre os anos de 1975 e 2017, nas bases de dados MedLine, Scielo e Google acadêmico. Utilizou-se as palavras-chave: ketogenic diet, low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet, exercise, training, endurance, endurance capacity, performance, fuel oxidation, fat oxidation e metabolic adaptation. Foram selecionados 10 artigos, dentre os quais, nove demonstraram que a dieta cetogênica aumentou a taxa de oxidação de gordura e atenuou a taxa de utilização de glicogênio muscular durante o exercício. Contudo, oito estudos relataram efeitos negativos da dieta cetogênica em exercícios moderados ou intensos, relacionados principalmente ao tempo até a exaustão, à percepção de esforço, à produção de potência e à economia de exercício tanto em indivíduos treinados quanto em não treinados. Esta revisão concluiu que, independentemente do nível de treinamento, a dieta cetogênica ofertando <50 g de carboidrato por dia, embora possa induzir vantagens metabólicas, pode resultar em efeitos ergolíticos, quanto à capacidade de endurance, bem como a outros parâmetros de alto desempenho, onde a dependência de carboidrato é claramente predominante. ABSTRACTEffect of the ketogenic diet on exercise endurance capacity and fuel utilizationThe objective of this review was to identify and discuss scientific evidence on the effects of the ketogenic diet with severe carbohydrate restriction on endurance capacity and on metabolic responses during exercise in healthy individuals. A search of articles published between 1975 and 2017 was performed in the databases of MedLine, Scielo and Google Scholars. The following key words were used: ketogenic diet, low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet, exercise, training, endurance, endurance capacity, performance, fuel oxidation, fat oxidation, and metabolic adaptation. Ten articles were selected, of which nine showed that the ketogenic diet increased the rate of fat oxidation and attenuated the rate of glycogen utilization during exercise. However, eight studies reported negative effects of the ketogenic diet on moderate or intense exercises, mainly related to time to exhaustion, perception of effort, power output, and exercise economy both in trained and untrained subjects. This review concluded that, independently of training status, the ketogenic diet offering <50 g of carbohydrate per day, although it may induce metabolic advantages, may result in ergolytic effects on endurance capacity, as well as other high performance parameters, where the carbohydrate dependence is clearly predominant

    O gênero influencia a intensidade do eco do quadríceps femoral em indivíduos jovens e saudáveis? O gênero influencia a intensidade do eco muscular?

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    Introduction: The analysis of the echo intensity (IE) can be obtained by ultrasound from reflections of ultrasound waves from the tissue and has been widely used to identify tissue damage in clinical and sports context. Women may have more adipose tissue than men, which may reflect in greater fat infiltration into the muscle and thus influence IE values. Objective: To verify whether gender influences the SI of the quadriceps femoris in young, healthy individuals. Materials and Methods: Nineteen young healthy subjects (9 females and 10 males; 26.0 ± 7.0 years; 28.0 ± 6.0 kg/m2) participated in the study. Six ultrasound images were acquired of the rectus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL) and vastus medialis (VM) muscles, bilaterally and at rest. The IE values were established by means of the histogram function of the ImageJ® software, whose gray scale ranges from 0 (black) to 255 (white). To compare IE between gender, the mixed model ANOVA statistical test was used with a significance level of ≤ 0.05. Results: No significant differences were found between the quadriceps IE of men and women (p = 0.679). The mean IE values found were 135.18 ± 11.86, 126.74 ± 14.05 and 131.36 ± 12.81 A.U. for RF, VL and VM, respectively. Conclusion: Gender does not seem to influence SI values of the femoral quadriceps in young healthy individuals, which may represent a similar muscle composition between men and women with normal body mass index. Further studies should investigate different ages and body mass index.Introducción: El análisis de la intensidad del eco (IE) puede obtenerse mediante ultrasonidos a partir de las reflexiones de las ondas ecográficas del tejido y se ha utilizado ampliamente para identificar el daño tisular en el contexto clínico y deportivo. Las mujeres pueden tener más tejido adiposo que los hombres, lo que puede reflejarse en una mayor infiltración de grasa en el músculo y, por tanto, influir en los valores del IE. Objetivo: Comprobar si el género influye en la IE del cuádriceps femoral en individuos jóvenes y sanos. Materiales y métodos: Diecinueve individuos jóvenes y sanos (9 mujeres y 10 hombres; 26,0 ± 7,0 años; 28,0 ± 6,0 kg/m2) participaron en el estudio. Se adquirieron seis imágenes ecográficas de los músculos recto femoral (RF), vasto lateral (VL) y vasto medial (VM), bilateralmente y en reposo. Los valores del IE se establecieron mediante la función de histograma del software ImageJ®, cuya escala de grises va de 0 (negro) a 255 (blanco). Para comparar la IE entre géneros, se utilizó la prueba estadística ANOVA de modelo mixto con un nivel de significación de ≤ 0,05. Resultados: No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre el IE de los cuádriceps de hombres y mujeres (p = 0,679). Los valores medios de IE encontrados fueron 135,18 ± 11,86, 126,74 ± 14,05 y 131,36 ± 12,81 U.A. para RF, VL y VM, respectivamente. Conclusión: El género no parece influir en los valores del IE del cuádriceps femoral en individuos jóvenes y sanos, lo que puede representar una composición muscular similar entre hombres y mujeres con un índice de masa corporal normal. Otros estudios deberían investigar las diferentes edades y el índice de masa corporal.Introdução: A análise da intensidade do eco (IE) pode ser obtida por meio da ultrassonografia a partir de reflexões de ondas ecográficas do tecido e vem sendo amplamente utilizada para identificar danos nos tecidos no contexto clínico e desportivo. As mulheres podem ter mais tecido adiposo que homens, o que pode refletir em maior infiltração de gordura no músculo e, dessa forma, influenciar os valores de IE. Objetivo: Verificar se o gênero influencia a IE do quadríceps femoral em indivíduos jovens e saudáveis. Materiais e Métodos: Dezenove jovens saudáveis (9 mulheres e 10 homens; 26.0 ± 7.0 anos; 28.0 ± 6.0 kg/m2) participaram do estudo. Foram adquiridas seis imagens de ultrassom dos músculos reto femoral (RF), vasto lateral (VL) e vasto medial (VM), bilateralmente e em repouso. Os valores de IE foram estabelecidos por meio da função histograma do software ImageJ®, cuja escala de cinza varia de 0 (preto) a 255 (branco). Para comparar a IE entre gênero, foi utilizado o teste estatístico ANOVA de modelo misto com nível de significância de ≤ 0,05. Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre a IE do quadríceps de homens e mulheres (p = 0.679). Os valores médios de IE encontrados foram 135,18 ± 11,86, 126,74 ± 14,05 e 131,36 ± 12,81 A.U. para RF, VL e VM, respectivamente. Conclusão: O gênero não parece influenciar os valores de IE do quadríceps femoral em indivíduos jovens e saudáveis, o que pode representar uma semelhante composição muscular entre homens e mulheres com índice de massa corpórea normal. Mais estudos devem investigar diferentes idades e índice de massa corpórea

    Lipidograma e glicemia de búfalas leiteiras durante a lactação e o período seco

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of lactation and dry period in the constituents of lipid and glucose metabolism of buffaloes. One hundred forty-seven samples of serum and plasma were collected between November 2009 and July 2010, from properties raising Murrah, Mediterranean and crossbred buffaloes, located in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Biochemical analysis was obtained by determining the contents of serum cholesterol, triglycerides, beta-hydroxybutyrate (β-HBO), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and plasma glucose. Values for arithmetic mean and standard error mean were calculated using the SAS procedure, version 9.2. Tests for normality of residuals and homogeneity of variances were performed using the SAS Guide Data Analysis. Data were analyzed by ANOVA using the SAS procedure Glimmix. The group information (Lactation), Farm and Age were used in the statistical models. Means of groups were compared using Least Square Means (LSMeans) of SAS, where significant difference was observed at P ≤ 0.05. It was possible to conclude that buffaloes during peak lactation need to metabolize body reserves to supplement the lower amounts of bloodstream lipids, when they remain in negative energy balance. In the dry period, there were significant changes in the lipid profile, characterized by decrease of nutritional requirements, with consequent improvement in the general conditions of the animals.Com o objetivo de se analisar a influência da lactação e do período seco nos constituintes do metabolismo lipídico e na glicemia de búfalas leiteiras, foram coletadas amostras de soro e plasma de 147 animais, entre novembro de 2009 e julho de 2010, sendo estes oriundos de propriedades criadoras de búfalos das raças Murrah, Mediterrâneo e Mestiços, localizadas no Estado de São Paulo. A análise bioquímica foi obtida por meio da determinação dos teores séricos de colesterol, triglicérides, ß-hidroxibutirato (ß-HBO), ácidos graxos não esterificados (NEFA) e teores plasmáticos de glicose. Os valores da média aritmética e o erro padrão da média foram calculados utilizando-se o procedimento Means do SAS versão 9.2. Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA, usando o procedimento Glimmix do SAS. As informações de grupo (Lactação), Fazenda e Idade foram utilizadas nos modelos estatísticos. A comparação entre as médias dos grupos foi realizada por meio do teste de médias Least Square Means (LSMeans) do SAS, no qual foi considerada diferença para P ≤ 0,05. Concluiu-se que em búfalas, durante a fase de pico da lactação, existe a necessidade de o animal metabolizar as reservas corporais para suprir as menores quantidades de lipídios circulantes, estando os animais em balanço energético negativo. No período seco, existem significativas alterações no lipidograma, caracterizadas por diminuição na exigência nutricional, com consequente melhora na condição geral do animal

    Bovine Leukosis Virus and Antibodies against Bovine Herpesvirus Type-1 and Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus and in Buffaloes of the State of Pará, Brazil

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    Background: Viral diseases affecting reproduction cause economic losses in cattle, as reproductive failure interrupts the production cycle, thus reducing herd productivity. Buffaloes are susceptible to most of the diseases that affect cattle. Some of the viral diseases of reproductive importance are infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), and bovine leukosis (BL). The objective of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of IBR virus (bovine herpes virus-1, BoHV-1), BVD virus (BVDV), and BL virus (BLV) in female buffaloes living in wetland areas or plains in the state of Pará, as well as the seroprevalence of BoHV-1, BVDV, and BLV in females of different age groups.Materials, Methods & Results: It were used 225 crossbred buffaloes from 4 buffalo exclusive farms. The buffaloes reared on farms A (n = 50) and B (n = 89) were kept in wetland areas on Marajó Island (n = 139), Pará. On farms C (n = 30) and D (n = 56) buffaloes were kept in plains (n = 86) in a northeastern mesoregion of Para. Animals were categorized into age groups: I: 0-3 years (n = 34), II: 3-6 years (n = 58), III: 7-9 years (n = 55), and IV: over 9 years (n = 78). Blood samples were collected and sera were sent for processing at the Bovine Virus Laboratory, Biological Institute of São Paulo, Brazil. The presence of IBRV and BVDV was determined by neutralization and BLV antibodies by immunodiffusion in agar gel. Statistical analysis was performed using the Ȥ2 test at a significance level of 5%. Among the seroprevalences of IBRV, BVDV and BLV antibodies, the difference in prevalence for BVD [P < 0.01] was observed between wetland areas and plains of Para, varying from 12.4% to 96.0% and 0.0% to 13.3%, respectively. While levels of IBRV remained high on farms A (79.6%), B (86.5%), C (83.3%) and D (89.1%) [P = 0.60] and BLV was negative in all the animals. BVDV was similar for all the age groups [P = 0.60], while IBRV was more prevalent in animals over 6 years of age with group I: (76.5%), II (74.5%), III (92.3%) and IV (91.3%) [P = 0.01]. It was not possible verify the influence of age in prevalence for BL.Discussion: The prevalence obtained for the BoHV-1 on farms was high, with little variation between 79.6% and 89.1%. The high prevalence of BoHV-1 suggests the free circulation of the virus in the state of Para. Notably, the animals in this study had not been vaccinated, so the determined viral antibody titers were independent of vaccination. BVDV results showed high variation between 0.0% and 96.0%. The highest prevalence in wetland areas may be related to the breeding environment, because of a possible horizontal contamination. The lack of BLV antibodies prevalence can be attributed to the fact that all the evaluated animals were kept in an extensive breeding system where they had little direct contact. The prevalence of IBR was higher in the older animals. Variation in prevalence with age was not observed for BVD. It was concluded that the prevalence for IBR and BVD were high indicating that the etiological agents are circulating in Para, with IBR having a higher prevalence in older animals. Breeding buffalo in wetland areas may favor horizontal transmission of BVDV because facilitate contact of healthy animals with water contaminated by virus carriers animal secretion and the absence of seropositive animals at the BLV does not necessarily indicate that buffaloes are resistant to the virus

    Crohn's disease with acute ileitis and its complications: a clinical case report

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    Crohn's disease is a chronic, granulomatous inflammatory disease that can affect the entire gastrointestinal tract. Complications such as intestinal obstructions, fistula, or abscesses may determine the need for surgical treatment, with initial clinical stabilization. Therefore, the present work aimed to present a clinical case report, showing a patient who presented complications resulting from Crohn's disease to determine surgery as the definitive treatment and, emphasizes the importance of optimized treatment for this disease to avoid complications

    Infecção natural pelo vírus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV) em bovinos de corte no Estado do Pará

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    Background: Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a pathogen that causes great economic losses in dairy and beef herds.The main disturbances caused by this virus are related to abortion, fetal malformation and mummification, and the birth ofweak calves. In addition, this disease may result in persistently infected animals, as well as individual immune tolerance tothe virus. However, the symptoms are nonspecific and variable, and dependent on the age of affected animal. The objectiveof the present study was to report three cases with clinical signs of BVDV infection, with subsequent confirmation of thediagnosis by reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction technique (RT-PCR).Cases: In a beef production farm located at the state of Para, Brazil, three animals presented severe diarrhea; the feces wereliquefied and greenish-yellow in color; crusted lesions were visible and scattered over various parts of the animals’ bodies,including the muzzle, nostrils, periauricular region, and hooves; the tongue mucosa was undergoing an intense desquamationprocess. One of the affected animals, a 6-month-old calf, was euthanized following the recommendations of the “Brazilianguide to good practices for animal euthanasia” of the Ethics, Bioethics and Animal Welfare Committee / Federal Council ofVeterinary Medicine. After euthanasia, this calf was necropsied and some of its organs, including the tongue and skin, weresent to the Biological Institute of Sao Paulo State for histopathology examination (HE) and identification and isolation of thevirus. Positive samples for the presence of BVDV were diagnosed by RT-PCR, confirming the suspicion and explaining thesigns observed in that animal and reported in other dead animals of the farm. Because RT-PCR was performed in ulcerativelesions present in the tongue, negative reactions were detected for bovine herpesvirus (BoHV) and positive reactions forBVDV. The cutaneous tissue was marked with lymphocytic infiltration, observed in both epidermis and dermis, which refersto crusted lesions distributed in several regions of the animal’s body. In the lungs, we observed rare areas of emphysema andmarked lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia with hemorrhagic spots, correlated with symptoms of respiratory disease. Also,marked renal damage and spleen lesions were identified, indicating glomerulonephritis and lymphocytic splenitis.Discussion: This study evidenced the occurrence of BVDV in two calves and one adult animal, which is in agreementwith the described higher incidence of symptomatic infection in young animals. Clinical signs of severe greenish-yellowdiarrhea and crusted lesions distributed throughout several regions of the animals’ bodies, including the muzzle, nostrils,periauricular region, and hooves were described, with intense tongue epithelium desquamation, which is a particular andcharacteristic symptom of Mucosal Disease - the classical form of the physiopathogeny caused by bovine viral diarrheavirus. The clinical findings of severe diarrhea are possibly related to the histopathological results, which showed hyaliniza-tion of the intestinal mucosa and rare mononuclear cells in the liver nodules. Pulmonary histopathological findings of rareareas of lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia, severe emphysema, and hemorrhagic foci refer to respiratory diseases. Basedon the clinical signs and laboratory findings, we conclude that the affected animals showed classic symptoms of bovineviral diarrhea. This diagnosis highlights the presence of the disease in cattle raised in the state of Para, Brazil