471 research outputs found

    Perinatal Flavour Learning and Adaptation to Being Weaned: All the Pig Needs Is Smell

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    Perinatal flavour learning through the maternal diet is known to enhance flavour preference and acceptance of flavoured food in many species, yet still little is known about the mechanism underlying perinatal flavour learning. Previously we found positive effects of perinatal flavour learning on food intake, growth and behaviour of piglets postweaning, but no increased preference for the flavour. This suggests that flavour learning in pigs works through a reduction of weaning stress by the presence of the familiar flavour instead. The aim of this study was to investigate whether perinatal flavour learning reduces stress at weaning, and whether the effect is stronger when the familiar flavour is present in the food. Sows were offered an anethol-flavoured diet (Flavour treatment) or control diet (Control treatment) during late gestation and lactation. Flavour and Control piglets were provided with anethol either in their food (Food treatment) or in the air (Air treatment) after weaning. Preweaning and postweaning treatments did not affect food intake, preference or growth in the first two weeks postweaning but flavour treatment reduced the latency to eat (24 versus 35 hours, P = 0.02) and within-pen variation in growth (SD within-pen: 0.7 versus 1.2 kg, P<0.001). Salivary cortisol levels tended to be lower four and seven hours postweaning for Flavour piglets compared to Control piglets (4 hours: 2.5 versus 3.0 ng/ml, P = 0.05, 7 hours: 3.1 versus 3.4 ng/ml, P = 0.08). Flavour piglets played more and showed less damaging behaviours than Control piglets, indicating that the familiar flavour reduced stress around weaning. Few interaction effects were found between preweaning and postweaning treatment, and no effects of postweaning treatment. We conclude that in the newly weaned pig, perinatal flavour learning results in a reduction of stress when the familiar flavour is present, regardless of providing the flavour in the food or in the air

    A two-step Bayesian network approach to identify key SNPs associated to multiple phenotypic traits in four purebred laying hen lines

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    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie [grant number 812777].When purebred laying hen chicks hatch, they remain at a rearing farm until approximately 17 weeks of age, after which they are transferred to a laying farm. Chicks or pullets are removed from the flocks during these 17 weeks if they display any rearing abnormality. The aim of this study was to investigate associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and rearing success of 4 purebred White Leghorns layer lines by implementing a Bayesian network approach. Phenotypic traits and SNPs of four purebred genetic White Leghorn layer lines were available for 23,000 rearing batches obtained between 2010 and 2020. Associations between incubation traits (clutch size, embryo mortality), rearing traits (genetic line, first week mortality, rearing abnormalities, natural death, rearing success, pullet flock age, and season) and SNPs were analyzed, using a two-step Bayesian Network (BN) approach. Furthermore, the SNPs were connected to their corresponding genes, which were further explored in bioinformatics databases. BN analysis revealed a total of 28 SNPs associated with some of the traits: ten SNPs were associated with clutch size, another 10 with rearing abnormalities, a single SNP with natural death, and seven SNPs with first week mortality. Exploration via bioinformatics databases showed that one of the SNPs (ENAH) had a protein predicted network composed of 11 other proteins. The major hub of this SNP was CDC42 protein, which has a role in egg production and reproduction. The results highlight the power of BNs in knowledge discovery and how their application in complex biological systems can help getting a deeper understanding of functionality underlying genetic variation of rearing success in laying hens. Improved welfare and production might result from the identified SNPs. Selecting for these SNPs through breeding could reduce stress and increase livability during rearing.Peer reviewe

    Green light during incubation: Effects on hatching characteristics in brown and white laying hens

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    Providing light during incubation is being investigated as a method to improve welfare in later life in poultry. This incubation method would more closely approximate chicken natural environment compared to the current incubation in darkness. Previous studies showed promising results of light during incubation on broiler welfare, but little is known about effects of light during incubation on laying hens. Especially, information about its effects on hatching characteristics (hatch time, hatchability, chick quality, body weight and embryonic age of death) is scarce and requires investigation in both white and brown egg layers. In the current study, Dekalb White (DW) and ISA Brown (ISA) eggs were incubated in complete darkness (dark) or in a light:dark cycle of 12L:12D throughout incubation (light), resulting in four treatment groups: DW-dark, DW-light, ISA-dark, and ISA-light. In the light treatments, green LEDs of 520 nm wavelength were used, at an intensity of 400 lux. First, light transmission through the eggshell was measured through 27 eggs. Then, an analysis of the effects of light during incubation on hatching characteristics was performed on 711 chicks in two consecutive experimental rounds. Light transmission was higher through white eggshells than through brown eggshells (N = 27, p < 0.001). Light during incubation had no effects on hatching characteristics (N = 711, p ≥ 0.1). Despite the difference of light transmission through eggshell between hybrids, there was no interaction between incubation treatment and hybrid on hatching characteristics (N = 471, p ≥ 0.06). Hatch time was longer and navel quality was better in DW than in ISA, while body weight and embryonic age of death were lower in DW than in ISA (all p < 0.001). Males and females had similar chick quality scores except for the beak quality, which was better for males (N = 486, p = 0.003). To conclude, green light during incubation did not negatively affect hatching characteristics in either DW nor ISA laying hen hybrids. Future research should therefore focus on its potential benefits for laying hen welfare

    A two-step Bayesian network approach to identify key SNPs associated to multiple phenotypic traits in four purebred laying hen lines

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    When purebred laying hen chicks hatch, they remain at a rearing farm until approximately 17 weeks of age, after which they are transferred to a laying farm. Chicks or pullets are removed from the flocks during these 17 weeks if they display any rearing abnormality. The aim of this study was to investigate associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and rearing success of 4 purebred White Leghorns layer lines by implementing a Bayesian network approach. Phenotypic traits and SNPs of four purebred genetic White Leghorn layer lines were available for 23,000 rearing batches obtained between 2010 and 2020. Associations between incubation traits (clutch size, embryo mortality), rearing traits (genetic line, first week mortality, rearing abnormalities, natural death, rearing success, pullet flock age, and season) and SNPs were analyzed, using a two-step Bayesian Network (BN) approach. Furthermore, the SNPs were connected to their corresponding genes, which were further explored in bioinformatics databases. BN analysis revealed a total of 28 SNPs associated with some of the traits: ten SNPs were associated with clutch size, another 10 with rearing abnormalities, a single SNP with natural death, and seven SNPs with first week mortality. Exploration via bioinformatics databases showed that one of the SNPs (ENAH) had a protein predicted network composed of 11 other proteins. The major hub of this SNP was CDC42 protein, which has a role in egg production and reproduction. The results highlight the power of BNs in knowledge discovery and how their application in complex biological systems can help getting a deeper understanding of functionality underlying genetic variation of rearing success in laying hens. Improved welfare and production might result from the identified SNPs. Selecting for these SNPs through breeding could reduce stress and increase livability during rearing

    Group level and individual activity of broiler chickens hatched in 3 different systems

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    Information on the behavior of chickens hatched in different systems is limited and inconsistent across different studies. Changes in broiler activity can be measured automatically and continuously. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of 3 hatching systems on flock activity using a commercial tracking system, and to compare these findings to individual activity measured under experimental conditions. As this experiment was part of a larger study, it was possible to investigate the effects of vaccination on individual activity. In study 1, flock activity was measured in chickens that hatched either conventionally in the hatchery (HH), in a system which provided nutrition in the hatcher (HF), or on-farm (OH). Chickens were reared in 2 batches, in 12 pens/batch (1,155 animals/pen). One camera recorded top-view images of each pen. A daily activity index (moved pixels/total pixels × 100) was calculated by automated image analysis. In study 2, individual activity was measured under experimental conditions using an ultra-wideband (UWB) system. Chickens from the 3 hatching systems were reared in 3 pens (1 pen/treatment, 30 animals/pen). At d14, UWB-tags were attached to 5 chickens/pen, which tracked the distances moved (DM). In study 1, group level activity showed a significant age × hatching system interaction (F 8,752= 5.83, P < 0.001). HH and HF chickens showed higher activity levels than OH chickens in wk 1, 4, and 5. In wk 3, higher activity levels were measured in HH compared to HF, and in HF compared to OH pens. In contrast, HH chickens in small groups in study 2 showed lower DM than HF and OH chickens in wk 3 (P < 0.001). DM did not differ between treatments before vaccination, however, thereafter, HH chickens showed longer DM, whereas HF and OH chickens moved less. The results indicate that hatching system affected broiler activity at specific ages. Effects found at flock level could not be reproduced by individual measurements in study 2, although stocking density was comparable

    Effects of hatching system on chick quality, welfare and health of young breeder flock offspring

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    Alternative hatching systems have been developed for broiler chickens to provide immediately feed and water after hatch and reduce the number or severity of early life stressors. Besides beneficial effects of these alternative hatching systems on chick quality and performance, broiler health and welfare may be positively affected as well. Especially offspring from young broiler breeder flocks may benefit, as they have been shown to be more sensitive to preturbations than offspring from older breeder flocks. This study evaluated effects of hatching systems on chick quality, health and welfare of young breeder flock offspring, using 3 different hatching systems: conventional hatchery-hatched (HH), hatchery-fed (HF), and on-farm hatching (OH). A total of 24 pens were used in a completely randomized block design, with 8 pens per hatching system and 30 chickens per pen. Chick quality at hatch and performance until 35 d of age was improved in the HF and OH compared to HH treatment, but only minor effects were found on the welfare indicators: footpad dermatitis, hock burn, cleanliness, skin lesion and gait score. No effect was observed on the dynamics of a humoral immune response after NCD vaccination, given at d 0 and 14 of age, as no differences between NCD titers were found at d 18. Animals were vaccinated with a live attenuated infectious bronchitis vaccine virus (IBV) at d 28 to address treatment related differences to disease resilience. The expressions of inflammation and epithelial integrity related genes in the trachea and histo-pathological changes in the trachea were examined at 3 d after vaccine administration. No differences between treatment groups were observed. Although beneficial effects of HF and OH systems were found for young breeder flock offspring on chick quality at hatch and body weight posthatch, only one effect of alternative hatching systems on welfare and health indicators were found. No effect of hatching system on humoral immune response or disease resilience was found

    Early-life interventions to prevent feather pecking and reduce fearfulness in laying hens

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    Severe feather pecking, the pulling out of feathers of conspecifics, is a major welfare issue in laying hens. Possible underlying causes are fearfulness and lack of foraging opportunities. Because early life is a crucial stage in behavioral development, adapting the incubation and rearing environment to the birds' needs may reduce fearfulness and prevent the development of feather pecking. In a 2 × 2 factorial design study, we investigated whether a green light-dark cycle throughout incubation, which resembles natural incubation circumstances more than the standard dark incubation, and foraging enrichment with live larvae during rearing reduce fearfulness and feather pecking and increase foraging behavior of laying hen pullets from an early age onwards. In this 2-batch experiment, 1,100 ISA Brown eggs were incubated under either 0 h of light/24 h of darkness or 12 h of green LED light/12 h of darkness. After hatching, 400 female chicks (200 per batch) were housed in 44 pens (8–10 chicks per pen). During the entire rearing phase (0–17 wk of age), half of the pens received black soldier fly larvae in a food puzzle as foraging enrichment. We assessed fear of novel objects and humans, feather pecking, plumage condition, foraging behavior, and recovery time after a 3-fold vaccination (acute stressor). A slight increase in the number of foraging bouts was only seen with larvae provisioning (rate ratio 1.19, 95% CI 1.02–1.29, P = 0.008). Neither lighted incubation nor larvae provisioning affected fearfulness, feather pecking, plumage condition or recovery time after vaccination. In conclusion, the present study showed no effects of light during incubation and minor effects of foraging enrichment during rearing on the behavior of laying hen pullets. Further research is recommended on other welfare aspects

    Observation of associated production of a ZZ boson with a DD meson in the~forward region

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    A search for associated production of a ZZ boson with an open charm meson is presented using a data sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0fb1.0\,\mathrm{fb}^{-`} of proton--proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7\,TeV, collected by the LHCb experiment. %% Seven candidate events for associated production of a ZZ boson with a D0D^0 meson and four candidate events for a ZZ boson with a D+D^+ meson are observed with a combined significance of 5.1standard deviations. The production cross-sections in the forward region are measured to be σZμ+μ ⁣,D0=2.50±1.12±0.22pb\sigma_{Z\rightarrow\mu^+\mu^-\!,D^0} = 2.50\pm1.12\pm0.22pb σZμ+μ ⁣,D+=0.44±0.23±0.03pb,\sigma_{Z\rightarrow\mu^+\mu^-\!,D^+} = 0.44\pm0.23\pm0.03pb, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Measurements of the B+B^+, B0B^0, Bs0B_s^0 meson and Λb0\Lambda_b^0 baryon lifetimes

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    Measurements of bb-hadron lifetimes are reported using pppp collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0fb1^{-1}, collected by the LHCb detector at a centre-of-mass energy of 77Tev. Using the exclusive decays B+J/ψK+B^+\to J/\psi K^+, B0J/ψK(892)0B^0\to J/\psi K^*(892)^0, B0J/ψKS0B^0\to J/\psi K^0_{\rm S}, Λb0J/ψΛ\Lambda_b^0\to J/\psi \Lambda and Bs0J/ψϕB^0_s\to J/\psi \phi the average decay times in these modes are measured to be τB+J/ψK+\tau_{B^+\to J/\psi K^+} = 1.637±1.637 \pm 0.004 ±\pm 0.003 ps, τB0J/ψK(892)0\tau_{B^0\to J/\psi K^*(892)^0} = 1.524±1.524 \pm 0.006 ±\pm 0.004 ps, τB0J/ψKS0\tau_{B^0\to J/\psi K^0_{\rm S}} = 1.499±1.499 \pm 0.013 ±\pm 0.005 ps, τΛb0J/ψΛ\tau_{\Lambda_b^0\to J/\psi \Lambda} = 1.415±1.415 \pm 0.027 ±\pm 0.006 ps and τBs0J/ψϕ\tau_{B^0_s\to J/\psi \phi} = 1.480±1.480 \pm 0.011 ±\pm 0.005 ps, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. These represent the most precise lifetime measurements in these decay modes. In addition, ratios of these lifetimes, and the ratio of the decay-width difference, ΔΓd\Delta\Gamma_d, to the average width, Γd\Gamma_d, in the B0B^0 system, ΔΓd/Γd=0.044±0.025±0.011\Delta \Gamma_d/\Gamma_d = -0.044 \pm 0.025 \pm 0.011, are reported. All quantities are found to be consistent with Standard Model expectations.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures. Updated reference