14 research outputs found

    Altibajos de la expansión algodonera hacia nuevas áreas, una mirada retrospectiva

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    Desde la campaña algodonera 2012/13 y hasta la actual 2014/15 se continúan con los estudiosexploratorios del proyecto que lleva adelante el INTA Reconquista y APPA (Asociación para la Promoción de la Producción de Algodón) con la fuerte colaboración del sector privado, con el fin de generar información de las características suelo-planta-ambiente y sus relaciones, para lograruna producción de algodón sustentable, adaptado a las condiciones agroecológicas de los Bajos Submeridionales y zona de transición hacia el Domo Occidental de Santa Fe.Fil: Paytas, Marcelo Javier. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Reconquista; ArgentinaFil: Mieres, Luciano Nicolás. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Reconquista; ArgentinaFil: Szwarc, Diego Ernesto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Reconquista; ArgentinaFil: Sosa, M.A. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Reconquista; ArgentinaFil: Vitti Scarel, Daniela Elizabeth. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Reconquista; ArgentinaFil: Almada, Melina Soledad. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Reconquista; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bianchi, Enzo Dario. No especifíca;Fil: Sager, Guillermo. No especifíca


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    The results of this study lend strong support to the concept of the existence in insects and molluscs of a distinctive class of neuroglial cells comparable to vertebrate microglia. The evidence presented is as valid as that used in reference to the separate status of vertebrate microglia-i.e., the demonstration of a close structural and functional relationship of these cells with cells of the immune system. As in vertebrates, the excision of ganglia from three invertebrate species (the molluscs Planorbarius corneus and Mytilus edulis and the insect Leucophaea maderae) and their maintenance in incubation media led to an exodus of small cells and their accumulation in the culture dish. During this process, they underwent conformational changes from stellate to rounded, and then to more or less ameboid, comparable to those indicative of the process of activation in the animals' immunocytes. Functional characteristics which these translocated microglia-like cells share with immunocytes are motility, phagocytotic activity, and adherence to the culture dish. Furthermore, the two cells have certain biochemical features in common-e.g., the presence of certain cytokines and (at least in Planorbarius) that of corticotropin. An additional phenomenon of particular interest for the classification of microglial elements is their response to morphine. At 10(-6) M, this drug decreases not only the number of cells emerging from the excised ganglia but also the degree of their transformation to the ''active'' ameboid form. This dose-dependent and naloxone-sensitive effect of morphine on microglial cells parallels that on activated immunocytes of the same species. Corresponding results demonstrating an inhibitory effect of morphine on mobilized microglial cells of the frog Rana pipiens indicate that this relationship between the two cell types under consideration also exists in vertebrates. Binding and displacement experiments with membrane homogenates of microglial cells as well as immunocytes of Mytilus have shown that the effects of morphine on both cell types are mediated by the same special opiate receptor (mu(3))

    Avance en la evaluación integral de la producción del algodón en la zona de influencia de los Bajos Submeridionales

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    Debido a la escasez de información que se cuenta sobre la producción de algodón en una región compleja como los bajos submeridionales, la Estación Experimental Agropecuaria (EEA) INTA Reconquista y la Asociación para la Promoción de la Producción de Algodón (APPA) con la colaboración de asesores y productores del sector público-privado, evaluaron al cultivo de algodón de manera integral, desde características del suelo, complejo de especies benéficas y plagas, composición de malezas presentes, parámetros ecofisiológicos del cultivo en el agroecosistema de los Bajos Suberidionales. Mediante muestreos sistemáticos y de caracterización durante una campaña algodonera 2012/13, se observó que el cultivo de algodón en los bajos submeridionales, las características edáficas de los sitios estudiados presentan alta concentración de sodio para la producción agrícola; sin embargo el cultivo demostró la capacidad compensatoria ante eventuales períodos de estrés abiótico como hídrico, térmico y salino. Entre diversas caracterizaciones generadas, este estudio permitirá ser base para futuras investigaciones, con la finalidad de lograr una producción de algodón sustentable adaptado a las condiciones agroecológicas de los Bajos Submeridionales y zona de transición hacia el Domo Occidental de Santa Fe.Fil: Almada, Melina Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Reconquista; ArgentinaFil: Mieres, Luciano Nicolás. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Reconquista; ArgentinaFil: Szwarc, Diego Ernesto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Reconquista; ArgentinaFil: Vitti Scarel, Daniela Elizabeth. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Reconquista; ArgentinaFil: Sosa, María. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Reconquista; ArgentinaFil: Sager, Mariana. Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimento. Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria; ArgentinaFil: Bianchi, Enzo Dario. No especifíca;Fil: Sager, Guillermo. No especifíca;Fil: Paytas, Marcelo Javier. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Reconquista; Argentin

    III Italian Consensus Conference on Malignant Mesothelioma of the Pleura. Epidemiology, Public Health and Occupational Medicine related issues

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    The III Italian Consensus Conference on Pleural Mesothelioma (MM) convened on January 29th 2015. This report presents the conclusions of the 'Epidemiology, Public Health and Occupational Medicine' section. MM incidence in 2011 in Italy was 3.64 per 100,000 person/years in men and 1.32 in women. Incidence trends are starting to level off. Ten percent of cases are due to non-occupational exposure. Incidence among women is very high in Italy, because of both non-occupational and occupational exposure. The removal of asbestos in place is proceeding slowly, with remaining exposure. Recent literature confirms the causal role of chrysotile. Fibrous fluoro-edenite was classified as carcinogenic by IARC (Group 1) on the basis of MM data. A specific type (MWCNT-7) of Carbon Nanotubes was classified 2B. For pleural MM, after about 45 years since first exposure, the incidence trend slowed down; with more studies needed. Cumulative exposure is a proxy of the relevant exposure, but does not allow to distinguish if duration or intensity may possibly play a prominent role, neither to evaluate the temporal sequence of exposures. Studies showed that duration and intensity are independent determinants of MM. Blood related MM are less than 2.5%. The role of BAP1 germline mutations is limited to the BAP1 cancer syndrome, but negligible for sporadic cases. Correct MM diagnosis is baseline; guidelines agree on the importance of the tumor gross appearance and of the hematoxylin-eosin-based histology. Immunohistochemical markers contribute to diagnostic confirmation: the selection depends on morphology, location, and differential diagnosis. The WG suggested that 1) General Cancer Registries and ReNaM Regional Operational Centres (COR) interact and systematically compare MM cases; 2) ReNaM should report results presenting the diagnostic certainty codes and the diagnostic basis, separately; 3) General Cancer Registries and COR should interact with pathologists to assure the up-to-date methodology; 4) Necroscopy should be practiced for validation. Expert referral centres could contribute to the definition of uncertain cases. Health surveillance should aim to all asbestos effects. No diagnostic test is recommended for MM screening. Health surveillance should provide information on risks, medical perspective, and smoking cessation. The economic burden associated to MM was estimated in 250,000 Euro per case

    Neonatal Antibiotics and Prematurity Are Associated with an Increased Risk of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in the First Year of Life

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    Objective To assess the prevalence of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) in the first year of life and the influence of different neonatal factors on development of FGIDs. Study design A prospective cohort multicenter study including neonates, consecutively enrolled at birth, and fol- lowed up until 1 year. Gestational age, neonatal antibiotic administration, duration of hospitalization, mode of delivery, birth weight, and feeding pattern were recorded. FGIDs were classified according to Rome III criteria and assessed at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months of life. Results Among 1152 newborns enrolled, 934 (81.1%) completed the study, 302 (32%) were newborns born pre- term, 320 (34%) had neonatal antibiotics, and 718 (76.9%) had at least 1 FGID according to Rome III criteria (443 [47.4%] infantile colic, 374 [40.0%] regurgitation, 297 [31.8%] infant dyschezia, 248 [26.6%] functional constipation, and 34 [3.6%] functional diarrhea) throughout the first year of life. The proportion of infants born preterm presenting with FGIDs (86%) was significantly greater compared with infants born full term (72.5%) (c2 = 21.3, P = .0001). On multivariate analysis, prematurity and neonatal use of antibiotics was significantly associated with at least 1 FGID. Conclusions We found a high rate FGIDs in infants, likely related to the population recruited, the long observation period, the diagnosis based on Rome III criteria, and parental reports. Preterm delivery and neonatal use of antibi- otics in the first months of life are associated with an increased incidence of FGIDs, particularly infantile colic and regurgitation. In our population, cesarean delivery and feeding pattern at 1 month of life emerged as additional risk factors for infant dyschezia and functional diarrhea. Other neonatal factors associated with FGIDs need to be further explored

    Changes in surgicaL behaviOrs dUring the CoviD-19 pandemic. The SICE CLOUD19 Study

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    BACKGROUND: The spread of the SARS-CoV2 virus, which causes COVID-19 disease, profoundly impacted the surgical community. Recommendations have been published to manage patients needing surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. This survey, under the aegis of the Italian Society of Endoscopic Surgery, aims to analyze how Italian surgeons have changed their practice during the pandemic.METHODS: The authors designed an online survey that was circulated for completion to the Italian departments of general surgery registered in the Italian Ministry of Health database in December 2020. Questions were divided into three sections: hospital organization, screening policies, and safety profile of the surgical operation. The investigation periods were divided into the Italian pandemic phases I (March-May 2020), II (June-September 2020), and III (October-December 2020).RESULTS: Of 447 invited departments, 226 answered the survey. Most hospitals were treating both COVID-19-positive and -negative patients. The reduction in effective beds dedicated to surgical activity was significant, affecting 59% of the responding units. 12.4% of the respondents in phase I, 2.6% in phase II, and 7.7% in phase III reported that their surgical unit had been closed. 51.4%, 23.5%, and 47.8% of the respondents had at least one colleague reassigned to non-surgical COVID-19 activities during the three phases. There has been a reduction in elective (>200 procedures: 2.1%, 20.6% and 9.9% in the three phases, respectively) and emergency (<20 procedures: 43.3%, 27.1%, 36.5% in the three phases, respectively) surgical activity. The use of laparoscopy also had a setback in phase I (25.8% performed less than 20% of elective procedures through laparoscopy). 60.6% of the respondents used a smoke evacuation device during laparoscopy in phase I, 61.6% in phase II, and 64.2% in phase III. Almost all responders (82.8% vs. 93.2% vs. 92.7%) in each analyzed period did not modify or reduce the use of high-energy devices.CONCLUSION: This survey offers three faithful snapshots of how the surgical community has reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic during its three phases. The significant reduction in surgical activity indicates that better health policies and more evidence-based guidelines are needed to make up for lost time and surgery not performed during the pandemic

    A multi-element psychosocial intervention for early psychosis (GET UP PIANO TRIAL) conducted in a catchment area of 10 million inhabitants: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Multi-element interventions for first-episode psychosis (FEP) are promising, but have mostly been conducted in non-epidemiologically representative samples, thereby raising the risk of underestimating the complexities involved in treating FEP in 'real-world' services

    Correction to: Tocilizumab for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. The single-arm TOCIVID-19 prospective trial

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