841 research outputs found

    Capital Utilization in General Equilibrium

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    Sub-specialties in psychiatry: Towards parity in mental health training and services

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    Neuropsychiatric disorders account for 5 of the 10 most disabling medical disorders worldwide,1 and for a particularly large component of the burden of disease in South Africa.2 Unfortunately, as elsewhere, training and services in psychiatry have lagged behind those of other major disciplines, and much additional work is needed to achieve parity. We focus in particular on the status of psychiatric sub-specialties in South Africa, considering the pros and cons of their recognition in a developing country

    Structural characterization of the interaction of α-synuclein nascent chains with the ribosomal surface and trigger factor

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    The ribosome is increasingly becoming recognized as a key hub for integrating quality control processes associated with protein biosynthesis and cotranslational folding (CTF). The molecular mechanisms by which these processes take place, however, remain largely unknown, in particular in the case of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). To address this question, we studied at a residue-specific level the structure and dynamics of ribosome-nascent chain complexes (RNCs) of α-synuclein (αSyn), an IDP associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Using solution-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and coarse-grained molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we find that, although the nascent chain (NC) has a highly disordered conformation, its N-terminal region shows resonance broadening consistent with interactions involving specific regions of the ribosome surface. We also investigated the effects of the ribosome-associated molecular chaperone trigger factor (TF) on αSyn structure and dynamics using resonance broadening to define a footprint of the TF–RNC interactions. We have used these data to construct structural models that suggest specific ways by which emerging NCs can interact with the biosynthesis and quality control machinery

    Content Validity of the Geriatric Depression Scale in Inpatient Health Care Settings

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    The content validity of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) for use in inpatient health care settings was evaluated. Clinical experience has shown that one or more questions may not be appropriate in such settings. These questions ask about behaviors or feelings with which the examinee may not be able to identify with because they have been in an inpatient setting during the past week. Twenty-five Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) evaluated the GDS-30 as to whether each item appropriately assesses the construct of depression for inpatients in a medical care setting. SMEs were identified by an online search of the Florida Division of Medical Quality Assurance database; inclusion criteria are presented. Nineteen SMEs held a Ph.D. and six held a Psy.D. Years of post-licensure practice experience ranged from 10 to 48 years with a mean of 23.12 years (SD = 10.07). Using the Content Validity Ratio, four questions emerged as inappropriate (statistically significant at, or below, an alpha level of .025). The lack of content validity of these questions necessitates their omission when psychometrically assessing depression in elderly inpatients. Recommended revised cutoff values are presented. Utilizing the recommended modification to the GDS presented here should reduce false positives when psychometrically assessing depression in elderly inpatients

    Integrating comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography and downhole fluid analysis to validate a spill-fill sequence of reservoirs with variations of biodegradation, water washing and thermal maturity

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2016. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Fuel 191 (2017): 538-554, doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2016.11.081.Optimization of crude oil production depends heavily on crude oil composition and its variation within individual reservoirs and across multiple reservoirs. In particular, asphaltene content has an enormous impact on crude oil viscosity and even the economic value of the fluids in the reservoir. Thus, it is highly desirable to understand the primary controls on crude oil composition and asphaltene distributions in reservoirs. Here, a complex oilfield in the North Sea containing six separate reservoirs is addressed. The crude oil is believed to have spilled out of deeper reservoirs into shallower reservoirs during the overall reservoir charging process. Asphaltene content is measured in-situ through downhole fluid analysis and is generally consistent with a spill-fill sequence in reservoir charging. Detailed compositional analysis of crude oil samples by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) is used to determine the extent and variation among the reservoirs of water washing, biodegradation and thermal maturity. Increased biodegradation and water washing in the shallower reservoirs is consistent with a spill-fill sequence. The water washing is evidently assisted by biodegradation. Moreover, analyses of four thermal maturity biomarkers show that shallower reservoirs contain less mature oil, again consistent with a spill-fill sequence. The combination of DFA for bulk compositional analysis and GC×GC for detailed compositional analysis with geochemical interpretation is an effective tool for unraveling complex oilfield scenarios

    Global patterns and environmental controls of perchlorate and nitrate co-occurrence in arid and semi-arid environments

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    Natural perchlorate (ClO4-) is of increasing interest due to its wide-spread occurrence on Earth and Mars, yet little information exists on the relative abundance of ClO4- compared to other major anions, its stability, or long-term variations in production that may impact the observed distributions. Our objectives were to evaluate the occurrence and fate of ClO4- in groundwater and soils/caliche in arid and semi-arid environments (southwestern United States, southern Africa, United Arab Emirates, China, Antarctica, and Chile) and the relationship of ClO4- to the more well-studied atmospherically deposited anions NO3- and Cl- as a means to understand the prevalent processes that affect the accumulation of these species over various time scales. ClO4- is globally distributed in soil and groundwater in arid and semi-arid regions on Earth at concentrations ranging from 10-1 to 106 µg/kg. Generally, the ClO4- concentration in these regions increases with aridity index, but also depends on the duration of arid conditions. In many arid and semi-arid areas, NO3- and ClO4- co-occur at molar ratios (NO3-/ClO4-) that vary between ~104 and 105. We hypothesize that atmospheric deposition ratios are largely preserved in hyper-arid areas that support little or no biological activity (e.g. plants or bacteria), but can be altered in areas with more active biological processes including N2 fixation, N mineralization, nitrification, denitrification, and microbial ClO4- reduction, as indicated in part by NO3- isotope data. In contrast, much larger ranges of Cl-/ClO4- and Cl-/NO3- ratios indicate Cl- varies independently from both ClO4- and NO3-. The general lack of correlation between Cl- and ClO4- or NO3- implies that Cl- is not a good indicator of co-deposition and should be used with care when interpreting oxyanion cycling in arid systems. The Atacama Desert appears to be unique compared to all other terrestrial locations having a NO3-/ClO4- molar ratio ~103. The relative enrichment in ClO4- compared to Cl- or NO3- and unique isotopic composition of Atacama ClO4- may reflect either additional in-situ production mechanism(s) or higher relative atmospheric production rates in that specific region or in the geological past. Elevated concentrations of ClO4- reported on the surface of Mars, and its enrichment with respect to Cl- and NO3-, could reveal important clues regarding the climatic, hydrologic, and potentially biologic evolution of that planet. Given the highly conserved ratio of NO3-/ClO4- in non-biologically active areas on Earth, it may be possible to use alterations of this ratio as a biomarker on Mars and for interpreting major anion cycles and processes on both Mars and Earth, particularly with respect to the less-conserved NO3- pool terrestrially

    Global patterns and environmental controls of perchlorate and nitrate co-occurrence in arid and semi-arid environments

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    Natural perchlorate (ClO4-) is of increasing interest due to its wide-spread occurrence on Earth and Mars, yet little information exists on the relative abundance of ClO4- compared to other major anions, its stability, or long-term variations in production that may impact the observed distributions. Our objectives were to evaluate the occurrence and fate of ClO4- in groundwater and soils/caliche in arid and semi-arid environments (southwestern United States, southern Africa, United Arab Emirates, China, Antarctica, and Chile) and the relationship of ClO4- to the more well-studied atmospherically deposited anions NO3- and Cl- as a means to understand the prevalent processes that affect the accumulation of these species over various time scales. ClO4- is globally distributed in soil and groundwater in arid and semi-arid regions on Earth at concentrations ranging from 10-1 to 106 µg/kg. Generally, the ClO4- concentration in these regions increases with aridity index, but also depends on the duration of arid conditions. In many arid and semi-arid areas, NO3- and ClO4- co-occur at molar ratios (NO3-/ClO4-) that vary between ~104 and 105. We hypothesize that atmospheric deposition ratios are largely preserved in hyper-arid areas that support little or no biological activity (e.g. plants or bacteria), but can be altered in areas with more active biological processes including N2 fixation, N mineralization, nitrification, denitrification, and microbial ClO4- reduction, as indicated in part by NO3- isotope data. In contrast, much larger ranges of Cl-/ClO4- and Cl-/NO3- ratios indicate Cl- varies independently from both ClO4- and NO3-. The general lack of correlation between Cl- and ClO4- or NO3- implies that Cl- is not a good indicator of co-deposition and should be used with care when interpreting oxyanion cycling in arid systems. The Atacama Desert appears to be unique compared to all other terrestrial locations having a NO3-/ClO4- molar ratio ~103. The relative enrichment in ClO4- compared to Cl- or NO3- and unique isotopic composition of Atacama ClO4- may reflect either additional in-situ production mechanism(s) or higher relative atmospheric production rates in that specific region or in the geological past. Elevated concentrations of ClO4- reported on the surface of Mars, and its enrichment with respect to Cl- and NO3-, could reveal important clues regarding the climatic, hydrologic, and potentially biologic evolution of that planet. Given the highly conserved ratio of NO3-/ClO4- in non-biologically active areas on Earth, it may be possible to use alterations of this ratio as a biomarker on Mars and for interpreting major anion cycles and processes on both Mars and Earth, particularly with respect to the less-conserved NO3- pool terrestrially

    The apology mismatch: asymmetries between victim's need for apologies and perpetrator's willingness to apologize

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    Although previous research on apologies has shown that apologies can have many beneficial effects on victims’ responses, the dyadic nature of the apology process has largely been ignored. As a consequence, very little is known about the congruence between perpetrators’ willingness to apologize and victims’ willingness to receive an apology. In three experimental studies we showed that victims mainly want to receive an apology after an intentional transgression, whereas perpetrators want to offer an apology particularly after an unintentional transgression. As expected, these divergent apologetic needs among victims and perpetrators were mediated by unique emotions: guilt among perpetrators and anger among victims. These results suggest that an apology serves very different goals among victims and perpetrators, thus pointing at an apology mismatch
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