21 research outputs found

    H2B2VS (HEVC Hybrid Broadcast Broadband Video Services) – building innovative solutions over hybrid networks

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    Broadcast and broadband networks continue to be separate worlds in the video consumption business. Some initiatives such as HbbTV have built a bridge between both worlds, but its application is almost limited to providing links over the broadcast channel to content providers’ applications such as Catch-up TV services. When it comes to reality, the user is using either one network or the other. H2B2VS is a Celtic-Plus project aiming at exploiting the potential of real hybrid networks by implementing efficient synchronization mechanisms and using new video coding standard such as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). The goal is to develop successful hybrid network solutions that enable value added services with an optimum bandwidth usage in each network and with clear commercial applications. An example of the potential of this approach is the transmission of Ultra-HD TV by sending the main content over the broadcast channel and the required complementary information over the broadband network. This technology can also be used to improve the life of handicapped persons: Deaf people receive through the broadband network a sign language translation of a programme sent over the broadcast channel; the TV set then displays this translation in an inset window. One of the most important contributions of the project is developing and testing synchronization methods between two different networks that offer unequal qualities of service with significant differences in delay and jitter. In this paper, the main technological project contributions are described, including SHVC, the scalable extension of HEVC and a special focus on the synchronization solution adopted by MPEG and DVB. The paper also presents some of the implemented practical use cases, such as the sign language translation described above, and their performance results so as to evaluate the commercial application of this type of solution

    24-h variation in soil respiration after a long dry season in a Sudano-Sahelian region

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    Soil respiration is a major component of the global carbon cycle which links ecosystems and the atmosphere. To evaluate the reaction of soil respiration after wetting, during a dry period, soil respiration and associated environmental factors were measured over a 24-h period, during the dry season in North Cameroon after wetting the soil. Over 24-h, soil respiration rates followed a quadratic curve during the day coming close to linear at night, while soil temperature and moisture together explained at least 73 % of the variations during the 24-h observed. These soil respiration rates increased during the morning, peaked between 11h00 and 13h00 and then decreased gradually to the minimum around 06h00. These observations were used to propose a method for estimating mean daytime and nighttime soil respiration after wetting the soil. The method proposed in this study has the advantage of being based on a small number of measurements and is, therefore, easier to implement for monitoring 24-h soil respiration after the first rains following a long dry period

    Changement climatique : quels défis pour le Sud ?

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    International audienceLa mobilisation autour de la conférence Paris Climat 2015 (COP 21) est l'occasion de mettre en relief la vulnérabilité des milieux et des populations du Sud face au réchauffement climatique. Certaines régions de la zone intertropicale en subissent déjà les effets, que ce soient les vagues de chaleur au Sahel, la perturbation des systÚmes de mousson, la fonte des glaciers andins, les menaces sur la biodiversité, l'élévation du niveau des océans... Pour mieux appréhender la complexité de ces phénomÚnes, les recherches menées par l'IRD et ses partenaires apportent des connaissances essentielles. Cet ouvrage en donne un aperçu synthétique décliné en trois temps : observer et comprendre le changement climatique, analyser ses principaux impacts en fonction des milieux, remettre les sociétés et les politiques publiques nationales au coeur du défi climatique. En insistant sur les capacités de résilience des populations et des écosystÚmes face à l'évolution du climat, l'ouvrage explore les solutions conciliant atténuation du changement climatique et adaptation, préservation de l'environnement et réduction des inégalités. Accessible à un large public, il fait le point sur les travaux et résultats d'une recherche résolument engagée, interdisciplinaire, qui associe étroitement partenaires du Sud et du Nord

    Climate change : what challenges for the South ?

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    International audienceThe mobilisation centred on the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP 21) is an opportunity to highlight the vulnerability of environments and populations in the South in the face of climate warming. Some tropical regions are already suffering from its effects, with heat waves in the Sahel, disturbances to monsoon systems, the melting of the Andean glaciers, threats to biodiversity, a rise in sea level and other features. Research conducted by IRD and its partners provides key knowledge for better understanding of the complexity of these phenomena. This book is a synthesis in three parts: observing and understanding climate change, analysing its main impacts on environments and setting societies and national public policies at the heart of the climate challenge. Focused on the capacity for resilience of populations and ecosystems in the face of trends in the climate, the book explores solutions that reconcile mitigation and adaptation in response to climate change, conservation of the environment and a reduction of inequalities. The work is both well documented and explanatory, reviewing operations and the results of research that is firmly involved and interdisciplinary, closely associating partners in the North and the South

    Changement climatique : quels défis pour le Sud ?

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    International audienceLa mobilisation autour de la conférence Paris Climat 2015 (COP 21) est l'occasion de mettre en relief la vulnérabilité des milieux et des populations du Sud face au réchauffement climatique. Certaines régions de la zone intertropicale en subissent déjà les effets, que ce soient les vagues de chaleur au Sahel, la perturbation des systÚmes de mousson, la fonte des glaciers andins, les menaces sur la biodiversité, l'élévation du niveau des océans... Pour mieux appréhender la complexité de ces phénomÚnes, les recherches menées par l'IRD et ses partenaires apportent des connaissances essentielles. Cet ouvrage en donne un aperçu synthétique décliné en trois temps : observer et comprendre le changement climatique, analyser ses principaux impacts en fonction des milieux, remettre les sociétés et les politiques publiques nationales au coeur du défi climatique. En insistant sur les capacités de résilience des populations et des écosystÚmes face à l'évolution du climat, l'ouvrage explore les solutions conciliant atténuation du changement climatique et adaptation, préservation de l'environnement et réduction des inégalités. Accessible à un large public, il fait le point sur les travaux et résultats d'une recherche résolument engagée, interdisciplinaire, qui associe étroitement partenaires du Sud et du Nord

    Climate change : what challenges for the South ?

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    International audienceThe mobilisation centred on the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP 21) is an opportunity to highlight the vulnerability of environments and populations in the South in the face of climate warming. Some tropical regions are already suffering from its effects, with heat waves in the Sahel, disturbances to monsoon systems, the melting of the Andean glaciers, threats to biodiversity, a rise in sea level and other features. Research conducted by IRD and its partners provides key knowledge for better understanding of the complexity of these phenomena. This book is a synthesis in three parts: observing and understanding climate change, analysing its main impacts on environments and setting societies and national public policies at the heart of the climate challenge. Focused on the capacity for resilience of populations and ecosystems in the face of trends in the climate, the book explores solutions that reconcile mitigation and adaptation in response to climate change, conservation of the environment and a reduction of inequalities. The work is both well documented and explanatory, reviewing operations and the results of research that is firmly involved and interdisciplinary, closely associating partners in the North and the South

    Changement climatique : quels défis pour le Sud ?

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    International audienceLa mobilisation autour de la conférence Paris Climat 2015 (COP 21) est l'occasion de mettre en relief la vulnérabilité des milieux et des populations du Sud face au réchauffement climatique. Certaines régions de la zone intertropicale en subissent déjà les effets, que ce soient les vagues de chaleur au Sahel, la perturbation des systÚmes de mousson, la fonte des glaciers andins, les menaces sur la biodiversité, l'élévation du niveau des océans... Pour mieux appréhender la complexité de ces phénomÚnes, les recherches menées par l'IRD et ses partenaires apportent des connaissances essentielles. Cet ouvrage en donne un aperçu synthétique décliné en trois temps : observer et comprendre le changement climatique, analyser ses principaux impacts en fonction des milieux, remettre les sociétés et les politiques publiques nationales au coeur du défi climatique. En insistant sur les capacités de résilience des populations et des écosystÚmes face à l'évolution du climat, l'ouvrage explore les solutions conciliant atténuation du changement climatique et adaptation, préservation de l'environnement et réduction des inégalités. Accessible à un large public, il fait le point sur les travaux et résultats d'une recherche résolument engagée, interdisciplinaire, qui associe étroitement partenaires du Sud et du Nord