2,450 research outputs found

    The bases of welfare. The situation of older people

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    .En este artículo se trata de presentar algunas de las dificultades existentes para el desarrollo e implantación de un nuevo modelo de salud fundamentado en el desarrollo comunitario y no sometido a la lógica de la rentabilidad económica. A partir de ahí, se analiza el impacto de la expansión del envejecimiento y los efectos de aquellas dificultades en la calidad de vida de las personas mayores y algunas propuestas que contrabalanceen la situación.This article presents some of the difficulties indeveloping and introducing a new model of health based on community development that is not subject to the logic of economic profitability. It then goes to analyse the impact of the increase in ageing, and the effects of these difficulties on the quality of live of older people , and to make some proposals to counter balance this situation

    A factor analysis of volatility across the term structure: the Spanish case

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    We show how the term structure of volatilities for zero-cupon interest rates from the Spanish secondary debt market can be explained by a reduced number of factors. This factor representation can be used to produce time series volatilities across the whole term structure. As an alternative, volatilities can also be derived from a factor model for interest rates themselves. We find evidence contrary to the hypothesis that these two procedures lead to statistically equivalent time series, so that choosing the right model to estimate volatility is far from trivial. The volatility factor model fits univariate EGARCH volatility time series much better than the interest rate factor model does. However, observed differences seem to be of little consequence for VaR estimation on zero coupon bonds

    Mapping Chestnut Stands Using Bi-Temporal VHR Data

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    This study analyzes the potential of very high resolution (VHR) remote sensing images and extended morphological profiles for mapping Chestnut stands on Tenerife Island (Canary Islands, Spain). Regarding their relevance for ecosystem services in the region (cultural and provisioning services) the public sector demand up-to-date information on chestnut and a simple straight-forward approach is presented in this study. We used two VHR WorldView images (March and May 2015) to cover different phenological phases. Moreover, we included spatial information in the classification process by extended morphological profiles (EMPs). Random forest is used for the classification process and we analyzed the impact of the bi-temporal information as well as of the spatial information on the classification accuracies. The detailed accuracy assessment clearly reveals the benefit of bi-temporal VHR WorldView images and spatial information, derived by EMPs, in terms of the mapping accuracy. The bi-temporal classification outperforms or at least performs equally well when compared to the classification accuracies achieved by the mono-temporal data. The inclusion of spatial information by EMPs further increases the classification accuracy by 5% and reduces the quantity and allocation disagreements on the final map. Overall the new proposed classification strategy proves useful for mapping chestnut stands in a heterogeneous and complex landscape, such as the municipality of La Orotava, Tenerife

    Modelos avanzados de elección de localización residencial

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    Jornada TRANSPACE, transferencia de resultados de proyect

    Caracterización y procedencia de las materias primas líticas del sepulcro colectivo de Forat de Conqueta

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    La caracterització de primeres matèries lítiques i la determinació de les àrees de procedència han permès avaluar les estratègies de captació i gestió dels recursos lítics que es van utilitzar al Forat de Conqueta. La caracterització dels materials ha estat realitzada a partir de caràcters macroscòpics. La primera matèria amb un índex més elevat de representativitat és el sílex, seguida de les dolerites. Els resultats obtinguts mostren dues estratègies diferents de captació que corresponen als dos moments d’us de la cavitat. D’una banda, el registre del nivell 1/2 correspondria a una estratègia de captació local i expeditiva. De l’altra, el registre del nivell 3 presenta una aportació de matèria al·lòctona superior a la local.The characterization of lithic raw materials and the determination of the areas of its origin, have allowed evaluating the strategies used to capture and management of lithic resources that are used to Forat de Conqueta. The characterization of the materials was done from macroscopic characters. The raw material with a higher index of representation is the flint followed by dolerite. The results show two different recruitment strategies that correspond to two times of use of the cavity. On one hand, the log level 1/2 corresponds to a strategy of local and expeditiously recruitment. On the other hand, level 3 shows a contribution of allochthonous input higher than the local one.La caracterización de materias primas líticas y la determinación de las aéreas de procedencia han permitido evaluar las estrategias de captación y gestión de recursos líticos utilizadas en Forat de Conqueta. La caracterización de los materiales ha sido realizada a partir de características macroscópicas, siendo el sílex el material con una representatividad más elevada, seguida por las doleritas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran dos estrategias de captación que corresponden a los dos momentos de uso de la cavidad. Por un lado, el registro del nivel 1/2 correspondería a una estrategia de captación local y expeditiva. Por el otro, el nivel 3 presenta una aportación de materia alóctona superior a la local

    Diseño publicitario ante la sociedad de consumo

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    La responsabilidad social de las empresas implica una preocupación por las decisiones que se toman y que repercuten en distintos grupos de interés. Se define como la integración de las preocupaciones sociales, económicas y medioambientales a los procesos de toma de decisión y gestión de las empresas. Incluye las consecuencias económicas, medioambientales y sociales. Este trabajo analiza las implicaciones sociales que puede tener el diseño gráfico y responde a preguntas como ¿Qué valores se están transmitiendo? ¿Es bueno cualquier mensaje? ¿Qué sociedad se construye a través de los mensajes gráficos? ¿Construye el diseñador un modelo de sociedad o sólo refleja el que ya existe

    Environmental Impact of Mobility in Higher-Education Institutions: The Case of the Ecological Footprint at the University of A Coruña (Spain)

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    [Abstract] Ecological footprint (EF) determines the area of ecologically productive territory necessary to produce the resources utilised and to assimilate the waste produced by a given population over a year. Knowing your own EF is the first step in planning and implementing policies to reduce it. Considering that transport is a significant component of the impact of human activity on the environment, this study calculates the EF of the CO2 emissions associated with person mobility (EFM) at the University of A Coruña (UDC). The results presented are based on statistical inference from surveys conducted in 2008, 2016, and 2020. The period 2008–2016 coincides with the effects of the economic crisis, and 2020 with those of the COVID-19 pandemic. The EFM of UDC in 2016 was 2177 global hectares (gha), 148 times its biocapacity. Ninety-two percent of it was generated by car trips. Policies to reduce the environmental impact of mobility should focus on reducing car use. This study analyzes various factors of variability. The EFM per capita of the commutes from the place of residence to the UDC campuses grew between 2008 and 2020 by 17%. The results obtained are compared with those of other nearby universities and around the world

    Spatially Correlated Nested Logit Model for Spatial Location Choice

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUGErratum available online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trb.2022.06.008[Abstract] Residential location choice is a key component of the models for predicting land-use and transport demand in urban planning. In general, it requires to consider correlation between spatial alternatives. The approach of nested alternatives of the nested logit model has proved highly efficient in this context. This approach incorporates into the nested logit model both spatial and non-spatial correlations due to unobserved variables. The approach of metric extensions to the spatially correlated logit model specifies models for capturing spatial correlations between alternatives without having to design a nested structure. A model combining both approaches is proposed in this research. The spatially correlated nested logit model proposed herein models the correlation between alternatives of the nests of a nested logit model using a metric of spatial correlation between pairs of alternatives. The proposed model improves the properties of the nested logit model without the need of increasing the number of unknown parameters. Our model also improves the properties of a spatially correlated model with the same spatial metric. When needing to incorporate preference heterogeneity into the model, the proposed model is compatible with a mixed specification with random coefficients. The spatially correlated nested logit model was empirically applied to the real case of residential location choice in the city of Santander in Spain. In this empirical context, this model improved the explanatory and predictive power of the models that it combines.The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by the Government of Spain under the projects TRA2012–37659 and RTI2018–097924-B-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDFA way of making Europe”. Funding for open access charge: Universidade da Coruña/CISUGhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.trb.2022.06.00

    Estudio de la evolución cuaternaria de un modelado fluvial escalonado intramontañoso mediante índices morfométricos: río Lozoya, Sistema Central Español

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    Morphometric indices have been described as useful tools to understand the geodynamic evolution in different spatial regions and contexts, although usually only current landform shapes are considered when applying them. In this work, we combined detailed geomorphological mapping and the most representative morphometric indices and variables (valley width to valley height ratio Vf, transverse topographic asymmetry factor T-index, stream length–gradient SL, concavity index CI, elevation & slope), to quantify the evolution of the Lozoya valley landscape. These indices were not only applied to present landforms. In the case of Vf, this was measured also for different periods using the paleotopographies defined by the fluvial rock terraces. These techniques were applied to the Lozoya rock terrace staircase using a Geographic Information System (GIS) and statistical tools. This area developed in an intramountain tectonic depression delimited by basement pop-up alignments (Central System, Spain). The geomorphometric analysis revealed a complex Quaternary evolution controlled by Alpine structures, subsoil lithology, regional geomorphology, uplift and climatic factors. More incised valley shapes are located downstream, associated with lithostructural changes and fluvial captures, whereas upstream the valley displays a wide geometry coinciding with the pop-down depression. The more marked incisions are related to knickpoints identified in the Lozoya longitudinal profile, which persist through time from at least the Late Miocene and apparently did not undergo Quaternary reactivation. Finally, our analysis reveals lithological and morphostuctural controls to Lozoya bedrock terraces formation and preservation.Los índices morfométricos son descritos como herramientas útiles para comprender la evolución geodinámica de diferentes regiones geológicas, aunque suelen aplicarse considerando sólo la geometría actual de las formas del relieve. En este trabajo, hemos combinado una cartografía geomorfológica detallada & algunos de los índices y variables morfométricas más relevantes (Vf, Índice-T, SL, concavidad, elevación y pendiente), para cuantificar la evolución del río Lozoya. Estos índices fueron calculados usando no sólo las formas actuales del relieve, sino también para diferentes periodos. Este es el caso del índice Vf, cuyos valores fueron calculados a lo largo del tiempo, utilizando la paleotopografía definida por las terrazas fluviales rocosas del río Lozoya. Estas técnicas fueron aplicadas a la sequencia de terrazas rocosas del río Lozoya por medio de SIG y herrameintas estadísticas. El área de trabajo se ubica en una depresión tectónica intramontañosa delimitada por alineaciones pop-up (Sistema Central Español). El análisis geomorfométrico ha revelado una evolución Cuaternaria compleja controlada y condicionada por factores como las principales, estructuras Alpinas, la litología de subsuelo, la geomorfología regional, el levantamiento regional y el clima. En la cuenca de drenaje del Río Lozoya, los valles más incididos y estrechos se localizan aguas abajo, asociados con cambios litoestructurales y capturas fluviales, mientras que los valles más amplios se localizan hacia la zona de cabecera, relacionados con depresiones tectónicas pop-down. Por otro lado, el análisis del perfil longitudinal del Río Lozoya ha mostrado que los knickpoints mayores han persistido durante el tiempo, por lo menos desde el Mioceno Superior y sin aparentes signos de reactivación durante el Cuaternario. Finalmente, nuestro análisis revela que la formación y preservación de las terrazas erosivas están controladas por factores litológicos y morfoestucturales

    Estudio de sinterabiblidad y comportamiento acústico de materiales fabricados a partir de residuos industriales con adición de escoria de soldadura

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    Proyecto fin de carrera-Universidad de Salamanca, Escuela Politécnica Superior de Zamora, 2014[ES]Se propone el estudio de la sinterabilidad de materiales que provienen de residuos de procesos industriales, como el procedente de la segunda fusión del aluminio y escoria de soldadura, obteniendo las propiedades más óptimas mediante la utilización de distintas composiciones de cada constituyente.[EN] Sinterability study of waste materials from industrial processes such as from the second melting of aluminum and weld slag, obtaining the optimum properties using different compositions of each constituent is proposed