657 research outputs found

    Spatial expansions and travelling waves of rabies in vampire bats

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    A major obstacle to anticipating the cross-species transmission of zoonotic diseases and developing novel strategies for their control is the scarcity of data informing how these pathogens circulate within natural reservoir populations. Vampire bats are the primary reservoir of rabies in Latin America, where the disease remains among the most important viral zoonoses affecting humans and livestock. Unpredictable spatiotemporal dynamics of rabies within bat populations have precluded anticipation of outbreaks and undermined widespread bat culling programs. By analysing 1146 vampire bat-transmitted rabies (VBR) outbreaks in livestock across 12 years in Peru, we demonstrate that viral expansions into historically uninfected zones have doubled the recent burden of VBR. Viral expansions are geographically widespread, but severely constrained by high elevation peaks in the Andes mountains. Within Andean valleys, invasions form wavefronts that are advancing towards large, unvaccinated livestock populations that are heavily bitten by bats, which together will fuel high transmission and mortality. Using spatial models, we forecast the pathways of ongoing VBR epizootics across heterogeneous landscapes. These results directly inform vaccination strategies to mitigate impending viral emergence, reveal VBR as an emerging rather than an enzootic disease and create opportunities to test novel interventions to manage viruses in bat reservoirs

    Un proyecto de metodología para la planificación del desarrollo nacional y sus relaciones con la metodología de seguridad nacional

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    A través de la elaboración de este trabajo, pretendo conseguir, que la orientación de las metodologías de planificación, utilizadas por los organismos de desarrollo, como el CONADE, y por el de Seguridad, el COSENA, coordinen acciones, tendientes a integrar las metodologías, que se están utilizando en cada uno de los campos, a fin de producir una interrelación más beneficiosa entre las dos instituciones de las cuales el país obtenga mejores provechos. Al mismo tiempo este trabajo pretende puntualizar los factores fundamentales de cada una de las metodologías, que permitan un ahorro considerable de esfuerzos, que bien pueden dirigirse a precisar los empeños para llevar adelante los objetivos fundamentales de las dos instituciones de planificación que tienen la más alta jerarquía en el Ecuador. La Planificación de Seguridad, si está bien tiene relativo tiempo en su aplicación ha logrado plasmar una metodología lógica y secuencial que le ha permitido plantear los objetivos nacionales permanente, y la seguridad nacional. No así la planificación del desarrollo que ha venido acumulando un acervo de experiencias, mediante las cuales, se ha proyectado por derecho en el organismo planificador de la sociedad ecuatoriana. Sin embargo, en los últimos años y ante la deficiencia de respuesta del modelo económico aplicado ha tenido que variar su concepción dirigiéndose hacia la aplicación de un modelo situacional, en la cual convergen todos los intereses nacionales

    Evaluation of amino-vit as a supplement in the feeding of melifera bee (Apis mellifera)

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    The aim of the research was to evaluate different levels of Amino-Vit as a supplement in the feeding of honey bees (Apis mellifera). The duration of the experiment was 60 days and 12 Langstroth type hives were used, divided into four homogeneous groups. The variables under study were: initial and final weight of the hives (kg), weight of the hives at 15, 30, 45 (kg), number of frames with brood at the beginning and end of the evaluation, pollen production (g), feed consumption (ml), cost of the treatments (USD). The experimental units were distributed under a completely randomized design with 3 replications. Significant differences were found only for pollen production, where the best results were obtained with the use of 4 ml/L, with an average of 1063.67 g of pollen/hive; as well as the best cost benefit with USD 1.39. The use of Amino-vit is reflected in pollen production, number of frames with final brood and weight of the hives, identifying the nutritive value and the direct effect on queen laying and larval development Keywords: Amino-vit, bee, feed, supplement. Resumen El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar diferentes niveles de Amino-Vit como suplemento en la alimentación de la abeja melifera (Apis mellifera). La duración del experimento fue de 60 días y se utilizaron 12 colmenas tipo Langstroth, divididos en cuatro grupos homogéneos. Las variables en estudio fueron: peso inicial y final de las colmenas (kg), peso de las colmenas a los 15, 30, 45 (kg), número de marcos con cría al inicio y al final de la evaluación, producción de polen (g), consumo de alimento (ml), costo de los tratamientos (USD). Las unidades experimentales se distribuyeron bajo un diseño completamente al azar con 3 repeticiones. Se hallaron diferencias significativas unicamente para la producción de polen, en donde los mejores resultados se presentaron con el uso de 4ml/L, con un promedio de 1063.67 g de polen/colmena; al igual que el mejor beneficio costo con USD 1.39. La utilización de Amino-vit se ve reflejado en la producción de polen, número de marcos con cría final y peso de las colmenas, identificandose el valor nutritivo y el efecto directo sobre la postura de la reina y el desarrollo de las larvas. Palabras Clave: Amino-vit, abeja, alimentación, suplemento

    Julio César Goyes Narváez, derivas entre poéticas

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    Julio César Goyes Narváez, drifts between poetics

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    EntrevistaDurante la realización de la Ulibro 2017 nos acompañó el profesor Julio César Goyes Narváez, del Instituto de Estudios de Comunicación y Cultura de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, quien estuvo presentando su reciente libro, “La mirada espejeante”, un trabajo dedicado al desarrollo de la cinematografía del director ruso Andrei Tarkovsky, y a ofrecer una charla titulada “La investigación en comunicación como mediación creativa”, en la cual planteó una forma de desarrollar la investigación-creación, a partir del desarrollo del Julio César Goyes Narváez, derivas entre poéticas proyecto “LEM Guaviare: leer y escribir con medios”.During the realization of the Ulibro 2017 he accompanied us Professor Julio César Goyes Narváez, from the Institute of University Communication and Culture Studies National of Colombia, who was presenting his recent book, "La mirada espejeante", a work dedicated to the development of the director's cinematography Russian Andrei Tarkovsky, and to give a talk entitled “Communication research as mediation creative”, in which he proposed a way of developing research-creation, from the development of Julio César Goyes Narváez, drifts between poetics project "LEM Guaviare: reading and writing with media"

    Development of maternal and foetal immune responses in cattle following experimental challenge with Neospora caninum at day 210 of gestation

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    14 páginas, 2 tablas, 6 figuras.Bartley, Paul M. et al.This study examined the immunological responses of pregnant cattle and their foetuses following an experimental challenge with live Neospora caninum tachyzoites at day 210 of gestation. Animals were bled prior to and weekly throughout the experiment and sacrificed at 14, 28, 42 and 56 days post inoculation (dpi). At post mortem examination, samples of lymph nodes and spleen were collected from both dam and foetus for immunological analysis. Subcutaneous (sc) inoculation over the left prefemoral (LPF) lymph node of pregnant cattle at day 210 of gestation, led to the vertical transmission of parasites by 14 dpi, however no foetal deaths were observed in the infected animals. Foetuses from infected dams mounted Neospora-specific humoral and cell-mediated immune (CMI) responses by 14 dpi. These responses involved anti-Neospora IgG, antigen-specific lymphocyte proliferation, and the production of the cytokines IFN–γ, interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-10. There was also evidence of innate immunity during the response against Neospora from infected dams, with statistically significant (p < 0.05) increases in mean expression of toll like receptors (TLR)-2 on 56 dpi in maternal spleen, LPF, right prefemoral (RPF), left uterine (LUL) and right uterine (RUL) lymph nodes and TLR-9 in retropharyngeal (RLN), LPF and RPF lymph nodes from 28 dpi. Statistically significant (p < 0.05) increases in mean TLR-9 were detected in spleen samples from foetuses of infected dams, compared to the foetuses from control animals. Our results show that vertical transmission of the parasite occurred in all infected dams, with their foetuses showing effective Neospora-specific cell mediated, humoral and innate immune responses.The authors would like to thank The Scottish Government's Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division (RESAS) for supporting this work and the Bioservices Division of the Moredun Research Institute for care and management of the animals.Peer Reviewe

    Etiología viral y factores de riesgo asociados a las infecciones respiratorias agudas en niños menores de 5 años ingresados al Hospital Universidad Del Norte entre 2016 Y 2017

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    Identificar los principales agentes etiológicos virales causante de infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRA) en menores de 5 años del Hospital Universidad Del Norte 2016-2017, y los factores de riesgo que predisponen la presentación de la IRA en estos. Métodos Estudio descriptivo transversal en niños < 5 años con IRA por diagnóstico clínico, que acudieron al Hospital Universidad del Norte entre 2016 y 2017. Resultados Tomándose 304 pacientes con IRA. Identificando una prevalencia de virus del (76%). Aislando en hombres 75.5% y en mujeres 76,8% de IRA virales. El más frecuente fue RSV A con 25,3%(IC 95% 20,4-30,2), Rinovirus 20,4%(IC 95% 15,8- 24,9), Coronavirus 229E 17,8%(IC 95% 13,4-22,1) y OC43 17,1%(IC 95% 12,8- 21,3). Encontrando (50,9%) de co-infecciones virales, siendo los Coronavirus los más frecuentes. El rango de edad con mayor prevalencia IRA virales fue 25 – 36 meses (85.3%). Mostrando las mujeres la mayor prevalencia con 90,9% y el masculino con 82,6%. En la edad se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa (P=0,022). Mientras el sexo y los factores de riesgo como exposición al humo de tabaco, asistencia a guardería, número y posición entre los hermanos, signos y síntomas, antibioticoterapia y lactancia materna no encontraron diferencias estadísticas. La mayoría de los virus analizados dentro del estudio presentaron altas frecuencias en los meses de septiembre y octubre. Conclusión Alta circulación de IRA de tipo virales con presencia de metapneumovirus, Adenovirus y Bocavirus en menores de 5 años de Barranquilla

    Using surveillance of animal bite patients to decipher potential risks of rabies exposure from domestic animals and wildlife in Brazil

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    Direct contact with domestic animals and wildlife is linked to zoonotic spillover risk. Patients presenting with animal-bite injuries provide a potentially valuable source of surveillance data on rabies viruses that are transmitted primarily by animal bites. Here, we used passive surveillance data of bite patients to identify areas with high potential risk of rabies transmission to humans across Brazil, a highly diverse and populous country, where rabies circulates in a range of species. We analyzed one decade of bite patient data from the national health information system (SINAN) comprising over 500,000 patients attending public health facilities after being bitten by a domestic or wild animal. Our analyses show that, between 2008 and 2016, patients were mostly bitten by domestic dogs (average annual dog bite patients: 502,043 [436,391–544,564], annual incidence per state: 258 dog bites/100,000 persons) and cats (76,512 [56,588–97,580] cat bites, 41 cat bites/100,000/year), but bites from bats (4,172 [3,351–5,365] bat bites, 2.3/100,000/year), primates (3,320 [3,013–3,710] primate bites, 2.0/100,000/year), herbivores (1,908 [1,492–2,298] herbivore bites, 0.9/100,000/year) and foxes (883 [609–1,086] fox bites, 0.6/100,000/year) were also considerable. Incidence of bites due to dogs and herbivores remained relatively stable over the last decade. In contrast bites by cats and bats increased while bites by primates and foxes decreased. Bites by wild animals occurred in all states but were more frequent in the North and Northeast of Brazil, with over 3-fold differences in incidence between states across all animal groups. Most bites reported from domestic animals and wildlife occurred in urban settings (71%), except for bites from foxes, which were higher in rural settings (57%). Based upon the Ministry of Health guidelines, only half of patients received the correct Post-Exposure Prophylaxis following a bite by a suspect rabid animal. We identified areas and species of high-risk for potential zoonotic transmission of rabies in Brazil and reveal that, despite increasing human encroachment into natural ecosystems, only patients reporting bites by bats increased. Our study calls for future research to identity the socio-ecological factors underlying bites and the preventive measures needed to reduce their incidence and potential risk of rabies transmission

    Ruminations on identity and (hopefully) many other stories

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    Esta colección de Editorial UNAB presenta reflexiones sobre asuntos de actualidad dentro de la comunicación social, escritos por profesores de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga e invitados especiales a la institución, como aporte al debate sobre este campo del conocimiento, el oficio y la profesión.This collection of Editorial UNAB presents reflections on current issues within social communication, written by professors from the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNAB and special guests at the institution, as a contribution to the debate on this field of knowledge, trade and profession

    Historical understanding from memory. An approach in the Santander region from television

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    "La historia se hace porque existen las preguntas en el presente", dijo en alguna oportunidad el profesor Haraclio Bonilla de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia."History is made because questions exist in the present," said Professor Haraclio Bonilla of the National University of Colombia