29 research outputs found

    Extended validation of Aeolus winds with wind-profiling radars in Antarctica and Arctic Sweden

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    Winds from two wind profiling radars, ESRAD in Arctic Sweden and MARA on the coast of Antarctica, are compared with collocated winds measured by the Doppler lidar onboard the Aeolus satellite for the time period July 2019&ndash;May 2021. Data is considered as a whole, and subdivided into summer/winter and ascending (afternoon) /descending (morning) passes. Mean differences (bias) and random differences are categorised (standard deviation and scaled median absolute deviation) and the effects of different quality criteria applied to the data are assessed, including the introduction of the &lsquo;modified Z-score&rsquo; to eliminate gross errors. This last criterion has a substantial effect on the standard deviation, particularly for Mie winds. Significant bias is found in two cases, for Rayleigh/descending winds at MARA (-1.4 (+0.7) m/s) and for all Mie winds at ESRAD (+1.0 (+0.3) m/s). For the Rayleigh wind bias at MARA, there is no obvious explanation for the bias in the data distribution. For the Mie wind at ESRAD there is a clear problem with a distribution of wind differences which is skewed to positive values (Aeolus HLOS wind &gt; ESRAD wind). Random differences (scaled median absolute deviation) for all data together are 5.9 / 5.3 m/s for Rayleigh winds at MARA/ESRAD respectively , and 4.9 / 3.9 m/s for Mie winds. These represent an upper bound for Aeolus wind random errors since they are due to a combination of spatial differences, and random errors in both radar winds and Aeolus winds.</p

    A new classification of the Arctic spring transition in the middle atmosphere

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    In the middle atmosphere, spanning the stratosphere and mesosphere, spring transition is the time period where the zonal circulation reverses from winter westerly to summer easterly which has a strong impact on the vertical wave propagation influencing the tropospheric and ionospheric variability. The spring transition can be rapid in form of a final sudden stratospheric warming (SSW, mainly dynamically driven) or slow (mainly radiatively driven) but also intermediate stages can occur. In most studies spring transitions are classified either by their timing of occurrence or by their vertical structure. However, all these studies focus exclusively on the stratosphere and can give only tendencies under which pre-winter conditions an early or late spring transition takes place and how it takes place. Here we classify the spring transitions regarding their vertical-temporal development beginning in January and spanning the whole middle atmosphere in the core region of the polar vortex. This leads to five classes where the timing of the SSW in the preceding winter and a downward propagating Northern Annular Mode (NAM) plays a crucial role. The results show distinctive differences between the five classes in the months before the spring transition especially in the mesosphere allowing a certain prediction for some of the five spring transition classes which would not be possible considering the stratosphere only

    Atmospheric Tomography Using the Nordic Meteor Radar Cluster And Chilean Observation Network de Meteor Radars: Network Details and 3D-Var Retrieval

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    Ground-based remote sensing of atmospheric parameters is often limited to single station observations by vertical profiles at a certain geographic location. This is a limiting factor for investigating gravity wave dynamics as the spatial information is often missing, e.g., horizontal wavelength, propagation direction or intrinsic frequency. In this study, we present a new retrieval algorithm for multistatic meteor radar networks to obtain tomographic 3-D wind fields within a pre-defined domain area. The algorithm is part of the Agile Software for Gravity wAve Regional Dynamics (ASGARD) and called 3D-Var, and based on the optimal estimation technique and Bayesian statistics. The performance of the 3D-Var retrieval is demonstrated using two meteor radar networks: the Nordic Meteor Radar Cluster and the Chilean Observation Network De Meteor Radars (CONDOR). The optimal estimation implementation provide statistically sound solutions and diagnostics from the averaging kernels and measurement response. We present initial scientific results such as body forces of breaking gravity waves leading to two counter-rotating vortices and horizontal wavelength spectra indicating a transition between the rotational k-3 and divergent k-5/3 mode at scales of 80–120 km. In addition, we performed a keogram analysis over extended periods to reflect the latitudinal and temporal impact of a minor sudden stratospheric warming in December 2019. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of the 3D-Var algorithm to perform large-scale retrievals to derive meteorological wind maps covering a latitude region from Svalbard, north of the European Arctic mainland, to central Norway

    Inferring neutral winds in the ionospheric transition region from atmospheric-gravity-wave traveling-ionospheric-disturbance (AGW-TID) observations with the EISCAT VHF radar and the Nordic Meteor Radar Cluster

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    Atmospheric gravity waves and traveling ionospheric disturbances can be observed in the neutral atmosphere and the ionosphere at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Especially at medium scales, these oscillations are often not resolved in general circulation models and are parameterized. We show that ionospheric disturbances forced by upward-propagating atmospheric gravity waves can be simultaneously observed with the EISCAT very high frequency incoherent scatter radar and the Nordic Meteor Radar Cluster. From combined multi-static measurements, both vertical and horizontal wave parameters can be determined by applying a specially developed Fourier filter analysis method. This method is demonstrated using the example of a strongly pronounced wave mode that occurred during the EISCAT experiment on 7 July 2020. Leveraging the developed technique, we show that the wave characteristics of traveling ionospheric disturbances are notably impacted by the fall transition of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. We also demonstrate the application of using the determined wave parameters to infer the thermospheric neutral wind velocities. Applying the dissipative anelastic gravity wave dispersion relation, we obtain vertical wind profiles in the lower thermosphere.</p

    The science case for the EISCAT_3D radar

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    The EISCAT (European Incoherent SCATer) Scientific Association has provided versatile incoherent scatter (IS) radar facilities on the mainland of northern Scandinavia (the EISCAT UHF and VHF radar systems) and on Svalbard (the electronically scanning radar ESR (EISCAT Svalbard Radar) for studies of the high-latitude ionised upper atmosphere (the ionosphere). The mainland radars were constructed about 30 years ago, based on technological solutions of that time. The science drivers of today, however, require a more flexible instrument, which allows measurements to be made from the troposphere to the topside ionosphere and gives the measured parameters in three dimensions, not just along a single radar beam. The possibility for continuous operation is also an essential feature. To facilitatefuture science work with a world-leading IS radar facility, planning of a new radar system started first with an EU-funded Design Study (2005–2009) and has continued with a follow-up EU FP7 EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase project (2010–2014). The radar facility will be realised by using phased arrays, and a key aspect is the use of advanced software and data processing techniques. This type of software radar will act as a pathfinder for other facilities worldwide. The new radar facility will enable the EISCAT_3D science community to address new, significant science questions as well as to serve society, which is increasingly dependent on space-based technology and issues related to space weather. The location of the radar within the auroral oval and at the edge of the stratospheric polar vortex is also ideal for studies of the long-term variability in the atmosphere and global change. This paper is a summary of the EISCAT_3D science case, which was prepared as part of the EU-funded Preparatory Phase project for the new facility. Three science working groups, drawn from the EISCAT user community, participated in preparing this document. In addition to these working group members, who are listed as authors, thanks are due to many others in the EISCAT scientific community for useful contributions, discussions, and support

    Interhemispheric comparison of mesosphere / lower thermosphere winds from GAIA, WACCM-X and ICON-UA simulations and meteor radar observations at mid- and polar latitudes

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    In this study, we cross-compare the nudged models Ground-to-topside model of Atmosphere and Ionosphere for Aeronomy (GAIA) and Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model Extended Version (Specified dynamics) ( WACCM-X(SD)), a free-running version of Upper Atmosphere ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic (ICON-UA) with six meteor radars located at conjugate polar and mid-latitudes. Mean winds, diurnal and semidiurnal tidal amplitudes and phases were obtained from the radar observations at the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) and compared to the GAIA, WACCM-X(SD), and ICON-UA data for similar locations applying a harmonized diagnostic. Our results indicate that GAIA zonal and meridional winds show a good agreement to the meteor radars during the winter season on both hemispheres, whereas WACCM-X(SD) and ICON-UA seem to reproduce better the summer zonal wind reversal. However, the mean winds also exhibit some deviation in the seasonal characteristic concerning the meteor radar measurements, which are attributed to the gravity wave parameterizations implemented in the models. All three models tend to reflect the seasonality of diurnal tidal amplitudes, but show some dissimilarities in tidal phases. We also found systematic interhemispheric differences in the seasonal characteristic of semidiurnal amplitudes and phases. The free-running ICON-UA apparently shows most of these interhemispheric differences, whereas WACCM-X(SD) and GAIA trend to have better agreement of the semidiurnal tidal variability in the northern hemisphere

    Comparing interhemispheric differences of mesosphere/lower thermosphere dynamics from ground-based observations and three general circulation models

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    Meteor radars have been proven to be valuable assets in investigating and monitoring mesosphere/lower thermosphere winds for the last two decades. In this study we present a comparison of almost continuous meteor radar measurements obtained from six meteor radars located at mid- and polar conjugate latitudes in both hemispheres. For this purpose we havecompiled harmonized data sets for the Sodankylä (67.9°N, 21.1°E), Esrange (67.4°N, 26.6°E), Davis (68.6°S, 78.0°E), Collm (51.3°N, 13.0°E), Tierra del Fuego meteor radar (53.7°S, 67.7°W) and the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR) (43.3°N, 80.8°W). The analysis revealed characteristic differences between the northern and southern hemisphere in the mean winds, in the strength of the mesospheric jets as well as in the tidal climatologies. In particular, semidiurnal tides show significant and distinct interhemispheric differences, notably a strong seasonal asymmetry in amplitude and phase, most prominent during the hemispheric fall transition from September to November. We also compared the observational climatologies with predictions from the three general circulation models GAIA, WACCM-X(SD) and ICON-UA. The model data were analyzed by simulating the radar in the model domain and applying an identical diagnostic to extract mean winds, tides and gravity wave activity. Our comparison reveals substantial differences between model and observational mean winds and tides that vary seasonally, by model and hemisphere. GAIA indicates similar winds during the hemispheric winter conditions compared to the observations, whereas WACCM-X(SD) showed a better agreement to the observations for the summer zonal wind reversal. The models are only partially able to capture interhemispheric differences, with the free-running ICON-UA model best reproducing the interhemispheric difference of the semidiurnal tide in reasonable agreement to observations