91 research outputs found

    Revealing hidden complexities of genomic rearrangements generated with Cas9.

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    Modelling human diseases caused by large genomic rearrangements has become more accessible since the utilization of CRISPR/Cas9 in mammalian systems. In a previous study, we showed that genomic rearrangements of up to one million base pairs can be generated by direct injection of CRISPR/Cas9 reagents into mouse zygotes. Although these rearrangements are ascertained by junction PCR, we describe here a variety of anticipated structural changes often involving reintegration of the region demarcated by the gRNAs in the vicinity of the edited locus. We illustrate here some of this diversity detected by high-resolution fibre-FISH and conclude that extensive molecular analysis is required to fully understand the structure of engineered chromosomes generated by Cas9

    Generation and Characterisation of a Pax8-CreERT2 Transgenic Line and a Slc22a6-CreERT2 Knock-In Line for Inducible and Specific Genetic Manipulation of Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells.

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    Genetically relevant mouse models need to recapitulate the hallmarks of human disease by permitting spatiotemporal gene targeting. This is especially important for replicating the biology of complex diseases like cancer, where genetic events occur in a sporadic fashion within developed somatic tissues. Though a number of renal tubule targeting mouse lines have been developed their utility for the study of renal disease is limited by lack of inducibility and specificity. In this study we describe the generation and characterisation of two novel mouse lines directing CreERT2 expression to renal tubular epithelia. The Pax8-CreERT2 transgenic line uses the mouse Pax8 promoter to direct expression of CreERT2 to all renal tubular compartments (proximal and distal tubules as well as collecting ducts) whilst the Slc22a6-CreERT2 knock-in line utilises the endogenous mouse Slc22a6 locus to specifically target the epithelium of proximal renal tubules. Both lines show high organ and tissue specificity with no extrarenal activity detected. To establish the utility of these lines for the study of renal cancer biology, Pax8-CreERT2 and Slc22a6-CreERT2 mice were crossed to conditional Vhl knockout mice to induce long-term renal tubule specific Vhl deletion. These models exhibited renal specific activation of the hypoxia inducible factor pathway (a VHL target). Our results establish Pax8-CreERT2 and Slc22a6-CreERT2 mice as valuable tools for the investigation and modelling of complex renal biology and disease.This work was supported by a Cancer Research UK Clinician Scientist Fellowship award (C37839/A12177) to AM. DA, BF, FY are funded by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (grant number WT098051).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Public Library of Science (PLOS) via https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.014805

    Multidirectional chromosome painting substantiates the occurrence of extensive genomic reshuffling within Accipitriformes.

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    BACKGROUND: Previous cross-species painting studies with probes from chicken (Gallus gallus) chromosomes 1-10 and a paint pool of nineteen microchromosomes have revealed that the drastic karyotypic reorganization in Accipitridae is due to extensive synteny disruptions and associations. However, the number of synteny association events and identities of microchromosomes involved in such synteny associations remain undefined, due to the lack of paint probes derived from individual chicken microchromosomes. Moreover, no genome-wide homology map between Accipitridae species and other avian species with atypical karyotype organization has been reported till now, and the karyotype evolution within Accipitriformes remains unclear. RESULTS: To delineate the synteny-conserved segments in Accipitridae, a set of painting probes for the griffon vulture, Gyps fulvus (2n = 66) was generated from flow-sorted chromosomes. Together with previous generated probes from the stone curlew, Burhinus oedicnemus (2n = 42), a Charadriiformes species with atypical karyotype organization, we conducted multidirectional chromosome painting, including reciprocal chromosome painting between B. oedicnemus and G. fulvus and cross-species chromosome painting between B. oedicnemus and two accipitrid species (the Himalayan griffon, G. himalayensis 2n = 66, and the common buzzard, Buteo buteo, 2n = 68). In doing so, genome-wide homology maps between B. oedicnemus and three Accipitridae species were established. From there, a cladistic analysis using chromosomal characters and mapping of chromosomal changes on a consensus molecular phylogeny were conducted in order to search for cytogenetic signatures for different lineages within Accipitriformes. CONCLUSION: Our study confirmed that the genomes of the diurnal birds of prey, especially the genomes of species in Accipitriformes excluding Cathartidae, have been extensively reshuffled when compared to other bird lineages. The chromosomal rearrangements involved include both fusions and fissions. Our chromosome painting data indicated that the Palearctic common buzzard (BBU) shared several common chromosomal rearrangements with some Old World vultures, and was found to be more closely related to other Accipitridae than to Neotropical buteonine raptors from the karyotypic perspective. Using both a chromosome-based cladistic analysis as well as by mapping of chromosomal differences onto a molecular-based phylogenetic tree, we revealed a number of potential cytogenetic signatures that support the clade of Pandionidae (PHA) + Accipitridae. In addition, our cladistic analysis using chromosomal characters appears to support the placement of osprey (PHA) in Accipitridae

    Expansion of the HSFY gene family in pig lineages : HSFY expansion in suids.

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    BACKGROUND: Amplified gene families on sex chromosomes can harbour genes with important biological functions, especially relating to fertility. The Y-linked heat shock transcription factor (HSFY) family has become amplified on the Y chromosome of the domestic pig (Sus scrofa), in an apparently independent event to an HSFY expansion on the Y chromosome of cattle (Bos taurus). Although the biological functions of HSFY genes are poorly understood, they appear to be involved in gametogenesis in a number of mammalian species, and, in cattle, HSFY gene copy number may correlate with levels of fertility. RESULTS: We have investigated the HSFY family in domestic pig, and other suid species including warthog, bushpig, babirusa and peccaries. The domestic pig contains at least two amplified variants of HSFY, distinguished predominantly by presence or absence of a SINE within the intron. Both these variants are expressed in testis, and both are present in approximately 50 copies each in a single cluster on the short arm of the Y. The longer form has multiple nonsense mutations rendering it likely non-functional, but many of the shorter forms still have coding potential. Other suid species also have these two variants of HSFY, and estimates of copy number suggest the HSFY family may have amplified independently twice during suid evolution. CONCLUSIONS: The HSFY genes have become amplified in multiple species lineages independently. HSFY is predominantly expressed in testis in domestic pig, a pattern conserved with cattle, in which HSFY may play a role in fertility. Further investigation of the potential associations of HSFY with fertility and testis development may be of agricultural interest.We gratefully acknowledge the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute core teams for fingerprinting, mapping, archiving, library construction, sequence improvement and sequencing and Genus for providing the Duroc boar samples. This work was funded by BBSRC grant BB/F021372/1. The Flow Cytometry and Cytogenetics Core Facilities at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and Sanger investigators are funded by the Wellcome Trust (grant number WT098051)

    A new chromosome-assigned Mongolian gerbil genome allows characterization of complete centromeres and a fully heterochromatic chromosome

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Oxford University Press via the DOI in this recordData Availability: All sequencing data and the genome are available under SRA BioProject PRJNA397533. Specific accession numbers can be found in supplementary material S1, Supplementary Material online. This Whole Genome Shotgun project has been deposited at DDBJ/ENA/GenBank under the accession JAODIK000000000. The version described in this paper is version JAODIK010000000. The genetic map, a vcf of the genetic markers and their genotypes in the mapping panel, the gff of the gene annotations, the gff of the repetitive element annotations, and “Supplemental_Material 3_codebase.zip”, can be found in the Dryad repository here: Brekke, Thomas D. (2022), Data for “The origin of a new chromosome in gerbils”, Dryad, Dataset, https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.1vhhmgqws.Chromosome-scale genome assemblies based on ultralong-read sequencing technologies are able to illuminate previously intractable aspects of genome biology such as fine-scale centromere structure and large-scale variation in genome features such as heterochromatin, GC content, recombination rate, and gene content. We present here a new chromosome-scale genome of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus), which includes the complete sequence of all centromeres. Gerbils are thus the one of the first vertebrates to have their centromeres completely sequenced. Gerbil centromeres are composed of four different repeats of length 6, 37, 127, or 1,747 bp, which occur in simple alternating arrays and span 1-6 Mb. Gerbil genomes have both an extensive set of GC-rich genes and chromosomes strikingly enriched for constitutive heterochromatin. We sought to determine if there was a link between these two phenomena and found that the two heterochromatic chromosomes of the Mongolian gerbil have distinct underpinnings: Chromosome 5 has a large block of intraarm heterochromatin as the result of a massive expansion of centromeric repeats, while chromosome 13 is comprised of extremely large (>150 kb) repeated sequences. In addition to characterizing centromeres, our results demonstrate the importance of including karyotypic features such as chromosome number and the locations of centromeres in the interpretation of genome sequence data and highlight novel patterns involved in the evolution of chromosomes.Leverhulme TrustNatural Environment Research Council (NERC)Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida

    Disruption of Mouse Cenpj, a Regulator of Centriole Biogenesis, Phenocopies Seckel Syndrome

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    Disruption of the centromere protein J gene, CENPJ (CPAP, MCPH6, SCKL4), which is a highly conserved and ubiquitiously expressed centrosomal protein, has been associated with primary microcephaly and the microcephalic primordial dwarfism disorder Seckel syndrome. The mechanism by which disruption of CENPJ causes the proportionate, primordial growth failure that is characteristic of Seckel syndrome is unknown. By generating a hypomorphic allele of Cenpj, we have developed a mouse (Cenpjtm/tm) that recapitulates many of the clinical features of Seckel syndrome, including intrauterine dwarfism, microcephaly with memory impairment, ossification defects, and ocular and skeletal abnormalities, thus providing clear confirmation that specific mutations of CENPJ can cause Seckel syndrome. Immunohistochemistry revealed increased levels of DNA damage and apoptosis throughout Cenpjtm/tm embryos and adult mice showed an elevated frequency of micronucleus induction, suggesting that Cenpj-deficiency results in genomic instability. Notably, however, genomic instability was not the result of defective ATR-dependent DNA damage signaling, as is the case for the majority of genes associated with Seckel syndrome. Instead, Cenpjtm/tm embryonic fibroblasts exhibited irregular centriole and centrosome numbers and mono- and multipolar spindles, and many were near-tetraploid with numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities when compared to passage-matched wild-type cells. Increased cell death due to mitotic failure during embryonic development is likely to contribute to the proportionate dwarfism that is associated with CENPJ-Seckel syndrome

    The pig X and Y Chromosomes: structure, sequence, and evolution.

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    We have generated an improved assembly and gene annotation of the pig X Chromosome, and a first draft assembly of the pig Y Chromosome, by sequencing BAC and fosmid clones from Duroc animals and incorporating information from optical mapping and fiber-FISH. The X Chromosome carries 1033 annotated genes, 690 of which are protein coding. Gene order closely matches that found in primates (including humans) and carnivores (including cats and dogs), which is inferred to be ancestral. Nevertheless, several protein-coding genes present on the human X Chromosome were absent from the pig, and 38 pig-specific X-chromosomal genes were annotated, 22 of which were olfactory receptors. The pig Y-specific Chromosome sequence generated here comprises 30 megabases (Mb). A 15-Mb subset of this sequence was assembled, revealing two clusters of male-specific low copy number genes, separated by an ampliconic region including the HSFY gene family, which together make up most of the short arm. Both clusters contain palindromes with high sequence identity, presumably maintained by gene conversion. Many of the ancestral X-related genes previously reported in at least one mammalian Y Chromosome are represented either as active genes or partial sequences. This sequencing project has allowed us to identify genes--both single copy and amplified--on the pig Y Chromosome, to compare the pig X and Y Chromosomes for homologous sequences, and thereby to reveal mechanisms underlying pig X and Y Chromosome evolution.This work was funded by BBSRC grant BB/F021372/1. The Flow Cytometry and Cytogenetics Core Facilities at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and Sanger investigators are funded by the Wellcome Trust (grant number WT098051). K.B., D.C.-S., and J.H. acknowledge support from the Wellcome Trust (WT095908), the BBSRC (BB/I025506/1), and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement no. 222664 (“Quantomics”).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/gr.188839.11

    Sixteen diverse laboratory mouse reference genomes define strain-specific haplotypes and novel functional loci.

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    We report full-length draft de novo genome assemblies for 16 widely used inbred mouse strains and find extensive strain-specific haplotype variation. We identify and characterize 2,567 regions on the current mouse reference genome exhibiting the greatest sequence diversity. These regions are enriched for genes involved in pathogen defence and immunity and exhibit enrichment of transposable elements and signatures of recent retrotransposition events. Combinations of alleles and genes unique to an individual strain are commonly observed at these loci, reflecting distinct strain phenotypes. We used these genomes to improve the mouse reference genome, resulting in the completion of 10 new gene structures. Also, 62 new coding loci were added to the reference genome annotation. These genomes identified a large, previously unannotated, gene (Efcab3-like) encoding 5,874 amino acids. Mutant Efcab3-like mice display anomalies in multiple brain regions, suggesting a possible role for this gene in the regulation of brain development