149 research outputs found

    Propuesta para incrementar la participación del público en la Bolsa de Valores de Panamá

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    Las Bolsas de Valores son mercados organizados y especializados en los que, a través de intermediarios, se realizan transacciones con títulos valores. La Bolsa de Valores de Panamá, agiliza y promueve la negociación de valores en la República de Panamá. Tomando como base el funcionamiento de la Bolsa de Valores Panameña y valiéndonos de distintas técnicas investigativas recopilamos la información necesaria para sustentar nuestro trabajo de grado titulado: PROPUESTA PARA INCREMENTAR LA PARTICIPACIÓN DEL PÚBLICO EN LA BOLSA DE VALORES DE PANAMÁ, con el cual culminamos la MAESTRÍA EN ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESA CON ESPECIALIZACIÓN EN FINANZAS, el mismo estuvo atinadamente dirigido por la Mgts. Romelia Koo. Realizados los análisis pertinentes colegimos que las gestiones mercantiles de la Bolsa de Valores, en nuestro país, deben ser mayormente difundidos porque el común de la población desconoce los beneficios que ella aporta a la economía nacional. Para llegar a esta aseveración se emprendió una encuesta, con una muestra •de la población media alta de la Provincia de Panamá, cuyos resultados presentamos en forma numérica para cada variable presentada. Finalmente se plantean algunas alternativas de participación en la Bolsa de Valores, con un capital mínimo; se hace un rejuego con una pequeña cuota por acción, lo que demuestra que con conocimiento de causa cualesquier panameño que posea un capital de hasta B/. 1,000.00 (Mil Balboas con 00/100) podrá comprar valores en la Bolsa. Además, se enriquece el trabajo con un léxico bursátil y unas pinceladas históricas de la creación de la Bolsa en Panamá. Recomendaciones, Conclusiones y Anexos complementan la investigación, a fin de contribuir al mejoramiento de la economía panameña

    Entre o aprender e o ensinar está o saber escutar e saber partilhar

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    No âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico surge o presente Relatório Final. Este produto final surgiu como uma análise e uma reflexão crítica das aprendizagens concretizadas nos estágios realizados nas duas vertentes de educação. Ao longo dos dois estágios foi possível, através da observação e posterior reflexão, compreender o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem, bem como as metodologias utilizadas pelos dois profissionais de educação. No decorrer das duas práticas pedagógicas, e ao longo da minha formação profissional, as experiências vivenciadas, bem como os conhecimentos e as aprendizagens significativas, irão contribuir, futuramente, para a construção da minha identidade profissional

    Knowledge management for food supply chain synergies – A maturity level analysis of SME companies

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    Despite the considerable number of papers addressing knowledge management (KM) aspects in supply chains, many research issues in the area are still neglected. One of the main research gaps in this field concerns the maturity level of KM practices adoption by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This paper addresses this research gap by developing a framework to support the analysis of the maturity level of KM adoption in an SME context. The framework is applied in a multiple case study developed to investigate the extent to which SMEs operating in the food sector are deploying KM practices to support more sustainable initiatives. By relating KM maturity levels, perspectives and processes to sustainable practices concerning food waste and by-product synergies, the paper makes an original contribution to advance theory and practice in the area. The paper also points out potential barriers that companies face to implement sustainability related KM practices

    Social Media Environments Supporting Erasmus Students’ Integration

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    Since the growth of web 2.0 and, consequently, of social media and Social Network Sites, people\u27s lives have increasingly converged to digital technologies. Generation Z is the one that uses them the most, both for communication in general and for education, with the context of the Erasmus program being one of the examples. Supported in the information design methodology, the social media environments used by Erasmus students to obtain information about the host country / city / university are analyzed, the main difficulties experienced, and their perception of the usefulness of a platform for aggregating content from information. In view of the results, a prototype is proposed and evaluated

    Disease-Causing Agents in Cashew: A Review in a Tropical Cash Crop

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    Due to the high market value of cashew nut, cashew became a significantly important cash crop in many countries. Originating from Brazil, the plant was introduced into Africa, India, and Southeast Asia and is nowadays found across most of the tropical regions. However, the diseases that threaten and compromise crop production have not yet been comprehensively documented. The aim of this study was to examine the published scientific data on cashew diseases, to identify current knowledge gaps, and to present a review of the most important diseases and pathogens affecting cashew productivity. The most described diseases are caused by fungi genera—mainly Colletotrichum, Lasiodiplodia, and Erysiphe (worldwide); Cryptosporiopsis (East Africa); and recently Fusarium in Tanzania. Other fungal genera (e.g., Septoria, Pilgeriella, and Pestalotia) may correspond to emerging local cashew diseases that have not yet expanded to other geographic regions or for which records are lacking. Gummosis (Lasiodiplodia spp.), which is considered the most prevalent and damaging disease of cashew, has a pantropical distribution. There is large discrepancy concerning the causal agents of cashew diseases that might be explained by the lack of proper species identification through morpho-cultural and molecular approaches. This, in turn, can easily lead to misdiagnoses that have serious negative consequences for the implementation of specific control actions. It is important to establish a standardized identification workflow that will allow a reliable identification of the disease-causing agent and to determine the occurrence and/or expansion of a given pathogen across cashew-producing regionsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Master of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics

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    XIX ENBE Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Evolutionary Biology, 18-19 December 2023, Lisboninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio