681 research outputs found

    Metalurgical remains from Ibiza-town (Balearic Islands)

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    Se presentan los análisis de seis muestras de escoria halladas durante trabajos de acondicionamiento urbanístico de la ciudad de Ibiza (Islas Baleares). Estas muestras, que son unas de las primeras muestras de escoria analizadas procedentes del casco antiguo de la ciudad de Ibiza, corresponden a productos de un taller metalúrgico dedicado a la industria broncínea. Las tres primeras muestras son restos de elementos metálicos de bronces ternarios (cobre, estaño y plomo) en fase de producción. Esos metales se mezclarían en vasos (crisoles), a los que corresponden las tres últimas muestras, que conservan en algún caso restos de esos tres elementos (cobre, estaño y plomo). Como nota interesante, están fabricados en arcillas ricas en hierro y cal, cuya adición posiblemente sea intencional a juzgar por paralelos históricosThe analyzes of six samples of slag found during urban development works in the city of Ibiza (Balearic Islands) are presented. These samples, which are one of the first samples of slag analyzed from the old town of Ibiza town, correspond to products from a metallurgical workshop dedicated to the bronze industry. The first three samples to be discussed are remains of ternary bronze metallic elements (copper, tin and lead) in the production phase. These metals would be mixed in ceramic vessels (crucibles), to which the last three samples correspond, which in some cases retain traces of these three elements (copper, tin and lead). These fragments of crucibles are made of clays rich in iron and lime, the addition of which is possibly intentional judging by historical parallel

    Evidence Update on the Relationship between Diet and the Most Common Cancers from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Study: A Systematic Review

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    FundingE.U.-G. is supported by the Programa Operativo Fondo Social Europeo (FSE) de Andalucia (20142020) and Junta de Andalucia (reference DOC_01618).The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) is a multicentre prospective study conducted in 23 centres in 10 European countries. Here we review the findings from EPIC on the relationship between diet-related exposures and incidence or mortality from the four most frequent cancers in the European population: colorectal, breast, lung, and prostate cancer. We conducted a systematic review following PRISMA guidelines and identified 110 high-quality studies based on the EPIC cohort. Fruit and vegetable consumption had a protective effect against colorectal, breast, and lung cancer, whereas only fruit had a protective effect against prostate cancer. A higher consumption of fish and lower consumption of red and processed meat were related with a lower risk of colorectal cancer; and higher consumption of fatty fish with lower risk of breast cancer. Calcium and yogurt intake were found to protect against colorectal and prostate cancer. Alcohol consumption increased the risk for colorectal and breast cancer. Finally, adherence to the Mediterranean diet emerged as a protective factor for colorectal and breast cancer. The EPIC study results are in agreement with the latest evidence from leading authorities on cancer prevention and help to inform public prevention policies and strategies.Programa Operativo Fondo Social Europeo (FSE) de Andalucia (20142020)Junta de Andalucia DOC_0161

    Association Between Egg Consumption and Dementia Risk in the EPIC-Spain Dementia Cohort

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    Current evidence suggests that egg composition might have potential neuroprotective effects. Our aim was to determine the association between egg consumption and the risk of dementia in a Mediterranean population. MethodsThis study was carried out in 3 centers from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Spain Dementia Cohort, i.e., 25,015 participants aged 30-70 years, recruited in 1992-1996, and followed up for a mean of 21.5 years. ResultsA total of 774 incident dementia cases were diagnosed and validated, of which 518 were Alzheimer's disease (AD). Data on egg consumption were estimated using a validated dietary history questionnaire at recruitment. Cox proportional hazards models, adjusted for confounders, were used in the analyses. No association was observed between egg consumption and either total dementia [hazard ratio between extreme quartiles (HRQ4vs.Q1: 1.05; 95% CI 0.85-1.31; p-trend = 0.93)] or AD (HRQ4vs.Q1 0.93; 95% CI 0.72-1.21; p-trend = 0.50) risks. After dividing the population by adherence to the relative Mediterranean diet (rMED) score, a borderline inverse association was found between egg intake and both total dementia (HRQ4vs.Q1: 0.52; 95% CI 0.30-0.90; p-trend = 0.10) and AD (HRQ4vs.Q1: 0.52; 95% CI 0.27-1.01; p-trend = 0.13) risks within participants with low adherence to rMED score. However, no association was observed in participants with medium and high adherence to rMED score. ConclusionThis prospective study suggests that egg consumption is associated with a reduced risk of dementia, and specifically of AD, in the adult population with low adherence to rMED score; whereas it has no impact in subjects with moderate and high MD adherence

    Fatal pneumonia by Legionella in a farmer with hypersensitivity pneumonitis

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    Artículos originales[ES] Introducción: La investigación retrospectiva sobre un fallecimiento aislado por Legionelosis, hizo aflorar un caso de neumonitis por hipersensibilidad en un granjero cuidador de cerdos. Métodos: Se realizaron las siguientes pruebas: tomografía axial computerizada de alta resolución, lavado broncoalveolar, biopsia pulmonar, gasometría arterial, pruebas de función respiratoria y autopsia. Se estudió la presencia de Legionella por serología y se analizaron las muestras de fuentes de riesgo para identificar el foco de Legionella. Resultados: El estudio confirmó los diagnósticos de neumonitis por hipersensibilidad y neumonía por Legionella pneumophila. Las pruebas realizadas objetivaron la fibrosis pulmonar, un patrón respiratorio funcional restrictivo, un descenso de la difusión pulmonar, hipoxemia y la presencia de linfocitosis en el lavado broncoalveolar. Se detectó el foco de Legionella en una ducha y la serología fue positiva en el paciente. La autopsia confirmó la fibrosis pulmonar y el shock séptico por Legionella que causó la muerte. Conclusiones: La presencia de tos crónica e infiltrados pulmonares en un granjero debería hacer sospechar la existencia de una neumonitis por hipersensibilidad. Retrasar su diagnóstico conlleva un peor pronóstico, impide evitar la exposición a los antígenos causantes del cuadro y permite el avance de la fibrosis pulmonar facilitando la aparición de infecciones oportunistas.[EN] Background: The retrospective investigation of a fatal sporadic Legionnaires’ disease identified an unknown case of occupational hypersensitivity pneumonitis in a swine breeder. Methods: Chest high-resolution computed tomography, bronchoalveolar lavage, lung biopsy, arterial gasometry, pulmonary function tests and autopsy were performed. It was studied the presence of Legionella by serology and risk water samples were analyzed to identify the Legionella’s source. Results: HP and Legionella pneumophila pneumonia diagnostics were confirmed. Lung fibrosis, a restrictive functional pattern, decreased diffusion, hypoxemia and bronchoalveolar lavage lymphocytosis were evidenced. Legionella´s source was detected in a shower and a positive serology in the patient. Autopsy verified pulmonary fibrosis and the septic shock leaded to Legionella causing the death. Conclusions: Chronic cough and pulmonary infiltrates in a farmer should suspect the presence of hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Later diagnosis carries a worse prognosis, the offending antigens exposure can’t be avoided and fibrotic stage enhanced opportunity infection disease.N

    Circadian clock gene variants and their link with chronotype, chrononutrition, sleeping patterns and obesity in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition (EPIC) study

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    Background & aims: The circadian clock is involved in the control of daily rhythms and is related to the individual's chronotype, i.e., the morningness-eveneningness preference. Knowledge is limited on the relationship between circadian genes, chronotype, sleeping patterns, chronutrition and obesity. The aim was to explore these associations within the EPIC-Spain cohort study. Methods: There were 3183 subjects with information on twelve genetic variants of six genes (PER1, PER2, PER3, CRY1, NR1D1, CLOCK). Their association was evaluated with: chronotype and sleeping duration/ quality (assessed by questionnaires), chrononutrition (number of meals and timing of intake assessed by a diet history), and also anthropometric measures of obesity at early and late adulthood (in two points in time), such as weight and waist circumference (assessed by physical measurements). Multivariable logistic and linear regression as well as additive genetic models were applied. Odds ratios (ORs), b coefficients, and p-values corrected for multiple comparisons were estimated. Genetic risk scores (GRS) were built to test gene-outcome associations further. Results: At nominal significance level, the variant rs2735611 (PER1 gene) was associated with a 11.6% decrease in long-term weight gain (per-allele b beta - -0.12), whereas three CLOCK gene variants (rs12649507, rs3749474 and rs4864548), were associated with a similar to 20% decrease in waist circumference gain (per-allele beta similar to -0.19). These and other associations with body measures did not hold after multiple testing correction, except waist-to-hip ratio and rs1801260, rs2070062 and rs4580704 (CLOCK gene). Associations with chrononutrition variables, chronotype and sleep duration/quality failed to reach statistical significance. Conversely, a weighted GRS was associated with the evening/late chronotype and with all other outcomes (p < 0.05). The chronotype-GRS was associated with an increased overweight/ obesity risk (vs normal weight) in both early and late adulthood (OR = 2.2; p = 0.004, and OR = 2.1; p = 0.02, respectively). Conclusion: Genetic variants of some circadian clock genes could explain the link between genetic susceptibility to the individual's chronotype and obesity risk

    Lifestyle, dietary factors and antibody levels to oral bacteria in cancer-free participants of a European cohort study

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    Background—Increasing evidence suggests that oral microbiota play a pivotal role in chronic diseases, in addition to the well-established role in periodontal disease. Moreover, recent studies suggest that oral bacteria may also be involved in carcinogenesis; periodontal disease has been linked several cancers. In this study, we examined whether lifestyle factors have an impact on antibody levels to oral bacteria. Methods—Data on demographic characteristics, lifestyle factors, and medical conditions were obtained at the time of blood sample collection. For the current analysis, we measured antibody levels to 25 oral bacteria in 395 cancer-free individuals using an immunoblot array. Combined total immunglobin G (IgG) levels were obtained by summing concentrations for all oral bacteria measured. Results—IgG antibody levels were substantially lower among current and former smokers (1697 and 1677 ng/mL, respectively) than never smokers (1960 ng/mL; p-trend = 0.01), but did not vary by other factors, including BMI, diabetes, physical activity, or by dietary factors, after adjusting for age, sex, education, country and smoking status. The highest levels of total IgG were found among individuals with low education (2419 ng/mL). Conclusions—Our findings on smoking are consistent with previous studies and support the notion that smokers have a compromised humoral immune response. Moreover, other major factors known to be associated with inflammatory markers, including obesity, were not associated with antibody levels to a large number of oral bacteria

    Incidence rate trends for colorectal cancer in Navarre (North of Spain) in the 1990-2005 period

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    Fundamento. En España, se ha observado un aumento de la incidencia de cáncer colorrectal (CCR) en ambos sexos en los últimos años, posiblemente debido a las mejoras diagnósticas, a la occidentalización de la dieta y al empeoramiento de los niveles de obesidad entre otros. En este trabajo se han estudiado las tendencias de la incidencia de CCR en las diferentes áreas de salud de Navarra (norte de España) durante el período 1990-2005. Métodos. Para cada sexo y área, se obtuvieron las tendencias de las tasas de incidencia y los correspondientes intervalos de confianza mediante modelos de P-splines. Resultados. Se observa una tendencia creciente de la incidencia de CCR en la mayoría de las áreas para ambos sexos, siendo menos pronunciada en las mujeres que en los hombres. En la zona centro de Pamplona (la capital) se observa una tendencia decreciente para los hombres durante el período estudiado. Conclusiones. Para cambiar las tendencias crecientes observadas en la mayoría de las áreas de la provincia, la prevención primaria es la mejor estrategia. Sin embargo, adquirir estilos de vida saludables tiene resultados a largo plazo por lo que un programa de detección temprana serviría como estrategia de prevención a más corto plazo.Background. In Spain, an increase in the incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) has been observed in both sexes in recent years, probably due to an improved diagnostic, the westernization of dietary habits, and worse obesity levels, among others factors. In this work, CRC incidence rate trends in different health areas in Navarre (northern Spain) are studied during the 1990-2005 period. Methods. An estimated incidence trend curve for each health area and the corresponding confidence bands were obtained for each gender using P-spline models. Results. These results show an increasing trend of CRC in most of the areas in both sexes, being less pronounced in women than in men. In the central area of Pamplona (the capital city) a decreasing trend has been observed for men during the studied period. Conclusions. Primary prevention is the best strategy to change the increasing trend observed in most areas of the province of Navarre. However, a healthy lifestyle has long-term results, so it is important to have an early detection program that would serve as a short-term prevention strategy.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyecto MTM2008- 03085 y MTM2011-22664) y por el CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP)