561 research outputs found

    Prey Nutritional Quality Interacts With Chemical Defenses to Affect Consumer Feeding and Fitness

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    Numerous studies have assessed the individual effects of prey nutritional quality or chemical defenses on consumer feeding behavior. However, little is known about how these traits interact to affect consumer feeding and performance. We tested the separate and interactive effects of prey chemical defenses and nutritional quality on the feeding behavior and fitness of six sympatric crustacean mesograzers. Natural concentrations of diterpene alcohols (dictyols) from the brown alga Dictyota menstrualis were incorporated, or not incorporated, into lower quality and higher quality foods to create artificial diets mimicking prey of variable value and defense. Five amphipods (Ampithoe longimana, A. valida, Cymadusa compta, Gammarus mucronatus, and Elasmopus levis) and one isopod (Paracerceis caudata), representing a continuum of closely to distantly related organisms, were fed intact algae or lower and higher quality diets containing or lacking dictyols. All six mesograzers preferred the green alga Enteromorpha intestinalis to the dictyol producing alga Dictyota menstrualis. In assays allowing consumers to choose between simultaneously available foods, dictyols deterred feeding by all five amphipods, but not the isopod; this occurred for both lower and higher quality foods. In no-choice assays, where consumers were confined with only one of our four treatment diets, effects on feeding became more complex. Nutritional quality alone affected feeding by five of the six species. These grazers compensated for lower quality by increasing consumption. Dictyols suppressed feeding for four of the six species. More interestingly, there were significant dictyol X quality interactions for three species. Dictyols decreased feeding more when placed in lower quality foods than higher quality foods. Two amphipods deterred by dictyols in the choice assays readily consumed dictyol-containing foods in no-choice situations and suffered few negative effects of doing so. Although all amphipods were deterred by dictyols in choice assays, dictyols decreased fitness (survivorship, growth, or reproduction) for only four of the five species. These effects included large and immediate decreases in survivorship, dramatic effects on reproduction, and modest effects on female growth. Dictyols enhanced survivorship of the isopod. Thus, the effects of secondary metabolites on feeding in choice situations vs. fitness in long-term assays were inconsistent. For three amphipods, certain effects of food quality, dictyols, or their interaction were detected only for females. In general, negative effects of dictyols on fitness were greater in lower than in higher quality foods, suggesting that prey nutritional value may counteract the effects of defensive metabolites. For example, when G. mucronatus consumed dictyols in lower quality foods, mortality was \u3e80% by day 5; for dictyols in higher quality foods, 80% mortality took 28 days to develop. Lower quality foods alone significantly decreased growth for the isopod, three of the amphipods, and the females of a fourth amphipod, concomitantly reducing fecundity for four of the five amphipods studied. The effects of both chemical defenses and nutritional quality were unrelated to consumer phylogeny; responses of congeners varied as much, or more, than responses of more distantly related consumers. Understanding mechanisms and consequences of food selection requires that the interactive effects of both chemical defenses and prey nutritional characteristics be considered explicitly

    Large-scale sequestration of atmospheric carbon via plant roots in natural and agricultural ecosystems: why and how

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    The soil holds twice as much carbon as does the atmosphere, and most soil carbon is derived from recent photosynthesis that takes carbon into root structures and further into below-ground storage via exudates therefrom. Nonetheless, many natural and most agricultural crops have roots that extend only to about 1 m below ground. What determines the lifetime of below-ground C in various forms is not well understood, and understanding these processes is therefore key to optimising them for enhanced C sequestration. Most soils (and especially subsoils) are very far from being saturated with organic carbon, and calculations show that the amounts of C that might further be sequestered (http://dbkgroup.org/carbonsequestration/rootsystem.html) are actually very great. Breeding crops with desirable below-ground C sequestration traits, and exploiting attendant agronomic practices optimised for individual species in their relevant environments, are therefore important goals. These bring additional benefits related to improvements in soil structure and in the usage of other nutrients and water

    Different effects of alpine woody plant expansion on domestic and wild ungulates

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    Changes in land-use and climate affect the distribution and diversity of plant and animal species at different spatiotemporal scales. The extent to which species-specific phenotypic plasticity and biotic interactions mediate organismal adaptation to changing environments, however, remains poorly understood. Woody plant expansion is threatening the extent of alpine grasslands worldwide, and evaluating and predicting its effects on herbivores is of crucial importance. Here, we explore the impact of shrubification on the feeding efficiency of Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra p. pyrenaica), as well as on the three most abundant coexisting domestic ungulate species: cattle, sheep and horses. We use observational diet composition from May to October and model different scenarios of vegetation availability where shrubland and woodland proliferate at the expense of grassland. We then predicted if the four ungulate species could efficiently utilize their food landscapes with their current dietary specificities measuring their niche breath in each scenario. We observed that the wild counterpart, due to a higher trophic plasticity, is less disturbed by shrubification compared to livestock, which rely primarily on herbaceous plants and will be affected 3.6 times more. Our results suggest that mixed feeders, such as chamois, could benefit from fallow landscapes, and that mountain farmers are at a growing economic risk worldwide due to changing land-use practices and climate conditions

    Soil microbial nutrient constraints along a tropical forest elevation gradient: a belowground test of a biogeochemical paradigm

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    Aboveground primary productivity is widely considered to be limited by phosphorus (P) availability in lowland tropical forests and by nitrogen (N) availability in montane tropical forests. However, the extent to which this paradigm applies to belowground processes remains unresolved. We measured indices of soil microbial nutrient status in lowland, sub-montane and montane tropical forests along a natural gradient spanning 3400 m in elevation in the Peruvian Andes. With increasing elevation there were marked increases in soil concentrations of total N, total P, and readily exchangeable P, but a decrease in N mineralization determined by in situ resin bags. Microbial carbon (C) and N increased with increasing elevation, but microbial C : N : P ratios were relatively constant, suggesting homeostasis. The activity of hydrolytic enzymes, which are rich in N, decreased with increasing elevation, while the ratio of enzymes involved in the acquisition of N and P increased with increasing elevation, further indicating an increase in the relative demand for N compared to P with increasing elevation. We conclude that soil microorganisms shift investment in nutrient acquisition from P to N between lowland and montane tropical forests, suggesting that different nutrients regulate soil microbial metabolism and the soil carbon balance in these ecosystems

    Microbial Functional Capacity Is Preserved Within Engineered Soil Formulations Used In Mine Site Restoration

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    Mining of mineral resources produces substantial volumes of crushed rock based wastes that are characterised by poor physical structure and hydrology, unstable geochemistry and potentially toxic chemical conditions. Recycling of these substrates is desirable and can be achieved by blending waste with native soil to form a 'novel substrate' which may be used in future landscape restoration. However, these post-mining substrate based 'soils' are likely to contain significant abiotic constraints for both plant and microbial growth. Effective use of these novel substrates for ecosystem restoration will depend on the efficacy of stored topsoil as a potential microbial inoculum as well as the subsequent generation of key microbial soil functions originally apparent in local pristine sites. Here, using both marker gene and shotgun metagenome sequencing, we show that topsoil storage and the blending of soil and waste substrates to form planting substrates gives rise to variable bacterial and archaeal phylogenetic composition but a high degree of metabolic conservation at the community metagenome level. Our data indicates that whilst low phylogenetic conservation is apparent across substrate blends we observe high functional redundancy in relation to key soil microbial pathways, allowing the potential for functional recovery of key belowground pathways under targeted management