74 research outputs found

    Ambient vertical flow in long-screen wells: a case study in the Fontainebleau Sands Aquifer (France)

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    A tritium (3H) profile was constructed in a long-screened well (LSW) of the Fontainebleau Sands Aquifer (France), and the data were combined with temperature logs to gain insight into the potential effects of the ambient vertical flow (AVF) of water through the well on the natural aquifer stratification. AVF is commonly taken into account in wells located in fracture aquifers or intercepting two different aquifers with distinct hydraulic heads. However, due to the vertical hydraulic gradient of the flow lines intercepted by wells, AVF of groundwater is a common process within any type of aquifer. The detection of 3H in the deeper parts of the studied well (approximate depth 50m), where 3H-free groundwater is expected, indicates that shallow young water is being transported downwards through the well itself. The temperature logs show a nearly zero gradient with depth, far below the mean geothermal gradient in sedimentary basins. The results show that the age distribution of groundwater samples might be biased in relation to the age distribution in the surroundings of the well. The use of environmental tracers to investigate aquifer properties, particularly in LSWs, is then limited by the effects of the AVF of water that naturally occurs through the wel

    Impact des terrils houillers sur la qualité des eaux souterraines (bassin minier Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France) : approche géochimique et isotopique

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    L'exploitation du charbon dans le Nord-Pas-de-Calais (France) a engendré le dépôt d'importantes quantités de résidus miniers sous forme de terrils, essentiellement constitués de schistes houillers. Le lessivage de ces stériles par les eaux météoriques et l'oxydation des sulfures de fer contenus sont susceptibles de contribuer à l'enrichissement en sulfates et métaux associés de l'aquifère de la craie, principale ressource en eau de la région. Des analyses chimiques et isotopiques (S & C) ont été effectuées sur des prélèvements d'eau en amont et en aval hydraulique des sites d'étude ainsi que sur la fraction minérale des terrils. Afin de déterminer les modalités d'infiltration des eaux météoriques au sein des terrils, des prospections radio-magnétotelluriques, couplées à des mesures de perméabilité et de granularité ont été effectuées. Les analyses ont permis de mettre en évidence que le lessivage des terrils entraîne un flux d'ions sulfate et de carbone vers l'aquifère de la craie. L'approche géophysique a permis de mettre en évidence un phénomène d'infiltration des eaux météoriques. Elle a montré en outre l'existence de barrières de perméabilité en profondeur. Il apparaît donc que les eaux météoriques, lorsqu'elles s'infiltrent dans le terril, ne peuvent pénétrer à plus de quelques mètres de profondeur. L'existence de zones imperméables, en limitant l'infiltration des eaux en profondeur, limite également la quantité de sulfure potentiellement oxydable et donc la quantité de sulfates entraînée vers l'aquifère de la craie.In the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region (France), coal mining activity has induced a build-up of many mine tips. The tip materials are dominantly composed of siltstones, locally rich in iron sulfide. Weathering of pyrite might be expected to release sulfate ions and associated metals within the run-off waters down to the underlying aquifer, which is composed of a thick Cretaceous chalk formation. The objectives of this study were twofold: (1) to determine the possible role of the mine tips in the sulfate mineralization of the chalk aquifer and; (2) to assess the amount of waste material that can be leached and may supply sulfate ions to the water table.Two sites were selected for this study. Site 1 rests directly on the Senonian-Turonian chalk, whereas site 2 lies on sandy-clayey Cenozoic formations overlying the chalk formations (Figs. 1-2). Water samples were collected within the chalk aquifer (Fig. 3), which represents a free water table except for where the almost impermeable Cenozoic formations confine this table (site 2). Rock samples were collected at the surface and at a depth of <12 m at both sites. Various analyses were performed on these samples including mineralogical analyses carried out on both the bulk fraction and the clayey fraction, as well as elementary analyses of total carbon, total sulfur and CaCO3 contents. Elemental analyses were carried out by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES: major and minor elements) or Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS: trace elements). Chemical and isotopic (C, S) analyses were performed on water sampled from upstream and downstream of the mine tips. In situ measurements were also carried out during sampling. Finally, to assess the degree of rainwater seeping through the coal mine tips, two radio-magnetotelluric surveys were carried out in September and November, 1999 following rainy periods. Permeability measurements and grain-size analyses of subsurface samples were also performed at site 2.The carbon and sulfur contents showed superficial leaching on the mine tips (Fig. 4). The use of sulfur isotopes as tracers of the sulfate origin allowed identification of two sources for the two sites: a "mine tip" source with a slightly negative d34 S (-2.8‰ to -3.9‰), which corresponds to the oxidation of sulfides contained by the Carboniferous shales, and another source (d34 S=-20‰) corresponding to the gypsum of the Cenozoic formations, which was only present at site 2 (Figs. 5 & 6).This study outlined different behavior for the tips of the two sites. At site 1, where there is a free water-table zone, the mine tip leachates carry sulfate ions directly to the water table, whereas in the case of a confined aquifer zone such as the one present at site 2, a proportion of the sulfate was reduced once exported to the water table (the redox potential showed negative values; Table 1). This suggestion of bacterially-mediated reduction is supported by the d34 S of the sulfate content in the water table. The bacterial activity was fueled by the organic carbon release that accompanies the sulfur leaching on the mine tips. This carbon contribution was confirmed by the 14C activity that characterized the chalk aquifer waters at the upstream region of the mine tip and noticeably decreased downstream. The decrease is a result of the supply of "dead carbon" from the mine tips (Fig. 7).The oxidation of pyrite also results in H+ production. However, the pH decrease observed downstream from the sites was very slight. Waters derived from leaching of the mine tip seeped through the buffered environment of the chalk aquifer. The distribution of metal content showed no surface to depth gradient for samples taken from both sites. The only evidence of "neutral acid mining drainage" (NAMD) was the sulfate amounts exported, and the increase in Mg, Ca, HCO3- and Sr contents observed downstream from the sites (Table 2a-b).The decrease in the apparent resistivity of radio-magnetotelluric profiles demonstrated that rain waters could deeply penetrate in some parts of the tip at site 2 (Fig. 9). Considering the constant nature of the waste material (grain size and porosity), a decrease in resistivity accompanied by an increase in conductivity between the two surveys indicated water seepage. Permeability measurements showed the occurrence of deep permeability barriers (Fig. 10), limiting not only rainwater seepage, but also the amount of mobilizable sulfide and consequently the amount of sulfates exported to the chalk aquifer. Grain size is not the only reason for the permeable or impermeable nature of waste material - the grain ordering and the compaction of levels at depth also have a role

    The potential of major ion chemistry to assess groundwater vulnerability of a regional aquifer in southern Quebec (Canada)

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    Groundwater vulnerability mapping provides useful but limited information for developing protection plans of the resource. Classical vulnerability ranking methods often do not take into account complex hydrostratigraphy and never consider groundwater flow dynamics. The objective of this work was to test the potential of major ion chemistry to assess regional-scale intrinsic groundwater vulnerability. Because it reflects water–sediment and water–rock interactions, the new vulnerability index reflects both infiltration processes and groundwater hydrodynamics. The method was applied on a regional fractured bedrock aquifer located in the Becancour region of southern Quebec (Canada). In this region, hydrogeochemistry shows that freshly recharged groundwater evolves from (Ca, Mg)–HCO3 and Ca–SO4 to Na–HCO3 type with gradually increasing confinement conditions in the fractured aquifer and tends to Na–Cl type locally by mixing with trapped marine pore-water. The new method identified recharge areas as those of the highest vulnerability and gradually decreasing vulnerability as confinement of the aquifer increased. It also highlights local discontinuities in confinement that differ from the regional pattern. Results showed a good correlation between groundwater vulnerability estimated with the new method and nitrate occurrence in groundwater. Eighty-two per cent of all samples presenting detectable nitrate concentrations were characterized by a Hydrogeochemical Vulnerability Index greater than 9 (maximum is 10). The ability of the new vulnerability method to identify areas vulnerable to detectable nitrate concentrations was much higher than that deriving from the DRASTIC method. This work confirms that major ions chemistry contains significant information about groundwater vulnerability and could be used to improve groundwater resource management

    Impacts of changes in groundwater recharge on the isotopic composition and geochemistry of seasonally ice-covered lakes: insights for sustainable management

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    Lakes are under increasing pressure due to widespread anthropogenic impacts related to rapid development and population growth. Accordingly, many lakes are currently undergoing a systematic decline in water quality. Recent studies have highlighted that global warming and the subsequent changes in water use may further exacerbate eutrophication in lakes. Lake evolution depends strongly on hydrologic balance, and therefore on groundwater connectivity. Groundwater also influences the sensitivity of lacustrine ecosystems to climate and environmental changes, and governs their resilience. Improved characterization of groundwater exchange with lakes is needed today for lake preservation, lake restoration, and sustainable management of lake water quality into the future. In this context, the aim of the present paper is to determine if the future evolution of the climate, the population, and the recharge could modify the geochemistry of lakes (mainly isotopic signature and quality via phosphorous load) and if the isotopic monitoring of lakes could be an efficient tool to highlight the variability of the water budget and quality. Small groundwater-connected lakes were chosen to simulate changes in water balance and water quality expected under future climate change scenarios, namely representative concentration pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5. Contemporary baseline conditions, including isotope mass balance and geochemical characteristics, were determined through an intensive field-based research program prior to the simulations. Results highlight that future lake geochemistry and isotopic composition trends will depend on four main parameters: location (and therefore climate conditions), lake catchment size (which impacts the intensity of the flux change), lake volume (which impacts the range of variation), and lake G index (i.e., the percentage of groundwater that makes up total lake inflows), the latter being the dominant control on water balance conditions, as revealed by the sensitivity of lake isotopic composition. Based on these model simulations, stable isotopes appear to be especially useful for detecting changes in recharge to lakes with a G index of between 50 and 80 %, but response is non-linear. Simulated monthly trends reveal that evolution of annual lake isotopic composition can be dampened by opposing monthly recharge fluctuations. It is also shown that changes in water quality in groundwater-connected lakes depend significantly on lake location and on the intensity of recharge change

    Intercomparison of tritium and noble gases analyses, 3H/3He ages and derived parameters excess air and recharge temperature

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    International audienceGroundwater age dating with the tritium-helium (3H/3He) method has become a powerful tool for hydrogeologists. The uncertainty of the apparent 3H/3He age depends on the analytical precision of the 3H measurement and the uncertainty of the tritiogenic 3He component. The goal of this study, as part of the groundwater age-dating interlaboratory comparison exercise, was to quantify the analytical uncertainty of the 3H and noble gas measurements and to assess whether they meet the requirements for 3H/3He dating and noble gas paleotemperature reconstruction. Samples for the groundwater dating intercomparison exercise were collected on 1 February, 2012, from three previously studied wells in the Paris Basin (France). Fourteen laboratories participated in the intercomparison for tritium analyses and ten laboratories participated in the noble gas intercomparison. Not all laboratories analyzed samples from every borehole. The reproducibility of the tritium measurements was 13.5%. The reproducibility of the 3He/4He ratio and 4He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe concentrations was 1.4%, 1.8%, 1.5%, 2.2%, 2.9%, and 2.4% respectively. The uncertainty of the tritium and noble gas measurements results in a typical 3H/3He age precision of better than 2.5 years in this case. However, the measurement uncertainties for the noble gas concentrations are insufficient to distinguish the appropriate excess air model if the measured helium concentration is not included. While the analytical uncertainty introduces an unavoidable source of uncertainty in the 3H/3He apparent age estimate, other sources of uncertainty are often much greater and less well defined than the analytical uncertainty

    Impacts of changes in groundwater recharge on the isotopic composition and geochemistry of seasonally ice-covered lakes: insights for sustainable management

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    Lakes are under increasing pressure due to widespread anthropogenic impacts related to rapid development and population growth. Accordingly, many lakes are currently undergoing a systematic decline in water quality. Recent studies have highlighted that global warming and the subsequent changes in water use may further exacerbate eutrophication in lakes. Lake evolution depends strongly on hydrologic balance, and therefore on groundwater connectivity. Groundwater also influences the sensitivity of lacustrine ecosystems to climate and environmental changes, and governs their resilience. Improved characterization of groundwater exchange with lakes is needed today for lake preservation, lake restoration, and sustainable management of lake water quality into the future. In this context, the aim of the present paper is to determine if the future evolution of the climate, the population, and the recharge could modify the geochemistry of lakes (mainly isotopic signature and quality via phosphorous load) and if the isotopic monitoring of lakes could be an efficient tool to highlight the variability of the water budget and quality. Small groundwater-connected lakes were chosen to simulate changes in water balance and water quality expected under future climate change scenarios, namely representative concentration pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5. Contemporary baseline conditions, including isotope mass balance and geochemical characteristics, were determined through an intensive field-based research program prior to the simulations. Results highlight that future lake geochemistry and isotopic composition trends will depend on four main parameters: location (and therefore climate conditions), lake catchment size (which impacts the intensity of the flux change), lake volume (which impacts the range of variation), and lake G index (i.e., the percentage of groundwater that makes up total lake inflows), the latter being the dominant control on water balance conditions, as revealed by the sensitivity of lake isotopic composition. Based on these model simulations, stable isotopes appear to be especially useful for detecting changes in recharge to lakes with a G index of between 50 and 80 %, but response is non-linear. Simulated monthly trends reveal that evolution of annual lake isotopic composition can be dampened by opposing monthly recharge fluctuations. It is also shown that changes in water quality in groundwater-connected lakes depend significantly on lake location and on the intensity of recharge change