1,082 research outputs found
The new Geodetic Reference System in Italy: an opportunity or a nuisance?
Maurizio Barbarella, "Il nuovo Sistema Geodetico Nazionale: una opportunità o un impiccio? = The new Geodetic Reference System in Italy: an opportunity or a nuisance?", in: Bollettino dell'Associazione Italiana di Cartografia, 153 (2015), pp.4-18Il Sistema di Riferimento di una nazione costituisce il linguaggio comune col quale esprimere la posizione dei dati geografici, in qualunque parte della nazione e con qualunque tecnica e qualunque precisione essi vengano acquisiti. Recentemente è stato introdotto in Italia dal Sistema di Riferimento Europeo ETRFOO secondo le indicazioni di INSPIRE e quindi nella prospettiva di facilitare l'interscambio dei dati geografici a livello di Unione Europea. Durante il Convegno ASITA tenutosi a Firenze nel 2014 i partecipanti a una Ta
vola Rotonda hanno discusso le nuove prospettive che si aprono allacomunità che opera in ambito geomatico e la necessità di definire le modalità più appropriate e condivise per transitare al nuovo sistema, dalla realizzazione e manutenzione della rete che sostanzia il sistema geodetico, alla transizione dei dati pregressi al nuovo sistema di
coordinate, all'interscambio dei dati. Nella Tavola Rotonda si è anche discusso il fatto che il Sistema di Riferimento non ha però la stessa valenza per tutti gli operatori: per alcune applicazioni l'inserimento in esso è centrale, anzi apre nuove prospettive, per altri è ininfluente e per altri è tutto sommato marginale, non privo di costi.
In questo numero del Bollettino AIC i Relatori della Tavola Rotonda sviluppano le tesi e le informazioni presentate al Convegno. Questa nota in particolare presenta un quadro introduttivo al problema, oltre alle opinioni al riguardo dell'autore.A national Reference System is a common language which permits to express geographical data, no matter where they have been collected or with which technique or at what level of precision. Recently it has also been introduced in Italy the European Reference System ETRS89,Frame ETRFOO, in the perspective of facilitating the exchange of geographic data at EU. During the conference ASITA held in Florence in 2014 participants in a round-table discussed the new prospects opened up to the community which work in the geomatic field and therefore the necessity to define the most appropriate methods to transform the data prior to the new DATUM. The panel also discusses the fact that the reference system does not have the same value for all stakeholders: for some applications the inclusion in a reference system is central point for others it is irrelevant and for other is a phase altogether marginal and not at all costless. In this issue of the AIC Bulletin the Speakers develop the thesis and the information presented at the Conference. This note presents an introductory framework to the problem, as well as the opinions of the author about the subject
Nell’ambito delle attività finalizzate alla realizzazione di Cartografia e di Basi di Dati Territoriali,
le moderne tecnologie mettono a disposizione tecniche di rilievo che, fatta salva
la precisione necessaria alla scala della carta da costruire, consentono un alto livello di
produttività. Una fase importante del processo di rilevamento della posizione dei punti
utili alla realizzazione della Cartografia è quella dell’inquadramento nel Sistema Cartografico
Nazionale. A questo proposito occorre considerare le novità intervenute nella definizione
da parte dell’IGM del nuovo riferimento geodetico italiano, oggi incentrato nel
frame denominato Rete Dinamica Nazionale.
Nella nota si presentano alcuni elementi di recente introduzione nella pratica operativa
del rilievo, ormai incentrato sull’uso di ricevitori satellitari, in particolare le strutture che
consentono il rilievo di precisione in tempi brevissimi, le reti di stazioni permanenti interoperanti
in tempo reale.The surveying of points to carry out the photogrammetric and mapping process can
be done with modern techniques, subject to two principal requirements: to achieve the
accuracy necessary for the scale of the map to be built, but also allowing a high level
of productivity. In the process of acquisition of the points position is included the
phase of insertion of the new network in the national geodetic frame and in the Cartographic
System. In the note we present some innovative features: the current geodetic
infrastructure (RDN) that allows the inclusion in the National Geodetic and Cartographic
System, the evolution of the GPS technique, from static GPS baseline to the
real time surveys allowed by the use of NRTK
In order to define a methodology that faces the major critical issues, we used a Terrestrial Laser Scanner to monitor a large landslide that caused significant disruptions both to an important state road and to a major railway line in Italy. To survey the landslide we used three different models of Terrestrial Laser Scanners, including a "full wave form" one, potentially useful for filtering vegetation from the data. The output of each measurement campaign is a Digital Surface Model referred to a unique reference system. Starting from the DSMs we produced the Digital Terrain Models, one for each survey. The use of different models of TLS together with the software packages recommended by the companies for data processing, allowed us to compare the surveys and to evaluate the reliability and the accuracy of results. The comparison of data has been useful in order to identify and analyse over time the areas of greatest deformation and the directions of landslide movement and it also gives us some elements about the validity of the technique in this kind of applications. The laser surveys have shown a strong dynamic of the slope but have also highlighted some difficulties in order to efficiently filtering the data. Using two different kinds of TLS, full wave form and mono eco, on the same portion of landslide allows us to make comparisons between the two methodologies for landslide monitoring in a real-world context
Monitoring of large landslides by Terrestrial Laser Scanning techniques: field data collection and processing
We have monitored a large landslide that causes extensive damage by using Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers. Our surveys have confirmed that the slope undergoes a continuous change. When using TLS some operational difficulties arise. We have used different TLSs types to better evaluate the reliability of our surveys; a full wave TLS has allowed to make easier the data filtering. All surveys have been framed in the same absolute reference system; this has been done by connecting both targets and laser stations to a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Permanent Reference Stations network. A direct comparison among the DEMs allows to infer the movements of the landslide
Kinematic GPS survey as validation of LIDAR strips accuracy
As a result of the catastrophic hydrogeological events which occurred in May 1998 in Campania, in the south
of Italy, the distinctive features of airborne laser scanning mounted on a helicopter were used to survey the
landslides at Sarno and Quindici. In order to survey the entire zone of interest, approximately 21 km2, it was
necessary to scan 12 laser strips. Many problems arose during the survey: difficulties in receiving the GPS
signal, complex terrain features and unfavorable atmospheric conditions. These problems were investigated
and it emerged that one of the most influential factors is the quality of GPS signals. By analysing the original
GPS data, the traces obtained by fixing phase ambiguity with an On The Fly (OTF) algorithm were isolated
from those with smoothed differential GPS solution (DGPS). Processing and analysis of laser data
showed that not all the overlapping laser strips were congruent with each other. Since an external survey to
verify the laser data accuracy was necessary, it was decided to utilize the kinematic GPS technique. The laser
strips were subsequently adjusted, using the kinematic GPS data as reference points. Bearing in mind that in
mountainous areas like the one studied here it is not possible to obtain nominal precision and accuracy, a
good result was nevertheless obtained with a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of all the zones of interest
Random laser from engineered nanostructures obtained by surface tension driven lithography
The random laser emission from the functionalized thienyl-S,S-dioxide
quinquethiophene (T5OCx) in confined patterns with different shapes is
demonstrated. Functional patterning of the light emitter organic material in
well defined features is obtained by spontaneous molecular self-assembly guided
by surface tension driven (STD) lithography. Such controlled supramolecular
nano-aggregates act as scattering centers allowing the fabrication of
one-component organic lasers with no external resonator and with desired shape
and efficiency. Atomic force microscopy shows that different geometric pattern
with different supramolecular organization obtained by the lithographic process
tailors the coherent emission properties by controlling the distribution and
the size of the random scatterers
Calidad sanitaria de los puestos de venta y su relación con la calidad microbiológica de yogurt artesanal expandido en los mercados, Zonal Palermo y Santa Rosa. Trujillo. 2015
El presente trabajo de investigación, fue realizado con el propósito de
evaluar la relación entre la calidad sanitaria de los puestos de venta y la
calidad microbiológica del yogurt artesanal expendido en los puestos de
los mercados, Zonal Palermo y Santa Rosa. Se trabajó un diseño no
experimental, correlacional. Para la recolección de datos el trabajo se
dividió en tres etapas, en la primera etapa se realizaron visitas durante dos
semanas, una semana por cada mercado reconociendo el lugar de los
puestos y analizando mediante la observación la forma como se sirve y
conserva el yogurt artesanal. En la segunda etapa, se realizó evaluación
de la calidad sanitaria de los puestos de venta mediante una lista de cotejo,
y la tercera etapa, se llevó a cabo la obtención de muestras de yogurt
artesanal, con el fin de analizar la calidad microbiológica mediante los
recuentos de Coliformes, Mohos y Levaduras. Se observó qué los puestos
de venta no cumplen al 100% con los requisitos de la calidad sanitaria
establecidos en la lista de cotejo, y en cuanto a la calidad microbiológica,
los recuentos de mohos y coliformes se encuentran en el límite de
Aceptable, mientras los recuentos de levaduras se encuentran como No
Aceptable para el consumo humano, por lo que se concluye existe una
relación significativa entre la calidad sanitaria y la calidad microbiológica
del yogurt artesanal en los mercados zonales de Palermo (p = 0.003) y
Santa Rosa (p = 0.001)
Experimental evidence of replica symmetry breaking in random lasers
Spin-glass theory is one of the leading paradigms of complex physics and
describes condensed matter, neural networks and biological systems, ultracold
atoms, random photonics, and many other research fields. According to this
theory, identical systems under identical conditions may reach different states
and provide different values for observable quantities. This effect is known as
Replica Symmetry Breaking and is revealed by the shape of the probability
distribution function of an order parameter named the Parisi overlap. However,
a direct experimental evidence in any field of research is still missing. Here
we investigate pulse-to-pulse fluctuations in random lasers, we introduce and
measure the analogue of the Parisi overlap in independent experimental
realizations of the same disordered sample, and we find that the distribution
function yields evidence of a transition to a glassy light phase compatible
with a replica symmetry breaking.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
Assessment of DEM derived from very high-resolution stereo satellite imagery for geomorphometric analysis
ABSTRACTVery high-resolution satellite stereo images play an important role in cartographical and geomorphological applications, provided that all the processing steps follow strict procedures and the result of each step is carefully assessed. We outline a general process for assessing a reliable analysis of terrain morphometry starting from a GeoEye-1 stereo-pair acquired on an area with different morphological features. The key steps were critically analyzed to evaluate the uncertainty of the results. A number of maps of morphometric features were extracted from the digital elevation models in order to characterize a landslide; on the basis of the contour line and feature maps, we were able to accurately delimit the boundaries of the various landslide bodies
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