9 research outputs found

    A Roadmap for Using the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in Support of Science, Policy, and Action

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    The health of the ocean, central to human well-being, has now reached a critical point. Most fish stocks are overexploited, climate change and increased dissolved carbon dioxide are changing ocean chemistry and disrupting species throughout food webs, and the fundamental capacity of the ocean to regulate the climate has been altered. However, key technical, organizational, and conceptual scientific barriers have prevented the identification of policy levers for sustainability and transformative action. Here, we recommend key strategies to address these challenges, including (1) stronger integration of sciences and (2) ocean-observing systems, (3) improved science-policy interfaces, (4) new partnerships supported by (5) a new ocean-climate finance system, and (6) improved ocean literacy and education to modify social norms and behaviors. Adopting these strategies could help establish ocean science as a key foundation of broader sustainability transformations

    Quels tests génétiques disponibles pour les chevaux ?

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    National audienceMany genetic mutations involved in either the expression of genetic diseases, or in variations of horse coat colours have been identified over the last thirty years. These changes are attracting interest from various levels of the industry, including veterinarians, breeders and trainers. Several genetic tests have thus been developed and are available. It is possible to manage matings to avoid the birth of foals carrying congenital anomalies or for breeders to participate in the prediction of the coat colours using genetic tests. Veterinary practitioners thus have a major role to play in initiating and promoting research and studies in genetic epidemiology, in particular by reporting cases to the Equine Genetic Anomalies Observatory.Depuis une trentaine d’annĂ©e, de nombreuses mutations gĂ©nĂ©tiques impliquĂ©es soit dans l’expression de maladies gĂ©nĂ©tiques, soit dans les variations des couleurs de robe de chevaux ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es. Ces modifications suscitent l’intĂ©rĂȘt Ă  plusieurs niveaux de la filiĂšre, des vĂ©tĂ©rinaires aux Ă©leveurs en passant par les entraĂźneurs. Plusieurs tests gĂ©nĂ©tiques ont ainsi pu ĂȘtre dĂ©veloppĂ©s et proposĂ©s Ă  l’ensemble de ces acteurs. Ces tests permettent alors de raisonner les accouplements pour Ă©viter la naissance de poulains porteurs d’anomalies congĂ©nitales ou de participer Ă  la prĂ©diction des couleurs de robe pour les Ă©leveurs. Les praticiens vĂ©tĂ©rinaires Ă©quins ont ainsi un rĂŽle majeur Ă  jouer pour initier et promouvoir les recherches et les Ă©tudes en Ă©pidĂ©miologie gĂ©nĂ©tique, notamment en signalant les cas auprĂšs de l’observatoire des anomalies gĂ©nĂ©tiques Ă©quines

    Quels tests génétiques disponibles pour les chevaux ?

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    Chilling temperature remodels phospholipidome of Zea mays seeds during imbibition

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    International audienceGlobal warming is a major agricultural issue in the Northern hemisphere where higher temperatures are expected to be associated with restricted water availability. In Europe, for maize, earlier and further northward sowings are forecasted in order to avoid water deficit periods in the crop life cycle. However these conditions may compromise seed germination and stand establishment since they will take place at cold temperatures. It is urgent to better understand the molecular bases of response of germinating maize seeds to cold in order to design genotypes adapted to these novel agricultural practices. Here we have performed a global phospholipidomic study to profile changes in membrane reorganisation during seed imbibition at 10 °C of cold-tolerant and-sensitive maize hybrids. Using a Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM-MS/MS) method coupled with HPLC we have identified 80 distinct phospholipids. We show that seed sensitivity to cold temperatures during imbibition relies on the accumulation of saturated or poorly unsaturated fatty acids, whatever the phospholipid class. In contrast seeds of cold-tolerant hybrid accumulated polyunsaturated chains which was associated with lower electrolyte leakage during imbibition at 10 °C. The expression of fatty acid desaturase genes provides a molecular model of maize seed sensitivity to imbibitional chilling damage. In Europe maize is the second major crop and it represents almost a quarter of the total cereal production 1. South France, Italy, Hungary and Romania are the main areas for maize production thus forming a geographic belt where the environmental conditions are optimum for growth and development of this crop. Studies on climate change performed in the last decade show consistent projections of increases in temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns at the global scale 2. In temperate areas, warming is predicted to increase by 2 °C in 2030 and water stress will dramatically increase in the southern regions of Europe. Both phenomena are expected to greatly reduce maize crop yields especially because they will affect the phenological stages of flowering and grain maturation 3, 4. Therefore novel agricultural practices must be designed in order to counteract the negative impacts of climate change, while taking advantage of its positive effects. Creation of stress tolerant hybrids and modification of sowing dates, with the use of early maturing hybrids, are short terms options which are already implemented 5. In addition, land reallocation is a long-term adaptation which is more and more discussed 6, 7. Indeed, in Europe, a northern shift of maize production area would allow to prevent more adverse conditions and would permit maize crops not to suffer from water deficit during the critical steps of growing 8, 9. Although attractive, this strategy will however lead maize seeds to germinate and maize seedlings to grow in inappropriate thermal conditions encountered at the time of stand establishment in European northern regions. Maize is indeed naturally adapted to environmental conditions of tropical regions 5 and the base temperature (Tb) commonly used for this plant is 10 °C 10 , indicating that a temperature of 10 °C can be defined as " low " or " cold " for this species, as this is stated in this work. In consequence cooler temperatures of European northern areas are expected to greatly affect seed germination and seedling establishment of maize which could in consequence prevent the successful use of reallocation strategies. Seed germination is a complex and tightly regulated process which starts with water absorption by the dry seed and ends when radicle elongates 11. Its achievement requires a synchronized achievement of many cellular processes including DNA repair, protein synthesis or membrane reorganization 11, 12. In dry seeds membranes are in a gel state and if water enters the seed before their transition to a liquid crystalline state leakage and damage

    Les conflits dans les stations de montagne des Alpes françaises : de l’injonction à la transition à la mise au jour des rapports de domination

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    International audienceÉtudier les territoires via une approche par les conflits est une pratique classique dans les disciplines de sciences sociales, en particulier en gĂ©ographie. Les montagnes ont d’ailleurs souvent Ă©tĂ© investis dans des travaux de recherche Ă  ce sujet (Mauz, 2002 ; Gal, 2016 ; Laslaz, 2020). Pour citer quelques exemples, nous pouvons Ă©voquer les crĂ©ations d’importants espaces protĂ©gĂ©s, tant en nombre qu’en surface, dĂšs les annĂ©es 1960 en France ou encore l’enjeu de l’activitĂ© hivernale, et plus particuliĂšrement le ski, confrontĂ©e aux dĂ©fis occasionnĂ©s par les changements climatiques. Nous pouvons aussi considĂ©rer la forte dĂ©prise agricole depuis la moitiĂ© du XXe siĂšcle, et ce qu’elle implique dans la gestion du territoire et dans l’appropriation dont il est l’objet, ainsi que l’arrivĂ©e de nouveaux habitants. En somme, les espaces de montagne sont multifonctionnels et connaissent des mutations qui sont depuis longtemps manifestes et Ă©tablies. Ces changements transparaissent lorsque l’on observe les discours des acteurs.Nous proposons de nous pencher sur la question Ă©pineuse du partage de l’espace en montagne, et sur la coexistence de diffĂ©rents usages et pratiques, qui peuvent de prime abord sembler incompatibles, et qui entrent parfois en conflits. Ce sont parfois des mondes hermĂ©tiques qui se font face : monde agricole extensif face Ă  la forte frĂ©quentation touristique et Ă  l’arrivĂ©e de « nĂ©o-ruraux », activitĂ©s de production ou de loisirs traditionnelles et nouveau paradigme de conservation de la nature. Ces situations de « multiplication des voisinages litigieux » et de « prises de position divergentes » (A. Torre, 2010) associĂ©es aux injonctions au consensus peuvent sembler indĂ©passables. ParallĂšlement, les dĂ©fis contemporains opĂšrent une tension entre les enjeux globaux dont il est difficile de prendre la mesure et l’échelle locale qui en connaĂźt pourtant les consĂ©quences concrĂštes. Les changements climatiques, le contexte de forte Ă©rosion de la biodiversitĂ© et la prise de conscience collective qu’ils entraĂźnent ont des implications sociales et tangibles, qui entraĂźnent la mĂ©fiance ou l’opposition des habitants. Toutefois, c’est prĂ©cisĂ©ment la survenue du conflit qui amĂšne les acteurs Ă  se rencontrer, Ă  dialoguer, Ă  penser ensemble le territoire, Ă  dĂ©battre. Ils rĂ©vĂšlent aussi les rapports de pouvoir et les relations de domination, en les rendant visibles, perceptibles, concrets. Ils les ancrent dans l’espace et le rĂ©el. Ces dominations peuvent ĂȘtre aussi d’ordre symbolique, et l’injonction Ă  la transition et Ă  l’adaptation en font partie.A travers trois exemples issus de nos recherches respectives en gĂ©ographie et sociologie et en tirant profit de mĂ©thodes qualitatives, nous montrerons que dans les territoires ruraux de montagne, coexistence rime souvent avec conflits (Laslaz, 2015). Si ceux-ci se produisent localement, ils peuvent rencontrer un Ă©cho plus large. A Tignes, le recul du glacier laisse place Ă  une profonde interrogation quant Ă  la poursuite de l’activitĂ© touristique estivale. Pour pallier cela, un ski-dĂŽme a Ă©tĂ© envisagĂ©, mais ce projet qui perpĂ©tue le modĂšle encore dominant du « tout-ski », a rencontrĂ© de vives oppositions Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles. Aux Deux Alpes, la pratique du pastoralisme se heurte Ă  l’apparition de nouvelles pratiques et tente de se maintenir. Enfin, Ă  Sixt-Fer-Ă -Cheval, la rĂ©serve naturelle a questionnĂ© la rĂ©novation des chalets d’alpage, donnant lieu Ă  un arbitrage entre les enjeux de prĂ©servation du patrimoine naturel et du patrimoine bĂąti. Ces cas d’études, par leur diversitĂ©, tĂ©moignent de jeux d’acteurs et de rapports de force qui sont autant d’occasions pour les acteurs de « redistribuer entre eux « grandeurs » et positions de pouvoir, et d’inventer de nouveaux dispositifs organisationnels et techniques appelĂ©s Ă  contraindre diffĂ©remment leurs futures relations. » (Lemieux, 2007)

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on publication dynamics and non-COVID-19 research production

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    International audienceBackground: The COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected health systems and medical research worldwide but its impact on the global publication dynamics and non-COVID-19 research has not been measured. We hypothesized that the COVID-19 pandemic may have impacted the scientific production of non-COVID-19 research. Methods: We conducted a comprehensive meta-research on studies (original articles, research letters and case reports) published between 01/01/2019 and 01/01/2021 in 10 high-impact medical and infectious disease journal

    Prognostic Biomarkers in Kidney Transplantation: a Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal.

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    peer reviewed[en] BACKGROUND: Despite the increasing number of biomarker studies published in the transplant literature over the past 20 years, demonstrations of their clinical benefit and their implementation in routine clinical practice are lacking. We hypothesized that suboptimal design, data, methodology and reporting might contribute to this phenomenon. METHODS: A systematic literature search was performed in PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library between 1 January 2005 and 12 November 2022 (PROSPERO ID: CRD42020154747). All English language, original studies investigating the association between a biomarker and kidney-allograft outcome were included. The final set of publications was assessed by expert reviewers. After data collection, two independent reviewers randomly evaluated the inconsistencies for 30% of the references for each reviewer. If more than 5% of inconsistencies were observed for one given reviewer, a re-evaluation was conducted for all the references of the reviewer. The biomarkers were categorized according to their type and the biological milieu from which they were measured. The study characteristics related to the design, methods, results, and their interpretation were assessed, as well as reproducible research practices and transparency indicators. RESULTS: A total of 7372 publications were screened and 804 studies met the inclusion criteria. A total of 1143 biomarkers were assessed among the included studies from blood (n=821, 71.8%), intragraft (n=169, 14.8%), or urine (n=81, 7.1%) compartments. The number of studies significantly increased, with a median, yearly number of 31.5 studies (IQR: 23.8-35.5) between 2005 and 2012, and 57.5 (IQR: 53.3-59.8) between 2013 and 2022 (p<0.001). A total of 655 studies (81.5%) were retrospective, while 595 (74.0%) used data from a single center. The median number of patients included was 232 (IQR: 96-629) with a median follow-up posttransplant of 4.8 years (IQR: 3.0-6.2). Only 4.7% of studies were externally validated. A total of 346 studies (43.0%) did not adjust their biomarker for key prognostic factors while only 3.1% of studies adjusted the biomarker for standard-of-care patient monitoring factors. Data sharing, code sharing, and registration occurred in 8.8%, 1.1%, and 4.6% of studies, respectively. A total of 158 studies (20.0%) emphasized the clinical relevance of the biomarker despite the reported nonsignificant association of the biomarker with the outcome measure. A total of 288 studies assessed rejection as an outcome. We showed that these rejection studies shared the same characteristics as other studies. CONCLUSIONS: and Relevance Biomarker studies in kidney transplantation lack validation, rigorous design, methods and interpretation, and transparency. Higher standards in biomarker research may improve the clinical utility and clinical use