938 research outputs found

    Historiografía y educación histórica: ¿senderos que se bifurcan?

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    El artículo propone una reflexión que vincula historiografía y enseñanza. Esta elección responde a que no concebimos que la historia pueda enseñarse al margen de los aportes de investigaciones serias y rigurosas que, a partir de visiones disímiles, con metodologías diversas, contribuyan a enriquecer la disciplina y sus posibilidades educativas, aunque tampoco desconocemos los múltiples factores que las condicionan. Por ello, reconocemos una intensa correspondencia entre producción de conocimientos, enseñanza y contexto político en el que se desarrollan, y apostamos al compromiso del historiador y del educador con los problemas y desafíos de su propio tiempo

    Green tunnel solutions. An overview of sustainability trends in the last decade (2013–2022)

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    In the last decade, green solutions for road tunnels have steadily emerged in the field of engineering. The focus has been on using renewable energy sources to conserve energy and address issues of disaster risk management, territorial resilience and vulnerability, especially as these issues relate to critical infrastructures (CIs), such as roads and railways. Focusing on the equilibrium of the infrastructure through integrated system services and their external effects guarantees a better evaluation of both effects as they relate to other systems and energy consumption optimisation. To this end, a systematic literature review has been conducted herein that collects and analyses studies carried out in the last decade that relate to green energy solutions in tunnels. Upon a review of the Scopus database from 2013 to 2022, 46 conceptual and empirical studies were selected. Classifications and discussions were then developed according to the main issues identified (e.g., energy saving in road tunnels, zero-energy tunnels, renewable energy sources, tunnel safety lighting, and sustainable infrastructure). Each contribution constitutes a part of the current literature that combines the problems of tunnel safety (as represented by the energy costs of safety devices, e.g., tunnel lighting systems) with issues of renewable energy sources in tunnels. The results of this systematic review offer ideas for future directions of the ‘green’ vision for tunnel infrastructure. This study represents the state-of-the-art of renewable energy solutions currently present worldwide. Gaps in the literature that have yet to be addressed include how to build a green system as well as how to balance its life costs. The review supports the claim that the integration of renewable energy sources can exploit innovative solutions related to the concept of resilience

    La Xiloteca Storica dell’Orto Botanico di Modena

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    Nell’ambito dei progetti di valorizzazione museale delle collezioni storiche, in corso presso l’Orto Botanico dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, un recente intervento ha riguardato la Xiloteca Storica e, in particolare, 345 campioni di legno acquisiti nel periodo 1890-1969, provenienti sia da esemplari abbattuti nell’Orto Botanico modenese che da raccolte effettuate in natura oppure da donazioni da parte di istituzioni o privati

    Performance appraisal justice and employees' work engagement in the public sector: making the most of performance appraisal design

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    Regarding organizational justice, performance appraisal (PA) systems are among the most crucial mechanisms shaping the employee work experience. Nonetheless, research has mostly neglected to explain the relationship between the characteristics of PA systems, employees' perceptions of PA justice, and work engagement in the public sector. Based on a combination of observational and experimental data from 11 public sector organizations in Italy, this article aims to unfold the nature of these relationships. Following the recent calls for diversified methodological designs, a combination of structural equation modeling with a discrete choice experiment is provided. The results show that designing PA systems with rater-ratee feedback sessions and calibration mechanisms leads to fairer perceived PAs, with PA justice being associated with public employees' work engagement

    Floral Resources and Nesting Requirements of the Ground-Nesting Social Bee, Lasioglossum malachurum (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), in a Mediterranean Semiagricultural Landscape

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    In order to adopt correct conservation strike plans to maintain bee pollination activity it is necessary to know the species' resource utilisation and requirements. We investigated the floral resources and the nesting requirements of the eusocial beeLasioglossum malachurumKirby at various sites in a Mediterranean landscape. Analysis of bees' pollen loads showed that Compositae was the more exploited family, although interpopulations differences appeared in the pollen types used. From 5 to 7 pollen types were used by bees, but only as few as 1–1.9 per load. Variations of the pollen spectrum through the annual nesting cycle were conspicuous. At all sites, bees nested in horizontal ground areas with high soil hardness, low acidity, and rare superficial stones. On the other side, the exploited soil was variable in soil granulometry (although always high in % of silt or sand) and it was moderately variable in content of organic matter and highly variable in vegetation cover. Creation of ground patches with these characteristics in proximity of both cultivated and natural flowering fields may successfully promote colonization of new areas by this bee

    Brain SPECT imaging in Sydenham's chorea

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    The objective of the present study was to determine whether brain single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging is capable of detecting perfusional abnormalities. Ten Sydenham's chorea (SC) patients, eight females and two males, 8 to 25 years of age (mean 13.4), with a clinical diagnosis of SC were submitted to brain SPECT imaging. We used HMPAO labeled with technetium-99m at a dose of 740 MBq. Six examinations revealed hyperperfusion of the basal ganglia, while the remaining four were normal. The six patients with abnormal results were females and their data were not correlated with severity of symptoms. Patients with abnormal brain SPECT had a more recent onset of symptoms (mean of 49 days) compared to those with normal SPECT (mean of 85 days) but this difference did not reach statistical significance. Brain SPECT can be a helpful method to determine abnormalities of the basal ganglia in SC patients but further studies on a larger number of patients are needed in order to detect the phase of the disease during which the examination is more sensitive.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Neurologia Setor de Distúrbios do MovimentoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Diagnóstico por Imagem Setor de Medicina NuclearUNIFESP, Depto. de Neurologia Setor de Distúrbios do MovimentoUNIFESP, Depto. de Diagnóstico por Imagem Setor de Medicina NuclearSciEL

    Does poor stunning affect the assessment of animal-based measures consciousness in lambs at slaughter?

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    Oral session 2[EN] According to EU legislation on the killing of animals (EC n. 1099/2009), to ensure that animals do not regain consciousness before slaughter, the efficiency of stunning method must be evaluated through animal-based measures (ABMs)


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    A paralisia cerebral afeta 1 a 2 em cada 1.000 crianças, mas é 10 vezes mais comum em recém-nascidos prematuros, sendo particularmente comum em lactentes muito pequenos. A paralisia cerebral é um grupo de distúrbios motores (tônus e postura), secundários à lesão do cérebro em desenvolvimento. O evento lesivo pode ocorrer no período pré, peri ou pós-natal. O dano causado pela paralisia cerebral pode ser desde muito leve até gravíssimo. Dependendo de quais áreas do cérebro foram afetadas pode ocorrer rigidez ou espasmo muscular, movimentos involuntários, falta de coordenação motora, problemas com a fala, com a visão, com a audição, percepção tátil, convulsão e déficit intelectual. As condições bucais mais comumente encontradas são: hiperplasia gengival medicamentosa, agravada com a presença de placa bacteriana, baba excessiva, falta de vedamento labial e dificuldade na deglutição salivar, cárie dentária, a higienização insatisfatória e a inabilidade da língua. A doença periodontal é intensificada na presença de agravantes, como a placa bacteriana, higiene bucal precária, vômito, ineficiência de força mastigatória, má-oclusão, respiração bucal, estresse, deficiências fagocitárias e nutricionais. Com isso, este trabalho tem o objetivo de obter conhecimento sobre os pacientes portadores de paralisia cerebral para implantar um tratamento integrado junto a uma equipe multidisciplinar e relatar por meio de revisão de literatura e relato de caso clinico quais são os fatores causadores da paralisia, as alterações encontradas nos pacientes, as formas de manejo e atendimento clinico. Compreende-se que esforços devem ser feitos para capacitar profissionais da área da saúde nos cuidados aos pacientes portadores de paralisia cerebral, informações relacionadas à importância da precocidade da procura pelo cirurgião-dentista e às maneiras de se diminuir as dificuldades referentes aos procedimentos de higienização bucal e reforçando a necessidade de uma atitude preventiva, especialmente no que diz respeito à cárie dentária.Palavras-chave: Paralisia cerebral. Transtornos motores. Pessoas com deficiência

    Leptomonas seymouri and Crithidia fasciculata exoantigens can discriminate human cases of visceral leishmaniasis from American tegumentary leishmaniasis ones

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    Exoantigens (exo) from Leptomonas seymouri and Crithidia fasciculata were used in an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), showing 100% reactivity with sera from visceral leishmaniasis (VL) cases, and no reactivity with American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) ones. Our results have indicated that these exoantigens can be applied in the discrimination of VL and ATL cases.Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMUSP)Univ Sao Paulo, Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo, Av Dr Eneas de Carvalho Aguiar 470, BR-05403000 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Inst Ciencias Biomed, Dept Parasitol, Sao Paulo, BrazilInst Emilio Ribas Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, Escola Paulista Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Dept Med Prevent, Fac Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Departamento de Microbiologia, Imunologia e Parasitologia, São Paulo, BrazilHCFMUSP: LIM48HCFMUSP: LIM49Web of Scienc
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