1,021 research outputs found

    Some general results about the optimal timing of relocation

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    In this paper we derive general results concerning the optimal switching level in the problem of the optimal relocation policy for a firm that faces two types of uncertainty: one about the moments in which new (and more efficient) sites will become available; and the other regarding the degree of efficiency improvement inherent to each one of these new, yet to be known, potential location places. In particular, we note that the optimal switching level depends on the distribution of the degree of efficiency improvement only through an expected value. Impacts on the final results driven by the characteristics of the firm’s original location site, the market environment and the way in which risk is modelled are studied numerically. The overall results are in line with economic intuition.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    High speed rail transport valuation and policy decisions

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    The present paper investigates the process of decision making regarding the optimal timing to invest in the high speed rail (HSR) project, under uncertainty, using the real options analysis (ROA) framework. It’s developed a continuous time framework that allows a solution to the problem concerning the optimal timing to invest and to value the impact of the option to defer in the overall valuation of the project, with multiple uncertainty factors. Besides considering a stochastic demand, the effect of uncertainty in the investment’s expenditure and over the benefit per user is incorporated in a model with three stochastic variables. The modelling approach used is based on the differential utility provided to railway users by the HSR service.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    High speed rail transport valuation

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    The present paper investigates the optimal timing of investment for a high speed rail (HSR) project, in an uncertain environment, using a real options analysis (ROA) framework. It develops a continuous time framework with stochastic demand that allows for the determination of the optimal timing of investment and the value of the option to defer in the overall valuation of the project. The modelling approach used is based on the differential utility provided to railway users by the HSR service.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    High speed rail transport valuation

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    The present paper investigates the optimal timing of investment for a high speed rail (HSR) project, in an uncertain environment, using a real options analysis (ROA) framework. It develops a continuous time framework with stochastic demand that allows for the determination of the optimal timing of investment and the value of the option to defer in the overall valuation of the project. The modelling approach used is based on the differential utility provided to railway users by the HSR service.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Um modelo de solução fechada para avaliação de hipotecas comerciais

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    O objectivo deste estudo é o desenvolvimento de uma solução analítica que permita avaliar hipotecas comerciais. Para tal, considera-se a existência de uma única fonte de risco - risco de incumprimento - e por conseguinte a existência de uma única variável de estado - o valor da propriedade hipotecada. O valor da hipoteca corresponde ao valor actual das prestações futuras do empréstimo deduzido do valor da opção de incumprimento. A maior dificuldade na resolução do modelo reside no cálculo do valor desta opção e, por sua vez, no cálculo do valor crítico da propriedade, isto é, do preço fronteira abaixo do qual a opção deve ser exercida imediatamente. Este trabalho constitui uma primeira abordagem ao desenvolvimento de soluções analíticas para a avaliação de hipotecas, recorrendo à análise de fluxos contingentes

    Mortgage valuation: a quasi-closed form solution

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    The main objective of this study consists in developing a quasi-analytical solution for the valuation of commercial mortgages. We consider the existence of a single source of risk - the risk of defaulting on a mortgage - and therefore, the existence of a single state variable - the value of the mortgaged property. The value of the mortgage corresponds to the present value of the future payments on the loan, minus the value of the embedded American default option. The major difficulty in designing such a model consists in calculating the value of this option, since for that purpose it is necessary to determine the lowest property price below which it must be immediately exercised, i.e. the critical value of the property

    A quasi-closed-form solution for the valuation of american put option

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    This study develops a quasi-closed-form solution for the valuation of an American put option and the critical price of the underlying asset. This is an important area of research both because of a large number of transactions for American put options on dierent underlying assets (stocks, currencies, commodities, etc.) and because this type of evaluation plays a role in determining the value of other financial assets such as mortgages, convertible bonds or life insurance policies. The procedure used is commonly known as the method of lines, which is considered to be a formulation in which time is discrete rather than continuous. To improve the quality of the results obtained, the Richardson extrapolation is applied, which allows the convergence of the outputs to be accelerated to values close to reality. The model developed in this paper derives an explicit formula of the finite-maturity American put option. The results obtained, besides allowing us to quickly determine the option value and the critical price, enable the graphical representation—in two and three dimensions—of the option value as a function of the other components of the modelinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A quasi-closed-form solution for the valuation of American put options

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    This study develops a quasi-closed-form solution for the valuation of an American put option and the critical price of the underlying asset. This is an important area of research both because of a large number of transactions for American put options on different underlying assets (stocks, currencies, commodities, etc.) and because this type of evaluation plays a role in determining the value of other financial assets such as mortgages, convertible bonds or life insurance policies. The procedure used is commonly known as the method of lines, which is considered to be a formulation in which time is discrete rather than continuous. To improve the quality of the results obtained, the Richardson extrapolation is applied, which allows the convergence of the outputs to be accelerated to values close to reality. The model developed in this paper derives an explicit formula of the finite-maturity American put option. The results obtained, besides allowing us to quickly determine the option value and the critical price, enable the graphical representation—in two and three dimensions—of the option value as a function of the other components of the model.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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