75 research outputs found

    First Confirmed Record of Grey Seals in Greenland

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    The presence of grey seals has never before been confirmed in Greenland, but on 30 August 2009 a grey seal was photographed near shore in Southeast Greenland (59˚53′ N, 43˚28′ W). The seal was observed within a small group of islands that hosts a harbour seal colony. The following day, a seal that might be a young grey seal was photographed at the same location. Information from Inuit hunters suggests that grey seals periodically visit Greenland, but the pictures taken in summer 2009 are the first solid proof of this seal species in Greenland.La présence de phoques gris n’avait jamais été confirmée au Groenland, mais le 30 août 2009, un phoque gris a été photographié près de la côte sud-est du Groenland (59˚53′ N, 43˚28′ O). Le phoque a été observé au sein d’un petit groupement d’îles où se tient une colonie de phoques communs. Le lendemain, un phoque qui était peut-être un jeune phoque gris a été photographié au même endroit. D’après les chasseurs inuits, les phoques gris se rendraient périodiquement au Groenland, mais les photographies prises à l’été 2009 constituent les premières preuves tangibles de la présence de cette espèce de phoque au Groenland

    Drift diving by hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean

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    This work was funded through the Atlantic Seal Research Programme, International Governance Programme (GBS and MOH), the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (ARA), and a CFI grant to YFW. The authors also acknowledge the support of the MASTS pooling initiative (The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland) in the completion of this study. MASTS is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant reference HR09011) and contributing institutions (LB).Many pinniped species perform a specific dive type, referred to as a ‘drift dive’, where they drift passively through the water column. This dive type has been suggested to function as a resting/sleeping or food processing dive, and can be used as an indication of feeding success by calculating the daily change in vertical drift rates over time, which reflects the relative fluctuations in buoyancy of the animal as the proportion of lipids in the body change. Northwest Atlantic hooded seals perform drift dives at regular intervals throughout their annual migration across the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. We found that the daily change in drift rate varied with geographic location and the time of year and that this differed between sexes. Positive changes in buoyancy (reflecting increased lipid stores) were evident throughout their migration range and although overlapping somewhat, they were not statistically associated with high use areas as indicated by First Passage Time (FPT). Differences in the seasonal fluctuations of buoyancy between males and females suggest that they experience a difference in patterns of energy gain and loss during winter and spring, associated with breeding. The fluctuations in buoyancy around the moulting period were similar between sexes.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Activity and Movement Patterns of Polar Bears Inhabiting Consolidated versus Active Pack Ice

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    We investigated the influence of ice conditions on activity and movement patterns of polar bears in the Canadian-West Greenland Arctic. We used radiotelemetry data gathered over 11 years (1989-99) from 160 adult female polar bears to test for differences in movement and activity of bears inhabiting active ice and consolidated ice. Bears inhabiting active ice moved more than those inhabiting consolidated ice (12 versus 8 km/day), but their activity throughout the year did not differ (bears of both groups were active for 21% of the day). Differences in activity and movement of bears in the two study areas appeared to be related to differences in predominant ice conditions and presumed prey availability. Seals, particularly juveniles, are most plentiful in spring and summer, when polar bears moved more and were most active. During winter, when juvenile seals were less available in consolidated ice areas, bears in that habitat were less active and moved less than bears in active ice areas. Polar bears have evolved flexible patterns of seasonal activity, movements, and facultative den use as adaptations to different sea-ice environments.On a étudié l'influence des conditions de glace sur le régime de l'activité et du déplacement de l'ours polaire dans l'Arctique canadien de l'ouest du Groenland. On s'est servi de données prélevées par radiomesure sur une période de 11 ans (de 1989 à 1999) portant sur 160 ourses polaires adultes afin de déterminer s'il existe des différences dans le déplacement et l'activité des ourses entre celles qui vivent sur la glace mobile et celles qui vivent sur la glace soudée. Les ourses vivant sur la glace mobile se déplaçaient plus que celles vivant sur la glace soudée (12 km/jour contre 8), mais leur activité tout au long de l'année ne différait pas (les ourses des deux groupes étaient actives 21 p. cent de la journée). Les différences dans l'activité et le déplacement des ourses entre les deux zones d'étude semblaient être reliées à des différences dans les conditions de glace prédominantes et dans la disponibilité présumée des proies. L'abondance des phoques, en particulier les jeunes, atteint son maximum au printemps et en été, au moment où les ourses polaires étaient souvent le plus actives et se déplaçaient le plus. Durant l'hiver, quand les phoques juvéniles étaient moins disponibles dans les zones de glace soudée, les ourses vivant dans cet habitat étaient moins actives et se déplaçaient moins que les ourses vivant dans les zones de glace mobile. L'ourse polaire a développé une certaine flexibilité de comportement dans son activité, son déplacement et son utilisation facultative d'une tanière, pour s'adapter à différents environnements de glace de mer

    Atlantic water variability on the SE Greenland continental shelf and its relationship to SST and bathymetry

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2013. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 118 (2013): 847–855, doi:10.1029/2012JC008354.Interaction of warm, Atlantic-origin water (AW) and colder, polar origin water (PW) advecting southward in the East Greenland Current (EGC) influences the heat content of water entering Greenland's outlet glacial fjords. Here we use depth and temperature data derived from deep-diving seals to map out water mass variability across the continental shelf and to augment existing bathymetric products. We compare depths derived from the seal dives with the IBCAO Version 3 bathymetric database over the shelf and find differences up to 300 m near several large submarine canyons. In the vertical temperature structure, we find two dominant modes: a cold mode, with the typical AW/PW layering observed in the EGC, and a warm mode, where AW is present throughout the water column. The prevalence of these modes varies seasonally and spatially across the continental shelf, implying distinct AW pathways. In addition, we find that satellite sea surface temperatures (SST) correlate significantly with temperatures in the upper 50 m (R = 0.54), but this correlation decreases with depth (R = 0.22 at 200 m), and becomes insignificant below 250 m. Thus, care must be taken in using SST as a proxy for heat content, as AW mainly resides in these deeper layers.Funding for this work came from National Science Foundation OPP grant 0909373 and OCE grant 1130008, plus the WHOI Arctic Research Initiative. The Greenland Institute of Natural Resources and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, supported the seal tagging logistics.2013-08-2

    Demography and Viability of a Hunted Population of Polar Bears

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    We estimated demographic parameters and harvest risks for a population of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) inhabiting Baffin Bay, Canada and Greenland, from 1974 to 1997. Our demographic analysis included a detailed assessment of age- and sex-specific survival and recruitment from 1221 marked polar bears, which used information contained within the standing age distribution of captures and mark-recapture analysis performed with Program MARK. Unharvested (natural) survival rates for females (± 1 SE) from mark-recapture analysis were 0.620 ± 0.095 (cubs), 0.938 ± 0.042 (ages 1–4), 0.953 ± 0.020 (ages 5–20), and 0.919 ± 0.046 (ages 21+). Total (harvested) survival rates for females were reduced to 0.600 ± 0.096 (cubs), 0.901 ± 0.045 (ages 1–4), 0.940 ± 0.021 (ages 5–20), and 0.913 ± 0.047 (ages 21+). Mean litter size was 1.59 ± 0.07 cubs, with a mean reproductive interval of 2.5 ± 0.01 years. By age 5, on average 0.88 ± 0.40 of females were producing litters. We estimated the geometric means (± bootstrapped SDs) for population growth rates at stable age distribution as 1.055 ± 0.011 (unharvested) and 1.019 ± 0.015 (harvested). The model-averaged, mark-recapture estimate of mean abundance (± 1 SE) for years 1994–97 was 2074 ± 266 bears, which included 1017 ± 192 females and 1057 ± 124 males. We incorporated demographic parameters and their error terms into a harvest risk analysis designed to consider demographic, process, and sampling uncertainty in generating likelihoods of persistence (i.e., a stochastic, harvest-explicit population viability analysis). Using our estimated harvest of polar bears in Baffin Bay (88 bears/yr), the probability that the population would decline no more than could be recovered in five years was 0.95, suggesting that the current hunt is sustainable.De 1974 à 1997, on a évalué les paramètres démographiques d’une population d’ours polaires (Ursus maritimus) habitant la baie de Baffin (Canada et Groenland), ainsi que les risques associés à leur prélèvement. Notre analyse démographique comprenait un bilan détaillé de la survie et du recrutement par âge et par sexe, bilan mené sur 1221 ours polaires étiquetés et qui faisait appel à l’information contenue dans les limites de la structure d’âge des captures à un moment précis, ainsi que des analyses de marquage-recapture réalisées avec le logiciel MARK. Les taux de survie sans prélèvements (c’est-à-dire naturels) des femelles (± 1 erreur-type) tirés de l’analyse de marquage-recapture étaient les suivants: 0,620 ± 0,095 (oursons), 0,938 ± 0,042 (1–4 ans), 0,953 ± 0,020 (5–20 ans) et 0,919 ± 0,046 (21 ans et plus). Les taux de survie globaux (avec prélèvements) des femelles diminuaient à: 0,600 ± 0,096 (oursons), 0,901 ± 0,045 (1–4 ans), 0,940 ± 0,021 (5–20 ans) et 0,913 ± 0,047 (21 ans et plus). La taille moyenne des portées était de 1,59 ± 0,07 ourson avec des intervalles moyens de reproduction de 2,5 ± 0,01 ans. Arrivées à l’âge de cinq ans, en moyenne 0,88 ± 0,40 des femelles avaient eu des petits. On a évalué que les moyennes géométriques (± écart-type bootstrappé) pour les taux de croissance de la population à la structure d’âge stable étaient de 1,055 ± 0,011 (sans prélèvements) et de 1,019 ± 0,015 (avec prélèvements). La valeur estimée à partir du marquage-recapture, moyennée par le modèle, de l’abondance moyenne (± 1 erreur-type), pour les années allant de 1994 à 1997 était de 2074 ± 266 ours, dont 1017 Å} 192 femelles et 1057 ± 124 mâles. On a intégré les paramètres démographiques et leurs termes d’erreur dans une analyse des risques de prélèvements conçue pour tenir compte des incertitudes démographiques, de processus et d’échantillonnage lors du calcul des probabilités de persistance (c.-à-d. une analyse stochastique de la viabilité de la population qui tient compte des prélèvements). En se basant sur nos prélèvements estimés de l’ours polaire dans la baie de Baffin (88 ours/an), la probabilité que la population ne décline pas plus que ce qu’elle pourrait récupérer en 5 ans était de 0,95, ce qui suggère que la chasse actuelle est durable

    Environmental drivers of population-level variation in the migratory and diving ontogeny of an Arctic top predator

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    This work is an output of the ARISE project (NE/P006035/1 and NE/P00623X/1), part of the Changing Arctic Ocean programme jointly funded by the UKRI Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Fieldwork in Canada was carried out under a Canadian Council on Animal Care permit no. NAFC2017–2 and funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and a bursary from Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) administered by the NERC Arctic Office. Fieldwork in the Greenland Sea was approved by the Greenland Ministry of Fisheries, Hunting and Agriculture and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (permit no. 11546) as part of the Northeast Greenland Environmental Study Program 2017–2018 (by the Danish Centre for Environment and Energy at Aarhus University, The Greenland Institute of Natural Resources and the Environmental Agency for Mineral Resource Activities of the Government of Greenland) and financed by oil licence holders in the area.The development of migratory strategies that enable juveniles to survive to sexual maturity is critical for species that exploit seasonal niches. For animals that forage via breath-hold diving, this requires a combination of both physiological and foraging skill development. Here, we assess how migratory and dive behaviour develop over the first year of life for a migratory Arctic top predator, the harp seal Pagophilus groenlandicus, tracked using animal-borne satellite relay data loggers. We reveal similarities in migratory movements and differences in diving behaviour between 38 juveniles tracked from the Greenland Sea and Northwest Atlantic breeding populations. In both regions, periods of resident and transitory behaviour during migration were associated with proxies for food availability: sea ice concentration and bathymetric depth. However, while ontogenetic development of dive behaviour was similar for both populations of juveniles over the first 25 days, after this time Greenland Sea animals performed shorter and shallower dives and were more closely associated with sea ice than Northwest Atlantic animals. Together, these results highlight the role of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors in shaping early life behaviour. Variation in the environmental conditions experienced during early life may shape how different populations respond to the rapid changes occurring in the Arctic ocean ecosystem.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Quantitative fatty acid signature analysis reveals a high level of dietary specialization in killer whales across the North Atlantic

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    Quantifying the diet composition of apex marine predators such as killer whales (Orcinus orca) is critical to assessing their food web impacts. Yet, with few exceptions, the feeding ecology of these apex predators remains poorly understood. Here, we use our newly validated quantitative fatty acid signature analysis (QFASA) approach on nearly 200 killer whales and over 900 potential prey to model their diets across the 5000 km span of the North Atlantic. Diet estimates show that killer whales mainly consume other whales in the western North Atlantic (Canadian Arctic, Eastern Canada), seals in the mid-North Atlantic (Greenland), and fish in the eastern North Atlantic (Iceland, Faroe Islands, Norway). Nonetheless, diet estimates also varied widely among individuals within most regions. This level of inter-individual feeding variation should be considered for future ecological studies focusing on killer whales in the North Atlantic and other oceans. These estimates reveal remarkable population- and individual-level variation in the trophic ecology of these killer whales, which can help to assess how their predation impacts community and ecosystem dynamics in changing North Atlantic marine ecosystems. This new approach provides researchers with an invaluable tool to study the feeding ecology of oceanic top predators

    Abundance and species diversity hotspots of tracked marine predators across the North American Arctic

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    Aim: Climate change is altering marine ecosystems worldwide and is most pronounced in the Arctic. Economic development is increasing leading to more disturbances and pressures on Arctic wildlife. Identifying areas that support higher levels of predator abundance and biodiversity is important for the implementation of targeted conservation measures across the Arctic. Location: Primarily Canadian Arctic marine waters but also parts of the United States, Greenland and Russia. Methods: We compiled the largest data set of existing telemetry data for marine predators in the North American Arctic consisting of 1,283 individuals from 21 species. Data were arranged into four species groups: (a) cetaceans and pinnipeds, (b) polar bears Ursus maritimus (c) seabirds, and (d) fishes to address the following objectives: (a) to identify abundance hotspots for each species group in the summer–autumn and winter–spring; (b) to identify species diversity hotspots across all species groups and extent of overlap with exclusive economic zones; and (c) to perform a gap analysis that assesses amount of overlap between species diversity hotspots with existing protected areas. Results: Abundance and species diversity hotpots during summer–autumn and winter–spring were identified in Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait, Amundsen Gulf, and the Beaufort, Chukchi and Bering seas both within and across species groups. Abundance and species diversity hotpots occurred within the continental slope in summer–autumn and offshore in areas of moving pack ice in winter–spring. Gap analysis revealed that the current level of conservation protection that overlaps species diversity hotspots is low covering only 5% (77,498 km 2 ) in summer–autumn and 7% (83,202 km 2 ) in winter–spring. Main conclusions: We identified several areas of potential importance for Arctic marine predators that could provide policymakers with a starting point for conservation measures given the multitude of threats facing the Arctic. These results are relevant to multilevel and multinational governance to protect this vulnerable ecosystem in our rapidly changing world

    Report of the NAMMCO-ICES Workshop on Seal Modelling (WKSEALS 2020)

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    To support sustainable management of apex predator populations, it is important to estimate population size and understand the drivers of population trends to anticipate the consequences of human decisions. Robust population models are needed, which must be based on realistic biological principles and validated with the best available data. A team of international experts reviewed age-structured models of North Atlantic pinniped populations, including Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus), Harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus), and Hooded seal (Cystophora cristata). Statistical methods used to fit such models to data were compared and contrasted. Differences in biological assumptions and model equations were driven by the data available from separate studies, including observation methodology and pre-processing. Counts of pups during the breeding season were used in all models, with additional counts of adults and juveniles available in some. The regularity and frequency of data collection, including survey counts and vital rate estimates, varied. Important differences between the models concerned the nature and causes of variation in vital rates (age-dependent survival and fecundity). Parameterisation of age at maturity was detailed and time-dependent in some models and simplified in others. Methods for estimation of model parameters were reviewed and compared. They included Bayesian and maximum likelihood (ML) approaches, implemented via bespoke coding in C, C++, TMB or JAGS. Comparative model runs suggested that as expected, ML-based implementations were rapid and computationally efficient, while Bayesian approaches, which used MCMC or sequential importance sampling, required longer for inference. For grey seal populations in the Netherlands, where preliminary ML-based TMB results were compared with the outputs of a Bayesian JAGS implementation, some differences in parameter estimates were apparent. For these seal populations, further investigations are recommended to explore differences that might result from the modelling framework and model-fitting methodology, and their importance for inference and management advice. The group recommended building on the success of this workshop via continued collaboration with ICES and NAMMCO assessment groups, as well as other experts in the marine mammal modelling community. Specifically, for Northeast Atlantic harp and hooded seal populations, the workshop represents the initial step towards a full ICES benchmark process aimed at revising and evaluating new assessment models.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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