152 research outputs found

    An overview on strategic design for socio-technical innovation

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    Nowadays, we are living in an environment of uncertainties and constant transformation. The innovation process is reverted, thereby, from the top-down to the bottom-up logic, where the stakeholders are invited to participate in the process of creating innovation. In that sense, socio-technical innovation implies a process of systemic change, both in the productive structure and in the relations between actors inside the system, with technical and behavioral implications, which affects production, distribution and consumption. A model that may simplify the complexity of such processes is the Multi-Level-Perspective (MLP), which considers the interactions between niches (micro level), socio-technical regimes (meso level), and landscapes (macro level). The MLP shows that, in order to change the landscape effectively, we have to start from the bottom, in other words, the socio-technical regimes open opportunities to receive innovations from the niches, small social groups, and communities. This way, we propose a simple framework of four main steps for the strategic management of the design process to develop Sociotechnical Innovations. A key point is considering that technological development and the relations among the actors involved in innovation is the way to improve the performance of innovation, to increase the possibilities of adoption and to generate the desired impact.Keywords: sociotechnical innovation, co-design, Multi-Level-Perspective, participatory design

    A process of rumor scotching on finite populations

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    Rumor spreading is a ubiquitous phenomenon in social and technological networks. Traditional models consider that the rumor is propagated by pairwise interactions between spreaders and ignorants. Spreaders can become stiflers only after contacting spreaders or stiflers. Here we propose a model that considers the traditional assumptions, but stiflers are active and try to scotch the rumor to the spreaders. An analytical treatment based on the theory of convergence of density dependent Markov chains is developed to analyze how the final proportion of ignorants behaves asymptotically in a finite homogeneously mixing population. We perform Monte Carlo simulations in random graphs and scale-free networks and verify that the results obtained for homogeneously mixing populations can be approximated for random graphs, but are not suitable for scale-free networks. Furthermore, regarding the process on a heterogeneous mixing population, we obtain a set of differential equations that describes the time evolution of the probability that an individual is in each state. Our model can be applied to study systems in which informed agents try to stop the rumor propagation. In addition, our results can be considered to develop optimal information dissemination strategies and approaches to control rumor propagation.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Economic-financial analysis of the first nine brazilian soccer clubs in the CBF ranking of 2019

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    As associações esportivas, além de mover multidões e alimentar paixões, contribuem para o desenvolvimento dos jovens, a profissionalização dos atletas, a geração de empregos e a renda das famílias brasileiras. Este estudo objetiva ilustrar a atual situação econômico-financeira dos nove clubes de futebol do topo da lista do ranking da CBF de 2019, a partir das demonstrações financeiras publicadas. Foi escolhido esse numero de equipes (nove) em razão de englobar os maiores e mais vitoriosos clubes do país a fim de ilustrar a atual situação dos clubes e estabelecer um comparativo entre os dados. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados para a análise dos resultados econômico-financeiros dos clubes de futebol selecionados foram realizados por meio de estudos exploratórios descritivos, com abordagem qualitativa. Desse modo, foi possível concluir que, na maioria dos casos, além dos resultados ruins, os clubes possuem forte dependência do capital de terceiros, o que é indicado pelo índice de estrutura de capital e confirmado pela demanda por capital de giro.Sports associations, besides moving crowds and feeding passions, contribute to the development of young people, the professionalization of athletes, the generation of jobs and the income of Brazilian families. This study aims to illustrate the current economic and financial situation of the nine football clubs at the top of the 2019 CBF ranking list, based on the published financial statements. This number of teams (nine) was chosen because it includes the largest and most successful clubs in the country in order to illustrate the current situation of the clubs and establish a comparison between the data. The methodological procedures used to analyze the economic and financial results of the selected football clubs were carried out through descriptive exploratory studies, with a qualitative approach. Thus, it was possible to conclude that, in most cases, in addition to the poor results, the clubs have a strong dependence on third party capital, which is indicated by the capital structure index and confirmed by the demand for working capital

    Multistability, intermittency, and hybrid transitions in social contagion models on hypergraphs

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    Although ubiquitous, interactions in groups of individuals are not yet thoroughly studied. Frequently, single groups are modeled as critical-mass dynamics, which is a widespread concept used not only by academics but also by politicians and the media. However, less explored questions are how a collection of groups will behave and how their intersection might change the dynamics. Here, we formulate this process as binary-state dynamics on hypergraphs. We showed that our model has a rich behavior beyond discontinuous transitions. Notably, we have multistability and intermittency. We demonstrated that this phenomenology could be associated with community structures, where we might have multistability or intermittency by controlling the number or size of bridges between communities. Furthermore, we provided evidence that the observed transitions are hybrid. Our findings open new paths for research, ranging from physics, on the formal calculation of quantities of interest, to social sciences, where new experiments can be designed

    An overview on strategic design for socio-technical innovation

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    Nowadays, we are living in an environment of uncertainties and constant transformation. The innovation process is reverted, thereby, from the top-down to the bottom-up logic, where the stakeholders are invited to participate in the process of creating innovation. In that sense, socio-technical innovation implies a process of systemic change, both in the productive structure and in the relations between actors inside the system, with technical and behavioral implications, which affects production, distribution and consumption. A model that may simplify the complexity of such processes is the Multi-Level-Perspective (MLP), which considers the interactions between niches (micro level), socio-technical regimes (meso level), and landscapes (macro level). The MLP shows that, in order to change the landscape effectively, we have to start from the bottom, in other words, the socio-technical regimes open opportunities to receive innovations from the niches, small social groups, and communities. This way, we propose a simple framework of four main steps for the strategic management of the design process to develop Sociotechnical Innovations. A key point is considering that technological development and the relations among the actors involved in innovation is the way to improve the performance of innovation, to increase the possibilities of adoption and to generate the desired impact.Keywords: sociotechnical innovation, co-design, Multi-Level-Perspective, participatory design

    Una proposta de modelo de Design para o desenvolvimento de Inovações Sociotécnicas

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    As mudanças e as incertezas são elementos marcantes do mundo contemporâneo. Ao mesmo tempo em que a escala da economia global não tem precedentes, grande parte da população mundial enfrenta grandes desafios. As pessoas buscam autonomia e rejeitam a influência das instituições tradicionais, resultando em um abismo entre indivíduos e as organizações que ainda operam sob a lógica da era industrial. Movimentos de baixo para cima, a integração das pessoas no processo de inovação, conexões em rede e as tecnologias de comunicação estão desafiando os sistemas tradicionais pré-estabelecidos. Neste contexto, a Inovação Sociotécnica envolve tanto um processo de alteração na estrutura de um sistema como na relação entre os atores dentro do sistema. O modelo proposto reflete uma estrutura modular que pode ser adaptada às particularidades e características de cada projeto, tendo como objetivo gerar uma visão ampla das Inovações Sociotécnicas, apresentando um novo quadro, prático e uniforme

    Análise comparativa da cobertura midiática dos jornais folha de s.paulo e o estado de S. Paulo sobre o jogador Neymar, durante o período da copa das confederações

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    Este trabalho faz uma análise comparativa da cobertura midiática das edições de dois veículos impressos: Folha de S.Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo, referente à imagem do jogador de futebol Neymar Jr. durante o período da Copa das Confederações, que foi realizada de 15 a 30 de Junho de 2013. A pesquisa detecta quantas vezes o nome do jogador apareceu nas edições impressas de ambos os jornais durante o período, analisando como o nome e a sua imagem foram veiculadas, distinguindo notícia e crônica por serem um dos maiores gêneros dentro do jornalismo esportivo. Um dos resultados foi o maior enfoque do Estado de S. Paulo em relação às notícias e da Folha de S. Paulo por parte das crônicas

    Sensory characteristics of wood from naturally fallen Amazonian trees for manufacture of products in Extractive Reserves

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    In view of the national and international demand for wood for industrial use, solutions are being created to combat and reduce deforestation. One such solution is to use wood from naturally fallen trees. However, there has been limited evaluation of the technological potential of this material. This study therefore aimed to assess the general characteristics of wood from naturally fallen tree species in the Auatí-Paraná Extractive Reserve (RESEX), for potential use in product development. The characteristics analyzed were color, texture, grain, heartwood, sapwood and density. The species of naturally fallen trees were assessed using online databases, specialized literature and the xylotheque at the Wood Anatomy and Identification Laboratory of the National Institute of Amazonian Research (LAIM/INPA). This study and its results confirm the great quantity and quality of wood from naturally fallen trees with technological potential for the development of products, based on the classification of the sensory characteristics of the woods

    Sustentabilidade em destinos turísticos insulares: o projecto Azores Green Islands Tourism

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    1st International Conference on Tourism & Management Studies, Algarve 26-29 October 2011.A presente investigação se enquadra no Projecto Azores Green Islands Tourism, que é uma parceria da Universidade dos Açores com a ARENA, com apoio da FCT e do MIT. O objectivo é identificar e avaliar como os operadores turísticos dos Açores, vêem o ecoturismo e a adopção de práticas sustentáveis como forma de agregar valor ao destino. O projecto está sendo realizado nas nove ilhas do Arquipélago e possui a duração de um ano. A selecção da população investigada foi realizada através do registo oficial das empresas cadastradas na Direcção Regional de Turismo e o levantamento dos dados através da implementação de inquérito. Como principais resultados e contributos espera-se: elaborar um banco de dados das empresas com informações sobre a adopção de boas práticas; identificar a percepção dos operadores sobre o ecoturismo; identificar e avaliar como os operadores vêem a adopção de práticas sustentáveis como forma de agregar valor ao destino; elaborar um diagnóstico da actividade; e contribuir para uma reflexão sobre a importância das práticas sustentáveis. Dessa forma, espera-se identificar quais estratégias são necessárias para estimular a adopção destas práticas, culminando na elaboração de um plano de acção direccionando um planeamento futuro a ser tomado para o turismo sustentável no Arquipélago


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Law No. 14,112 / 2020 suffers from formal and material unconstitutionality in the part that revokes item d, item IV, of art. 83, of Law No. 11,101 / 2005, which classified, in the bankruptcy contest of creditors, among the credits with special privilege, those in favor of individual microentrepreneurs and micro and small businesses. The revoked rule had been included in the law on the recovery and bankruptcy of companies by Complementary Law No. 147/2014 in consideration of the principle of protection for small businesses, enshrined in the Federal Constitution of 1988 in arts. 170, items IX and 179. The fact inspired the following questions: Complementary Law nº 147/2014 attributed to the Small Company a credit status of special privilege in the bankruptcy of its debtors, granting it the favored and differentiated treatment determined by the Federal Constitution of 1988.In this way, could Ordinary Law No. 14,112 / 2020 have revoked that condition? Does the renewal of the small company to the status of unsecured creditor, attributed by Law No. 14,112 / 2020, violate the precepts derived from the constitutional principle of protection for the small company? The initial premises, in the sense that the revocation suffers from unconstitutionality, justifies the consideration at the end that the legal change on screen contradicts the rule according to which Small Businesses should be treated in a favored and differentiated manner. In the aspect of Constitutional Law, could Ordinary Law revoke a provision of another Ordinary Law introduced by a Complementary Law?O presente estudo tem por fim perquirir se a Lei nº 14.112/2020 padece de inconstitucionalidade formal e material na parte que revoga a alínea d, do inciso IV, do art. 83, da Lei nº 11.101/2005 que classificava, no concurso falimentar de credores, dentre os créditos com privilégio especial, aqueles em favor dos microempreendedores individuais e das microempresas e empresas de pequeno porte. A norma revogada havia sido incluída na lei de recuperação e falência de empresas pela Lei Complementar nº 147/2014 em atenção ao princípio da tutela à pequena empresa, consagrado na Constituição Federal de 1988 nos arts. 170, inciso IX e 179. O fato inspirou as seguintes questões: a Lei Complementar nº 147/2014 atribuiu à pequena empresa condição de crédito de privilégio especial na falência de seus devedores, concedendo-lhe o tratamento favorecido e diferenciado determinado pela Constituição Federal de 1988.Desta forma, poderia a Lei Ordinária nº 14.112/2020 ter revogado a referida condição? A recondução da pequena empresa à condição de credora quirografária, atribuída pela Lei nº 14.112/2020, fere os preceitos derivados do princípio constitucional da tutela à pequena empresa? As premissas iniciais, no sentido de que a revogação padece de inconstitucionalidade justifica a consideração ao final de que a alteração legal em tela contraria a norma segundo a qual as Pequenas Empresas devem ser tratadas de forma favorecida e diferenciada. No aspecto do Direito Constitucional, poderia Lei Ordinária revogar dispositivo de outra Lei Ordinária introduzido por Lei Complementar