237 research outputs found

    Motivation, Discipline, and Academic Performance in Physical Education: A Holistic Approach From Achievement Goal and Self-Determination Theories.

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    The analysis of disciplined behaviors and academic performance in a school context has become one of the main concerns within the educational community. Physical Education is highlighted as a key subject to analyze students’ behavior. Researchers and Physical Education teachers are interested on the motivational processes that predict positive student outcomes in order to support them. Thus, the main purpose was to determine a predictive model of disciplined behaviors and academic performance in Physical Education students. The Achievement Goal Theory and Self-Determination Theory acted as the theoretical framework. A total of 919 Spanish secondary school students participated in the study. The studied variables were task-oriented motivational climate, basic psychological needs, autonomous motivation, disciplined behavior, and academic performance. Data collection included Spanish validated questionnaires. The Mplus statistical program was used to perform a structural equation model of prediction. It included antecedents (task-oriented climate), motivational processes (basic psychological needs and autonomous motivation), and consequences (disciplined behavior, Physical Education and overall students’ performance). The results revealed that positive outcomes (discipline and academic performance in Physical Education) were positively predicted by autonomous motivation; autonomous motivation was positively predicted by basic psychological needs and these, in addition, by the task-oriented climate. The results highlighted the importance of the task-oriented motivational climate and the mediating role of the basic psychological needs and autonomous motivation in order to generate these positive student outcomes in Physical Education. This study could be a useful resource for teachers, since it offers the motivational variables that lead students to achieve disciplined behaviors and academic performance in Physical Education. Intervention programs based on the results of the present study could be applied in Physical Education classes in order to obtain better behavioral as well as cognitive positive student outcomes.post-print512 K

    Tratamiento del asma bronquial en escolares con discapacidad auditiva (Revisión)

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    New technologies, directed to the service of the attention to the special educational necessities, are the expression of the technological scientific revolution that at the present invades the educational sector to both national and international scales. The investigation emerged of the theoretical-methodological and practical insufficiencies, detected within the physical-therapeutic attention process to students with auditory disability that suffer of bronchial asthma. The experience was centered in the opportunities that offer the physical exercises and the games, in the prevention of the crisis, the stimulation and development of the motive and breathing indicators, when responding to their cognitive particularities and the specificities of the illness. The population consisted of nine (9) scholars diagnosed with auditory disability, from "Che Guevara" special educative center, from Bayamo municipality in Granma. Consequently, the objective of this investigation consists of elaborating a physical-therapeutic alternative to give treatment to students with auditory disability that suffer from bronchial asthma.Las nuevas tecnologías, en función de la atención a las necesidades educativas especiales, son la expresión de la revolución científica tecnológica que en la actualidad invade el sector educacional a escala nacional e internacional. La presente investigación emergió de las insuficiencias teórico-metodológicas y prácticas, detectadas al proceso de atención físico-terapéutica en escolares con discapacidad auditiva que padecen de asma bronquial. La experiencia se centró en las oportunidades que brindan los ejercicios físicos y los juegos en la prevención de las crisis, la estimulación y desarrollo de los indicadores motrices y respiratorios, al responder a sus particularidades cognoscitivas y a las especificidades de la enfermedad. La población estuvo constituida por 9 escolares diagnosticados con discapacidad auditiva, de la escuela especial "Che Guevara", del municipio Bayamo, provincia Granma. El objetivo de la investigación, por consiguiente, consistió en elaborar una alternativa físico-terapéutica para el tratamiento de escolares con discapacidad auditiva que padecen de asma bronquial

    El Método Delphi modificado. Un acercamiento desde la Metodología de Sistemas Suaves

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    El artículo presenta una revisión del estado del arte relacionado con el método Delphi, sus definiciones, características y aplicaciones; con base en esta revisión se identificaron sus problemas y se analizó uno de ellos relacionado con la estructuración de problemas de actividad humana no estructurados. Con el fin de complementar el análisis se realizó un caso de aplicación de la metodología de sistemas suaves concebida en los años ochenta por Peter Checkland en un problema de tesis doctoral relacionado con el método Delphi y su alineamiento con una estrategia de innovación en el marco de un modelo de gestión de innovación, con el fin de generar un problema mejorado. Entre las principales conclusiones, destacan las ventajas del uso de la metodología de sistemas suaves para ayudar al mejoramiento de problemas de actividad humana no estructurados relacionados con el método Delphi, su alineamiento con la estrategia de innovación empresarial en el marco de modelos de gestión de innovación, así como la posibilidad de complementar la metodología de sistemas suaves con cuestionarios de priorización para obtener opiniones de expertos relacionados con los componentes de una tesis doctoral

    Home‑based prehabilitation improves physical conditions measured by ergospirometry and 6MWT in colorectal cancer patients: a randomized controlled pilot study

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    Purpose/background Prehabilitation aims to improve physical condition in the preoperative period and, therefore, decrease the loss of cardiopulmonary capacity postoperatively, with the aim of reducing complications and promoting an early recovery. This study aims to evaluate the impact of home-based prehabilitation on the physical condition of patients treated surgically for colorectal cancer. Methods A prospective and randomized clinical study was conducted on 60 patients during two periods from October 2018 to February 2019 and from September 2019 to September 2020, in a single university hospital. Patients were randomized into two study groups (30 per group): prehabilitation vs. standard care. Changes in physical condition, measured at diagnosis, the day before surgery, and at 6–8 weeks after surgery using the cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) and the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) were evaluated. Results Prehabilitation reduced postoperative complications (17.4% vs. 33.3%, p = 0.22) and hospital stay (5.74 vs. 6.67 days, p = 0.30). 6MWT showed a signifcant improvement in the prehabilitation group (+78.9 m). Six weeks after surgery, prehabilitation showed a signifcant improvement in the 6MWT (+68.9 m vs. −27.2 m, p = 0.01). Signifcant diferences were also observed in the ergospirometry between the diagnosis and postoperative study (+0.79 METs vs. −0.84 METs, p = 0.001). A strong correlation was observed between CPET and 6MWT (0.767 (p < 0.001)). Conclusion Home prehabilitation achieved lower overall postoperative complications than standard care and reached signifcant improvements in 6MWT and CET. A strong correlation was observed between CET and 6MWT, which allows validation of 6MWT as a valid and reliable measure of functional exercise capacity in colorectal patients when other, more specifc and expensive tests are not available

    Action-emotion Style, Learning Approach, and Coping Strategies, in undergraduated University Students

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    El Estilo Acción-Emoción (EAE) es un constructo psicológico de tipo motivacional-afectivo referido a la motivación de logro, basado en el Patrón de Conducta tipo A (PCTA), característico de los alumnos, en interacción con situaciones de estrés. La combinación de la competitividad y la sobrecarga laboral, con las emociones de la impaciencia y hostilidad, conduce a una clasificación en cinco categorías de estilo de acciónemoción (Tipo B, tipo Impaciente-hostil, Tipo Medio, Tipo CompetitivoSobrecarga Laboral y Tipo A). El objetivo de la presente investigación fue establecer la relación entre las características del EAE con los enfoques de aprendizaje (enfoque profundo y enfoque superficial) y las estrategias de afrontamiento (centradas en la emoción y centradas en el problema). La muestra estuvo compuesta por 225 estudiantes del Programa de Licenciatura en Psicología. Se realizaron análisis de correlaciones bivariados de Pearson y análisis multivariados. Los resultados mostraron una asociación positiva y significativa de las características de la competitividad-sobrecarga con el enfoque profundo y las estrategias centradas en el problema, así como de la impaciencia-hostilidad con el enfoque superficial y las estrategias centradas en la emoción. El nivel de estilo de acción-emoción tuvo un efecto principal significativo. Los resultados obtenidos verifican las hipótesis planteadas referidas a la relación entre el estilo de acción-emoción, los enfoques de aprendizaje y las estrategias de afrontamiento

    Propuesta curricular del área de Ingeniería Telemática en las ingenierías informáticas

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    Se describe el bloque curricular de asignaturas asignadas al área de Ingeniería Telemática que se imparten en el Plan de Estudios de las Ingenierías en Informática de la Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Este grupo de asignaturas permite a los estudiantes vertebrar una línea de especialización en materias afines a la Ingeniería Telemática que intenta dar respuesta, tanto a los contenidos académicos, como a las demandas laborales actualmente detectadas. Se describen brevemente los planes de estudio y los objetivos docentes de las asignaturas así como la equipación disponible y algunas de las experiencias docentes

    Influence of subclinical endometritis on the reproductive performance of dairy cows

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of subclinical endometritis (SE) on the reproductive performance of dairy cows. Ninety-four dairy cows of parity 1 to 8, distributed in 25 herds, were examined once between 30 and 45 days in milk using transrectal palpation, vaginoscopy and ultrasonography. A cytological sample of the endometrium was taken only from cows with an apparent healthy uterus (n=65). Serum glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate, total proteins, albumin, urea and hepatic enzymes were analyzed. Reproductive indexes were recorded during the next 11 months. Endometrial cytology was considered indicative of SE if percentage of polymorphonuclear neutrophils was superior to 5% of all cells present in the smear, except erythrocytes. Results indicated that 14.9% of the cows sampled for uterine cytology had SE, and that healthy cows become pregnant significantly before than those with SE (hazard ratio=2.35; 95% confidece interval: 1.05-5.3). From all the metabolic and productive variables analyzed, only triglycerides affected negatively to reproduction; serum albumin concentration, body condition score and milk production had positive effects on the reproductive performance. In conclusion, our results indicate that SE has a negative impact on reproductive performance and uterine cytology is necessary to diagnose it since almost 15% of the affected animals were not detected by other diagnosis methodsXunta de Galicia (Programa Sectorial de Medio Rural, Proyecto Ref. PGIDIT07MRU002E) and FEFRIGA, Santiago de Compostela, SpainS

    Analysis of parainflammation in chronic glaucoma using vitreous-oct imaging

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    Glaucoma causes blindness due to the progressive death of retinal ganglion cells. The immune response chronically and subclinically mediates a homeostatic role. In current clinical practice, it is impossible to analyse neuroinflammation non-invasively. However, analysis of vitreous images using optical coherence tomography detects the immune response as hyperreflective opacities. This study monitors vitreous parainflammation in two animal models of glaucoma, comparing both healthy controls and sexes over six months. Computational analysis characterizes in vivo the hyperreflective opacities, identified histologically as hyalocyte-like Iba-1+ (microglial marker) cells. Glaucomatous eyes showed greater intensity and number of vitreous opacities as well as dynamic fluctuations in the percentage of activated cells (50–250 microns2 ) vs. non-activated cells (10–50 microns2 ), isolated cells (10 microns2) and complexes (&gt;250 microns2 ). Smaller opacities (isolated cells) showed the highest mean intensity (intracellular machinery), were the most rounded at earlier stages (recruitment) and showed the greatest change in orientation (motility). Study of vitreous parainflammation could be a biomarker of glaucoma onset and progression. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/)

    Validation of a simple method for the interpretation of uterine cytology in cows

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    One of the main drawbacks of using endometrial cytology in cows is the time required for sample collection and interpretation. It is recommended to count a large number of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) and to calculate their overall percentage. However, since counting a large number of cells is a laborious method, it would be preferable to simplify the analysis by counting the number of PMN in few microscopic fields. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess whether a simple test, based on calculating the average number of PMN in 10 fields at 1000×, could be a reliable technique for the diagnosis of endometritis. Two hundred and sixty endometrial samples were taken from Holstein cows at different postpartum stages using an adapted cytobrush. Smears obtained were air-dried for fixing and stained with a Romanowsky-type procedure. To evaluate the counting method, the percentage of PMN in 150 cells was calculated as well as the average number of PMN in 10 fields at 1000×. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves was constructed to evaluate both methods, the percentage of PMN (used as reference) and the average number of PMN. It was observed that the area under the curve is (regardless of cut-off used) higher than 0.99 and the correspondence between both methods were 1.58 PMN/field for the cut-off value of 15% and 2.40 PMN/field for the cut-off value of 20%. These results show that this simple method could be used to determine the percentage of PMN in endometrial cytological samples and to diagnose endometritis in cowsSupported by the Xunta de Galicia (Galician Plan for Research and Technological Development; Grant No. PGIDIT07MRU002E) and the Friesian Federation of Galician, A Coruna, SpainS