886 research outputs found

    Calibración del número N de la curva de escurrimiento en una cuenca agropecuaria de 116 km2 de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    535-541In the mountainous area of Buenos Aires, Argentina, an increase in precipitation and in cultivated area has contributed to generating excessive runoff that has had severe impact on the region and on soil water erosion. The rain-runoff ratio in this region can help estimate the effects of floods. The local values of the runoff curve number (N) were calculated for the basin of the Arroyo Videla (Buenos Aires, Argentina), and its relationship to rainfall events was studied parting from daily rain data and runoff volumes. Values of 51 to 99 were obtained, and the most frequent were between 60 and 90. The relationship between N and precipitation exhibited a standard pattern that allowed adjusting an asymptotic value of 57. Rains less than 15 mm were associated with N between 85 and 90, while rains between 15 and 85 mm were related to N of 60 to 85. There was concordance between intermediate observed N and tabulated values of this parameter associated with each plant cover. This highlights the importance of obtaining local values of the studied variable to appropriately implement the method in basins of 100 km2

    Calibración del número N de la curva de escurrimiento en una cuenca agropecuaria de 116 km2 de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    535-541In the mountainous area of Buenos Aires, Argentina, an increase in precipitation and in cultivated area has contributed to generating excessive runoff that has had severe impact on the region and on soil water erosion. The rain-runoff ratio in this region can help estimate the effects of floods. The local values of the runoff curve number (N) were calculated for the basin of the Arroyo Videla (Buenos Aires, Argentina), and its relationship to rainfall events was studied parting from daily rain data and runoff volumes. Values of 51 to 99 were obtained, and the most frequent were between 60 and 90. The relationship between N and precipitation exhibited a standard pattern that allowed adjusting an asymptotic value of 57. Rains less than 15 mm were associated with N between 85 and 90, while rains between 15 and 85 mm were related to N of 60 to 85. There was concordance between intermediate observed N and tabulated values of this parameter associated with each plant cover. This highlights the importance of obtaining local values of the studied variable to appropriately implement the method in basins of 100 km2

    SiGe quantum dots for fast hole spin Rabi oscillations

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    We report on hole g-factor measurements in three terminal SiGe self-assembled quantum dot devices with a top gate electrode positioned very close to the nanostructure. Measurements of both the perpendicular as well as the parallel g-factor reveal significant changes for a small modulation of the top gate voltage. From the observed modulations we estimate that, for realistic experimental conditions, hole spins can be electrically manipulated with Rabi frequencies in the order of 100MHz. This work emphasises the potential of hole-based nano-devices for efficient spin manipulation by means of the g-tensor modulation technique

    Formaciones edáficas del tramo alto de la cuenca del río Lillas

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    En la cuenca del río Lillas podemos encontrar junto a suelos propios de áreas de montaña como regosoles y leptosoles, otros comunes en los valles fluviales: los fluvisoles. Los suelos se desarrollan a partir de materiales metamórficos: esquistos, pizarras y cuarcitas —siendo el material fluvial de la misma naturaleza—, bajo una vegetación de pastizal y melojar, en ocasiones sustituido por brezales y jarales. La presencia de permafrost y las subidas de la capa freática limitan el desarrollo de los suelos por lo que se hace muy recomendable su protección.The study about formation of unstable soils, formed from metamorphics rocks (slates, schists, quartzites) has been described in the bowl of Riaza river. The best represented groups of soils are: Leptosols, Regosols and Fluvisols. These soils are really limited and it is higly recomendable to protect them, specially the Fluvisols in recreative zone

    Formaciones edáficas del tramo alto de la cuenca del río Riaza

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    The study about formation of unstable soils that has been developed in a low grade, formed from metamorphics rocks (slates, schists, quartzites) under beechs, oaks, heathers and meadows, in a warm-cold weather, with rains over 1.000 mm, in many diferents slopes, and between 1.300 m and 1.700 m. of highness. The best represented groups of soils are: Leptosols, Regosols, Podzols and Cambisols; with acid pH and, normally, unsatured. In these soils the main changeable cations are Ca2+ and Mg2+; they have sandly textures and high contents in organic matter. These soils are really limited,, it is higly recommendable to protect them.Se estudia la formación de suelos muy inestables, poco desarrollados, derivados de las rocas metamórficas de bajo grado (pizarras, esquistos y cuarcitas) bajo una vegetación de hayedo, melojar, brezal y pradera, y un clima templado frío, con precipitaciones que sobrepasan los 1.000 mm. En pendientes muy variables desde los 1.300 metros hasta los 1.700 metros de altitud. Los grupos de suelos mejor representados son: Leptosoles, Regosoles, Podsoles y Cambisoles, de naturaleza ácida, generalmente desaturados y con Ca2+ y Mg2+ como cationes de cambio mayoritarios, bastante arenosos y ricos en materia orgánica. Estos suelos presentan severas limitaciones por lo que es conveniente su protección

    Calculating Directivities with the 2D Simpson's Rule

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    [Abstract] C++ routines implementing the simple generalization of Simpson's rule to two dimensions for calculating antenna directivities compare well with methods currently available in common symbolic and numerical calculation packages

    Les xarxes socials com a eina d'apoderament de la ciutadania : Islàndia pren avantatge

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    Les noves tecnologies, especialment internet amb l'auge de les xarxes socials, estan revolucionant les formes de comunicar-se i participar, possibilitant l'allunyament de la ciutadania d'un rol més receptor i passiu. En aquest context ens preguntem: Aquests nous mitjans estan posant a l'abast dels ciutadans una eina per reforçar el seu poder d'influència sobre l'àmbit polític? Què aporten i en quin context poden ser més viables?. Vistes les característiques d'aquestes noves eines, ens serà útil l'anàlisi d'Islàndia, un país que recentment ha introduït les xarxes socials com a instrument per capacitar a la ciutadania de major influència en la redacció d'una nova Constitució

    Julià-Bernat Alart i l'Inventari de la llengua catalana: un estudi inajornable

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    En aquest article es fa una aproximació a la vida i a l'obra de Julià-Bernat Alart, arxiver, historiador i filòleg rossellonès, que va ser un dels intel·lectuals més rellevants del segle XIX a la Catalunya del Nord i que és autor d'una vasta producció científica, una part important de la qual resta inèdita. Entre l'obra no publicada, destaca l'Essai de dictionnaire historique de la langue catalane o Inventari de la llengua catalana, un recull de milers de cèdules lexicogràfiques manuscrites, cadascuna dedicada a una paraula catalana per a la qual es recullen documentacions, la major part medievals, datades i referenciades. A partir de l'estudi d'una breu selecció de les fitxes de l'Inventari, es mostra que aquesta obra aporta informació lingüística rellevant que és absent dels dos grans diccionaris històrics de referència per al català, el DCVB i el DECat, siguin nous lemes, primeres documentacions o noves localitzacions geogràfiques.This article is an approach to the life and work of Julià-Bernat Alart, an archivist, historian and philologist from Roussillon, who was one of the most important intellectuals of the nineteenth century in northern Catalonia, and author of a vast output, a large part of which remains unpublished. Among the unpublished work we should mention the Essai de dictionnaire historique de la langue catalane or Inventari de la llengua catalana, a collection of thousands of handwritten lexicographical records, each one dealing with a Catalan word along with references to documentation in which it was found mostly medieval and the corresponding dates. Inspection of a small selection of the entries in the Inventari reveals important linguistic information that is missing from the two great historical reference works for Catalan, the DCVB and the DECat, either in the form of new lemmas, first uses or new geographical locations
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